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10-02 投稿


tantalize 发音

英:[ˈtæntəlaɪz]  美:[ˈtæntəlaɪz]

英:  美:

tantalize 中文意思翻译




tantalize 网络释义

vt. 逗弄;使干着急vi. 逗弄人;令人干着急

tantalize 词性/词形变化,tantalize变形


tantalize 相似词语短语

1、tantalized ─── vt.逗弄;使干着急;vi.逗弄人;令人干着急

2、tantalises ─── v.逗弄,招惹,使……干着急

3、tantalised ─── v.逗弄;使……干着急(tantalise的过去式和过去分词,等于tantalized)

4、tantaliser ─── 挑逗者

5、tantalizes ─── vt.逗弄;使干着急;vi.逗弄人;令人干着急

6、tantalizer ─── 钽

7、tantalise ─── v.逗弄,招惹,使……干着急

8、tantalite ─── n.[矿物]钽铁矿

9、annalize ─── 编年史

tantalize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Science fiction writers and computer scientists tantalize us with visions of artificial intelligence: computers that think for themselves. ─── 科幻小说家和计算机科学家总是用人工智能来迷惑我们,计算机可以自我思考。

2、1.I want to know what you do these days! Don't tantalize me again veduchina! ─── 我就想知道你最近在干什么?别跟我卖关子文国!

3、Tease; provoke; set one's cap at sb.; Tantalize ─── 挑动逗引;招惹

4、Give the dog the bone do not tantalize him. ─── 把那块骨头给那条狗吧--别让它干着急了.

5、Give the dog the bone don't tantalize him. ─── 把那块骨头给那条狗吧--别让它乾著急了。

6、But her eyes they tantalize ─── 但她的眼神让人干着急

7、Behold THE GREATEST SHOW OF ALL, ITS#EIGHT is here to tantalize your senses! ─── 第八届ITS设计比赛又开始报名了,相关介绍如下,中文就不翻译了。

8、She wants to tantalize us. ─── 大牛:她还想吊我们胃口呢。

9、A variety of tasteful restaurants are also found nearby that serves an assortment of culinary delights to tantalize your taste buds throughout your stay. ─── 商务旅客可以使用酒店设施先进的商务中心和可容纳50人的会议室。酒店为关注健康的客人提供一间健身房和游泳池。

10、Early glimpses of a big world to explore tantalize you, but your progress is restricted by annoying clouds of deadly radiation. ─── 根据最初的印象,你会认为能探索这巨大的世界,真正跑的时候却发现到处都被狗日的辐射尘挡着。

11、Give the dog the bone don't tantalize him ─── 把那块骨头给那条狗吧--别让它乾着急了

12、Tantal tool alloy ─── 钽镍铬合金工具钢

13、A rich chocolate cake with cherry filling.Pure indulgence to tantalize any taste buds! ─── 巧克力的曼妙和樱桃酒的醇香带你愉悦领略经典的诱人滋味。

14、Science fiction writers and computer scientists tantalize us with visions of artificial intelligence: computers that think for themselves. ─── 科幻小说家和计算机科学家总是用人工智能来迷惑我们,计算机可以自我思考。

15、tantalize his younger brother with candy. ─── Tom喜欢拿糖果逗弄他弟弟。

16、Tantal condenser ─── 钽质电容器

17、It was also beginning, just a little, to tantalize her with desires that simply could not be satisfied on this voyage. ─── 同时也开始有一点挑弄起她这次航程无法满足的欲望。

18、With the finest cuisines served in the most opulent settings, The Noble Club boasts aninternational array of cuisine to tantalize, tempt and satisfy you. ─── 豪门宴阁所呈现的佳肴风格精制独特,而且各式各样的菜系一定能让您垂涎欲滴、满足您的食欲。

19、1.to provoke; to stir up 2.to tease; to tantalize ─── 撩

20、Elegant and enigmatic, cats tantalize not only those of us who share our sofas with the smaller versions but scientists who have tried to puzzle out the origin and evolution of their larger cousins. ─── 猫科动物既优雅又如谜般难解,被牠们逗弄得心痒难搔的,不只是与猫咪共享沙发的我们,还有那些试图解开牠们大型表亲起源与演化之谜的科学家。

21、Our talented team of Chefs headed by Executive Chef Karl Beter from Austria has prepared delights to tantalize your taste buds. ─── 来自澳大利亚行政总厨卡尔彼德运用独特烹饪料理手法,在这黄金时节定能满足您挑剔的味蕾。

22、It's not her purpose to tantalize that guy, he is too bananas, not her type. ─── 她并非要招惹那男人,他太疯不是她要的型。

23、Give the dog the bone don't tantalize him. ─── 把那块骨头给那条狗吧——别让它干着急了。

24、For instance, it was recorded that the King Zhou Mu Wang of the Zhou Dynastry (11th century - 771 B.C.) was presented an automatic figure during his travel to the west that could sing and dance and tantalize the King's maids. ─── 在《列子·汤问》中便有周穆王西游时得到一个能歌善舞并会用眼睛挑逗穆王左右侍女的机器人;

25、These inspiring structures can tantalize and evoke emotions not normally associated with mega structures ─── 与其它大型建筑不同的是,这些令人震撼的设施常让人热血沸腾。

26、meaning of the verb tantalize is a very particular one, "to promise or show something desirable to a person and then take it away; to tease by arousing hope." ─── 动词 tantalize 的意思非常特殊:“承诺或展示某人想要的东西,然后把它拿走;通过唤起希望来挑逗。”

27、These people are trying to tantalize China into a mishap that they started in the cold-war period and alienate her from vast majority of the developing countries. ─── 他们想拉中国“下水”,承担冷战时期他们所犯下的错误,同时又希望借此分化中国与广大发展中国家之间的关系。

28、1、Don’t tantalize the macapues at will .They are dangerous! ─── 1、峨眉山藏猕猴成群结队,非常随意挑逗。

29、I want to know what you do these days! Don't tantalize me again veduchina! ─── 我就想知道你最近在干什么?别跟我卖关子文国!

30、He tried to tantalize me by revealing that the Soviet Union was prepared to discuss a package deal . ─── 他想要逗弄我,于是就露出口风说,苏联愿意讨论一揽子交易。

31、Itwas also beginning, just a little, to tantalize herwithdesiresthat simply could not be satisfied on this voyage. ─── 同时也开始有一点挑弄起她这次航程无法满足的欲望。

32、the Balinese styled architecture will give you the feeling of escapism as each treatment will tantalize your senses, allowing you to submerge yourself in a truly unique experience. ─── 全温州首家提供传统印度尼西亚巴厘岛品味的沁养生会馆将让您得到超感官体验,是社会各界人士放松身心的最佳场所。

33、Something to inspire and tantalize your senses... ─── |它可以激发挑逗你的感官...

34、Shimmering and brilliant, the gold captivates the eye, but the light and pure quality of the wine will tantalize the palate. ─── 其晶莹剔透,流光溢彩的视觉效果和清爽纯正的品质都令人迫不急待地想要一亲芳泽。

35、2. Give the dog the bone don't tantalize him. ─── 把那块骨头给那条狗吧--别让它乾著急了.

36、He tried to tantalize me by revealing that the Soviet Union was prepared to discuss a package deal ─── 他想要逗弄我,于是就露出口风说,苏联愿意讨论一揽子交易。

37、The past year has seen an abundance of good news for beer drinkers, as large companies and craft brewers alike have brought out new flavors and formulations that promise to tantalize the taste buds. ─── 在过去一年里有丰富的好消息,喝啤酒,因为大公司和酿酒工艺都带来了新的口味和提法承诺吊胃口的味蕾。

38、Indoor and outdoor pools, a fabulous sports and leisure centre, beauty salon, sauna and massage services to tantalize, refresh and relax guests. ─── 酒店的休闲设施有室内和室外泳池,体育及康乐中心,美容美发,桑拿及按摩。

39、Maybe we will post a picture of it next month to further tantalize her. ─── 教授还有一个坏主意,就是下个月将其照片贴出来,让小姨子干着急。

40、Octopus Ice Cream: Want to tantalize the taste buds with a tentacle?If so, Octopus Ice Cream is the go. ─── 章鱼口味冰激凌:想要尝试触手的感觉么?

41、They promise and they taunt.They fulfill and they tantalize. ─── 但是,这又遗留了一个苦恼的猜疑,这些现代之神是变幻无常的、背信弃义的。

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