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09-21 投稿


mooting 发音

英:[ˈmuːtɪŋ]  美:[ˈmuːtɪŋ]

英:  美:

mooting 中文意思翻译



mooting 词性/词形变化,mooting变形

动词第三人称单数: moots |名词: mootness |动词过去分词: mooted |动词过去式: mooted |动词现在分词: mooting |

mooting 相似词语短语

1、pooting ─── 便便

2、booting ─── n.引导,引导装入;v.猛踢;启动(计算机);车轮上装制动装置(boot的现在分词)

3、mooring ─── n.下锚;停泊处;系船具;v.停泊(moor的ing形式);n.(Mooring)人名;(英)穆林

4、mooning ─── n.光屁股;v.闲荡;出神;对……亮光屁股(moon的现在分词)

5、smooting ─── 闷死

6、footing ─── n.基础;立足处;社会关系;合计;v.步行;在…上行走;总计(foot的ing形式)

7、mooing ─── v.(牛)发出哞哞声(moo的现在分词)

8、looting ─── n.抢劫;洗劫,趁乱打劫;v.打劫(loot的现在分词)

9、hooting ─── v.发出大声;喊叫;鸣响(hoot的现在分词)

mooting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、True,all this planning becames moot when the 40-minute trip takes two hours because of a track fire and a wino who gets caught in the door? ─── 如果大家有实在有需要上下文的说一下。看谁说的好谁的积分给的多。

2、Her parents had impressed upon her that it would be unforgivable to miss it and cause the friends with whom she was going to stay to make two journeys to moot her. ─── 父母曾告诫她如果误了火车而且让她的东道主朋友跑两趟去接站,这事一定不能原谅。

3、Therefore,it is expected to be one of the moot economical processes with which the products could be produced industrially on a large scale. ─── 产品纯度高,能耗低,有望成为大规模工业生产该产品最经济的路线之一。

4、There's three things that'll bring you praise at the moot, lad. ─── 有三样东西会给你赢来掌声,小伙子。

5、Third, the question may become moot if the agency ultimately decides not to exercise regulatory power over the complaining party. ─── 第三,如果机关最终决定不对申诉的当事人行使管理权力,问题可能变得不切实际。

6、"Moot point," he reminded me. ─── “重点。”他提醒我。

7、Case teaching method in legal education can be employed in various ways such as classroom discussion, trial watch, moot court and multimedia teaching to meet the teaching requirements. ─── 摘要案例教学在法学教育中具有重要的意义。根据教学需要,可以采用课堂讨论、观摩庭审、模拟法庭、多媒体教学等多种案例教学方法。

8、Outstanding members from the first school year, the College Moot second. ─── 第一学年校优秀团员,学院辩论赛第二名。

9、Despite rumours mooting a bid for Spain's Fernando Torres, Sir Alex has not confirmed that he plans to bring in a new striker if van Nistelrooy leaves. ─── 尽管有传闻说报价买西班牙的托雷斯,阿历克斯爵士没有证实如果范尼离开,他计划引进一个新的前锋。

10、Synopsis of the simulated moot court ─── 模拟法庭简介

11、Well-informed analysts know that PPP calculations are a poor measure of a country's potential military base, but with the corrected China PPP statistics, the whole question is moot. ─── 博闻的分析人士都知道,购买力平价数据不是衡量一个国家潜在军事实力的好方法,但从修正后的中国购买力平价统计数据来看,整个问题不再具有讨论价值。

12、It's a moot point whether men or women are better drivers. ─── 男女司机孰优孰劣尚有争论。

13、Whether or not, in the event that Chiang Kai-shek is defeated, these people will be allowed to keep heir arms is a moot question. ─── 将来打败蒋介石以后,是否还允许民众拥有武装,那就不得而知了。

14、Compared to the other romantic composers in 19th century, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy is one of the moot important. ─── 摘要在19世纪浪漫派作曲家中,德国的门德尔松无疑是最重要的作曲家之一。

15、But the points he raises for Canada are far from moot. ─── 即使如此,他向加拿大提出的观点可不是简单讨论一下就可以了事的。)

16、"The Moot sits tonight, and it is possible Corolini will present his Forced Emigration Bill. ─── 她站起身,轻拍着封好刚刚写好的信。

17、In any case, the anticipation of a looming conflict between the real and the virtual is moot at the moment where the two can be made to coincide, become each other's mirror image. ─── 在任何的情况下,当虚拟跟真实可以同时呈现、替代对方的时候,海市蜃楼再也不是期待。

18、Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competitions Manfred Lachs ─── 空间法模拟法庭竞赛

19、A moot question. ─── 有待讨论的问题

20、Undoubtedly, many people will question moot's worthiness of the title World's Most Influential Person. ─── 必定,许多人会质疑全球最具影响力之人这一头衔的价值。

21、moot point. ─── n. 尚在争论中的论点

22、In 1987, he initiated China’s first ever television moot by organizing two telecast events on Shanghai TV for secondary school students. ─── 1987年,首创电视辩论赛,连续举办两届上海市中学生电视辩论赛。

23、Naval aviator and AVG "Flying Tiger" Flight Leader: Captain Moot would be shot down on January 8, 1942 by ground fire while attacking a Japanese airfield in Thailand. ─── 海军飞行员和美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)领航员:莫特上校是在1942年1月8日当他进攻日本在泰国的一个机场时,被地面炮火击落的。

24、But China's largest insurer was openly mooting the acquisition of a bank just four months ago. ─── 但就在4个月前,作为中国第一大保险公司的中国人寿还公开表示有意收购一家银行。

25、1.The new Congress is attempting to reverse that decision, though whether it can muster the necessary supermajority is moot. ─── 新一届国会正试图推翻这个决定,尽管能否召集必须的压倒多数还有待论证。

26、It is a moot point between the bundle theorist and the substantivalist whether there could be a co-consciousness relation that would produce an experientially united mind. ─── 在捆束理论家和物质主义者之间是否存在一种并存关系,这种关系能产生出一种经验上一致的心灵的这种观点是无实际意义的。

27、In current language teaching, particularly vocabulary teaching, one of the moot frequently used ways is to use the grammar-translation method. ─── 摘要外语实践教学中的词汇层面最常见的方法就是利用翻译对比法讲解意义。

28、But it is a moot question who exactly is subsidising whom. ─── 然而到底谁给了谁好处,这是个悬而未决的问题。

29、moot men ─── [法] 实习法庭辩论者

30、On June 2, 3, 2008, there will be a second trial of this case in the Moot Court Room of CUFE. ─── 2008年6月2,3日晚七点,中央财经大学模拟法庭将上演对此次案件的第二次审判。

31、In the second part, via comparing other practical teaching method with moot court, we conclude that the case teaching method isn' t fit with our national condition; ─── 第二部分在比较研究其他各种实践性教学方法的基础上,指出判例教学方法不适合中国国情; 诊所式教学方法其推广上有困难;

32、The oil versus nuclear equation is largely moot ─── 石油和核能之间的关系还很有争议。

33、For example, changing the netmask may make some routes moot (including the default or even the route to the host itself) and the kernel will delete them. ─── 例如,改变子网掩码可能使某些路由失效(包括默认的路由甚至通向主机本身的路由),于是内核会把这些没用的路由删掉。

34、To offer all participants of the 11th World Scout Moot the opportunity to see the different community development projects and to experiment then in activities related. ─── 展示童军运动如何透过世界各地的童军在各种领域的发展计划,来协助社区的发展。

35、It was a fair question at the time. Last summer made it a moot one. ─── 当时,这还是个公平的问题。可去年夏天(冠军)让这个问题变得毫无意义。

36、moot question ─── 悬而未决的问题, 有待进一步解决的问题

37、He also criticised Palestinians for mooting unilateral action and pooh-poohed Mr Fayyad's plan, so it has little chance of implementation any time soon. ─── 他还指责巴勒斯坦人提出的是无实际意义的单方行动,同时藐视法耶兹先生的计划,因而在短时间内实施和谈看来机会渺茫。

38、In this paper,the snap tension in mooting line is studied in the process of taut-slack transferring with experimental method. ─── 当系泊的浮体发生大幅运动时,缆绳会发生松弛-张紧的变化,引起缆索结构的破坏。

39、Such as singing competitions, Moot, host competitions. ─── 如唱歌比赛、辩论赛、主持人比赛。

40、Some in Congress are mooting separate and more punitive measures for banks. ─── 国会内部的某些人士正讨论对银行采取独立且更严厉的措施。

41、He argued that the issue had become moot since the board had changed its policy. ─── 他争辩说这项议题已变得毫无实际意义,因为董事会已经改变了政策。

42、8.Westmoreland:I don't want another.Besides, it's a moot point.She was grandfathered.Once she's gone, no more pets. ─── 我不想要别的,而且还有一点,她是免受新法规限制的,如果她不在了,就不会再有别的宠物可以带进来

43、moot trial ─── 实习审判

44、moot case ─── 示范案件模拟案件

45、Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competitions; Manfred Lachs; ─── 空间法模拟法庭竞赛;

46、The end of the draft in the 1970s made the point moot. ─── 70年代结束征兵役制使我这个观点没有实际意义了。

47、In this case, however, "since none is being imported, it's sort of moot," she said.Ms. ─── 她还表示,在伪造血蛋白一事上,既然没有进口,就没有必要讨论。

48、It's true that computer keyboarding has now made the dreaded writing of multi-stroke-characters mostly moot . ─── 是的,电脑键盘输入让令人生畏的多笔的汉字书写毫无意义了。

49、Whether or not a superstar actually decides to relocate is moot - teams today are preparing for the ultimate "what if? ─── 无论这些超级巨星是否准备和他们签约,都会有球队准备签下他们,为什么不呢?

50、The point is moot anyway, i'm fairly positive the top four seeds will be the same as they are now and we'll play Utah in the semis. ─── 总之这个问题很无聊。我很确定,西部的前四号种子到了季后赛还会是这四个队进半决赛的,我们会对阵爵士。

51、Constructing the Real-life Scenery Moot Teaching Model, Cultivating the Practical Law Talents ─── 改革法学教学模式,培养实用型法律人才

52、Early this year it won the championship of Lawasia Mooting on Intellectual Property held in Gold Coast, Australia, beating some leading Australian and Asian law schools. ─── 今年年初又在澳洲黄金海岸举行的Lawasia知识产权模拟法庭赛中击败澳洲及其他亚洲顶级大学夺魁。

53、mooting system of FPSO ─── FPSO系泊系统

54、moot court ─── n. (法学专业学生实习的)假设法庭

55、single point mooting system ─── 单点系泊

56、The subject, for most Singaporean investors , is actually somewhat "moot", as the availability of "offshore funds" to them is greatly restricted. ─── 对许多新加坡投资者来说,“岸外基金”是个有点不着边际的课题,因为他们能投资的岸外基金非常有限。

57、Of course, the offense made all of that moot in a hurry, and that's another luxury -- one that an extraordinary offense can provide. ─── 托瑞爷说:”一个系列赛中输掉2场比赛对我们来说太奢侈了!

58、In any event, at our three marketable-but permanent holdings, this point is moot ─── 不论如何,我们三家永恒的股权投资在这点是不太可能发生的

59、The subject, for most Singaporean investors, is actually somewhat "moot", as the availability of "offshore funds" to them is greatly restricted. ─── 对许多新加坡投资者来说,“岸外基金”是个有点不着边际的课 题,因为他们能投资的岸外基金非常有限。

60、A 29-year old young man, Moot, has taken the first ranking, but the press covey that the automatic operation or hacking of his fans has raised a problem. ─── 一名29岁的青年,模拟法庭,采取了第一的排名,但记者柯维,自动操作或黑客的球迷提出了一个问题。

61、Even if we accept that to be true, it is a moot point. ─── 即使我们接受那是真实的,但是这还是个争论未决的问题。

62、Higuchi Ichiyois is the moot distinguished woman romantic writers in Meiji times in Japan.She died young, but her romantic novels have profound influence on Japanese literature. ─── 摘要樋口一叶是日本明治时期最杰出的浪漫主义女作家,她的生命虽然短暂,但她浪漫主义的小说创作却为日本文坛写下重重的一笔。

63、Organized by the International Law Students Association ILSA, the Jessup Moot is the most prestigious competition of its kind in the world. ─── Jessup国际法模拟法庭比赛由国际法学生协会主办,是世界最权威的国际法庭比赛。

64、She was at her desk, as usual, writing one last letter to an old school friend, a prominent businessman, or a member of the Ancelstierre Moot. ─── 她仍然坐在桌前,和平常一样,写着一封信,对方或许是她的老校友,或者是一位成功的商人,或者是安塞斯蒂尔议会议员。

65、moot a case ─── [法] 提出一个案件供辩论

66、moot point ─── 争论点, 悬而未决的问题

67、the moot court ─── 模拟法庭

68、RBS valued the proposal at euro71.1 billion ($96 billion), which is slightly less than the figure the consortium had been mooting in April, but still euro8.6 billion higher, it said, than an offer from Barclays that ABN has accepted. ─── RBS将该次收购要约估值为711亿欧元(合960亿美元),比该财团在4月讨论的数字略小,但该财团表示,这份要约仍然比荷兰银行已接受的来自巴克莱的要约要高出86亿欧元。

69、Personal views on the teaching of moot court ─── 关于模拟法庭教学的几点体会

70、a moot point ─── 有待进一步讨论的问题,悬而未决的问题

71、At some time in the near future, they said, today's debate over whether it is morally acceptable to create and destroy human embryos to obtain stem cells should be moot. ─── 在不久的将来某个时间,他们说,今天的以创造并破坏人类胚胎以获取干细胞在道义上是否可以接受的辩论将变得毫无意义。

72、Development and Upgrade of the Digital Video Live-broadcast System of the Moot Court ─── 模拟法庭实验室中数字视频录像直播系统的开发与升级

73、This bulletin is provided by Moot and Advocacy Club and posted by Faculty of Law. ─── 此通告由模拟法庭俱乐部提供、法学院代传。

74、So if someone's not throwing a punch, if someone doesn't run out there and enter into a fight, I don't see, I think it's a moot point. ─── 所以如果没有人故意冲撞,如果没有人跑出来打架,我不清楚,我想这些都是假设而已。

75、Under the Market Economic System, TV rating is the moot crucial criterion to judge whether a program is good or not. ─── 摘要在市场经济体制下,电视节目的收视率成为衡量一个栏目或一期节目好坏的最关键的指标。

76、moot point question ─── 悬而未决的事

77、I would fear SA more than Houston. Houston has to get out of the 1st round anyway in that scenario so really this is a moot question. ─── 相比火箭,我会更担心马刺。在你这种假设下,休斯顿必须冲过首轮关,所以说这种问题实在毫无意义。

78、Whether it would happen faster if carbon emissions were charged for at an honest price is a moot point. ─── 碳排放合理定价后,太阳能速度会不会加快还不得而知。

79、Some in Congress are mooting separate and more punitive measures for banks. ─── 国会内部的某些人士正讨论对银行采取独立且更严厉的措施。

80、I don't know if it was a ghost she saw, or if it were someone who could climb like an orangutan, but it's all a moot point now. ─── 我不知道坎迪是不是看见了鬼,或者有人能像猩猩那样爬上楼去,总之一切都没有定论。

81、Moot of Teaching Plan's Scheme on the Graduation Design ─── 漫论毕业设计教案策划

82、Moot court teaching activity has been widely applied in legal education, but it has many problems actually. ─── 摘要模拟法庭教学活动在我国的传统法学教育中被广泛应用,但却存在着诸多的问题。

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