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10-03 投稿


magically 发音


英:  美:

magically 中文意思翻译



magically 词性/词形变化,magically变形

副词: magically |

magically 相似词语短语

1、medically ─── adv.医学上地;医药上地

2、laically ─── 世俗的

3、logically ─── adv.逻辑上;合乎逻辑

4、apically ─── 向顶地

5、basically ─── adv.主要地,基本上

6、tragically ─── adv.悲剧地;悲惨地

7、mantically ─── 曼蒂奇地

8、manically ─── adv.急躁地;狂躁地

9、magical ─── adj.魔术的;有魔力的

magically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They believe it was all done by magic. ─── 他们相信这全是靠魔力实现的。

2、A little bit of magic, a slice of the sun. ─── 一点魔法,一抹阳光

3、Many years ago people practised black magic in those caves. ─── 很多年以前,人们在那些窑洞里耍妖术。

4、You know, you go there and you wait and come across things that sort of, hopefully, magically and naturally happen. ─── 你知道,你去到那里,然后就等待并见证那些仪式在某种程度上满怀希望的,充满神奇的,自然而然的情况下发生。

5、The hunger for magic is clouding my judgement. ─── 对魔法的饥渴严重干扰了我的判断力。

6、The guilt-prone ones shared more, even though they hadn't magically become more sympathetic to the other child's deprivation. ─── 那些有负罪感倾向的孩子分享得更多,尽管他们并没有神奇地对另一个孩子的不幸表现出更多的同情。

7、The fairy had a magic wand in her hand. ─── 仙女手中拿着一根魔棒,

8、In case I am driven crazy by your magic flute! ─── 以防你的魔笛把我逼疯!

9、If you want your kids to have strong self-esteem and the confidence that they can solve hard problems, those qualities won't magically materialize in high school. ─── 如果你想让你的孩子拥有强烈的自尊心和解决困难问题的自信,这些品质不会在高中神奇地实现。

10、Her piano playing is absolute magic. ─── 她的钢琴弹得真是出神入化.

11、As if by magic, her face turned black. ─── 她的脸令人惊奇地变黑了。

12、Every little thing she does is magic. ─── 她做的每件事都是魔法。

13、Allows casting of a magic spell from this scroll. ─── 允许施放卷轴中的魔法。

14、The procedure has lost its magic for him. ─── 对他来说,这个程序已经失去了吸引力。

15、Students standing up to see the magic rover. ─── 学生们站起来看地上的小车。

16、It was an exciting time to be a trader as money magically meandered overhead like some sort of magic carpet ride. ─── 对于交易员而言,这是段激动人心的时光,财富就像会飞的魔毯一样神奇地扶摇直上。

17、So far there is no magic bullet for economic woe. ─── 到目前为止还没有解决经济困难的妙法。

18、A magic shot that hits the target without fail. ─── 一定命中的魔法射击。

19、Enchanting as if with a magic spell;fascinating. ─── 令人心醉的使如同有魔咒般迷住的;迷人的

20、To tell time just touch the two contact points and time seems to magically float inside the crystal. ─── 只需轻触两个接触按钮,它就能显示时间,神奇的是,显示出的时间好似飘浮在水晶里面一般。

21、The fairy waved her magic wand at a big pumpkin. ─── 仙女向着大南瓜挥舞起了魔棒,

22、She's very good at magic; she can conjure a rabbit out of a hat. ─── 她很会变魔术,能从帽子里变出兔子来。

23、Thus what would otherwise have been a solitary moment is magically transformed into a pleasant encounter. ─── 所以呢,这个原本可能孤单的时刻神奇的变成了一次愉快的邂逅。

24、Trust is the magic ingredient in our relationship. ─── 信任是维系我们相互关系的神奇力量。

25、They know how to change masks magically in quick succession. ─── 他们能够在极短的时间内变换脸谱。

26、It was a magician who played magic. ─── 它是一个会施魔法的魔法师。

27、Can Magic Revive a Dead Language? ─── 以魔法拯救语言?

28、What a magic tropical rain forest is. ─── 什么叫神奇美丽的热带雨林。

29、He waved his magic wand and pulled a rabbit out of the hat. ─── 他挥舞魔杖,从帽内拉出一只兔子。

30、Unlike humans, it could wield the magic of Urgash. ─── 与人类不同,他能施展鄂加斯魔法。

31、A passage was cleared through the crowd like magic. ─── 好像有一股神奇的力量在人群中间开出了一条通道。

32、You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost. ─── 你踢起地上的落叶。

33、He took Ma Liang's magic paintbrush. ─── 他拿走了马良的神笔。

34、The dwarf could do magic tricks. ─── 小矮人会变魔术。


36、Della could not help going out and hurrying to the garden. Magically, she did not seem weak as before. ─── 黛拉情不自禁地奔向这座花园,奇迹般地,她似乎没有过去那么虚弱了。

37、You could feel the magic of Shakespeare's poetry. ─── 你可以感觉到莎士比亚诗歌的魅力。

38、The caliph of bagdad fly on his magic carpet to Arabia. ─── 巴格达的国王驾著魔毯飞到了阿拉伯半岛。

39、Yet what was the magic of Christmas now? ─── 可是,现在过圣诞节有什么吸引力呢?

40、The magic spell changed the frogs and rats back into men. ─── 咒语将青蛙和老鼠又变回成了人。

41、They laugh, suddenly and magically intimate. ─── 两个人都笑了,象有魔法似的,两颗心一下子就变得亲近了。

42、The flows of magic are whimsical today. ─── 今天魔法的波动很奇怪。

43、Elf elf magic things, pointy ears and pointy wings. ─── 小精灵,小精灵,有魔法,尖尖的耳朵和翅膀.

44、He suddenly appeared as if by magic. ─── 他突然神奇地出现了。

45、Can you recharge our magic gear? ─── 你能补给我们魔法能量吗?

46、The fairy godmother waved her (magic) wand. ─── 助人仙女挥动她的魔杖。

47、A word, a look from her, seemed magic. ─── 她的每一句话、每一个眼色,都是那样迷人。

48、When I started to cry, he magically turned the air into a big pack of chocolate in his hands or pockets, which made me smile through tears. ─── 当我开始哭的时候,他就神奇地把空气变成他手中或者口袋里的大块巧克力,让我破涕为笑。

49、He took the magic apple out of his pocket. ─── 从口袋中拿出那颗神奇的苹果。

50、During the holiday season the town is magically transformed into a Christmas wonderland. ─── 在节日期间该镇魔法般地变成了圣诞仙境。

51、He played some clever magic tricks. ─── 他表演了一些巧妙的魔术。

52、Being boring. Hoping something will magically happen on its own. ─── 变得无趣.希望等待神奇发生在自己身上的人.

53、She lifted the bottle and drank the magic potion. ─── 她拿起瓶子服下了这帖神奇药水。

54、How did you integrate magic in this faction? ─── 你们怎么把魔术,在这个派系?

55、It was thought that witches had magic power. ─── 女巫被认为拥有魔力。

56、Strictly speaking, I'm not allowed to do magic. ─── 严格的说,我不能使用魔法。

57、Lance burton secrets of animal magic. ─── 关于驯养动物的魔术教学。

58、He is going to perform magic at the party. ─── 他将在晚会上表演魔术。

59、A rabbit came out of the magic box. ─── 一只兔子从魔术箱里跳了出来.

60、Magically, impoverishment became a "special investment vehicle". ─── 就像魔法一样,穷人变成“特别投资工具”。

61、Of course, you magically restore the card before returning it. ─── 当然, 您奇迹般地恢复卡片在退回它之前。

62、One who practices magic;a sorcerer or magician. ─── 巫师从事妖术的人;男巫或魔术师

63、Just in pursuit of the magic fruit. ─── 就是为了找到那颗魔法果子。

64、He can get into danger by experimenting in magic. ─── 他做魔术试验会有危险。

65、Fixed Dispel Magic to correctly work on structures. ─── 修正了驱散魔法对建筑的影响。

66、The fairy godmother waved her(magic)wand. ─── 助人仙女挥动她的魔杖.

67、The fairy godmother has a magic wand. ─── 仙女教母有一根魔杖。

68、He led the Orlando Magic in scoring and verve. ─── 他以他的得分和激情带领魔术队不断前进。

69、This engineer showed his magic power in his work. ─── 在工作中,这位工程师大显神通。

70、A giant machine powered by magic. ─── 以魔法力作为动力的机械巨人。

71、He's a comedian who also does magic. ─── 他是个喜剧演员,也会表演魔术。

72、The chanting of a magic word or verse; incantation. ─── 咒语,咒文;符咒有魔力的话语或文章的吟唱;符咒

73、Most Magic Landscape Pix in this World! ─── 世界最神奇景观照:拍案叫绝,叹为观止!

74、For who knows what magic takes place in his world? ─── 天晓得有什么魔法会发生在他的世界?

75、All the people heard of the magic carpet. ─── 人们都听说过魔毯的事。

76、He is very good at performing magic. ─── 他很会表演魔术。

77、The fairy waved her magic wand at three mice. ─── 仙女向着三只老鼠挥舞起了魔棒,

78、And while she rested there, the magic happened. ─── 她靠在那儿,奇迹发生了。

79、The wizard said some magic words. ─── 巫师念了些咒语。

80、Enchanting as if with a magic spell; fascinating. ─── 令人心醉的使如同有魔咒般迷住的; 迷人的

81、A charm, fetish, spell, or curse holding magic power for adherents of voodoo. ─── 伏都崇拜物一种为伏都教徒保持魔力的符咒、物神、魔法或咒语

82、It doesn't magically happen to the vast majority of people. ─── 对于大部分人来说,我们是不会突然拥有大笔财富的。

83、One is not going to move magically into peace and unity over night. ─── 一个人不可能一夜之间魔术般进入和平与统一。

84、The personify the divine and magic powers worshipped by the people. ─── 它们把人们崇拜的神力和魔力都人格化了。

85、Increases resistance to black magic. ─── 增强魔法抗性。

86、They believe that it was all done by magic. ─── 他们相信那都是魔法造成的。

87、The witch began to make the magic potion. ─── 巫婆开始调配神奇药水。

88、Making magic in the movies in your old Chevrolet. ─── 制造着电影里的魔幻在你的古老的雪佛莱车上。

89、They were inducted into the skills of magic. ─── 他们获得传授魔术。







He couldn't find his magic touch with the ball today.



There's no magic formula for a perfect marriage.



I've got it! We'll call it 'Word Magic'.


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