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09-22 投稿


malfeasance 发音

英:[mæl'fiːz(ə)ns]  美:[,mæl'fizns]

英:  美:

malfeasance 中文意思翻译



malfeasance 词性/词形变化,malfeasance变形

形容词: malfeasant |

malfeasance 相似词语短语

1、misfeasance ─── n.过失;行为失检;不当行为

2、allegiance ─── n.效忠,忠诚;忠贞

3、nonfeasance ─── n.(义务等的)未履行

4、malfeasant ─── n.贪官污吏;犯罪者;adj.不法行为的;行为不正的

5、allegeance ─── 寓言

6、defeasance ─── n.废止

7、misfeasances ─── n.过失;行为失检;不当行为

8、pleasance ─── n.愉快;快乐;游乐园

9、feasance ─── n.履行;履行条件;义务

malfeasance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A Project Manager Should Bear the Responsibility of Malfeasance ─── 监理人要承担不作为责任

2、Although their individual aims may be different, each has used a nonfiction film to shine a spotlight on social injustices, or government malfeasance, and even to recast history in the service of human uplift and national reconciliation. ─── 他们各别的目标容或不同,每个人都用非小说电影锁定并照亮社会的不公不义,或政府的倒行逆施,同时甚至为了人类的提升和国家的和解而重塑历史。

3、mind of malfeasance ─── 渎职犯罪心理

4、Perversion of the criminal law for selfish motives is the important charge of the malfeasance in the criminal law, and it plays an important part in upholding justness of judicature. ─── 摘要徇私枉法罪作为我国现行刑法渎职罪中的重要罪名之一,在捍卫司法公正方面起到了重要作用。

5、Research on the Amendment of Standard of Placing a Case on File about SubjectCrime of Malfeasance ─── 渎职罪立案标准修订研究

6、Jurisdiction of Administrative Case - Public Security Organization of Place where a Malfeasance is Committed ─── 违法行为发现地公安机关行政案件管辖权讨论

7、The reforms of medical care system made the hospitals change their action, so we should avoid the hospitals malfeasance under the new medical insurance system.; ─── 医疗保障制度的改变,使得医院的行为也会发生相应改变,这种变化中,我们要注意如何范防新的医疗违规行为的发生。

8、goods and articles seized in the area under one's supervision;goods gained through malfeasance. ─── 笔者认为,对于唐代官吏赃罪仍然有进一步研究的余地。

9、Similar malfeasance has occurred in other countries, including the Netherlands, Spain and the U.K. ─── 其他国家也有类似的不当获利行为,包括荷兰、西班牙和英国等。

10、Problems and countermeasures to investigate crime of malfeasance ─── 查处渎职犯罪案件的难点及解决对策

11、role malfeasance ─── 渎职

12、malfeasance in public office ─── 玩忽职守罪

13、The mayor was condemned for the monstrous malfeasance of his administration ─── 由於其政府的荒谬违法行为,市长被宣告有罪

14、Judicial Applicability on the Malfeasance of the State-owned Companies and Enterprises'Staffs ─── 国有公司、企业人员渎职犯罪的司法适用

15、A Preliminary Comment on Legislative Defect of Crime of Malfeasance ─── 论渎职罪的立法缺陷

16、Local residents say the “mass hysteria” verdict is an attempt to cover up malfeasance. ─── 当地居民说“群体性歇斯底里症”的论断是在试图掩盖某些渎职行为。

17、chronic malfeasance ─── 长期型不法行为

18、The first is to deal with urgent hastened, the former officials were led to the accountability of dereliction of duty or malfeasance; ─── 一是赶紧处理迫在眉睫的,导致前任官员被问责的失职或渎职问题;

19、Professional human capital serves as a bond against malfeasance when its value is sensitive to performance. ─── 当专业的人力资本的价值敏于表现时,专业的人力资本可以对渎职行为起到一种担保的作用。

20、but private litigation in Chinais allowed only after the state has determined malfeasance. ─── 但在中国,只有政府认定了错误之后,私人的起诉程序才能启动。

21、malfeasance prompting ─── 不正当激励

22、The reforms of medical care system made the hospitals change their action, so we should avoid the hospitals' malfeasance under the new medical insurance system. ─── 医疗保障制度的改变,使得医院的行为也会发生相应改变,这种变化中,我们要注意如何范防新的医疗违规行为的发生。

23、The project’s aim is to stop the malfeasance. ─── 本课题的目的就是针对这种不法行为。

24、However, my offensive malfeasance irritates you. ─── 然而,我的不正当行为激怒了你。

25、The trust engendered by personal relations presents, by its very existence, enhanced opportunity for malfeasance. ─── 由私人关系的独特存在方式而产生的信任,增长了违法的机会。

26、a version of the story that is an apologia for malfeasance; ─── 为渎职辩解的小说译本;

27、On the Determination of the Subject of the Crime of Malfeasance ─── 渎职犯罪主体的界定

28、Chinese elites know that the mix of patriotic outrage and frustration with official corruption, malfeasance, or selfishness has often driven people into the streets. ─── 中国的精英们很清楚,爱国主义愤怒混杂有对官员腐败、违纪和利己主义行为引发的挫折感,这通常会驱使人民走上街头。

29、Mr Cooley, though innocent of any malfeasance, was overcome with survivor's remorse. ─── 厄尔先生虽然没有失职,但心中却充满了幸存者的无尽悔恨。

30、Given the extent of corporate malfeasance, the only way to restore investor confidence is for both CEOs and Washing-ton to push sweeping reforms. ─── 考虑到公司渎职行为的严重程度,令投资者恢复信心的惟一方法是由政府和首席执行官们共同推行全面的改革。

31、As continuing tales of private-sector malfeasance inspire new proposals for regulation and federal programmes, the centre is a reminder of government's limitations. ─── 持续不断的私营部门的渎职行为,催生出新的规管建议和联邦方案,访客中心这事儿提醒人们政府的局限。

32、Prior to President Bush's above remark, scandals of accounting fraud, inside trading and other malfeasance broke out in a number of US businesses, one of the most recent being Xerox Corporation's overstatement of business revenue. ─── 布希总统发表上述谈话之前,数家美国企业爆发作假帐、内线交易和其他不法情事,最近的一次是全录公司爆发浮报营收金额。

33、There are many controversies concerning the Crime, in the theory of criminal law and judicial practice, as one of typical malfeasance crime manifestations that state functionary carry on by jobbery. ─── 作为国家机关工作人员利用职权实施的渎职犯罪的典型表现形式之一,在我国刑法理论和司法实践中争论较多。

34、malfeasance crime ─── 渎职侵权犯罪

35、The mayor is condemned for the monstrous malfeasance of his administration. ─── 由于其政府的荒谬违法行为,市长被宣告有罪。

36、For me they are only entities, emblems of social malfeasance. ─── 他们对我来说只不过是几个客观存在的人,社会上渎职行为的代表而已。

37、Post economic crime occupies the important position among the national staff member"s malfeasance crime, the social harmfulness is the greatest too. ─── 职务经济犯罪在国家工作人员渎职犯罪中占有重要的地位,社会危害性也最大。

38、crime of malfeasance in taking a bribe ─── 受贿型渎职犯罪

39、Our public health agencies' failure to act is indicative of institutional malfeasance fo r self-protection and misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry. ─── 我们的公共卫生机构,由于自我保护,和对制药工业放错地方的保护主义,造成制度上的渎职,疏于指导。”)

40、The SEC, which seems to have been taken aback by the scale of the malfeasance, can hardly hold its head up high either. ─── 美国证券交易委员会似乎也为此次弊案的规模所震惊,他们也无法抬起头。

41、Yet there may be some method in Mr Nguema’s blatant malfeasance. ─── 还有其他一些恩圭马先生的公然渎职行为。

42、The result has been a field day for those sceptical of the idea of man-made climate change, who have combed through them, pouncing and pronouncing on snippets that seem to show scientific malfeasance. ─── 这项结果给了那些对人类活动引起的气候改变持怀疑态度的人大作文章的机会,他们彻底搜查了盛传的材料,发动突然袭击,对看起来会表现科学上不法行为的小片段发表见解。

43、On the Subject of Crime of Malfeasance ─── 渎职罪主体研究

44、EXAMPLE: When the theft of municipal funds by the city's mayor was discovered, he was arrested and charged with malfeasance. ─── 当该市市长盗窃市政基金的行为被发现后,他被逮捕并被指控犯有渎职罪。

45、couldn't extenuate the malfeasance ─── 不能掩饰罪过

46、As a kind of malfeasance competition, the conduct of the high-price and high-discount should be banished. ─── “高定价、高折扣”是一种不正当竞争行为,必须通过多种途径予以制止。

47、In my imagination, they seemed to have an uncanny ability to know what I was thinking, and were eager to punish me for any malfeasance. ─── 在我的想象中,他们似乎有不可思议的能力——知道我在想什么,他们因为任何不正当的行为急不可耐地惩罚我。

48、Suggestions on the Revision of Case Establishment Criteria of Crime of Malfeasance ─── 关于修订渎职罪立案标准的几点建议

49、The mayor was accused of malfeasance after the audit was completed and irregularities were discovered. ─── /审计结束后,发现了不规范操作,市长因渎职受到控告。

50、As a lack of ethics, corporate malfeasance, "toxic milk" the scourge of the vast number of taxpayers, how taxpayers may use their own hard-earned money of tolerance for corporate Capi Gu? ─── 作为一个道德缺失、违法乱纪的企业,以“毒奶粉”祸害了广大纳税人,纳税人怎么可能容忍再用自己血汗钱替企业擦屁股?

51、a version of the story that is an apologia for malfeasance ─── 为渎职辩解的小说译本

52、When news arrived of distant floods and famines, malfeasance and malnutrition, they told themselves that theirs was a world apart. ─── 当新闻报导远方闹洪涝饥荒、违法渎职和百姓营养不良时,他们自我安慰可以偏安另一个世界。

53、Legislative comment on malfeasance crime ─── 渎职犯罪的立法评述

54、In the advanced level, all prosecutors have the option of attending a special course on malfeasance and corruption, which the Academy organises every two or three years. ─── 所有参与高级培训课程的检察官均可选修训练学院每隔两、三年举办一次的,有关渎职及贪污行为的特别课程。

55、Crime malfeasance theory is a theory of criminal law constitutes an important component of the controversial practice of justice is a very big problem. ─── 渎职罪犯罪构成理论既是刑法理论的重要组成部分,也是司法实践中争议非常大的问题。

56、malfeasance competition behavior ─── 不正当竞争

57、On Malfeasance in the Execution of Adjudication ─── 论执行判决裁定渎职罪

58、To deal with malfeasance crime, it is necessary to modify or introduced with new judicial interpretation to connect sentencing criteria of new provisions. ─── 为准确打击渎职侵权类犯罪,有必要修改或出台与新的规定相衔接的量刑标准之司法解释。

59、Being convicted of corruption and malfeasance, or being issued a warrant of arrest, the case of which not settled yet during the term of civil service. ─── 曾服公务,因贪污渎职经判刑确定或通缉有案尚未结案者。

60、Mr Cooley, though innocent of any malfeasance, was overcome with survivor's remorse. ─── 厄尔先生虽然没有失职,但心中却充满了幸存者的无尽悔恨。

61、1) Those being given criminal penalties for the crime of bribery and embezzlement, malfeasance, or encroachment of property, or the crime of undermining the socialist market economic order; ─── (一)因犯有贪污贿赂、渎职、侵犯财产罪或者破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪,被判处刑罚的;

62、Since about 1970, there has been a flurry of interest among economists in the previously neglected issues of trust and malfeasance. ─── 大约从1970年代开始,在经济学家中掀起了一股研究以前被忽视了的信任与违法问题的热潮。

63、Search for several general characters in the definition of malfeasance ─── 渎职罪认定中的几个共性问题探析

64、But the ordainof code and judicial interpretation is so abstract that it had been turned into the most disputable crimes of malfeasance in the judicial practice. ─── 但刑法和司法解释规定的过于原则导致它存在颇多困惑的问题,使其成为司法实践中极具争议的渎职个罪。

65、The mayor was condemned for the monstrous malfeasance of his administration. ─── 由於其政府的荒谬违法行为,市长被宣告有罪。

66、Prosecutors are probing alleged malfeasance by two local officials said to have known that milk powder being sold in Fuyang of East China's Anhui Province was substandard. ─── 检察机关目前正在对涉嫌渎职的两位地方官员进行调查,据称,这两位官员对于中国安徽省东部城市阜阳市面上销售的奶粉不合格早已知情。

67、Countries should strengthen laws that protect workers who blow the whistle on corporate malfeasance. ─── 对于举发公司不法情事的员工,各国应加强立法予以保护。

68、Since about 1970, there has been a flurry of interest among economists in the previously neglected issues of trust and malfeasance. ─── 大约从1970年代开始,在经济学家中掀起了一股研究以前被忽视了的信任与违法问题的热潮。

69、Shell is hardly a poster child for malfeasance: it is performing well, its pay is similar to that at other big oil firms and its shareholders previously gave directors discretion to bend the rules. ─── 壳牌公司一直表现良好,从不是违法乱纪的反面教材,所发薪酬与其他的大型石油公司相当,其股东先前对公司的那些规定的执行也总是睁只眼闭只眼。

70、's Death joints for the mountains, body To Jianghai blood for the Huai malfeasance, hair for the vegetation. ─── 死后骨节为山林,体为江海,血为淮渎,毛发为草木”。

71、Golkar, Suharto's own party, had been haranguing Ms Mulyani for months, accusing her of malfeasance in bailing out a private bank in 2008. ─── 苏哈托自己的党派—从业党—数月以来一直揪着英德拉瓦蒂不放,指控她在2008年救急一家私人银行时有渎职行为。

72、couldn't extenuate the malfeasance; ─── 不能掩饰罪过;

73、Objectively, the crime of dereliction of a basic form and the basic types, dereliction of duty, malfeasance of causal relationship was analyzed. ─── 在客观方面,对渎职犯罪行为的基本形式和基本类型、渎职犯罪结果、渎职罪因果关系进行了分析。

74、correctional malfeasance ─── 矫正渎职行为

75、Study on Crime of Malfeasance on the Thought of Legislation ─── 立法思想层面下的渎职罪研究

76、corporate malfeasance ─── 企业不正当行为

77、malfeasance investigation ─── 职务犯罪侦查

78、The international anti-corruption pact prescribes that the scope of bribe is the malfeasance good. ─── 国际反腐败公约也规定贿赂的范围为不正当好处。

79、On the Improvement of the Subject of Malfeasance Crime ─── 浅议渎职罪主体的完善

80、Preventing forestry crime of malfeasance is an important duty of forestry administrative departments at all levels. ─── 做好林业渎职犯罪预防工作是林业主管部门的重要职责。

81、In more developed markets, aggrieved shareholders kept in the dark could fire off private lawsuits;but private litigation in China is allowed only after the state has determined malfeasance. ─── 在更发达的市场中,由于不明实情,权利受到侵害的那些股东能够到法庭上告,但是在中国,只有在政府认为这种行为是违反时,私人上法庭起诉才可以进行。

82、Then, for a variety of reasons, the Court decided to open the doors to public petitioners filing claims against the government in issues of administrative malfeasance. ─── 后来基于种种原因,该法院才决定向公众呈请人士敞开大门,让他们可以对政府的各种行政失当或官员职问题,提出诉讼。

83、Crime of Malfeasance in Collection of Tax and Tariffs ─── 论税费征收渎职罪

84、Mechanism in assessing and reviewing cases relating crime of malfeasance ─── 试述渎职侵权案件评估复核机制之作用

85、crime of malfeasance ─── 渎职犯罪

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