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09-30 投稿


scarifying 发音

英:[ˈskerɪfaɪɪŋ]  美:[ˈskærɪfaɪɪŋ]

英:  美:

scarifying 中文意思翻译



scarifying 词性/词形变化,scarifying变形

动词现在分词: scarifying |动词过去式: scarified |名词: scarification |动词过去分词: scarified |动词第三人称单数: scarifies |

scarifying 相似词语短语

1、caprifying ─── 反复无常的

2、carnifying ─── vt.使成肉质;使变成肉质;vi.变成肉质

3、scorifying ─── vt.使变成矿渣;析取

4、clarifying ─── 净化;澄清

5、sacrifying ─── 亵渎

6、rarifying ─── v.(使)变稀薄;使成精细;纯化

7、scarifyingly ─── 吓人的

8、salifying ─── n.成盐

9、sanifying ─── vt.使卫生

scarifying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Technique of scarifying and fermenting process of canna starch ─── 芭蕉芋淀粉糖化发酵工艺研究

2、Spiegelberg's scarifying knife ─── 斯皮格尔伯格(氏)划痕刀

3、scarifying knife ─── 划痕刀, 乱切刀, 角膜缘刀

4、Ulrich's scarifying knife ─── 乌尔里克(氏)划痕刀

5、He has been scarifying many holidays to cultivate his students in recent years. ─── 几年来,为了培养学生,他牺牲了许多节假日。

6、Keywords canna;scarifying enzyme;canna sugar; ─── 芭蕉芋;糖化酶;淀粉糖;

7、While human being is discussing whether they should develop the economy by scarifying the environment, the nature disclose a hard fact: it is high time to treat the environment harmoniously. ─── 当人们还在奢谈是否应该以牺牲环境为代价来发展经济时,大自然已经以残酷的现实昭示人类:现在已经到了必须与环境和谐相处的时候了。

8、Maier's scarifying knife ─── 迈尔(氏)划痕刀

9、CFB boiler;air-flow control;automatic combustion control;scarifying;carbon content in fly ash ─── 循环流化床锅炉;风量调整;出力调整;结焦;飞灰可燃物

10、Thomas' scarifying knife ─── 托马斯(氏)划痕刀

11、interest for sake of the team and decided to keep going and leave troubles for tomorrow. ─── 决定弃小利益保大利益,不走回头路,明天再算。

12、Liebreich's scarifying knife ─── 利布整希(氏)划痕刀

13、recurrent ulcerative scarifying stomatitis ─── 复发性溃疡性瘢痕口炎

14、Desmarres scarifying knife ─── 代马尔(氏)划痕刀

15、scarifying rotor ─── 翻松转子

16、With this you can see the difference between staying hardcore in castle, and scarifying feudal units to hit castle age earlier. ─── 升至城堡时代后,由于骑士生产速度较快,你将看到匈奴马乱最大的优势。

17、Schmidt-Rimpler scarifying knife ─── 施-里二氏划痕刀

18、scarifying cannula ─── 划痕套管(针)

19、Lauenstein's scarifying knife ─── 朗斯滕(氏)划痕刀

20、Nicause's scarifying knife ─── 尼凯斯(氏)划痕刀

21、Grafe's scarifying knife ─── 格雷费(氏)划痕刀

22、Keywords phosphorous gypsum;microwave;purify;scarifying;economic technical asses; ─── 磷石膏;微波;净化;煅烧;正交试验;

23、Kristeller's scarifying knife ─── 克里斯特勒(氏)划痕刀

24、How to perform the SOC test with reduction the development cycle time and production cost without scarifying the performance is the challenge confronted by design engineer and test engineer. ─── 如何在缩短设计周期、降低芯片成本而又不损失芯片性能的前提下完成SOC系统芯片的测试是芯片设计工程师和测试工程师当前所要面对的挑战。

25、Basically, using the traditional configuration of the printed Yagi antenna, the mid-band gain or the F/R ratio cannot be improved without scarifying the other. ─── 根据这些基本的探讨,将会提出设计印刷式八木天线之准则、探讨天线方向性、频宽与背向辐射比等性能,并提出简易的快速设计程序。

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