meteorologist 发音
英:[ˌmiːtiəˈrɑːlədʒɪst] 美:[ˌmiːtiəˈrɒlədʒɪst]
英: 美:
meteorologist 中文意思翻译
meteorologist 短语词组
1、meteorologist argue that ─── 气象学家认为
meteorologist 词性/词形变化,meteorologist变形
meteorologist 相似词语短语
1、meteorology ─── n.气象状态,气象学
2、meteorologists ─── n.气象学家(meteorologist的复数)
3、meteorological ─── adj.气象的;气象学的
4、metrologist ─── n.[计量]度量衡学者;[计量]计量学家
5、methodologist ─── n.方法论者;方法学家
6、meteorologic ─── adj.气象的;气象学的
7、petrologist ─── n.岩石学家
8、biometeorologist ─── 生物气象学家
9、enterologist ─── n.肠病学;胃肠病学家
meteorologist 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Meteorologist believes this pressure jumping is the mechanism responsible for storm and tornado ─── 气象学家认为这一气压的突然升高是暴风雨和飓风形成的物理机制
2、But, they' ll end up much better off waiting on warmer, drier conditions than trying to force the crop in, according to an Iowa State University ag meteorologist. ─── 但是他们最好耐心的等待更加温暖干燥的天气而不是试图强行播种。
3、"There is nothing in nature that should cause these data to be different," said Piers M de F. Forster, a meteorologist based at the University of Reading, England, who co-authored the study with NOAA's Susan Solomon. ─── 英国国立瑞丁大学的气象学家皮尔斯·福雷斯特和国家海洋及大气管理局的苏姗·所罗门合作主持了这项研究。
4、179. You can choose to specialize as a civilian meteorologist, serve in the military, or even in the space program. ─── 你可以选择专门作民用气象学家、在军队服务或者甚至参加航天项目。
5、For a long time, Xiao Li has wanted to be a meteorologist, and now he has got his wishes. ─── 小李很早就想当气象员,现在终于如愿以偿了。
6、Meteorologist is a freeware and work-in-progress by The Meteorologist Team (as well as the Open Source community) at Source Forge Note: You must have internet access to use Meteorologist. ─── 气象工作是一项免费会同气象进步的团队(以及开放源码社区)源头打造备注:你们要上网使用气象.
7、"Well, let me tell you," the meteorologist said. ─── “那好,我告诉你。”
8、Natural gas broker Jay Levine said he takes any weather prediction with a grain of salt, whether it comes from a meteorologist or a woolly worm. ─── 天然气交易员勒凡说,他对任何天气预测都抱持保留态度,不论是来自气象学家或毛毛虫的预测。
9、Nonetheless, observes British Antarctic Survey meteorologist Jonathan Shanklin: "It will be the middle of the next century before things are back to where they were in the 1970s. ─── 然而英国南极观测会的气象学家尚克林表示:"要到下世纪中叶才能恢复到 1970年的状况。"
10、The Meteorologist drew a picture of weather. ─── 气象学者画了一张天气图。
11、The macroeconomist's ability to predict the future course of economic events is no better than the meteorologist's ability to predict next month's weather. ─── 宏观经济学对未来的经济的预测诚然还不如气象学家对未来一个月天气的预测。
12、Ever wonder how much a cloud weighs? What about a hurricane? A meteorologist has done some estimates and the results might surprise you. ─── 想知道一朵云有多重吗?还有飓风?一位气象学家做了大概的估算,结果可能会让你大吃一惊哦。
13、This picture was considerably sharpened by the Norwegian meteorologist Vilhelm Bjerknes and his son Jakob. ─── 对这些特征,挪威气象学家威尔海姆.皮叶克涅斯和他儿子雅各布曾作了相当精辟的描述。
14、A meteorologist has done some estimates and the results might surprise you. ─── 一位气象学家做了大概的估算,结果可能会让你大吃一惊哦。
15、PROF.: A meteorologist tells how he overcame that crippling obstacle. ─── 现在是一个气象学家讲述自己怎样克服那种障碍的。
16、A fluffy cumulous cloud weighs the equivalent of approximately 200,000 elephants, a meteorologist calculates. ─── “当我刚开始计算的时候,我真的不知道一朵云有多重。”她说。
17、pressure, humidity, and any other quantity a meteorologist would want. ─── 气压、湿度和气象学家需要的任何其他数据。
18、Meteorologist F. said it is the first time two hurricanes of that strength have made landfall in the same season. ─── 气象学者F.称这是第一次两个五级飓风在同一季节登陆。
19、Mediologist Meteorologist Dennis Feltgen of the National Hurricane Center in Miami said the storm will cause heavy rains and possible flooding as it moves over mountainess mountainous areas. ─── 位于迈阿密的国家飓风中心的气象专家D.F.表示暴风将带来强降雨,在经过山地时可能引发洪灾。
20、Forster, a meteorologist based at the University of Reading, England, who co-authored the study with NOAA's Susan Solomon. ─── 他们在最近召开的全国科学院研讨会上发表的报告中总结说:唯一可能解释这种温差变化的就是人们从周一到周五的辛苦劳作。
21、Hydrometeorology is concerned with the study of these atmospheric processes which affect the water resources of the earth and which are of interest to the meteorologist and the hydrological engineer. ─── 水文气象的研究范围包括所有影响地球水利资源而气象学家和水文工程师又有共同兴趣的大气过程。
22、What does it take to become a really good meteorologist? ─── 怎样才能成为一个真正的好气象?
23、These storms are like breathing animals," meteorologist Parrish has told me. ─── 这些风暴就像大声喘气的动物,”气象学家帕里什告诉我。
24、Meteorologist One who studies meteorology ─── 气象学家:研究气象学的人
25、Cold temperatures seem to have helped keep the floods from worsening, as snow and ice stay frozen rather than contributing meltwater to the river, a meteorologist told the Reuters news service. ─── 寒冷的天气似乎有效地阻止了洪水的继续恶化,因为冰和雪保持在冰冻的状态下而不是融化后为红河洪水补充水源,一个气象学家对路透社记者说。
26、humidity,and any other quantity a meteorologist would want. ─── 湿度和气象学家需要的任何其他数据.
27、We know, of course, that the meteorologist says Spring begins the 21st, but we prefer to disregard that fact and believe that we already sense Spring riding upon the wings of the March wind. ─── 微小的生命正在石墙的缝隙中翕动,我们能够预感到它们的存在;
28、Ever wonder how much a cloud weighs? What about a hurricane? A meteorologist has done some estimates and the results might surprise you. ─── 想知道一朵云有多重吗?还有飓风?一位气象学家做了大概的估算,结果可能会让你大吃一惊哦。
29、If possible, a meteorologist prepared to answer questions from pilots shall give weather briefings. ─── 如果可能的话,应由气象学家回答飞行员的问题,并给予天气简报。
30、American pioneer meteorologist who organized a system of communication between weather stations across the country that facilitated forecasting and developed into the U.S. Weather Bureau. ─── 埃斯皮,詹姆斯·波拉德1785-1860美国气象专家,曾经组织建立起一个联系全国各地气象台的通讯系统,该系统使天气预报精确,后来逐渐发展为美国气象局。
31、and a leading Thai meteorologist, whose earlier report detailing the inevitability of a tsunami hitting the affected area was ignored. ─── 一位权威的泰国气象学家,他曾经详细的预报了海啸侵袭受灾地区的必然性,但这却被忽略了。
32、Mr.Munger grew up in Omaha and joined the U.S.Army during World War II, serving as a meteorologist in Alaska. ─── 芒格在奥马哈长大,二战期间参加了美国陆军,在阿拉斯加任气象员。
33、"This is probably one of the worst storms since 1990," a meteorologist in Seattle said. ─── 西雅图气象专家表示,这也许是自1990年以来最严重的暴风雪。
34、Today, she was going to find out what it would take to become a meteorologist. ─── 今天,她就要知道如何才能成为一名气象学家了。
35、The son of an immigrant carworker in Detroit, he had become an air cadet at the age of 17 and then a member of the army air forces, in which he trained as a meteorologist. ─── 他是美国密歇根州底特律一位汽车工人移民的儿子,17岁时进入了空军军官学校,并在那时加入了美国空军部队,接着就在那受到了作为气象学者的训练。
36、At a less advanced season of the year the typhoon, according to a famous meteorologist, would have passed away like a luminous cascadeof electric flame. ─── 据一位有名的气象学家说,在深秋,台风刮起来会象闪电一样倏地一下掠空而过。
37、"It's very frightening," said the meteorologist Zhang Enzi. ─── 再说了,城市的污染源多了,怎么单拿焚烧秸秆说事。
38、This is the first time a Hong Kong woman meteorologist taking up an important position in an esteemed international organization. ─── 这是香港首次有女气象人员在深受尊崇的国际组织中担当一个重要席位。
39、The duty of a meteorologist is to observe the weather at all times. ─── 气象学家的职责就是要经常观察天气。
40、Nonetheless, observes British Antarctic Survey meteorologist Jonathan Shanklin: “It will be the middle of the next century before things are back to where they were in the 1970s. ─── 然而英国南极观测会的气象学家尚克林表示:“要到下世纪中叶才能恢复到1970年的状况。”
41、Meteorologist Diallo says climate change will continue, and likely will happen faster in coming years. ─── 气象学家D指出气候变化在接下来的几年内仍将持续,甚至将加快。
42、At a less advanced season of the year the typhoon, according to a famous meteorologist, would have passed away like a luminous cascade of electric flame. ─── 据一位有名的气象学家说,在深秋,台风刮起来会象闪电一样倏地一下掠空而过。
43、As a meteorologist, you also supervise enlisted weather observers. ─── 作为气象学家,你还负责监督招募气象观察员。
44、Russell Heilig, director of sales for Davis Instruments, says the typical buyer of the Vantage Pro2 is an amateur meteorologist who gets a kick out of beating the weather forecasts on television. ─── 戴维斯仪器的业务处长海利格(RussellHeilig)说,购买VantagePro2的人通常是业馀的气象爱好者,他们只要预报得比电视的气象预报更准确,就高兴得不得了。
45、By e-mail and earphone, he confers with Jack Parrish, chief meteorologist, and they order the NOAA technician to slip a dropsonde into the shoot. ─── 通过电子邮件和耳机,他与首席气象学家杰克·帕里什协商,他们命令国家海洋和大气管理局的技术人员将探空仪放入拍摄中。
46、Mr. Munger grew up in Omaha and joined the U. S. Army during World War II, serving as a meteorologist in Alaska. ─── 芒格在奥马哈长大,二战期间参加了美国陆军,在阿拉斯加任气象员。
47、German geophysicist, meteorologist, and explorer who proposed the theory of continental drift. ─── 韦格纳,阿尔弗烈德·洛泰1880-1930德国地球物理学家、气象学家和探险家,他提出了大陆漂移理论
48、Satellite images provide valuable information supplement to the aviation meteorologist. ─── 卫星图像给航空气象学家提供有价值的信息补充。
49、"What is the life like as a meteorologist? ─── 一个气象学家的生活是什么样子呢?
50、Meteorologist Diallo says climat climate change will continue, and like you likely will happen best faster in coming years. ─── 气象学家D表示气候变化将要继续并将在未来几年变化更快。
51、Shooting for rain, meteorologist Huang Binming (right) and his crew launch canisters of silver iodide into the sky near Madoi. ─── 为了人工降雨,气象学家黄斌明(右)和他的小组在马多附近向着天空发射碘化银炮弹。
52、If possible, a meteorologist prepared to answer questions from pilots shall give weather briefings . ─── 如果可能的话,应由气象学家回答飞行员的问题,并给予天气简报。
53、On a rainy day a meteorologist I met was very puzzled at my great agitation caused by rain that made a little inconvenience for me. ─── 但有一个雨天,我见到一位气象学家,他对我只因为雨天给我带来小小的不便就如此愤懑很不理解。
54、"Thursday morning is going to be tricky at best, " said Jack Boston, a senior meteorologist at Accuweather. com. ─── 的资深气象学家杰克波斯顿说:“星期四上午至多会比较麻烦。”
55、Suppose every sensor gives perfectly accurate readings of temperature, pressure, humidity, and any other quantity a meteorologist would want. ─── 再假定每个传感器都极极端准确地读出了温度、气压、温度和气象学家需要的任何其他数据。
56、"Only a handful countries in the world could organise such large-scale magic-like weather modification," it quoted Cui Lianqing, a senior air force meteorologist as saying. ─── “当今世上只有几个国家能够展开这么大规模、神乎其神的人工影响天气作业,”它引述空军高级气象学家崔廉清的话。
57、It made landfall in eastern Cuba late Sunday night, said meteorologist Todd Kimberlain at the U. ─── 艾克刚开始袭击特克斯、凯科斯以及巴哈马最南端的岛屿时为四级飓风。
58、Meteorologist Feltgen said it is the first time two hurricanes of that strength have made landfall in the same season. ─── 气象学家F称如此强度的两飓风在同一季节登录还是首次。
59、and those particles float on the warmer air that's rising below. but still, the concept of so much water floating in the sky was surprising even to a meteorologist like lemone. ─── 而且那些微粒漂浮在正在上升的暖空气上面。但是尽管如此,想到有这么多水漂浮在空中,哪怕像莱蒙这样的气象学家也会觉得不可思议的。
60、219. What does it take to become an excellent meteorologist?" ─── 如何才能成为一名出色的气象学家?”
61、A meteorologist would find this an ideal vantage point from which to study the ever changing atmospheric conditions below. ─── 气象学家会发现,这里是一处研究不断变化的气候状况的绝好位置。
62、However, a meteorologist once told me that all thermals start in the lee side and if you fly in major competitions you'll see top pilots flying in the lee on a regular basis. ─── 但是,气象学者告诉我们,世界上所有的热气流都是在背风面生成的。
63、Meteorologist believe this pressure jump is the mechanism responsible for storm and tornado. ─── 气象学家认为这一气压的突然升高是暴风雨和飓风形成的物理机制。
64、Person who reports and forecasts the weather; meteorologist ─── 气象报告员或预报员;气象学家
65、A meteorologist has done some estimates and the results might surprise you. ─── 一位气象学家做了大概的估算,结果可能会让你大吃一惊哦。
66、the meteorologist it would be partly cloudy for the rest of the week. ─── 气象预报说本周今后几天局部地区多云。
67、incident meteorologist ─── 事件气象工作者
68、Meteorologist are predicting more rain in the coming days, offering little comfort to a beleaguered population. ─── 气象学家预计接下来几天会有更多的降雨,这对四面楚歌的灾区人民来说无疑是雪上加霜。
69、A quiet meteorologist first noticed the microbe menace. ─── 一位沉默寡言的气象学家首先注意到了细菌威胁。
70、I live by myself with my two doggies and work as a broadcast meteorologist. ─── 我和我的两只狗住在一起,我是一个气象解说员。
71、But still, the concept of so much water floating in the sky was surprising even to a meteorologist like LeMone. ─── 但是尽管如此,想到有这么多水漂浮在空中,哪怕像莱蒙这样的气象学家也会觉得不可思议的。
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