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09-20 投稿


lugging 发音

英:[ˈlʌɡɪŋ]  美:[ˈlʌɡɪŋ]

英:  美:

lugging 中文意思翻译



lugging 词性/词形变化,lugging变形

原型:lug 现在分词:lugging

lugging 短语词组

1、engine lugging ─── 发动机振动

2、lugging gym ─── 举重健身房

3、lugging cans ─── 拖着罐头

4、lugging rolls of film ─── 薄膜牵引卷

5、lugging laundry ─── 拖拽衣物

6、lugging canister of ammunition ─── 拖着弹药罐

7、lugging attachment ─── 短角铁连接

8、lugging engine ─── 牵引式发动机

lugging 相似词语短语

1、hugging ─── v.拥抱;抱紧;紧贴;缠紧(某物);和……保持接近;坚守(信念等)(hug的现在分词)

2、legging ─── n.绑腿,裹腿,护胫;v.(非正式)步行,走;逃跑;(乘船者)用腿蹬洞顶或洞壁使船通过运河隧洞(leg的现在分词)

3、jugging ─── n.[轻]水壶;监牢;vt.关押;放入壶中;vi.模仿夜莺叫;n.(Jug)人名;(塞)尤格

4、glugging ─── v.大口咕嘟地喝;汩汩地倒出来(glug的现在分词)

5、plugging ─── n.堵塞;(用木塞)堵漏;v.堵;塞(plug的ing形式)

6、ligging ─── v.参加免费聚会(lig的现在分词)

7、slugging ─── n.重击;缓涌;填料焊接;v.猛击;装上子弹;激战(slug的ing形式)

8、bugging ─── v.窃听;在……装窃听器;(使)烦恼(bug的现在分词)

9、lagging ─── n.隔热材料,保温套;adj.落后的,发展滞后的;v.缓慢移动,发展滞后,落后;给……加保温层;逮捕(lag的现在分词)

lugging 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ultra-compact dimensions at nearly half the weight of conventional powered mixers means no more lugging around dead weight ─── 在一个近乎只有普通调音台大小的尺寸内集成了几乎全部调音和功放的功能,让您能够省出更多的空间

2、Lugging canister of ammunition about all day made her as strong as a horse. ─── 她整天搬弹药箱,所以很有力气。

3、Next, remove the hubcap. (Follow your car manual.) Use a lug wrench to loosen the lug nuts. Give each a turn counterclockwise, but leave the nuts in place to keep the wheel attached. ─── 其次,(按汽车说明书方法)取下轮毂罩用一把轮胎扳手拧松螺母盖。对每只螺母盖逆时针拧一下,但让它们留在原位置以让轮子不脱下。

4、Small suitcase or hand truck to lug everything around. ─── 小手提箱或手推车,用来装运身边的东西。橡胶手套。

5、Bo Le was both aggrieved and regretful when he saw how such a fine horse was exhausted to its present condition and being used to lug a salt cart. ─── 伯乐看到优良的好马竟被用来拉盐车,还累成这个样子,很是痛心和惋惜。

6、Would you like to move to a larger home, or one in a different city, and yet you find lugging your house items across the city, ─── 你会想希望搬到一个更大的房子,或是在另一个不同的城市,但是你却发现打包你的房屋内物品到另一个城市或世界,

7、Observation of Near Therapeutic Effect of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lug Cancer Treated with NP or EP Regimen ─── NP与EP方案治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌的近期疗效观察

8、LuggageA businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travel bag onto the plane. ─── '行李一个商人拖着他那鼓鼓囊囊的特大号旅行袋登上飞机,真够费劲的。

9、Lugging its shadow of sadness into song. ─── 歌声中隐含着一种悲伤的阴影。

10、You'll have to lug this suitcase. ─── 你将不得不手提这个衣箱。

11、One day, as I was climbing yet another mountain, lugging that ole suitcase in my arms. ─── 一天,当我在爬另一座山的时候,我又拖着那个旧箱子。

12、If you drive too slowly in third gear,you'll lug the engine. ─── 如果你在第三档时驶得太慢,你将不能很快带动引擎。

13、For CPVC True Lug Valve Overhaul Kit with Disc, add a "C" to the end of the part number shown (e.g. BFT-BOKD-015C). ─── 对于CPVC材质真法兰阀门带阀瓣大修组件,在上列型号末端加上“C”,例如:BFT-BOKD-015C

14、ONE of the bigger opportunities in China’s vibrant, chaotic economy is the lowly task of lugging small objects from one place to another. ─── 中国蓬勃而又混乱的经济中所蕴含的巨大机会之一,就是尚未得到重视的异地小件物流。

15、Maybe; yet to me lugging a bag up and down the stairs of dismal council flats still didn't seem like a recipe for happiness. ─── 或许的确如此;但对我来说,拖着个邮包在阴暗的政府福利房的楼梯上爬上爬下,似乎也不像是快乐的秘诀。

16、Connect the ground jumper that is connected to the ground lug,to ground post that is located on the sub-base. ─── 将接地跳线与接地片、喷胶机垫板上的接地(?)连接起来。

17、Children are coming out into one of the worst job markets God ever made and lugging with them all this debt. ─── 孩子们毕业后将进入一个糟糕透顶的就业市场,而且他们还拖带着所有这些债务。

18、For Mr. Kenji, lugging the underwater equipment is not an easy task. But all the hard work will help the livelihood of the coral community and for the planet too. ─── 对健治先生来说拉起水底的设备,并不容易,不过所有的困难工作,都在帮助珊瑚的生态以及地球。

19、The improved designs of nozzle body and deflector bellows make full combustion of coal powder possible and the modification of lifting lug makes installation of burner easy. ─── 在燃烧器的设计中,通过对喷嘴的结构、挡板风箱结构及起吊耳板的改进,使燃烧器更有利于煤粉的燃尽及安装运行。

20、Parents of guests have one fewer chore to fit into the schedule, while the honoree's parents don't have to lug gifts home from a party venue and find space for them in an already-bursting playroom. ─── 客人一方的家长不必伤脑筋准备礼物,而主人方的家长更是不必费力将礼物从聚会场所拖回家、然后在已经挤爆了的游戏室里找地方塞进去。

21、Lugging the TV, I entered the first building and found a stall with glass counters covered in electrical components and opened TVs. ─── 我拖出电视机走进第一栋房子,找到一个摊位,他家的玻璃柜台上摆著电器和打开机壳的电视机。

22、Lug design with through-bolt holes to protect studs ─── 凸耳结构,配置贯穿螺栓孔以保护柱头螺栓

23、Freundlich and two of his colleagues are lugging four astronomical cameras and cumbersome equipment on a long and treacherous journey. ─── 弗雷德里奇和他的两位同事带着四架天文相机和笨重的设备准备踏上漫长而危险的旅途。

24、No more burning CDs or DVDs for backups - no more lugging expensive external hard drives to another place! ─── 不再需要刻录 CD 或者 DVD 进行备份,不再需要在其它地方维护额外硬盘驱动器而花费昂贵的费用了!

25、During the process of pulling and stretching,the quality of pulling and strething parts mainly show: wrinkle、plosion thin、rebound、lug etc. ─── 基于数值模拟方法模拟了橡皮成形过程的回弹规律,对翼肋零件的翻边回弹进行了数值模拟,并通过试验进行了比较。

26、Yeah, but it must slow you down to be lugging all that weight around. ─── 对,但是到哪里都提着这么重的东西会使你无法走快的。

27、Step 5:Input other structural parameters of frame and define the position of the nose pad and bridge, and select the type of lug. ─── 再填上镜框结构数据,设定叶子及鼻梁位置等。同时,选择庄头形状。

28、Tightening down on special tool will push wheel stud out of the hub and bearing assembly flangRemove lug nut from stud and remove wheel stud from flange. ─── 上紧特殊工具,即可将车轮螺桩推出轮毂及轴承组件。自螺桩取下凸缘螺帽并自凸缘取出车轮螺桩。

29、For buggies there is the new Double Cross, brutally large slotted lugs for maximum thread life while incorporating half height Double Cross and Double Dee lug and pins. ─── 对于车有新的双交叉,残酷的大缝派最大的线程,而把生命的一半高度双交叉和双迪耳和别针。

30、Study of Lug Strength under Axial Tension Loads ─── 受轴向拉伸载荷作用的耳片强度研究

31、The cruciform wooden joints in the bases of the columns are anchored to the foundation by lug screws and cantilevered from the floor. ─── 在基础部分的木制十字接头通过螺丝钉铆固在地基上。

32、They give me so many samples and company brochures. It 's a heck of lot to lug around now. ─── 他们给我这么多样品和公司简介太多了,现在带起来可真吃力

33、They gave me so many samples and company brochures. It 's a heck of lot to lug around now . ─── 他人给我这么多样品和公司简介。 太多了,现在带起来可真吃力。

34、"Where do you keep all the stuff we lug in our handbags?" ─── “我们手袋里的那些东西你们往哪儿放?”

35、Male peacocks with the biggest and brightest tails might get the females' attention, but lugging around a heavy, conspicuous tail reduces their chances of survival. ─── 公孔雀大且华丽的尾巴也许会吸引母孔雀的注意力,但是拖着条沉重又惹眼的花尾巴降低了他们的生存机会。

36、For more severe cases, doctors may prescribe antibiotics to curb bacterial growth or large doses of vitamin A derivatives, such as Accutane, which u lug zits and can help prevent scarring. ─── 对于病情严重的患者,医生也可以使用抗生素来抑制细菌生长,或者用大剂量的维生素A衍生物,像Accutane来去除丘疹,并防止再皮肤上留下疤痕。

37、Between lugging heavy shopping bags, traveling thousands of miles and trying to tolerate your family's funky quirks, you may be a little tense. ─── 两只手拎着沉重的购物包、长途跋涉、忍受家人稀奇古怪的怪癖,这时的你也许有些紧张了。

38、Lug Style valves cover the bolting the entire length of the body. ─── 凸耳类型阀门配置贯穿整个阀体长度的螺栓连接。

39、A businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy,oversized travel bag onto the plane. ─── 一个商人拖著他那鼓鼓囊囊的特大号旅行袋登上飞机,真够费劲的。

40、In service, fatigue cracking initiated at the plating runout led to lug fracture. ─── 在实际使用中,在镀层的过渡段发生的疲劳裂纹会导致接耳断裂。

41、Variety of Body Designs Available - Lug and Double Flange ─── 可提供多种阀体结构-凸耳和双法兰

42、'Children are coming out into one of the worst job markets God ever made and lugging with them all this debt. ─── “孩子们毕业后将进入一个糟糕透顶的就业市场,而且他们还拖带着所有这些债务。”

43、For example, figure 1 shows an outer cylinder clevis plated into the lug transition. ─── 例如,图1示意了外筒U形夹的镀层延伸到了接耳的过渡段。


45、collaboration pattern of lUG ─── IUG合作模式

46、In the early 1980s, thousands of farmers in Bangladesh began using treadle pumps to irrigate small plots of homestead gardens instead of lugging heavy buckets of water. ─── 在1980年代初期,孟加拉国有几千农民开始用踩踏水泵灌溉自家菜园内的小块作物,而不用提一桶桶沉重的水。

47、Last week we went shopping, I had to lug my wife's purchases all over Wangfujing. ─── 上周我们去购物了,我提着我老婆买的那些个东西穿过了整个王府井大街。

48、lug support with stiffening ring ─── 刚性环耳式支座

49、The striker has a lug that interacts with the sear and is used to hold the striker in the cocked position. ─── 下手帮手有一个与柄互动的那枯萎的而且用来在被耸立的位置中捉住下手帮手。

50、"Butterfly Valves 2""-12"" shall be of the flangeless type, both lug and wafer styles." ─── 2至12英寸公称通径的蝶阀是无法兰类型,但都有平板型和吊耳型两种类型。

51、They give me so many samples and company brochures. It's a heck of lot to lug around now. ─── 他们给我这么多样品和公司简介,现在带起来可真吃力

52、Analysis of the crack on the pivot lug of 13# coupler and the remedies ─── 13号车钩钩耳裂损分析与改进

53、Lug valves are furnished in scallop and full body designs. ─── 凸耳阀门具有扇形结构和全阀体结构。

54、Next, remove the hubcap. (Follow your car manual.) Use a lug wrench to loosen the lug nuts. ─── 其次,(按汽车说明书方法)取下轮毂罩用一把轮胎扳手拧松螺母盖。

55、Unidirectional double soldering lug leading-out terminal. Is suitable in the refrigerator, the washer, the automobile and so on general motor starts. ─── 单向双焊片引出端。适用于冰箱、洗衣机、汽车等通用马达起动。

56、Design for lug of large diameter and heavy load silo ─── 大直径大负荷筒仓支座设计

57、Completely pre-wired - with pressure lug terminal block eliminating need for splicing or taping of wires. ─── 全部预置线路--配置弹性接线片的终端接线盒,不需要再缠绕和捻接电源线。

58、The conductors are connectable at the top or bottom of the terminal lug. ─── 导线可连接在连接片的上部或下部.

59、Test For Load - bearing Capacity of lug Connector of Composite Material ─── 复合材料耳片接头承载能力试验

60、Steve: Where are you lugging all of those books, Mike? ─── 史蒂夫:迈克,你要把那些书都弄到哪去?

61、In no time, the 12-year-old was winning school competitions and lugging trophies home from her games. ─── 很快,在十二岁那,Kazim在学校比赛中获胜并把奖杯捧回了家。

62、Lug body available with ISO flange dimensions and metric bolt hole threads. ─── 凸耳式阀体符合ISO法兰尺寸和公制螺栓孔螺纹。

63、Like a shopping cart, you can wheel it by pushing it in front of you or pulling it behind you.Places the weight ofthe case on the floor, so you stop lugging &start pushing or pulling. ─── 具有专利技术的拉杆和轮子系统可以轻松的帮助您方便的通过验票口、在过道上推行、进出电梯后赶上登机班车。

64、ONE of the bigger opportunities in China's vibrant, chaotic economy is the lowly task of lugging small objects from one place to another. ─── 在中国充满生机和混乱的经济里,其中一个较大的机会是从一个地方拖着小物品到另一个地方这样卑微的工作。

65、Lock washers with angular upturn tab in line to the lug ─── GB/T1022-1976角形单耳止动垫圈

66、This paper introduces a lug mantle and solution of bottom protuberance. ─── 介绍一种代替深拉深的变通两体风罩结构,及底部外鼓的解决办法。

67、A businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travel bag onto the plane. ─── 一个商人拖着他那鼓鼓囊囊的特大号旅行袋登上飞机,真够费劲的。

68、If we go for a drink after work, I want to go home first so I don't have to lug my briefcase around all night. ─── 如果我们下班后去喝一杯的话,我想先回家一趟,这样就不用整晚上都提着我的公文包了。

69、Lug valves can be specified with threaded or thru-hole bolting. ─── 凸耳阀门可规定采用螺纹孔螺栓连接或贯穿孔螺栓连接。

70、But, what if you could take the key contents of your office PC, and much of its look and feel, anywhere, without lugging a laptop or logging in to your office network? ─── 但是,如果把公司电脑里的重要内容,以及属于这台电脑里的风格和感觉,带到任何地方而不必拎著手提电脑跑来跑去或登陆到公司网络,情况如何呢?

71、If I could tell the story in words, I couldn""t need to lug a camera. --Lewis Hine ─── 对于文字表达能力差的人,倒是蛮适合绘画跟摄影的....

72、Effect of the assembly dimension of front draft lug on the properties of railcars ─── 前从板座组装尺寸对车辆性能的影响

73、His fiddle is in lug just now ─── 他的提琴眼下正押在当铺里。

74、Lug body available with ISO flange dimensions and metric bolt hole threads. For dead-end service use lug style (rated 200 PSI for this service). ─── 凸耳阀体也可配置ISO法兰尺寸和公制螺栓孔螺纹。用于终端位置可采用凸耳结构(此时额定压力为200PSI)。

75、Travel is fun, but only if you don't end up lugging a ton of stuff around the world.The problem is that most people have no idea how to pack effectively. ─── 只有当你不是拎着一大堆行李到处走,这样的旅行才是有趣味的,但问题就在于很多人不懂如何有效地打包行李。

76、Lock washers with angular upturn tab perpendicular to the lug ─── GB/T1021-1976角形垂直单耳止动垫圈

77、Unnecessary services were disabled, all scripts and third-party apps were carefully audited, and user privileges were tightened with a lug wrench. ─── 不必要的服务是残疾,全部的手稿和第三者附录被仔细审计,并且用户特权被一把吊钩扳钳收紧。

78、If you drive too slowly in third gear, you'll lug the engine. ─── 如果你在第三档时驶得太慢,你将不能很快带动引擎

79、Development and Application of Linkage Automatic Car Lug Device for Incline Roadway Hoisting Underground ─── 井下斜巷提升联动自动挡车装置的研制与应用

80、He and hiswife, He Cuifeng, had to lug it home to their remote village on apublic bus. ─── 他和妻子何翠凤(音)不得不搭乘公共汽车将洗衣机运回自己在偏远村庄的家。

81、Behind her, lugging a large pine tree, came her mother, stepfather and ten-year-old half brother ─── 她身后是她的母亲和继父,还有10岁的同母异父的弟弟,拖着一棵大松树。

82、Dickie rescued the littlest one, lugging ─── 勉强拖动

83、Would you like to move to a larger home, or one in a different city, and yet you find lugging your house items across the city. ─── 你会想希望搬到一个更大的房子,或是在另一个不同的城市,但是你却发现打包你的房屋内物品到另一个城市或世界。

84、coupler head upper pivot lug ─── 上钩耳

85、But being a DJ is difficult and involves lugging heavy crates. ─── 但是成为DJ是非常困难的,而且还需要携带很多沉重的板条箱。

86、Being a cook for the king isn't what it's cracked up could be. Lugging groceries up this hill three times a day, working over a hot stove... ─── 作为一个皇厨,一天三趟把杂货推送到山上,在高温炉灶边工作...本应得到夸奖.

87、If all the applications are available on your network, why lug around a 1G-byte hard disk and extra batteries? ─── 如果所有的应用程序能从网络上得到,为什么还要到处移动1千兆字节的硬盘和额外的电池呢?

88、They gave me so many samples and company brochures. It 's a heck of lot to lug around now. ─── 他人给我这么多样品和公司简介。太多了,现在带起来可真吃力。

89、It researched the ride comfort on two different roads of national road level B and the lug boss road, and then optimization the ride comfort by changing the stiffness of front and rear suspension. ─── 对摩托车通过国家B级路面和凸台两种工况的平顺特性进行了研究,通过改变前后悬架刚度对摩托车系统的平顺特性进行优化。

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