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09-30 投稿


miliary 发音

英:[ˈmɪlɪˌeri]  美:[ˈmɪlɪəri]

英:  美:

miliary 中文意思翻译



miliary 短语词组

1、miliary fever ─── [医] 流行性粟 ─── [粒]疹热, 汗热病

2、miliary tuberculosis ─── [医] 粟粒性结核

3、miliary carcinosis ─── [医] 粟粒性癌病

4、miliary syphilid ─── [医] 粟粒梅毒疹, 梅毒性苔癣, 毛囊梅毒疹

5、miliary column ─── 粟粒柱

6、miliary aneurysm ─── [医] 粟粒动脉瘤

7、miliary glands' ─── [医] 汗腺

8、miliary sclerosis ─── [医] 粟粒性硬化

9、miliary pyuria ─── [医] 粟粒性脓尿

10、miliary eruption ─── [医] 粟粒疹

11、acute miliary tuberculosis ─── [医] 急性肺炎性结核

12、miliary abscess ─── [医] 粟粒状脓肿

13、miliary tubercles ─── [医] 粟粒性结核节

14、miliary embolism ─── [医] 粟粒状栓塞

miliary 相似词语短语

1、miliaria ─── n.[皮肤]痱子;[皮肤]粟疹

2、ciliary ─── adj.纤毛的;睫毛的;毛状的

3、milady ─── n.夫人,太太;时髦妇女;上流社会妇女

4、homiliary ─── n.讲道选粹

5、military ─── adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人

6、milliard ─── n.(英)十亿

7、milliare ─── 毫米

8、biliary ─── adj.胆的;胆汁的;输送胆汁的;由于胆汁异状的

9、milliary ─── 古罗马里的;千步尺的

miliary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、10 Cases of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Misdiagnosed as Pulmonary Miliary Tuberculosis ─── 特发性肺纤维化误诊为粟粒性肺结核10例

2、Nodules in miliary tuberculosis would not likely appear this large and tend to be more numerous. ─── 粟粒性肺结核的结节通常没有这么大而且数目更多。

3、miliary spine ─── 小棘(动)

4、Keywords Miliary tuberculosis;Brain;Magnetic resonance imaging; ─── 粟粒结核;脑;磁共振成像;

5、pulmonary focus miliary ─── 肺部粟粒状病灶

6、Keywords Acute miliary pulmonary tuberculosis Adult; ─── 急性粟粒性肺结核;成人;

7、Differentiation Between Miliary Tuberculosis and Pneumoconiosis by on Helical CT ─── 粟粒型肺结核与尘肺的螺旋CT鉴别特征

8、Keywords Sarcoidosis;Endobronchial miliary lesion;Pathology; ─── 结节病;支气管粟粒样病变;病理;

9、Objective To analyse the clinical manifestation and the laboratory features of the sarcoidosis patients with endobronchial miliary lesion. ─── 摘要目的分析具有气道病变的结节病的临床表现与实验室检查特点。

10、If pleural nodules are isible, the pattern is random (miliary) or perilymphatic. ─── 如果可见胸膜下结节,则为随机(粟粒状)型或淋巴管周围型。

11、Keywords Lung diseases Miliary Radiography Direct digital; ─── 肺部病变;粟粒样;放射摄影;直接数字化;

12、miliary sclerosis ─── [医] 粟粒性硬化

13、Objective To explore the nursing for patients with miliary pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by tubercular meningitis and improve the cure rate. ─── 目的探讨粟粒型肺结核合并结核性脑膜炎患儿的护理方法,提高治愈率。

14、Differentiation Between Tuberculosis and Metastasis in Diffuse Pulmonary Miliary Nodules: Evaluation with Helical CT ─── 粟粒型肺结核和粟粒性肺转移瘤的螺旋CT鉴别特征

15、nor disregard that salutary lesson of political experience which teaches that the miliary should be held subordinate to the civil power. ─── 也不忽略以往政治经验告诉我们军队必须服从于平民政权的有益教训。

16、Results: 3 cases were misunderstood for miliary tubeculosis,and one for bronchial pneumonia. ─── 结果:3例误诊为血行播散性肺结核,1例误诊为支气管肺炎。

17、A Case of Metastasis to Lungs of Thyroid Papilloma Involving the Misdiagnosis of Miliary Pulmonary Tuberculosis ─── 甲状腺乳头状癌双肺转移误诊为粟粒性肺结核一例

18、This appearance is clearly shown in another patient with miliary TB. ─── 这种表现在另一例粟粒性肺结核亦清晰可见(图3)。

19、Analysis on 36 cases of miliary tuberculosis cerebrospinal fluid ─── 36例粟粒型肺结核脑脊液检查分析

20、carcinosis, miliary ─── 粟粒性癌病

21、miliary establishment ─── 军事机构

22、HRCT shows numerous miliary nodules in diffuse and random distribution in both lungs. ─── HRCT见两肺弥漫性随机分布的粟粒样多发结节。

23、When relieving the people in stricken Shanxi, he was spoken high of by Li Hong Zhang and Zeng Guoquan.All this has great impact on him when he was miliary governor later. ─── 在山西赈灾期间,直隶总督李鸿章、山西巡抚曾国荃又对他称颂不已,这都对他后来出任军机大臣产生了重大的影响。

24、Miliary granuloma of tuberculosis ─── 结核病粟粒性肉芽肿

25、miliary body ─── 丝核体

26、Keywords Lung;Pneumoconiosis;Tuberculosis;Miliary nodules;Helical CT; ─── 关键词尘肺;结核;粟粒结节;螺旋CT;

27、miliary tubercles ─── [医] 粟粒性结核节

28、In addition,drug-induced hepatitis occurred easily in the old people,children as well as patients with hepatitis B,liver cirrhosis and acute miliary tuberculosis. ─── 同时患有乙肝、肝硬化、血播型结核、老人及小孩更易发生药物性肝炎。

29、Method Nursing for 26 patients with miliary pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by tubercular meningitis was retrospectively analyzed and summarized. ─── 方法回顾性分析和总结26例粟粒型肺结核合并结核性脑膜炎患儿的护理经过。

30、acute proliferative miliary tuberculosis of lung ─── 肺急性增殖型粟粒性结核病

31、Objective To enhance the understanding of miliary tubercnlosis and diffuse alveolar cell carcinoma. ─── 目的提高对粟粒性肺结核和弥漫性肺泡癌的认识。

32、Miliary lupoid of Boeck ─── Boeck粟粒性类狼疮

33、Comparison of Direct Digital Radiography(DDR) with Film - based Radiography in Displaying Miliary Lung Diseases ─── 胸部DDR与普通胸片显示肺粟粒样病灶的比较

34、miliary column ─── 栗粒柱

35、miliary gland ─── 汗腺

36、The X-ray display and differential diagnosis of acut miliary tuberculosis of the lung ─── 急性粟粒型肺结核的X线表现及鉴别诊断

37、CT scans demonstrated the lesion was round in 13 cases, irregular in 6, low density focus like a large cyst in 5, diffuse miliary in 1 and cauliflower-like mass at hilum of spleen in 4. ─── 其中单发或多发圆形、类圆形低密度灶13例,不规则形6例,大囊样低密度区5例,弥漫粟粒样病灶1例,脾门菜花样肿块4例;

38、On his death certificate it was officially recorded that the cause of death was hitziges Frieselfieber, or "heated miliary fever," referring to a rash that looks like millet seeds. ─── 根据莫扎特死亡证明上的官方记录,他死于“急性粟粒热”,即一种粟粒状的皮疹。

39、miliary glands' ─── [医] 汗腺

40、miliary embolism ─── [医] 粟粒状栓塞

41、miliary aneurysm ─── [医] 粟粒动脉瘤

42、Nodules in miliary tuberculosis would not likely appear this large and tend to be more numerous. ─── 粟粒性肺结核的结节通常没有这么大而且数目更多。

43、miliary tuberculous chorioretinitis ─── 粟粒性结核性脉络膜视网膜炎

44、Miliary granuloma ─── 粟粒性肉芽肿

45、On her return, she said to Marguerite, who was at work beside her:-- "What is a miliary fever? ─── 她转来,向那在她身旁工作的玛格丽特说:“猩红热是什么东西?

46、From the perspective of patient’s sternum, miliary tuberculosis is the first consideration, PCP is next. ─── 因为从患者的胸片上来看,第一个考虑应该是粟粒样的结核(合并有肺部的感染),其次是pcp。

47、It is probable like a secondary TB.According to the videos, it is unlike miliary tuberculosis.If have CT, please send the CT on the internet. ─── 从胸片看很像个继发性肺结核,粟粒性肺结核要慎重,影像不太像,最好有个CT,不妨把CT片发来看看。

48、miliary sarcoid ─── 粟粒性肉样瘤

49、miliary tuberculides ─── 粟粒性结核疹

50、acute miliary tuberculosis of the lung  ) ─── 急性血行播散型肺结核 (急性粟粒型肺结核;

51、acute miliary pneumonitis ─── 急性粟粒性肺炎

52、As in patients with miliary metastases, the small nodules can sometimes be seen in relation to small pulmonary vessels, an appearance that reflects their mode of dissemination. ─── 如同血性性转移,小结节可与小血管相关,提示病灶播散的模式。

53、miliary eruption ─── [医] 粟粒疹

54、miliary tubercle ─── 粟粒性结核结节

55、Acute miliary tuberculosis of the lung ─── 急性粟粒性肺结核

56、Conclusion A comprehensive nursing for patients with miliary pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by tubercular meningitis is effective in reducing com... ─── 结论对粟粒型肺结核合并结核性脑膜炎的患儿实行有效的综合护理是减少并发症,降低病死率的主要措施。

57、Clinical analysis of 28 cases of acute miliary tuberculosis ─── 急性粟粒型肺结核28例临床分析

58、We report herein the case of a 39-year-old woman with occult papillary thyroid cancer revealed by widespread miliary lung metastases. ─── 我们在此报告的情况下,39岁女子隐匿乳头状甲状腺癌所揭示的普遍粟粒肺转移。

59、miliary syphilid ─── [医] 粟粒梅毒疹, 梅毒性苔癣, 毛囊梅毒疹

60、miliary fever ─── 粟疹伤寒肠热病

61、Results The result is that 8 of the 10 patients are idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis sufferers, 1 pulmonary oedema sufferer and 1 miliary tuberculosis sufferer. ─── 结果:在10例患者中有8例考虑为特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症,1例考虑为肺水肿,1例考虑为粟粒型肺结核。

62、nor disregard that salutary lesson of political experience which teaches that the miliary should be held subordinate to the civil power. ─── 也不忽略以往政治经验告诉我们军队必须服从于平民政权的有益教训。

63、miliary choroiditis ─── 粟粒性脉络膜炎

64、Miliary torulosis of the lung ─── 肺粟粒性隐球菌病

65、miliary tuberculosis of lung ─── 肺粟粒性结核病

66、miliary abscess ─── [医] 粟粒状脓肿

67、benign miliary lupus ─── 良性粟粒性狼疮

68、pollution control of miliary harbor ─── 军港污染治理

69、Clinical research on adult acute miliary pulmonary tuberculosis ─── 成人急性栗粒性肺结核临床研究

70、Misdiagnosis of Acute Miliary Tuberculoses in Older People: Analysis of 16 Cases ─── 老年人急性粟粒型肺结核16例误诊分析

71、Objective To study clinic characteristic of pregnancy with acute miliary pulmonary tuberculosis. ─── 目的探讨妊娠合并急性粟粒型肺结核病的临床特征。

72、Keywords miliary pulmonary tuberculosis;tubercular meningitis;nursing; ─── 粟粒型肺结核;结核性脑膜炎;护理;

73、miliary fimbristylis herb ─── 日照飘拂草

74、Results 38/56 had the Chronic inflammation and miliary found by mucosa Biopsy,compared with Urinary sediment detection 3/56 and screenage detection 31/56 there were significant difference. ─── 结果56例中有38例慢性炎症改变,粟粒结节形成,膀胱黏膜活检诊断为结核性膀胱炎,诊断阳性率为67.8%,高于同期尿沉渣抗酸杆菌检查的5.3%(3/56)和泌尿系影像学检查的55.3%(31/56)。

75、MRI study of cerebral miliary tuberculosis ─── 粟粒性脑结核病的MRI特征

76、By 1948,the three western powers have considerable miliary forces stationed in their sectors of Berlin.Stalin tries to force them to leave. ─── 二次大战结束后,德国被西方列强及俄罗斯瓜分,前首都柏林位处列强割据的中心点,其西部由战胜国英、美、法共治,东部则由苏俄管辖。

77、miliary pyuria ─── [医] 粟粒性脓尿

78、This spleen shows a miliary pattern of granulomatous inflammation, with numerous small tan granulomas. ─── 脾粟粒性肉芽肿性炎,可见大量黄棕色肉芽肿。

79、acute miliary tuberculosis ─── 全身播散性结核急性粟粒型结核

80、miliary tuberculosis of skin ─── 皮肤粟粒性结核病

81、Miliary osteoma of the face (MOF) is a form of primary OC that generally occurs in middle-aged and older adult women. ─── 粟粒骨瘤面对(财政部)是一种形式的初级业主立案法团,通常发生在中年和老年妇女。

82、Chronic miliary tuberculosis ─── 慢性粟粒性结核

83、Objective To analyse the clinical manifestation and the laboratory features of the sarcoidosis patients with endobronchial miliary lesion. ─── 目的分析具有气道病变的结节病的临床表现与实验室检查特点。

84、On his death certificate it was officially recorded that the cause of death was hitziges Frieselfieber, or "heated miliary fever," referring to a rash that looks like millet seeds. ─── 根据莫扎特死亡证明上的官方记录,他死于“急性粟粒热”,即一种粟粒状的皮疹....

85、miliary carcinosis ─── [医] 粟粒性癌病

86、Objective To study and analyze the MRI manifestation of miliary tuberculosis of the brain. ─── 目的回顾性总结和分析粟粒性脑结核病的MRI表现特点。

87、miliary tuberculosa ─── 粟粒性结核

88、There is a small, irregular subpleural granuloma involving the lung, and the spleen shows multiple small tan to yellow miliary granulomas. ─── 上图示小的不规则的胸膜下肉芽肿累及肺,下图示脾多发性小的黄褐色至黄色的粟粒性肉芽肿。

89、There are typical retinal vascular anomalies expansion, miliary aneurysm, arterial aneurysm, macroaneurysms and capillary without perfusion areas; ─── 病变处均有典型的视网膜血管不规则扩张,粟粒状动脉瘤、大动脉瘤、微动脉瘤和毛细血管无灌注区;

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