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10-01 投稿


mutinies 发音

英:[ˈmjuːtəniz]  美:[ˈmjuːtəniz]

英:  美:

mutinies 中文意思翻译




mutinies 短语词组

1、mutinies in the army ─── 军队中的叛乱

mutinies 词性/词形变化,mutinies变形

名词复数: mutinies |动词第三人称单数: mutinies |动词过去式: mutinied |动词现在分词: mutinying |动词过去分词: mutinied |

mutinies 相似词语短语

1、mutineers ─── n.反抗者;叛变者

2、mutinous ─── adj.暴动的;反抗的;难制服的

3、mutines ─── 兵变

4、mutine ─── 反叛,造反

5、mutined ─── 哗变

6、mutineer ─── n.反抗者;叛变者

7、mutining ─── 静音

8、meinies ─── 许多;人群;侍从;家属

9、mutinied ─── n.兵变;叛乱;暴动;vi.反叛;暴动;参加叛乱

mutinies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Election results have been almost always contested, leading to a rash of coups and mutinies. ─── 大选结果总是让人感到不满,这样也总是导致一连窜政变与叛乱的爆发。

2、As a result, a number of mutinies will occur, and these will encourage the Venedoti to make war. ─── 作为一种结果,会发生多次叛变,这会怂恿Venedoti去发动战争。

3、A series of coup attempts and mutinies within the armed forces destabilized the regime. ─── 武装部队内部一系列政变图谋和哗变动摇了该政权。

4、The greater part of these privileges, it may be noted in passing, and there were some even better than the above, had been extorted from the kings by revolts and mutinies. ─── 顺便提一下,大部分这种特权,以及比上述这一条更好的其他特权,都是靠造反和叛乱强行从国王手中夺取来的。

5、He mutinies, kills his more obedient shipmates, and sets out for the far reaches of space with his robot companions Huey and Dewey in tow. ─── 他违抗命令,杀死那些忠实的船员,拖着他的机器人同伴出发向遥远的太空领域。

6、At first, the revolt was considered merely the latest in a series of mutinies that had occurred in southern China. ─── 这次起义最初被认为不过是发生在中国南部的系列兵变中的最新一例。

7、If you want to mutinies an officer, you might be shot. ─── 你要是想造一个军官的反,就可能被枪毙。

8、A Miscellany Of Mutinies And Massacres In India ─── 印度叛乱与惨案杂集

9、The revolt spread to other towns, and it's not yet clear whether those mutinies are continuing. ─── 这次的叛乱以波及到了其他城镇,但目前尚不清楚那里的叛乱是否仍在继续。

10、China, like India, is a land of a million mutinies now. ─── 中国,就像印度,是一个有着上百万反抗者的国家。

11、Several minor mutinies against the British by native soldiers were quickly put down. ─── 几次本地士兵针对英国的兵变很快被平息。

12、Zheng Qiao coming brings a series of the troops.The "eutrals"mutinies to take over the power. ─── “郑桥”的到来,金三角王国派系林立的内部展开了一场你死我活的权利之争和贩毒与禁毒的斗争。

13、Germany's allies, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria, had already ceased fighting and mutinies increased as German soldiers and sailors refused to carry out suicidal missions. ─── 德国的盟国,奥匈,士耳其,保加利亚早就停止抵抗,德军士兵开始起义,船员也拒绝执行自杀式任务。

14、Guinea-Bissau has a long history of army mutinies and coups. ─── 几内亚比绍军队叛乱和军事政变历史悠久。

15、So dire did the desertions and mutinies in his camp become that Macrinus was forced to retire to Antioch. ─── 他们的离去造成了很大的影响,不久兵变就迫使马克林努斯退到安条克城。

16、Election results have been almost always contested, leading to a rash of coups and mutinies. ─── 大选结果总是让人感到不满,这样也总是导致一连窜政变与叛乱的爆发。

17、China and Africa have long-lasting political instability, several mutinies and coups. ─── 中非政局曾长期持续动荡,多次发生兵变和政变。

18、China, like India, is a land of a million mutinies now. ─── 中国,像印度一样,已经成为一个百万兵变的国家。

19、A Quarrel Over Capital's Relocation and the Mutinies in Beijing, Baoding and Tianjin ─── 迁都之争与京保津兵变

20、Now both men are dead and Guinea-Bissau faces another unconstitutional change of power - the latest in a series of army mutinies and coups since independence from Portugal in 1974. ─── 现在两个人都死了,几内亚比绍面临又一次无宪法依据的权利变动--这是1974年脱离葡萄牙独立以来一系列军事政变和谋杀中的最近一次.

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