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09-20 投稿


obstetric 发音

英:[əb'stetrɪk]  美:[əb'stɛtrɪks]

英:  美:

obstetric 中文意思翻译



obstetric 词性/词形变化,obstetric变形

异体字: obstetrical |副词: obstetrically |

obstetric 短语词组

1、obstetric forceps ─── [医] 产钳

2、obstetric accommodation ─── [医] 产科适应(胎儿与子宫腔之关系)

3、obstetric vectis ─── [医] 助产杠杆

4、obstetric auscultation ─── [医] 产科听诊

5、obstetric conjugate ─── [医] 产科直径(骨盆入口最小的前后径)

6、obstetric conjugate diameter ─── [医] 产科直径

7、obstetric paralyses ─── [医] 产伤麻痹

8、obstetric hoos ─── [医] 产钩

9、obstetric paralysis ─── 产伤麻痹, ─── 产伤瘫痪,分娩麻痹

obstetric 相似词语短语

1、oximetric ─── 血氧仪

2、obstetrics ─── n.产科学,助产术

3、obstet. ─── 障碍。

4、lobster trick ─── 龙虾戏法

5、obstetricians ─── n.产科医师

6、obstetrical ─── adj.产科的;助产的

7、orometric ─── 地形测量

8、obstetrically ─── 产科

9、obstetrician ─── n.产科医师

obstetric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Obstetric management and pregnant outcomes in twin pregnancy ─── 双胎妊娠的产科处理及妊娠结局

2、Hypertension in the obstetric context ─── 产科范围的高血压

3、Essential hypertension in obstetric context ─── 产科范围原发性高血压

4、For a child to be born with this disability indicates a defect in obstetric care. ─── 孩子出生时就带有这样的残疾,说明产科护理有问题。

5、obstetric and gynecologic radiology ─── 妇产科放射学

6、lock for obstetric forceps, supplementary ─── 产钳用铺助锁扣

7、critically ill obstetric patients ─── 产科危重患者

8、Timely access to obstetric care. ─── 及时获得产科护理。

9、Repair of obstetric laceration of vulva ─── 产科外阴撕裂伤修复术

10、Evacuation of hematoma in obstetric incision ─── 产科切开血肿排空术

11、Factors about placenta was the most common cause of obstetric hemorrhagic shock. ─── 主要的危险因素是多次妊娠和流产、院外分娩及重度子痫前期。

12、The diagnosis and treatment of obstetric shock combined with MODS ─── 产科休克合并多器官功能障碍综合征的诊断及处理

13、A total of 150 pregnant women who were in the third trimester were recruited to participate in this study from obstetric clinics of one regional and one local hospital in southern Taiwan. ─── 以立意取样方式在南部一所区域医院与一所地区医院门诊,进行第三孕期孕妇问卷调查,共收取150位个案。

14、Keywords Pregnancy;Hepatitis gravis;Obstetric features; ─── 妊娠;重型肝炎;产科特点;

15、Obstetric explanations for nausea and vomiting may include multiple pregnancies or a hydatidiform mole. ─── 产科出现恶心呕吐的可能包括多胎妊娠或葡萄胎。

16、Repair of obstetric laceration of anal sphincter ─── 产科肛门括约肌撕裂伤修复术

17、For NEP pregnant women who come from places other than the Mainland, do they need to make booking for obstetric services with a Hong Kong hospital too? ─── 内地孕妇以外的其它非本地孕妇如欲来港分娩,是否同样需要与香港医院预约产科服务?

18、department of gynaecology and obstetric ─── 妇产科

19、Placenta praevia (placenta previa AE) is an obstetric complication that can occur in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. ─── 什麽是'前置胎盘-胎盘位置附近的电源插座的子宫'?

20、"The obstetric outcome was a disaster," he admits, "but the embryos were chromosomally normal. ─── “产科产生这样的后果真是一场灾难,”他承认说,“但是从染色体来看,这些胚胎都是正常的。

21、Analyses on an obstetric case repeatedly make mistakes ─── 一起一错再错的产科纠纷分析

22、DIC can be seen with severe infections, trauma, neoplasia, and obstetric complications, among others. ─── 严重感染、损伤、肿瘤形成和产科并发症以及其它疾病可以引起DIC。

23、This bed is designed for obstetric diagonosis ,operation and parturition .This product has tow types :stainless steel and ordinary carbon steel .Bed frame takes down easily . ─── 供医院及其它医疗单位作妇科检查、手术、分娩用。据材料不同,而分不锈钢和普通钢两种。床架为拆卸式。

24、Repair of obstetric laceration of anus ─── 产科肛门撕裂伤修复术

25、Is Caesarian Section covered by the Obstetric Package service? ─── 产科套餐是否包括剖腹生产服务?

26、Chronic hypertension in obstetric context ─── 产科范围慢性高血压

27、The stubbornly high numbers of maternal deaths will not go down until more women have skilled attendants at birth and access to emergency obstetric care. ─── 如果没有训练有素的陪护和紧急助产护理,居高不下的产妇死亡数是不可能下降的。

28、Karger Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation ─── 妇产科研究

29、Hypertensive heart and renal disease in obstetric context ─── 产科范围高血压性心脏和肾脏病

30、International Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia ─── 国际产科麻醉杂志

31、traction handle for obstetric forceps ─── 产钳牵引柄

32、Progress on obstetric nursing care ─── 产科护理进展

33、Suture of obstetric laceration of vagina ─── 产科阴道撕裂伤缝术

34、She has engaged in the department of Obstetrics &Gynecology for nearly 20 years and is experienced in treating common obstetric and gynecological diseases. ─── 作为妇产科学科带头人,博士研究生导师,紧跟世界医学发展的最新成果,掌握本专业的前沿进展,结合科室实际情况,应用于临床工作。

35、Malignant hypertension in obstetric context ─── 产科范围恶性高血压

36、emergency obstetric care system ─── 产科急救体系

37、Analysis of the insecurity factors and control in obstetric nursing ─── 产科护理不安全因素分析与控制

38、"These findings suggest that pregnancy weight gain can influence child health een after birth and may cause the obstetric community to rethink current guidelines. ─── “这些发现结果说明,孕期增加体重会影响儿童甚至是出生后的健康,而且可能导致产科人员重新考虑目前的指南。”

39、obstetric laceration of perineum ─── 产后玉门不敛

40、In case of multiple pregnancy,the obstetric complications of pregnancy rise,while the dysfunction of thromboembolism is more likely to occur. ─── 在多胎妊娠时,孕妇妊娠期并发症的发生率升高,更易诱发凝血功能障碍。

41、Repair of obstetric laceration of urethra ─── 产科尿道撕裂伤修复术

42、obstetric and gynecologic nursing ─── 妇产科护理学

43、Clinical Analysis Of 55 Obstetric DIC ─── 55例产科弥漫性血管内凝血回顾性分析

44、Hypertensive renal disease in obstetric context ─── 产科范围高血压性肾脏病

45、Repair of obstetric laceration of cervix ─── 产科宫颈撕裂伤修复术

46、This report focuses on the case of a pregnant woman with a bad obstetric history who developed psychosis at the 23 rd week of gestation. ─── 本报告着重的情况下,孕妇坏产科史谁开发精神病在23路周妊娠。

47、Repair of obstetric laceration of pelvic floor ─── 产科骨盆底撕裂伤修复术

48、Five perinatal deaths were related to abrupfion placenta, intrauterine asphyxia and extreme premature delivery.Conclusions HELLP syndrome is a severe obstetric complication. ─── 围产儿死亡5例,主要与胎盘早剥有关,另外胎儿宫内窘迫及早产也是重要原因。

49、HELLP syndrome is a life-threatening obstetric complication considered by many to be a variant of pre-eclampsia. ─── 什麽是'HELLP综合徵-严重的并发症,造成出血和妊娠贫血'?

50、Repair of obstetric laceration of bladder ─── 产科膀胱撕裂伤修复术

51、Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatolgy ─── 产科麻醉与围产期学会

52、A very rare case is presented of a giant teratoma malignum of the sacrococcygeal area in a fetus which caused obstetric difficulties. ─── 一个非常罕见的情况下提出的一个巨大恶性畸胎瘤的骶尾部地区胎儿造成产科困难。

53、Obstetric hemorrhage is often a sudden, life-threatening event. ─── 产科出血往往是突然的,威胁生命的事件。

54、Gynecological and obstetric operation ─── 妇产科手术

55、Obstetric and gynecology is an important bridge course. Anamnesis analysis is helpful for students in training of clinical thought capability. ─── 妇产科学是一门重要的桥梁课,通过临床病案教学有助于培养学生的临床思维能力。英文翻译,英语:

56、CONCLUSION Remifentanil, one of the opioids, has a vast prospect in obstetric anesthesia and analgesia. ─── 结论瑞芬太尼是产科麻醉与镇痛中非常有前途的阿片类药物。

57、conjugate diameter, obstetric ─── 产科直径

58、Repair of old obstetric urethral laceration ─── 产科尿道陈旧性撕裂伤修复术

59、Labor and labor extension of stagnation is the most common obstetric and multiple complications, cesarean section rate increased in recent years is also the main reason for this. ─── 产程延长及产程停滞是产科最常见和多发的并发症,也是近年来剖宫产率上升的主要原因这一。

60、gynecologic and obstetric nurses ─── 妇产科护士

61、Hypertensive heart disease in obstetric context ─── 产科范围高血压性心脏病

62、Benign essential hypertension in obstetric context ─── 产科范围的良性原发性高血压

63、Aspiration of hematoma in obstetric incision ─── 产科切开血肿吸引术

64、The Application of Obstetric Forceps During Cesarean Section ─── 剖宫产术中应用产钳的体会

65、Zhang XZ,Zhang ZW.The early treatment of the obstetric brachial plexus palsy with microsurgery.Shiyong Shou Waike Zazhi (Chin J Practical Hand Surg),2001,15:131- 133. ─── [2]张咸中,张振伟 .产瘫的早期显微外科治疗 .实用手外科杂志,2001,15:131- 133.

66、axis tractor for obstetric forceps ─── 产钳用轴向牵引器

67、Sellheim's obstetric curette ─── 塞利姆(氏)产科刮匙

68、Over time, the strength of the association between skilled obstetric care and maternal mortality declined as more women sought such care. ─── 随着今后更多的女性寻求这种护理服务,专业产科护理和产妇死亡率之间的关联强度有所下降。

69、And this obstetric table? 30 years. ─── 而这张产床? 30年。

70、Suture of obstetric laceration of corpus uteri ─── 产科子宫体撕裂伤缝术

71、Danish pattern obstetric forceps ─── 丹麦式产钳

72、The early treatment of the obstetric brachial plexus palsy with microsurgery. ─── 产瘫的早期显微外科治疗。

73、application of obstetric forceps ─── 产钳术

74、JK204electric multi-purpose obstetric table,it suit for gynaecological examination ,diagnosing ,childbearing caesarean birth as well as other gynaecology operations. ─── JK204电动多功能产床适合妇科检查、诊断、产科分娩、实施剖腹产手术及一般妇科手术。

75、There are close interlinks between excellent internship and teaching quality of gynecology and obstetric. ─── 医学生临床实习的质量与提高临床科室的教学质量有着密切的关系。

76、Obstetric ultrasound examination ─── 产前超声筛查

77、Pre-existing hypertension in obstetric context ─── 产科范围原有的高血压

78、Keywords Cesarean section;Labor;obstetric;Dystocia; ─── 关键词剖宫产术;分娩;产科;难产;

79、gynecological and obstetric disease ─── 妇产科疾病

80、Aveling's obstetric forceps repositor ─── 埃佛林(氏)子宫复位器

81、Nagele-Bauer obstetric forceps ─── 内-鲍二氏产钳

82、Eye injury caused by obstetric forceps ─── 产钳术分娩所致眼外伤

83、The radical prevention is to strength monitoring and improve the obstetric level. ─── 加强产时监护、提高产科质量是预防的根本措施。

84、two-sectioned type obstetric delivery bed ─── 双节型产床

85、Notwithstanding, obstetric hemorrhage continues to be an important cause of maternal mortality. ─── 尽管如此,产科出血仍然是一个重要的孕产妇死亡原因。

86、HA Board endorsed measures to enhance obstetric services ─── 医院管理局大会通过加强产科服务措施

87、Clinical Analysis and Main Point of Nursing of Obstetric DIC ─── 产科急性DIC的临床分析及护理要点

88、Emergency of obstetric and gynecological diseases ─── 妇产科急症

89、obstetric conjugate diameter ─── [医] 产科直径

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