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turbidly 发音

英:[[tɜ:'bɪdlɪ]]  美:[[tɜ:'bɪdlɪ]]

英:  美:

turbidly 中文意思翻译



turbidly 相似词语短语

1、turbid ─── adj.浑浊的;混乱的;雾重的

2、turbidity ─── n.[分化]浊度;浑浊;混浊度;混乱

3、torpidly ─── adv.迟钝地;麻痹地;动物休眠地

4、turgidly ─── adv.夸张地;肿胀地

5、luridly ─── adv.色彩斑斓地;骇人听闻地;大肆渲染地

6、turbidite ─── n.[地质]浊流岩;浊流沉积物

7、torridly ─── 炽热的

8、morbidly ─── adv.病态地

9、tumidly ─── adv.肿胀地;隆起地;华而不实地

turbidly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the view of functions of spleen and stomach entrails,spleen and stomach are closely correlated to generating turbid bane. ─── 从脾胃脏腑功能分析,脾胃与浊毒的产生密切相关。

2、The fiber orientation does affect the scattering coefficient and the anisotropic factor.Denatured protein in coagulated muscular tissues causes the tissue turn white and turbid. ─── 在凝结后的肌肉组织里,因蛋白质变性后所造成组织的白浊,会导致穿透率降低,并增加光被散射的情形,顺向散射的能力因此变得较弱。

3、The third group(30 eyes) with low-grade turbid lens were measured by IOL Master Merely. ─── 另晶状体核分级为 2级的 19例 (30只眼 )单纯使用IOLMaster测量。

4、The main function of XNS was to open sweat pores, circulate fluid in body, expel turbid urine and remove poisonous substances. ─── 以开通玄府,流通气液,泻浊解毒立法的痴呆方醒脑散对老年性痴呆的治疗具有可靠的效果,值得进一步研究。

5、The pathological characteristics observed as depressed, dipsa and appetite were descended, diarrhea, weak legs, turbid eyes, opisthotomus, swelling head, and arthrophyma. ─── 临床病理特征均表现为精神萎靡,饮食欲下降,腹泻,腿软无力,眼睛浑浊,呼吸困难,脚蹼反张等、头部肿胀,关节肿大。

6、Monte Carlo Simulation for MPE Fluorescence Microscopy in Turbid Media[J]. ─── 引用该论文 鲁强,曾绍群,骆清铭,阮玉.

7、For the turbid atmosphere with strongly absorbing aerosol, the Homogeneous Model and the Two-layer Model are not suitable for atmospheric correction application. ─── 对于包含强吸收气溶胶的混浊大气,均一和两层模式不适合于大气订正应用。

8、If the child appears unexplained crying, vomiting, fever, turbid urine, hematuria, urinary oliguria even without the phenomenon requires an immediate visit to a local hospital. ─── 如果孩子出现不明原因的哭闹、呕吐、发热、尿液浑浊、血尿、少尿甚至无尿的现象,就需要立即到当地医院就诊。

9、A turbid water observation system using the laser synchronization scanning method is urgently needed to solve the problem of underwater vision in the coastal water. ─── 摘要在我国沿海近岸,急需通过激光同步扫描方法建立1套浑水观测系统,解决水下视觉问题。

10、Wanjiadenghuo is a fusion of multiple dream zone is the sentence pretty quiet ripple lines, turbid water layer is dirty deal. ─── 一处万家灯火是多个梦的融合地带,静的波纹是句漂亮台词,浑浊的水层是龌龊交易。

11、The reform example of treating oil contamination in CC turbid recirculating water with walnut shell filter is introduced. ─── 介绍了利用核桃壳过滤器处理连铸浊循环水中油污的改造实例。

12、Backscattering Target Detection in a Turbid Medium by Polarization Discrimination[J]. ─── 引用该论文 仇英辉,刘建国,魏庆农,刘文清.

13、Abstract: Experiment is made to recycle urban waste water through the treatment of GAC, which can considerably absorb organic matter and colority in the waste water, as well as turbid. ─── 文摘:就活性炭固定床吸附处理城市污水回用水进行了试验,所用粒状活性炭对水中有机物、色度具有较好的吸附性能,对水中浊度也有一定的去除效果.

14、 双语使用场景

15、The turbid serum clarified by ether can get correct results,such as ALT,TP,T Bil,D Bil,AST,HBDH,CK MB and Cr. ─── 2脂血经乙醚处理后可排除混浊对 ALT、TP、T- Bil、D- Bil、AST、HBDH、CK- MB、Cr等 8项的干扰 ,使该血清得以测出实际结果 ;

16、White ducks have also become somewhat impatient.Some are sending out irritated quacks from the turbid waters of an urban creek.Some keep swimming leisurely and tirelessly like a slow boat. ─── 一群躁动的白鸭,有一些在污浊的市内的小溪里惊慌地嘎嘎地叫著,有一些却不知疲倦地像只只船儿一样在小溪里悠然地来回游著。

17、Some are sending out irritated quacks from the turbid waters of an urban creek. ─── 在柳树下来回地作绅士的散步,舒息划行的疲劳。

18、The flow rate of turbid hot spring, which was gained by natural souces and can not increase with mechanic power, in Tainan county is effected with dry or rainy season. ─── 但其泉水出水量会受到乾季及雨季之影响,且温泉出口只有二处天然露头,无法以人工钻井方式增加温泉取得量。

19、Some herbs should be wrapped in a piece of thin cloth for decoction to avoid turbid solution. ─── (1)为防止煎药后药液混浊及减少对消化道刺激,要用薄布将药包好,再煎煮。

20、If there turbid urine, difficulty urinating, and other symptoms, the need for timely to the hospital. ─── 如出现尿液混浊、排尿困难等症状时,需要及时到医院就诊。

21、Just like this cup of water ,if you anathematically shake yourself ,the action will make the water unpeace ,and it will become turbid ,how stupid it is . ─── 就像这杯水,如果你厌恶地震荡自己,会使整杯水都不得安宁,浑浊一片,这是多么愚蠢的行为。

22、B, Cross-sectional scan at the lower abdomen of a different patient shows somewhat turbid ascites with relatiely thick and incomplete mobile septations (arrowheads). ─── B,另一病人下腹部横切面扫描显示腹水混浊,分隔相对增厚,有不完全的分隔,可活动(短箭头)。

23、By the "Bamboo Deer" Voices have been recorded by, respectively, Zhuolu, single deer, deer turbid, muddy stream, and many other names shenlu alone. ─── 按“竹鹿”之音,曾经分别记之以涿鹿、独鹿、浊鹿、浊漉、独漉等许多名称。

24、Decoction for purifying turbid blood and promoting blood circulation was put forward as the fundamental prescription to tr... ─── 提出行气化浊、清热化浊、散寒化浊、祛痰化浊、补虚化浊等治疗方法和治疗血浊证的基本方剂化浊行血汤,列举了化浊系列方剂。

25、Calculation and survey reveal that Canglangting river can "turn over" as the result of "temperature inversion" in spring and autumn, thus the water becomes turbid. ─── 同时,计算和实测值都表明,沧浪亭河道在春、秋季节会因“逆温”导致“翻塘”现象,使水体混浊、水质变差。

26、There are a lot of cancer-inducing materials in the turbid liquid. Don't use it. ─── 悬浮液里有大量的致癌物质, 不能使用。

27、optical back-dispersion turbid thickness -meter ─── 光学后向散射浊度计

28、In the case of normal load, similarity law is derivable depending on the law of settling-thickening process of turbid water in tank. ─── 文中讨论了原泥水或配制泥水进行试验、试验为正常负荷或超负荷、采用正态模型或变态模型等各种情况下的模型律以及不能满足相似条件的情况。

29、Two major parts make up to " invigorate blood circulation and eliminate the phlegm " from " invigorating blood circulation silt " and " dispel the respiratory track phlegm turbidly and jammedly ". ─── “活血祛痰”由“活血化瘀”与“消除呼吸道痰浊壅塞”两大部分组成。

30、Flushed by a clear stream, the turbid water was being diluted and squeezed out. ─── 在一股清流的冲击下,杯子里的浑水不断地被稀释、充溢了出来。

31、high turbid water containing sand ─── 含沙高浊水

32、This is the temperature at which a surfactant solution(or a microemulsion)becomes turbid(cloudy)as a result of dehydration of hydrophilic PEO chains. ─── 其浊点高低主要取决于原药性质及所含表面活性剂的种类和用量。

33、To determine the optical parameters of turbid media with an unpolarized backscattering light, an oblique incidence geometry with the compound BP neural network has been designed. ─── 摘要为从无偏振混浊介质背向散射光确定散射光学参数,设计了倾斜入射的模拟光路以及用复合反向传播神经网络求解的方案。

34、The small Gong come over here to embrace me and the flavor of body be turbid and unbearable.She lightly of have muscular spasms.Then weep aloud. ─── 小贡走过来抱着我,身上的味道混浊不堪.她轻轻的抽搐.然后放声大哭.

35、When treating patients with VAPs, it is important to remember that turbid aspiration from the port is not always caused by infection and to carefully evaluate the possibility of chylous aspiration. ─── 当我们治疗植入静脉内植式人工血管的病患,于人工血管中抽出浑浊液体时,并不一定是感染造成的,必须评估乳糜抽取液的可能性。

36、The turbid ebb and flow of misery ─── 忧患的消长

37、The radiance errors by the Homogeneous Model and the Two-layer Model can be up to 31.4% and 31.5% for the clean atmosphere, and in case of turbid atmosphere 67.8% and 59.2%,respectively. ─── 对于干净的大气,由均一和两层模式计算的亮度误差可分别高达31.4%和31.5%,而对于混浊的大气,该误差可分别高达67.8%和59.2%。

38、He found himself content to watch idly the sluggish flow of the turbid stream. ─── 他心安理得地懒洋洋地望着混浊的河水缓缓流着。

39、The lucid Yang ascends to form the heaven while the turbid Yin descends to constitute the earth. ─── 所以如上分析,“清阳为天,浊阴为地”可翻译如下:

40、To discuss differentiation of symptoms and signs and therapeutic methods of the syndrome of turbid blood. ─── 探讨了血浊证的辨证与治疗方法。

41、Alas, no turbid wine to wash my guts and no noise to deafen my ears. How jubilant I am. ─── 呜呼,无浊酒之灌肠,无喧嚣之乱耳,此乃吾之所愿也。

42、Although the tannase treatment does give a certain amount of solubilisation of the tea cream constituents, the extract is still turbid at 5 c. ─── 尽管丹宁酶的处理确能溶解一部分茶膏成分,但在5°C时,这种处理过的茶浸提物仍会浑浊。

43、It is theoretically analyzed that why the water solution formed by the liquor from chloroacetic acid produced by sulphur catalyst method is turbid,and the solutions are found out. ─── 从理论上分析了硫磺法生产的氯乙酸溶于水后的溶液混浊的原因,并找出了解决办法。

44、We can measure the calcium content of the colored or turbid drink using the method of taking calcium electrode as indicator electrode, and calomel electrode as reference electrode. ─── 提出了以钙电极为指示电极,甘汞电极为参比电极的方法测有色或浑浊饮料中钙含量。

45、There are a lot of cancer-inducing materials in the turbid liquid. Don't use it. ─── 悬浮液里有大量的致癌物质,不能使用。

46、For example, vision is obviously more useful to species inhabiting clear open waters than to those living in turbid rivers and flooded plains. ─── 举例说明,视觉更明显有用对于那些生活在清澈的水里的种群和那些生活早脏河和洪水泛滥的平原上的种群来讲。

47、In this study, the utility of MOIDS data and hyperspectral data for analyzing turbid water was examined in Poyang Lake. ─── 以鄱阳湖为研究区域,利用光谱数据进行分析,为利用遥感影像建模提供依据。

48、With grim determination he clung to the boulder with his right hand as he noticed the turbid white wake that gurgled from around his shoulders and the soles of his feet. ─── 他死死抓紧了右手攀住的那个石棱,感到急流正在他的两个肩头和两只脚掌那儿哗哗地激起浊白的浪花。

49、Conscious of when his mind is stirred up & turbid, he should dispel it: 'It's on the Dark One's side. ─── 他应该觉察内心的冲动。把它们视作摩罗的同夥,加以驱逐。

50、Think come just store hall in marriage in, have of became turbid water to have of became perfume, have of became water, have of became the good wine of the brew, for many years but full lately and more and more mellow. ─── 想来不过是在婚姻的店堂里,有的成了浑水有的成了香水,有的成了白开水,有的成了酿的好酒,历久而弥新,越来越醇。

51、To determine the optical parameters of turbid media with an unpolarized backscattering light,an oblique incidence geometry with the compound BP neural network has been designed. ─── 为从无偏振混浊介质背向散射光确定散射光学参数,设计了倾斜入射的模拟光路以及用复合反向传播神经网络求解的方案。

52、separating clear and excreting turbid ─── 分清泌浊

53、In case of unexplained crying, vomiting, fever, turbid urine, hematuria, or oliguria urinary symptoms, you must go to the hospital for further examination and treatment. ─── 如出现不明原因的哭闹、呕吐、发热、尿液浑浊、血尿、少尿或无尿等症状,则一定要到医院进行进一步检查和治疗。

54、Keywords cooling tower GRP turbid water resin; ─── 冷却塔;玻璃钢;浊水;树脂;

55、The declaration house price drops sharply the final victim is common people, intends to stirs the growth not perfect market turbid water, distorts the facts the relations. ─── 宣称房价大跌最终受害者是百姓,意在搅发育不健全的市场混水,颠倒黑白关系。

56、Single scattering model and Stokes-Mueller formalism are introduced to investigate the influence of glucose on backscattered polarization patterns in turbid media. ─── 利用单次散射模型和斯托克斯-米勒矩阵表述从理论上探讨了手性介质葡萄糖对散射介质中后向散射偏振光传输特性的影响。

57、Her eyes were all white and turbid, and she didn't wear sun glasses to hide her blind eyes. ─── 她的眼睛全白而且浑沌,而她没有戴上太阳眼镜去遮掩双眼。

58、The purification of turbid circulating water on the running of high-speed wire rod with three kinds of purificant was studied in this artical. ─── 对于高速线材轧钢生产线的浊循环水的净化来说,几种水处理剂的净化效果各异。

59、County than the lack of water, the main tributary rivers turbid Zhanghe Amoy and Yin Qinghe River around the southern mountain city, a Pingchuan along the North West sector Zhangze Reservoir inflow. ─── 县内水源较缺,主要河流浊漳河的支流淘清河和荫城河遍布南部山地,出平川后沿西界北流入漳泽水库。

60、Those were slow, silent, often turbid; flowing over beds of mud into which the incautious wader might sink and vanish unawares. ─── 布莱克莫尔的河流流得缓慢、沉静、常常是浑浊的;它们从积满泥淖的河床上流过去,不明情形而涉水过河的人,稍不注意就会陷进泥淖里。

61、The abuses existing in the original turbid return water disposal system, the necessity and the reformation by adapting [M+F] method were introduced. ─── 分析了柳钢中板厂原有浊环水处理系统中存在的弊端和进行改造的必要性以及应用[M+F]净化处理方法进行的改造。

62、So the author suggests three kinds of treatments for clinician to choose, such as the balneotherapy、the eliminating turbid by pungation and colo... ─── 提出了洗浴疗法、通腑泄浊、结肠灌注三种治疗用药方法,可供临床选择运用。

63、To make turbid or muddy. ─── 使浑浊或泥泞

64、He asked(invited) his two good friends to the toilet, where he put that glass of turbid water under the tap and twisted it open. ─── 他把两位好朋友带到卫生间,把那杯浑水放在水龙头下面,拧开水源。

65、Cirrus observation in turbid sky ─── 天空混浊时卷层云的观测

66、Dubbed "the black heart", the Angke River was dark, turbid and heavily clogged with rubbish before it was transformed. ─── 印尼红溪河一度被称为黑色心脏,因为它曾经遭到严重的污染。

67、It is concluded that the absorption in turbid medium is an intrinsic gating mechanism to refuse the scattered light. ─── 因此,混浊介质样品对光的吸收作用是样品本身所固有的分辨散射光的门机制。

69、In order to solve the sedimentation in the round sump, the turbid water experiment was made. ─── 为了解决圆形集水池中存在的泥沙淤积问题,进行了浑水试验。

70、Later, he walks not carefully into turbid in, no longer new shoe of take care for, no matter road surface is dirty with not dirty, walk will go down, result shoe completely flyblown. ─── 后来,他不小心踩进泥水里,便不再顾惜新鞋,不管路面脏与不脏,都踩将下去,结果把鞋子完全弄脏。王廷相以事喻理,委婉地告诫新任下属,凡事要慎初。

71、Bethel rested upon the foot-hills of the Blue Ridge.Above it the mountains were piled to the sky.Far below it the turbid Catawba gleamed yellow along its disconsolate valley. ─── Bethel座落于蓝山的山脚, 它之上是山与蓝天一色,它之下,流淌着浑浊的微微泛黄的catawba,包围着孤独的小镇。

72、Preventing Turbid Measures Analysis of Waste Dump ─── 排土场泥石流治理措施分析

73、This paper uses the three-dimensional numerical simulation to compute the field of clear water of turbid water hydraulic power separation equipment. ─── 对浑水分离清水装置内部清水流场的分布规律进行了三维数值模拟。

74、Objective To discuss how to lower the influence of turbid urine on urinalysis instrument. ─── 探讨如何降低浑浊尿对尿液分析仪在测定蛋白的影响。

75、The introductions of the Kinds of Turbid beer,the reasons for turbid beer,ways of testing beer,the measures of solvong turbid beer. ─── 介绍了啤酒混浊的类型和及啤酒混浊的检查方法分析了解决啤酒混浊的措施。

76、Title: Study on Stability of Turbid Beverage of Silphium Perfoliatum L. ─── 关键词:串叶松香草;稳定性;混浊饮料;澄清剂;增稠剂

77、resolve phlegm and downbearing the turbid ─── 化痰降浊

78、The light, clear part of it floated up and formed the heavens, the cold, turbid matter stayed below to form earth. ─── 一声巨响,“大鸡蛋”劈开了,那些明亮、清丽的东西慢慢上升,变成了蓝色的天空;

79、Rapid flows, turbid water with sand and mud are early signs of torrents. Leave the water course without delay. ─── 发现流水湍急,混浊及夹杂沙泥时,是山洪暴发之先兆,应迅速远离河道。

80、The basic pathogenesis of Traditional Chinese Medicine to LVH is Turbid Phlegm, Blood stasis and Yang hyperactivity. ─── LVH的中医基本病机是痰浊、血瘀、阳亢。

81、This paper introduces the principle of ultrasonic antiscale devices, and makes an experiment on ultrasonic antiscale devices at cooling circulatory of turbid water. ─── 介绍了超声波防垢仪的工作原理,进行了超声波防垢仪在浊水冷却循环系统中的实验。

82、The one which has made the living match burn again is oxygen. Carbon dioxide cannot make the match burn, but it can make the limewater turbid. ─── 使火柴余烬复燃的氧气,这是利用了氧气支持燃烧的特性。二氧化碳不支持燃烧并可使澄清的石灰水变浑浊。



turbo 英['tɜ:bəʊ] 美['tɜ:boʊ]

n. 涡轮(发动机),增压涡轮; 同“turbosuper charger”;

[例句]Applied research of convolutional code and turbo code in VLF communication system


[其他] 复数:turbos



英[rj'djkjYlYslj] 美[rj萪jkjYlYslj]

adv. 可笑地,荒谬地;


{$i} Dena bought rolls of silk that seemed ridiculously cheap


{$i} She looked ridiculously young to be a mother.


{$i} It is ridiculously absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.


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