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10-02 投稿


marvelousness 中文意思翻译



marvelousness 相似词语短语

1、garrulousness ─── n.多嘴多舌;喋喋不休;多话;唠叨(原形是garrulous)

2、parlousness ─── 危险性

3、miraculousness ─── 奇迹

4、marvellousness ─── 惊奇;奇妙

5、cadaverousness ─── 身体

6、aqueousness ─── 水性

7、murderousness ─── 凶残

8、ravenousness ─── 贪婪

9、arduousness ─── n.艰难,艰苦,艰辛,奋斗

marvelousness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Meaning: Jules Verne, in fact, had expected almost all the marvel; a twentieth-century far before his time. ─── 实际上,20世纪的奇迹几乎没有他没有预见到的。

2、Yet your sense of marvel at China's transformation is easily deflated on the drive from the airport. ─── 但是在去机场的路上,你对中国奇迹般变化的好印象就会大打折扣了。

3、You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. ─── 你可以成为莎士比亚,米开朗基罗,或者是贝多芬。你有成就一切的能力。是的,你是一个奇迹。

4、Theodore B.Donson and Marvel M.Griepp. ─── 作者声明: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec ;

5、Your room is a marvel of neatness and order. ─── 你的房间整洁得出奇。

6、At this time of the year they marvel at the laziness of their European cousins, particularly the French. ─── 在今年的这个时候,他们就开始对他们欧洲特别是法国的表兄弟们的懒散表示惊讶。

7、And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. ─── 14这也不足为怪。因为连撒但也装作光明的天使。

8、A cause of amazement;a marvel. ─── 奇迹引起惊奇的起因;奇迹

9、When I think of it now,I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress. ─── 如今每当我想起这些,我惊叹一个成年男子要经受这种侮辱和压力得需要多么大的勇气啊!

10、How a Marvel Come into Being? ─── 奇迹是怎样诞生的?

12、A whole lifetime isn’t enough to savor the art and marvel at the antiquities this famous Italian city has to offer. ─── 一辈子的时间也不足以品尝这个意大利著名城市所提供的艺术,以及赞赏它的古物。

13、Meanwhile, in the butterfly hall, visitors marvel at the beautiful insects. ─── 同时在蝴蝶厅里,访客为这美丽的昆虫所惊豔。

14、A SHORT FUSE/ Be among the first to marvel at this little-known, 'early Sankey' stunner! ─── A短保险丝/是首惊叹于这个小众所周知,早期桑基'尤物!

15、But behold a marvel and a riddle! ─── 但,请看吧,一个奇迹,一个谜。

16、Even the cleverest people marvel at a child's ability to learn his native languagee in such a short time. ─── 即使是最聪明的人,也会对小孩在如此之短的时间里学会其母语的能力感到惊异。

17、The leader of the Ten Rings is named Raza, after a Marvel Comics character. ─── “十戒”组织的头领名叫拉扎,这是根据神奇漫画的一个角色而命名的。

18、An unusual, significant, or unaccountable fact or occurrence; a marvel. ─── 奇迹不同寻常的、非凡的事实或事件; 奇迹

19、Possibly his original intention was simply to cover marvel's retreat. ─── 也许他原意很简单,就是想隐藏这个世外桃源.

20、She's marvel to be able to shoot with such accuracy. ─── 她的枪法那么好, 真不简单。

21、The foreign tourists marvel at the fine view of the West Lake. ─── 外国旅游者惊叹西湖的优美景色。

22、I marvel that he was able to succeed against such odds. ─── 他在这样不利的条件之下犹能成功,这使我感到惊异。

23、A cause of amazement; a marvel. ─── 奇迹引起惊奇的起因; 奇迹

24、 双语使用场景

25、Yet so eccentric that all marvel at her. ─── 天生成孤癖人皆罕.

26、It's a marvel that he escaped unhurt. ─── 他竟能安然逃脱, 真不可思议.

27、In a city 32)morgue, one worker calls another worker over to marvel at the blue skin of the newest arrival. ─── 在市陈尸所里,一个工人把另一个工人叫过来看看刚被抬进来的尸体,他们对这尸体的蓝色皮肤惊叹不已。

28、People flocked to see for themselves the marvel of green paddy flourishing on the once barren desert land. ─── 在从前贫瘠荒芜的土地上,翠绿的稻秧茁壮成长。人们成群结队前来亲眼观看这个奇迹。

29、Do you think we'll ever see more crossover titles like Marvel vs Capcom? ─── 你认为,我们将会曾经见到较多的转线路相对太空通讯员命名相似的奇异事物?

30、Today, tourists throng to the city of canals to marvel at its ancient buildings, its art and its many inter-connecting waterways. ─── 今日旅游者蜂拥而至,对这座水城的古建筑、艺术及其许多互相连接的水道赞叹不已。

31、Health、happiness、joy and ture love are four beautiful leaves of the lucky clover.One hurdred thousandth of marvelousness make the good luck of it. ─── 健康、幸福、快乐、真爱是幸运草四片美丽的叶子,十万分之一的稀奇造就了四叶草的幸运!

32、Happily for Marvel, Disney is no longer the corporate control-freak it was under its former boss, Michael Eisner. ─── 令惊奇高兴的是,迪斯尼不再是前任老板MichaelEisner管理下的控制狂。

33、It's a marvel that you weren't killed in the car crash. ─── 你撞车中没撞死真万幸。

34、An unusual,significant,or unaccountable fact or occurrence;a marvel. ─── 奇迹不同寻常的、非凡的事实或事件;奇迹

35、Paul always seemed to marvel at the door opened wide into the presence of God. ─── 使徒保罗对我们随时随地能向上帝祷告,心中总是涌出不住的赞美。

36、The marvel of Nature shaking off sleep and going to work unfolded itself to the musing boy. ─── 大自然甩脱睡眠和开始活动的奇景展示在这惊奇的孩子面前了。

37、And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel. ─── 20那人就走了,在低加波利,传扬耶稣为他作了何等大的事,众人都希奇。

38、He was the first, in a manner, that put his hand to write Commentaries and therefore no marvel if he overshot himself many times. ─── 从某种意义上说,他是第一个着手写纪事的,因此,他多次言辞过激也不足为奇。

39、Only then shall we marvel that in spite of our weakness, God is willing to save us. ─── 只有那时我们才会惊叹,仅管我们自己软弱,但神还是愿意拯救我们。

40、He saw Marvel, curiously crumpled up and struggling against the door that led to the yard and kitchen. ─── 他只见马弗尔古怪地弯着身子,挡住通往院子及厨房的那扇门。

41、They heard Marvel squeal like a caught leveret. ─── 他们只听见马弗尔象一只被擒的小兔子似的吱吱直叫。

42、Attention to saving this...marvel is at the top of the goverment's comcerns. ─── 对于拯驹烩个奇迹的考虑一直处于政府的最高关注中。”

43、And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? ─── 7天使对我说,你为什么希奇呢。

44、"My! Dat's a mighty gay marvel, I tell you! ─── “嘿,老实说,那是个挺不错的好玩意。

45、China is an economic marvel .According to Nicholas Lardy of the Brooking s Institution ,a Washington D. ─── 中国创造了经济奇迹,华盛顿一家智囊机构不鲁金斯学会的尼姑拉丝-拉迪说;

46、And in 1919, Strauss began drawing up plans to bring this engineering marvel to life. ─── 1919年,斯特劳斯开始起草计划,他要让这个奇迹般的工程在他手中诞生。

47、Do not marvel, brothers, if the world hates you. ─── 13弟兄们,世人若恨你们,不要以为希奇。

48、You really should not miss this total theatrical marvel. ─── 你真的不应该错过这个全戏剧的奇观。

49、He paused and tapped Mr. Marvel's shoulder smartly. ─── 他停了一下,在马弗尔先生的肩上使劲地拍了一下。

50、She works so hard in spite of her illness: she's a marvel! ─── 她带病努力工作,真是难能可贵!

51、The marvel at the fact that a man in Scandinavia lived for 300 days on only spuds covered with a bit of margarine. ─── 在斯堪地纳维亚,有个人整整300天只吃涂上少许人造黄油的土豆而健康地活着,这个事实使他们感到惊讶。

52、His eyes meanwhile were at liberty to examine Mr. Marvel's dusty figure. ─── 他顺便打量了一下马弗尔先生满身尘土的样子。

53、Do not marvel that I said to you, You must be born anew. ─── 7我说,你们必须重生,你不要以为希奇。

54、An unusual,significant,or unaccountable fact or occurrence; a marvel. ─── 奇迹不同寻常的、非凡的事实或事件;奇迹

55、The D4 steering blocks are a marvel of simplicity and design brilliance in their own right. ─── D4类督导大厦的一个奇迹简单的设计和华晨在他们自己的权利。

56、Something that produces wonder; a marvel. ─── 制造奇迹的事;奇异之事

57、Wonderful. I think my friends will marvel at the craftsmanship as well. ─── 太棒了。我想我的朋友还会为其工艺而惊叹的。

58、Read a newspaper on a lounger or simply marvel at sea views while soaking up the South African sun. ─── 公寓酒店拥有各种的温泉护理,是您忙碌的一天过后理想且奢华的休息场所。

59、One can just marvel in awe trying to choose from Nachos, Sichuan, Curries or Sushi. ─── 墨西哥烤玉米片、四川菜、咖喱饭、寿司,这么多的选择,一定会让你惊叹不已。

60、The kangaroo, with its long, muscular hind legs, is a marvel of fitness. ─── 大袋鼠长有很强健的后腿,可谓奇特健壮。

61、But people are apt to marvel at an ingenious mechanism and obliterate the man who makes it. ─── 但是人们往往对精巧的器械大为惊异,却忘记了制造它的人。

62、C'est vrai? Truly you are a marvel, Captain. Perhaps you might show them to us this evening. ─── 什么?上校,你真是令人惊讶。也许今晚你可以把他们介绍给我们。

63、She's a marvel with children. ─── 她善於照顾小孩。

64、Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder,no longer marvel,is as good as dead,and his eyes are dimmed. ─── 任何一个不懂得这点也不再会对此感到神奇、为之惊叹的人,就如行尸走肉一般,他的眼睛将毫无神采可言。

65、Use lessens marvel, it is said. ─── 俗话说,少见多怪。


67、Indeed, the Serengeti ecosystem provides a paradise of animal life that is a marvel to behold. ─── 塞伦盖蒂生态系统作为野生动物的天堂的确是个奇迹。

68、I was already sweating, so I had to marvel that the people wearing what seemed like winter clothing weren't melting. ─── 在我热得已经出汗的时候,我不能不惊叹那些穿着好似冬服的人们没有熔化掉!

69、Ninetyeight per cent will marvel at the accuracy with which we have been able to diagnose their handwriting. ─── 98%的人对我们能准确判断出他的笔迹而赞叹不已。

70、Sir Lawrence's subtle narrative is a marvel of concision, even over more than 500 pages. ─── 劳伦斯爵士精妙的叙述简练至极,却依然超过500页。

71、A: You will marvel at my achievements. ─── 你一定会对我的成就感到吃惊的。

72、These miraculous arrangements made my mother marvel and she realized that every wish is granted and everything becomes smoother after following Master. ─── 一连串的神奇安排令妈妈惊叹不已,体会到跟师父后真是心想事成,什么都顺!


74、"It is a marvel how Louisa manages to do it," is the general verdict. ─── “路易莎竟然做成了这事,真是奇迹,”人们都这样议论说。

75、Even the cleverest people marvel at a child 's ability to learn his native language in such a short time . ─── 即使最聪明的人对孩子在如此短的时间里学会他的母语的能力也会感到惊讶。

76、What is known as Guansuo Peak is a towering, heaven-reaching mountain whose forbidding appearance makes one marvel at this prodigious wonder of nature. ─── 关索岭高出云表,茫茫大造,气象万千。

77、I marvel at his tremendous achievements. ─── 对他的巨大成就我感到惊叹。

78、"Not a word of it," said Marvel, stoutly. ─── “没有一句真话,”马弗尔断然说道。

79、People should marvel at the difference between the returns of hedge funds and Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs). ─── 对冲基金和商品交易顾问的再现应该让人们感到吃惊。

80、I marvel how you managed to do it. ─── 你究竟是如何处理了它,我觉得很不可思议。

81、Marvel character Johnny, a stunt motorcyclist, finds a motor without owner at graveyard. ─── 传奇人物约翰,一名摩托车特技表演者,在墓地发现了一辆没人要的摩托车。

82、It's a marvel that he wasn't killed in the car crash. ─── 他在撞车中没撞死真万幸。

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