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10-02 投稿


maligns 发音


英:  美:

maligns 中文意思翻译



maligns 反义词


maligns 词性/词形变化,maligns变形

动词第三人称单数: maligns |名词: maligner |动词过去式: maligned |动词现在分词: maligning |副词: malignly |动词过去分词: maligned |

maligns 同义词

asperse | malevolent | impute | baleful | malefic | speak evil of | benign | negative | evil | of | speak | criticize | disparage | derogatory | hurtful | destructive | slur | accursed | drag through the mud | harmful | damaging |defame | smear | cloud | libel | denigrate | traduce | slander | injurious | badmouth

maligns 相似词语短语

1、maligned ─── v.(公开地)诽谤;adj.有害的;邪恶的;(疾病)恶性的

2、misaligns ─── v.不重合,偏位

3、maligner ─── n.诽谤者;中伤者

4、malign ─── v.(公开地)诽谤;adj.有害的;邪恶的;(疾病)恶性的

5、aligns ─── 使结盟;排列(aligh的第三人称单数形式)

6、malisons ─── n.诅咒;残酷的人

7、malignly ─── 有害地;敌意地

8、maliks ─── n.巴基斯坦酋长;n.(Malik)人名;(孟、阿拉伯、哈萨、乌兹、塔吉、吉尔、土库、塞、印、印尼、巴基、英、德、捷、俄)马利克

9、realigns ─── vi.重新排列;再结盟;改组;重组

maligns 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Malign anaemia uses proper vitamin B12After cure, the prognosis of haemal respect is very good, can return to normal completely. ─── 恶性贫血用适当的维生素b12治疗后,血液方面的预后很好,能完全恢复正常。

2、Ultrasonic Manifestation of Malign Lymphoma in Abdominal Organs ln vaded ─── 恶性淋巴瘤腹部结外器官受侵的超声表现

3、Action And Ethics In Aristotle And Hegel: Escaping The Malign Influence Of Kant ─── 亚里斯多德与黑格尔的行为与道德:避免康德的不良影响

4、You malign a generous person when you call him a stingy person. ─── 当你说一个慷慨的人吝啬时,你是在诋毁他。

5、For malign and ab extra inbreak fireweed. ─── 为恶性外来入侵杂草。

6、Malign pleural cavity hydrocele is one pleural tran sudatory disease caused by tubercle, knub and inflammation impinged the pleural. ─── 1一般资料:本组病例其中男性22例,女10例,最大年龄78岁,最小13岁,平均年龄51.7岁,40岁以下7例,占21.8%,吸烟指数大于400支/年16例,不吸烟者12例。

7、(9) is malign and integrated proof: Expression is remarkable Pajinsen to be asked for integratedly, plant nerve function is disorder, high fever and recognizant obstacle. ─── (9)恶性综合征:表现为显著的帕金森氏综合征,植物神经功能紊乱,高热和意识障碍。

8、malign sb. viciously ─── 恶语中伤

9、Can be malign and lymphatic tumour treated? ─── 恶性淋巴瘤能治吗?

10、But sounds have more malign uses too. ─── 但声音也有恶毒的用途。

11、Perhaps you can think, although I am felt,went to or a few agglomerate, I also do not know it is benign still is malign, how be judged? ─── 也许您会想,即使我触摸到了一个或几个结块,我也不知道它是良性的还是恶性的,怎样判断呢?

12、She likes to malign innocent persons. ─── 她爱诋毁那些清白的人。

13、But if it be stopped, and cannot have his way, it becometh adust, and thereby malign and venomous. ─── 但若有一天没有了,人就会迷失方向,还变得焦虑、空虚而颓废。

14、Is malign and lymphatic tumour how to return a responsibility? ─── 恶性淋巴瘤是怎么回事?

15、But there are not many innovations in finance that do not have malign as well as benign effects. ─── 但很多金融创新的影响既不好也不坏。

16、Chinese economics introduces " times spirit " have its absurd with negative one side, caused malign consequence, need undertakes alexipharmic well. ─── 中国经济学引进的“时代精神”有其荒唐和负面的一面,并导致了恶性后果,需要很好地进行消毒。

17、Does the person have the branch with malign fine in the lipoma of body body length? ─── 人在身体长的脂肪瘤有没有良恶性之分?

18、Malign glioma ─── 恶性胶质瘤

19、But this crisis was supposedly caused by decades of malign economic and financial forces. ─── 但是这场危机难道不是恶性经济金融力量经由数十年积累形成的吗?

20、malign blood system disease ─── 恶性血液病

21、Complaints about the malign effects of congestion, especially from business, are at a new pitch. ─── 对交通拥堵的抱怨已经达到一个新的高度,商界尤其如此。

22、malign syndrome ─── 恶性综合征

23、If they had been as malign as he in their vengefulness, they might better have hoped that he would live on yet a little while. ─── 如果这些人也像希特勒那么毒辣,他们倒希望他继续活着,哪怕再多活一会儿。

24、The malign consequences are evident in many areas of public policy. ─── 公共政策在许多领域的负面影响是明显的。

25、She gave him a malign look. ─── 她恶狠狠地瞪了他一眼。

26、Your behaviours exercised a malign influence on the children. ─── 你的行为对孩子们产生了不良的影响。

27、How does as ill as malign hypertension photograph differentiate chronic nephritis? ─── 慢性肾炎怎样与恶性高血压病相鉴别?

28、Malign melanin tumour! Emergency treatment! ─── 恶性黑色素瘤!急救!

30、New York makes even a rich man feel his unimportance.New York is cold, glittering, malign. ─── 在纽约即使一个有钱人也会觉得自己无足轻重,纽约是冷酷、灿烂、邪恶的。

31、When because have,reporting malign plasmodium reinfection, after taking quinine especially, can produce a large number of hemolysis suddenly, its mechanism still is not clear about. ─── 因为有报道恶性疟原虫再感染时,特别是服用奎宁后,会突然发生大量溶血,其机制尚不清楚。

32、You malign a generous person when you call him stingy ─── 他把这样一个慷慨的人称作吝啬鬼你是在诬蔑他。

33、Can malign lipoma turn cancer? ─── 恶性脂肪瘤会转癌吗?

34、A malign tumour was found in his stomach. ─── 在他的胃部发现了一个恶性肿瘤。 

35、When malign plasmodium parasitism, film of red blood cell has the drawback with irregular height. ─── 恶性疟原虫寄生时,红细胞膜有高度不规则的缺陷。

36、If they have called the head of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign the members of his household! ─── 人既骂家主是别西卜,何况他的家人呢。

37、Today, though, deflation is more likely to resemble the malign 1930s sort than that earlier benign variety, because demand is weak and households and firms are burdened by debt. ─── 可是,今天的通缩,更像是1930年代的那种恶性通缩,而不像是更早些时候那种良性的通缩,因为,需求疲软,家庭和厂商均为负债所累。

38、malign price war ─── 恶性资费战

39、If have,glance out of order, or eyeball produces outstanding, bump, should let ophthalmologist examination as soon as possible, in case it is malign pathological changes, should check as early as possible with cure. ─── 假如有不正常的反光,或者是眼球发生突出、肿块,应该尽快让眼科医师检查,万一是恶性的病变,要尽早检查与治疗。

40、That has made it harder to sort malign from benign business practices. ─── 因此,恶性与良性的商业行为变得难以区分。

41、If self-check gives pathological change, affirming via the doctor is malign pathological changes really when, not alarmed also, should face reality, active cure. ─── 如果自我检查出病变,并经医生确认确实是恶性病变时,也不要惊慌,应面对现实,积极治疗。

42、When he smiles, he looks like a character from a manga comic or computer game, grinning with implacable and malign certainty. ─── 他微笑起来象一个漫画书或者电脑游戏里的形像,笑容自信得难以取悦还带一丝邪气。

43、prompted by malign motives; believed in witches and malign spirits; gave him a malign look; a malign lesion ─── 为恶毒的念头所驱动;相信巫婆和邪恶的灵魂;充满恶意的看了他一眼;恶毒的伤害

44、How to judge lipoma benign malign still? ─── 如何判断脂肪瘤良性还是恶性?

45、1, participate in, the development of stimulative red blood cell, dissension and maturity, maintain normal hematopoiesis function, can prevent and control the happening of malign anaemia. ─── 1、参与、促进红细胞的发育、分裂和成熟,维护正常造血机能,可预防和控制恶性贫血的发生。

46、 双语使用场景

47、Intrusion detection system finds unauthorized or malign network accessing behavior by means of monitoring the states and activities of the system,raises intrusion alert in time and provides effective method for intrusion countermine. ─── 入侵检测系统通过监视运行系统的状态与活动,检测计算机网络中违反安全策略的行为,及时产生入侵告警,为分析入侵行为提供有效的支持。

48、A malign tumor was found in his stomach. ─── 在他的胃部发现了一个恶性肿瘤。

49、The paper studies the malign price competition in Chinese telecom market according to the actual problems of the price regulation of Chinese telecommunication. ─── 摘要从我国电信资费规制的实际问题出发,对我国电信市场中存在的恶性资费竞争问题进行研究。

50、It’s all such rot.Governments commit military forces for reasons of state, however malign those reasons may e.But an angry young man or woman is just that: suicidally, homicidally angry. ─── 已经死亡的人又再度回到日夜思念著自己的人的面前,而且样子跟死亡的时候一模一样,完全没有变老,看到心爱的家人,情人突然出现在面前。

51、(9) is malign and integrated proof: Treating a principle is: Inchoate discovery, stop drug in time, support treatment, to disease processing. ─── (9)恶性综合征:治疗原则是:早期发现,及时停药,支持疗法,对症处理。

52、In an institutional environment that demanded lying, more malign lies could flourish ─── 在一种历来要求撒谎的环境里,更无耻的谎话也能风靡一时。

53、His great-niece, born in 1967, wanted to change her name for many years, but researching her family's hidden past for this book helped her to come to terms with her malign inheritance. ─── 凯特琳出生于1967年,她在多年时间里一直希望改变自己的姓名,不过她在写这本书时研究了自己家族不为人知的过去,她的研究工作帮助她对自己的邪恶家史感到好受了一些。

54、The cure of disease of malign organization cell? ─── 恶性组织细胞病的治疗?

55、Urban residents tended to die of malign tumors while rural dwellers in the Beijing area were felled by cerebrovascular disease. ─── 城市居民死于恶性肿瘤者居多,而郊区居民则多死于脑血管疾病.

56、It is now unfashionable, even illegal, to malign, demean, and otherwise make fun of people because of their race, religion, ethnic origin, age, physical disabilities if any, and even their appearance. ─── 中伤、贬低、取笑他人的种族、信仰、年龄、肢体缺陷,甚至相貌已经不是什么流行趋势了,严重者会触犯到法律。

57、Contrastive Study on the Sino-American Press Malign Defense Right ─── 中美两国新闻诽谤抗辩权比较研究

58、All of these developments are open to both benign and malign interpretations. ─── 所有这些进展都有正反两方面的解读。

59、prompted by malign motives; believed in witches and malign spirits; gave him a malign look; a malign lesion. ─── 为恶毒的念头所驱动;相信巫婆和邪恶的灵魂;充满恶意的看了他一眼;恶毒的伤害。

60、A series of detect confirm this cambium is belonged to malign, made complete larynx resection finally. ─── 一系列的检测证实此新生组织属恶性,最终作了全喉切除术。

61、Put cure, change cure unsure to effect of caruncle of malign and foliaceous bursa. ─── 放疗、化疗对于恶性叶状囊肉瘤效果不肯定。

62、Already, the international attitude towards Mr Kim is turning from half-hearted engagement to what is already being called "malign neglect". ─── 国际社会对于金先生的态度,已经从心不在焉的接触转向人们所称的“袖手旁观”。

63、A few years does the terminal prognosis of tumour have malign melanin probably? ─── 恶性黑色素瘤的晚期预后大概有几年?

64、Accordingly, those who avoid country is innovation, only coessential the competition ability that the malign competition ability that influence maintains market of domestic building materials. ─── 因此,只有创新、避免国内的同质化的恶性竞争才能保持国内建材市场的竞争力。

65、Well, I study medicine too.Why do you malign people for no reason?" ─── 我也是学医的,你凭空为什么损人?”

66、A research progress on apoptosis mechanisms of malign tumor cellsinduced by curcumin ─── 姜黄素诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡机制的研究进展

67、Case control study on risk factors of malign blood system disease ─── 恶性血液病危险因素病例对照研究

68、malign tumor of large intestine ─── 大肠恶性肿瘤

69、malign pleural infusion ─── 恶性胸腔积液

70、Malign and lymphatic - disease of meshy cell hyperplasia, abbreviation is malign and lymphatic tumour, visible at any ages. ─── 恶性淋巴-网状细胞增生症,简称恶性淋巴瘤,可见于任何年龄。

71、look or gaze with a sly, immodest, or malign expression. ─── 使用狡猾的下流的恶毒的眼神看。

72、the primitive natural democracy had changed into a malign aristocracy. ─── 原始的自然形成的民主制变成了可憎的贵族制。

73、"the story of a malign dynamic between white prejudice and black autonomy" (Edmund S. Morgan) ─── “有关白人的偏见和黑人的自治要求之间那种有害的对抗机制的故事”(埃德蒙S.摩根)

74、If the patient is not amalgamative,have malign pathological change, use large dose hormone to be able to be controlled. ─── 如果患者未合并有恶性病变,则使用大剂量激素可以控制。

75、Intrusion detection system finds unauthorized or malign network accessing behavior by means of monitoring the states and activities of running system, raises intrusion alert in time and provides effective method for Intrusion countermine. ─── 入侵检测系统通过监视运行系统的状态与活动,检测出非授权的和恶意的网络访问行为,及时产生入侵告警,为入侵对抗提供有效的支持。

76、Common oral cavity jaw is facial and malign tumor has: Malign and cancer of oral cavity scale, fibrosarcoma, lymphatic tumour, malign melanin tumour, mixture tumour is evil change etc. ─── 常见的口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤有:口腔鳞癌、纤维肉瘤、恶性淋巴瘤、恶性黑色素瘤、混合瘤恶变等。

77、He can boost a person in the front, but malign him in the back. ─── 他会当面吹捧一个人,背后又说他坏话。

78、People calls leukaemia " hematic cancer " have stated reason, leukaemia is the leucocyte in blood malign hyperplasia, treat hard like general cancer. ─── 人们把白血病称为“血癌”是有一定道理的,白血病就是血液中的白细胞恶性增殖,像一般癌症一样难以治疗。

79、a malign tumor ─── 恶性肿瘤

80、"How did we malign you? ─── “我们怎样糟踏你?

81、9.It was plain to him that this dwarfish spy, who took a malign delight in his employment, would lose not time in bearing it to his master, the baron. ─── 他心里很明白,那个狂热的、尽职的矮探子,一定会马上把这东西献给他的主人--男爵。

82、We know quite a lot now about contractors’ excesses, but it is their economic effect that Stiglitz and Bilmes are interested in, and this seems often to have been malign. ─── 承包商过剩的问题我们已经有了一定的认识,但斯蒂格利茨和比尔梅斯关心的是它们的经济影响,看起来这影响多数时候都是负面的。

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