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09-30 投稿


parotitis 发音

英:[ˌpærəˈtaɪtɪs]  美:[ˌpærəˈtaɪtɪs]

英:  美:

parotitis 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 腮腺炎


parotitis 词性/词形变化,parotitis变形

形容词: parotitic |异体字: parotiditis |

parotitis 相似词语短语

1、parotis ─── 腮腺炎

2、barotitis ─── 高空耳炎症

3、dartitis ─── n.紧张失误

4、parotids ─── adj.腮腺的;n.腮腺

5、parotitic ─── 言语的

6、parotiditis ─── 腮腺炎

7、proctitis ─── n.[内科]直肠炎

8、parotides ─── 密码

9、parotiditic ─── 腮腺炎

parotitis 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、Keywords parotitis;transfer factor;injecting hypodermica; ─── 腮腺炎;转移因子;皮下注射;

3、Keywords Reduqing Pills;Epidemic Parotitis;Clinical Research; ─── 热毒清片;流行性腮腺炎;临床研究;

4、Keywords Secondary acute suppurative parotitis Lymphadenitis CT B-type ultrasonography; ─── 腮腺淋巴结炎;化脓性腮腺炎;CT;B超;

5、Must cross what the person of parotitis still meets? ─── 得过腮腺炎的人还会的吗?

6、postoperative parotitis ─── 手术后腮腺炎

7、A few contagion are like diphtheria, parotitis, measles to wait to also can erupt simultaneously sometimes. ─── 一些传染病如白喉、腮腺炎、风疹等有时也可并发。

8、Child epidemic parotitis ─── 小儿流行性腮腺炎

9、Fabry Parot etalon ─── F-P标准具

10、Objective To investigate manifestations of chronic obstructive parotitis (COP) under sialoendoscope and to evaluate curative effects of duct dilatation and drug perfusion for COP. ─── 目的探讨内镜下慢性阻塞性腮腺炎的表现和导管扩张、药物灌注治疗疗效。

11、Other causes of parotid swelling are suppurative parotitis. ─── 腮腺肿胀的其它原因是化脓性腮腺炎。

12、Saliva decreases, some suffers from chronic parotitis easily, return some meetings to suffer from on nephrosis is asked for integratedly wait for a disease. ─── 唾液减少,有的容易患慢性腮腺炎,还有的会患上肾病综合征等疾病。

13、The old herbalist doctor applied ink to his face, saying that it could treat parotitis. ─── 老中医在他的脸上涂上乌金,说是可以治腮炎。

14、Did dot get parotitis otherwise to matter? What can you affect? ─── 小孩子得了腮腺炎要不要紧?会不会影响什么?

15、metastatic parotitis ─── [医] 转移性腮腺炎

16、infectious parotitis ─── 传染性腮腺炎

17、A few contagion are like diphtheria , parotitis, measles to wait to also can erupt simultaneously sometimes. ─── 一些传染病如白喉、腮腺炎、风疹等有时也可并发。

18、false parotitis ─── 假性腮腺炎


20、What is the symptom of parotitis? ─── 腮腺炎的症状是什么?

21、The blood amylase is usually elevated as a result of parotitis ─── 腮腺炎常引起血清淀粉酶增高。

22、epidemic parotitis ─── 列性腮腺炎病毒性腮腺炎

23、parotitis tablet ─── 腮腺炎片

24、Keywords Epidemic parotitis;Parotid swelling;Vaccine; ─── 流行性腮腺炎;腮腺肿大;疫苗;

25、Treating Epidemic Parotitis with Combined Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine ─── 中西医结合治疗流行性腮腺炎疗效观察

26、parotitis neonatorum ─── 新生儿腮腺炎

27、Methods Clinical data of 10 patients with acute suppurative parotitis secondary to lymphadenitis were collected.The results of CT and B-type ultrasonography examinations were analysed. ─── 方法对10例腮腺淋巴结炎继发化脓性腮腺炎患者进行临床资料分析,并进行CT和B超检查,分析其影像学特点。

28、Allergic parotitis ─── 变应性腮腺炎

29、recurrent parotitis ─── 复发性腮腺炎

30、parotitis purulenta ─── [医] 脓性腮腺炎

31、Keywords Epidemic parotitis;Pancreatitis;Sensorineural hearing loss; ─── 流行性腮腺炎;胰腺炎;聋;感音神经性;

32、Curative Effects of Acupoint-injection Combined with Chinese Medicine on Wean Epidemicity Parotitis ─── 穴位注射结合中药外洗治疗疣效果观察

33、chronic pyogenic parotitis ─── 慢性化脓性腮腺炎

34、”Takes up the telephone at once, hits for Venus the hospital high-level, instruction immediately for this parotitis' responsible registration. ─── 旋即拿起电话,打给长庚医院高层,指示马上为这位得腮腺炎的主管挂号。

35、Parotitis how can quick treatment? ─── 腮腺炎怎么能快治疗?

36、EEG Relief Map Analysis of Children Parotitis Combined with Encephalitis-32 Cases Report ─── 儿童腮腺炎合并脑炎脑电地形图分析(附32例报告)

37、Keywords juvenile recurrent parotitis;trace elements;Zn;Fe;Cu;Mg; ─── 儿童复发性腮腺炎;微量元素;锌、铁、铜、镁;

38、chronic parotitis ─── 慢性腮腺炎

39、1 in 100 children who had the MMR vaccine had an infection of their saliva glands (known as parotitis). ─── MMR联合疫苗接种有1%儿童涎腺感染(腮腺炎)。

40、Treating Parotitis of Cattle by the Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medical Treatment ─── 中西医结合治疗牛腮腺炎

41、Live several after the earthworm is abluent, join white sugar or dextrose fluid dip one day above, can treat acute parotitis, have effect of subsidence of a swelling, acetanilide, allay a fever. ─── 将数条活蚯蚓洗净后,加入白糖或葡萄糖液浸一日以上,可以治急性腮腺炎,有消肿、止痛、退烧功效。

42、The blood amylase is usually elevated as a result of parotitis. ─── 腮腺炎常引起血清淀粉酶增高。

43、Observation on effect of wu wei xiao du yin on chronic obstructive parotitis ─── 五味消毒饮治疗慢性阻塞性腮腺炎的疗效观察

44、Toxic parotitis ─── 中毒性腮腺炎

45、What Chinese traditional medicine treats parotitis? ─── 什么中药治疗腮腺炎?

46、The characteristics of CT and ultrasonography of acute suppurative parotitis secondary to lymphadenitis ─── 腮腺淋巴结炎继发化脓性腮腺炎的CT及声像图特点

47、celiac parotitis ─── [医] 腹病性腮腺炎

48、Routine laboratory tests frequently indicate a relative lymphocytosis in uncomplicated parotitis. ─── 无合并症的腮腺炎,其实验室常规检查常显示淋巴细胞相对增多。

49、Electroencephalogram Analysis on Patients with Epidemic Parotitis Complicated with Encephalitis ─── 流行性腮腺炎并发脑炎脑电图分析

50、In addition, cactus still can use as medicinal material: Delicacy is tasted go pricking pound but apply treats parotitis, mastitis and furuncle sore carbuncle swollen; ─── 此外,仙人掌还能用作药材:鲜品去刺捣烂可外敷治腮腺炎、乳腺炎和疖疮痈肿;

51、What Chinese traditional medicine treats parotitis ? ─── 什么中药治疗腮腺炎?

52、What remedy is effective to treating parotitis? ─── 什么药物对治疗腮腺炎有效?

53、parotitis phlegmonosa ─── 脓性腮腺炎

54、Infectious parotitis vaccination ─── 传染性腮腺炎接种

55、Conclusions: This study demonstrates the utility sialoendoscopy as a direct and minimal invasive method in the diagnosis of chronic obstructive parotitis. ─── 结论:慢性阻塞性腮腺炎的内镜下表现较复杂,以充血、出血和狭窄为主,涎腺内镜能直接观察其阻塞原因,为进一步的治疗提供了基础。

56、Routine laboratory tests frequently indicate a relative lymphocytosis in uncomplicated parotitis. ─── 无合并症的腮腺炎,其实验室常规检查常显示淋巴细胞相对增多。

57、Does remedial parotitis have specific? ─── 治疗腮腺炎有特效药吗?

58、parotitis vaccine ─── 腮腺炎疫苗

59、pyogenic parotitis ─── 化脓性腮腺炎

60、How did adult get parotitis to should be treated? ─── 大人得了腮腺炎应该怎么治疗?

61、This variety is cultivated for ornamental purposes because of the bi-colored leaves. All parts are used as medicine for measles, parotitis, tonsillitis, and lumbar muscle strain. ─── 本变种因为有双色叶,所以栽培用于观赏。全株入药,治疗麻疹,腮腺炎,扁桃体炎和腰肌劳损。

62、Influencing Factors to Preventing and Control Epidemic Parotitis in School ─── 学校流行性腮腺炎控制效果的影响因素分析

63、Keywords endoscope;chronic obstructive parotitis (COP);diagnosis; ─── 内镜;慢性阻塞性腮腺炎;诊断;

64、How should after contacting parotitis patient, do? ─── 接触了腮腺炎患者后该怎么办?

65、Does preclinical meeting have parotitis cough or the symptom with uncomfortable voice? ─── 腮腺炎潜伏期会有咳嗽或者嗓子不舒服的症状吗?

66、However, 2 cases suffered from high fever, 1 from meningitis, and 2 from parotitis, before the operation. ─── 所有病例无遗传史 ,有高热病史 2例 ,脑膜炎病史 1例 ,腮腺炎病史 2例 ;

67、Conclusion For most instances, CT images allows a confident diagnosis of parotitis to be made. ─── 结论CT对大部分腮腺炎能作出正确诊断。

68、Epidemic parotitis immunization ─── 流行性腮腺炎免疫法

69、Objective To study the value of parotid sialography and intervention in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pyogenic parotitis. ─── 摘要目的探讨造影-介入方法诊断和治疗慢性化脓性腮腺炎的价值。

70、Conclusion Insulation time of parotitis patients should be strictly controlled and education of vauihation should be strengthened. ─── 结论应严格控制流行性腮腺炎病人的隔离时间,加强疫苗接种的宣教工作,流腮流行期间不同班级学生应减少接触。

71、juvenile recurrent parotitis ─── 儿童复发性腮腺炎

72、Keywords Xiao Lei Wan;acute parotitis;gastritis;cirrh osis;prostatic hyperplasia; ─── 消瘰丸;急性腮腺炎;胃炎;肝硬化;前列腺肥大;

73、blood amylase is usually elevated as a result of parotitis. ─── 腮腺炎常引起血清淀粉酶增高。

74、Clinical Studies on Treating Epi Demic Parotitis with Raduqing Pills ─── 热毒清片治疗流行性腮腺炎的临床研究

75、parotitis history is 12.86% ; ─── 腮腺炎史占12.86%;

76、What symptom does parotitis have? ? ─── 腮腺炎有什么症状??

77、Immunization Strategy of Epidemic Parotitis ─── 流行性腮腺炎免疫策略探讨

78、Ultrasonographic Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Epidemic Parotitis ─── 流行性腮腺炎的超声诊断及鉴别诊断

79、Materials and Methods CT findings in 12 cases with pathologically proved parotitis were retrospectively analyzed, and a comparison with pathologic findings was made. ─── 材料与方法回顾性分析经病理证实的12例腮腺炎性病变的CT表现,并与病理所见进行对照研究。

80、The hair patient number of hives, parotitis rises generally. ─── 当前,中国湖南省霍乱疫病已经获得基本上掌控。

81、Nursing intervention on epidemic parotitis patients complicated with pancreatitis ─── 流行性腮腺炎并发胰腺炎患儿的护理干预

82、Clinical Observation of Using Antibiotic Combined with Chinese Traditional Medicine Jinhuangsan in Treating Acute Suppurative Parotitis in Early Stages ─── 抗生素联合中药外敷治疗早期急性化脓性腮腺炎的临床观察

83、What remedy is effective to treating parotitis ? ─── 什么药物对治疗腮腺炎有效?

84、epidemic parotitis virus ─── 流行性腮腺炎病毒, 腮腺炎病毒

85、The efficiency of andrographolide in treating of child mumps epidemic parotitis ─── 穿琥宁治疗小儿流行性腮腺炎疗效观察

86、Recurrence of epidemic parotitis after vaccination of parotitis vaccine ─── 接种腮腺炎疫苗后再感染流行性腮腺炎的探讨

87、Epidemic parotitis (mumps) ─── 流行性腮腺炎

88、acute pyogenic parotitis ─── 急性化脓性腮腺炎

89、Objective To give the patient expectant treatment timely and decrease complications and sequel caused by epidemic parotitis. ─── 目的及时对症治疗,减少流行性腮腺炎并发症、后遗证。

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