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09-30 投稿


mutinied 发音


英:  美:

mutinied 中文意思翻译




mutinied 词性/词形变化,mutinied变形

动词过去式: mutinied |动词现在分词: mutinying |动词第三人称单数: mutinies |名词复数: mutinies |动词过去分词: mutinied |

mutinied 相似词语短语

1、mutine ─── 反叛,造反

2、cutinised ─── 角质化

3、mutined ─── 哗变

4、mutinies ─── n.兵变;叛乱;暴动;vi.反叛;暴动;参加叛乱

5、cutinized ─── v.使充满蜡状质,使角质化;被引起充满角质

6、mutines ─── 兵变

7、mutining ─── 静音

8、routinised ─── 常规化

9、mutineer ─── n.反抗者;叛变者

mutinied 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They mutinied against their tyrannical captains - and created a different way of working on the seas. ─── 他们奋起反抗不可一世的船长,创立了全新的海上作业方式。

2、Their colleagues in an army battalion stationed in Wuchang mutinied. China's revolution had begun. ─── 他们在武汉军营中共事的同事发动了这次叛变。

3、India mutiny: In 1857 the native troops of the Bengal army of the East India Company mutinied because of 1.resentment at the reforms of ancient. ─── 印度兵变:1857年东印度公司孟加拉军队的当地士兵发动兵变。

4、declare that the New Fourth Army has "mutinied" and cancel its official designation. ─── 宣布新四军“叛变”,取消该军番号。

5、(1754-1817) British admiral; was captain of the H.M.S. Bounty when the crew mutinied in 1789. ─── (1754-1817)英国上将;当1789年全体船员叛变的时候,他是英国船恩惠号上的船长。

6、They mutinied against their tyrannical captains - and created a different way of working on the seas. ─── 他们奋起反抗不可一世的船长,创立了全新的海上作业方式。

7、When stopping to change horses at Mawei village, the soldiers mutinied, killing the Prime Minister, and demanding the death of Yang GuiFei. ─── 当在马尾村更换马匹时,叛乱的士兵杀死了第一大臣,并要求他们交出杨贵妃。

8、Finally,the sailors mutinied against the captain's unjust use of his power; they seized the ship,and put him in a small boat to float at the mercy of the sea. ─── 船长滥施职权,水手们最后群起反叛;他们夺了船,把船长放进一条小船,任其在海上漂泊。

9、In fact it was two senators from the radical left who mutinied over Italy's military presence in Afghanistan; ─── 实际上,两位极左阵线的参议员反对意大利出兵阿富汗的军事政策;

10、Because Captain Blight treated the crew of HMS Bounty like dogs, they eventually mutinied. ─── 由于布莱船长对待英国舰船博恩梯号船员如狗狗,所以最后他们都叛变了。

11、Units stationed around the capital mutinied because they had received no pay for nine months. ─── 驻扎在首都周边的部队反叛了,因为他们9个月没领到工资了。

12、German sailors mutinied here in 1918, setting off a socialist revolution.Population, 245,751. ─── 1918年德国水手在这里叛乱,发动社会主义革命。

13、At last the slaves mutinied against their cruel masters. ─── 最后奴隶们终于起来反抗他们的残暴的主人。

14、To find a pretext to declare that the Eighth Route Army has "mutinied",cancel its official designation,and order the arrest of Chu Teh and Peng Teh-huai. ─── 寻找借口,宣布八路军“叛变”,取消八路军番号,通缉朱彭。

15、Finally, the sailors mutinied against the captain's unjust use of his power; they seized the ship, and put him in a small boat to float at the mercy of the sea. ─── 船长滥施职权,水手们最后群起反叛; 他们夺了船,把船长放进一条小船,任其在海上漂泊。

16、Technically I was only captain for two years, then I was officially mutinied upon. ─── 科学一点讲,我只做了两年的船长,然后就被推翻了。

17、He reached the Punjab, and had set his sights on the Ganges, when his troops mutinied and forced his return. ─── 他达到了旁遮普邦,并确定了他的目光瞄准了恒河,当他的部队哗变,被迫回国。

18、Technically I was only captain for two years, then I was officially mutinied upon. ─── 科学一点讲,我只做了两年的船长,然后就被推翻了.

19、(6) To find a pretext to declare that the Eighth Route Army has "mutinied", cancel its official designation, and order the arrest of Chu Teh and Peng Teh-huai. ─── (六)寻找借口,宣布八路军“叛变”,取消八路军番号,通缉朱彭。

20、The Bangladeshi army has launched a manhunt for border guards who mutinied at their headquarters in Dhaka last week, killing 140 army officers and 20 civilians. ─── 孟加拉军方开始追捕那些上周发动兵变的边防警卫,这些警卫在达卡的边防总部杀死140名军官和20名平民。

21、The further cataclysm that gave Raeder his burning, hard-eyed religion was the dying days of the war, when the German Navy was ordered out to sea-and men mutinied. ─── 接下来考验雷德尔坚定意志的是战争快要结束前那些垂死挣扎的日子,德国海军士兵拒绝接受命令出海作战。

22、(4) To declare that the New Fourth Army has "mutinied" and cancel its official designation. ─── (四)宣布新四军“叛变”,取消该军番号。

23、He reached the Punjab, and had set his sights on the Ganges, when his troops mutinied and forced his return. ─── 他达到了旁遮普邦,并确定了他的目光瞄准了恒河,当他的部队哗变,被迫回国。

24、And that was after soldiers mutinied in February over the government's failure to pay their wages. ─── 这是对政府未能在二月兵变的士兵,以支付他们的工资后。

25、To declare that the New Fourth Army has "mutinied" and cancel its official designation. ─── 宣布新四军“叛变”,取消该军番号。

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