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lawmaking 发音

英:[ˈlɔːˌmeɪkɪŋ]  美:[ˈlɔˌmeɪkɪŋ]

英:  美:

lawmaking 中文意思翻译



lawmaking 短语词组

1、lawmaking stipulation ─── 立法规定

lawmaking 词性/词形变化,lawmaking变形

名词: lawmaking |

lawmaking 相似词语短语

1、platemaking ─── 制版(platemake的现在分词)

2、playmaking ─── n.控球后卫;发动机

3、glassmaking ─── n.[玻璃]玻璃制造术

4、awaking ─── v.(使)醒来,唤醒(awake的现在分词)

5、lawbreaking ─── n.违反法律;adj.违反法律的

6、mapmaking ─── n.绘图法

7、dealmaking ─── 交易

8、haymaking ─── n.制备干草;利用机会;vi.割晒牧草

9、lacemaking ─── n.花边制造术

lawmaking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Current Lawmaking Systems in China and Legislative Forms for the South-to-North Water Transfer ─── 我国现行立法体制与南水北调有关立法形式研究

2、On the contrary, we find that our lawmaking of antidumping is late and the stipulation is more simple and dark. ─── 我国反倾销立法起步较晚,反规避立法规定更是简单模糊。

3、Lawmaking treaties may be compared with legislative enactments in the national law of the United States and the customary law of war with the unwritten Anglo-American common law. ─── 对美国而言,具有法律效力之条约可与经过立法的国内法具有相同效力,且战争惯例法可与盎格鲁-美国不成文普通法具有相同效力。

4、no standards about plagiary in our lawmaking, which cause no concrete operation standards in practice of judicatory . It goes against protecting the right of copyrighter . ─── 我国立法没有规定抄袭的认定标准,这导致司法实践中缺乏具体、统一的操作标准,不利于保护著作权人的权益。

5、In the days that regulations of express trust have been changed into lawmaking, imply trust represent equity"s essential character. ─── 在明示信托已经成文法化的今天,其甚至比明示信托更能体现衡平法的本质特征。

6、OECD initiated negotiation aiming at drawing a comprehensive high-level MAI from 1995 to1998, which is significant for future lawmaking on multilateral investment despite of its failure. ─── OECD于1995年至1998年间发起了旨在制订一项综合的高水平的多边投资协议的谈判,尽管最终失败,但对未来多边投资立法具有重要的意义。

7、The our country lawmaking also didn't inconvenient court principle, the research draws lessons from a foreign country of lawmaking experience, to the our country have important realistic meaning. ─── 我国立法还没有不方便法院原则,研究借鉴外国的立法经验,对我国有着重要的现实意义。

8、Indeed, in the world's richest economy, what many see as simple bribery is an integral part of lawmaking. ─── 事实上,在全世界最富裕的国家,立法工作的一个主要部分就被许多人视为常见的贿赂。

9、From the practice of law, the marriageable age lawmaking of the Tang Dynasty was well put into use. ─── 从实施状况来看,唐代关于婚龄的立法规定,在社会生活中得到了较好的实现。

10、However, because of the drawbacks in lawmaking, there is no consistent understanding of the specific definition and the applicable area of "appeal not infliction" principle in practice. ─── 从而导致了在司法实践中,人们对“不加刑”的具体含义及适用范围缺乏统一的认识。

11、Investigation on Lawmaking in Xiamen Sports Market ─── 厦门市体育市场立法调查研究

12、First, if our local lawmaking process inside has no procedure justice that will result in the orthodox tradition with the legality blemish. ─── 首先,我们的地方性立法过程中如果没有程序正义,那就会造成正统性和合法性的缺陷。

13、criminal lawmaking ─── 刑事立法

14、Only by improving the local lawmaking quality can the local lawmaking value be upgraded, its benefit be increased, and the authority of law be established, therefore making way for the legislation of the central government. ─── 只有提高地方立法质量,才能提升地方立法价值,提高地方立法效益,树立法律权威,为中央立法先行。

15、lawmaking at home ─── 国内立法

16、Reasonable criminal constitution should has the closeness and the openness, can restrict judicial power and lawmaking power, can protect abstract rights and specific rights, otherwise it has defect. ─── 体系合理的犯罪构成应该既具有封闭性又具有开放性,既能限制司法权又能限制立法权,既能保护抽象权利又能保护具体权利,否则就是有缺陷的。

17、When the legislature delegates broad lawmaking powers to an administrative agency, the popular control provided by direct election of decisionmakers is absent. ─── 当立法机关授予行政机关广泛的立法权时,通过直接选举决策人而提供的民众控制即不再存在。

18、Keywords Medical Accident;Administrative code;Thoughtway on the Lawmaking; ─── 关键词医疗事故处理条例;立法;思路;

19、He is the foundation of the human understanding of the law, of justice. Of the all lawmaking in the world basically the foundation and influence from Moses. ─── 全世界的法律最大的影响原则还是从摩西来的。

20、For One-Man Company system, many countries in the world all experienced the process, from understanding and rejecting, conniving to the formal lawmaking to accept that system. ─── 对于一人公司制度,世界各国均经历了认识、排斥、默许到正式立法接受该制度,这样一个过程。

21、judicial lawmaking ─── 司法立法

22、The People's Assembly is the supreme body of state power and sole lawmaking body. ─── 人民议会是国家最高权力机关,也是唯一立法机关。

23、Collectivity frame and lawmaking point of geography information industry rule of law system ─── 地理信息产业法规体系的总体框架和立法要点

24、In 2007, the lawmaking concerning labor dispute settlement has already come into the lawmaking plan of NPC. ─── 2007年关于劳动争议处理的立法工作已经列入人大立法计划。

25、It's Must lawmaking of code the chauffeur must turn off the enqine as soon as parking for mending the air quality of the roadside. ─── 为了改善路边的空气质量,须立法规定司机停车后必须关掉引擎。

26、Therefore, we should reconstruct it reasoningly by lawmaking. ─── 为此,应当通过立法修正的形式对其进行理性重构。

27、Parliament is the lawmaking group in Great Britain. ─── 国会在英国是立法团体。

28、But because of system,idea,lawmaking...etc.aspect reason,the social security system facing to peasant workers is still very not perfect. ─── 但是由于体制、观念、立法等方面原因,面向农民工的社会保障制度还很不完善。

29、and probes into the solutions:consummating lawmaking system,improving management mechanism, setting down specific strategy,and training persons with ability. ─── 并探讨了技术创新中知识产权保护的具体措施一完善立法体系、健全管理体制、制定明确战略、培养人才。

30、the function in forming the content of the lawmaking ─── 宪政

31、However the doctrine in practice exist some disputes about system and lawmaking, which often causes the corporation to get into difficult position of fundraising, thus breaches the original intention of lawmaking. ─── 但这一原则制度在实践中也存在着种种制度和立法争议,并经常导致公司筹资困难,从而违背了它原来的立法初衷。

32、The content needed to modify on corperation lawmaking includes consummating the system of corperation stockholder sharing, the structure of directorate and supervisions board, the sy... ─── 对现有公司立法进行修正,完善公司股东权分享制,董事会、监事会结构以及党委会监督管理、职工参与民主管理的制度。

33、It is of great and profound significance to improve relative lawmaking on age of criminal responsibility of China. ─── 完善我国刑事责任年龄的相关立法,意义重大而深远。

34、legislation problem of BOT, the scholars that attend the discussion mostly advocate doing a lawmaking to the BOT. ─── BOT的立法问题,参与讨论的学者几乎无一例外地主张我国应对BOT做专项立法。

35、Therefore, we should convert thought, look for the way to solve from another Angle, but reduce the death penalty from the lawmaking exactly is the unique choice. ─── 因此,我们应该转换思维,从另一个角度来寻求解决的办法,而从立法上减少死刑正是这唯一的选择。

36、local economic lawmaking ─── 地方经济立法

37、Legislation cases and primary legal system on mineral resources reserve in foreign countries and its implication to lawmaking of mineral resources reserve in China ─── 国外矿产资源储备的立法例和主要法律制度及其对我国矿产资源储备立法的启示

38、Limitation and Addendum on Lawmaking of Encroach Crime ─── 侵占罪立法的缺陷及补正

39、Some considers As for safe lawmaking in campus ─── 关于校园安全立法的若干思考

40、Five, the suggestion of lawmaking towards Chinese administration decision procedure law. ─── 五、对中国行政决策程序制度的立法建议。

41、From the practice of law,the marriageable age lawmaking of the Tang Dynasty was well put into use. ─── 从实施状况来看,唐代关于婚龄的立法规定,在社会生活中得到了较好的实现。

42、A Tentative Discussion of the Evaluation and Lawmaking of the Minimum Capital Principle for Limited Companies ─── 对有限公司最低资本制度的价值评析与立法探讨

43、American scholar gilmore said, social demand is the precondition for laws to be made, and lawmaking can provide guarantee for social demand. ─── 美国学者吉尔莫说,社会需要是法律产生的前提,而法律的产生又能为社会需要提供保障。

44、The 1990s, in particular, were a time of unprecedented lawmaking and norm-setting. ─── 上世纪90年代尤其是一个前所未有的制定法律和确立准则的时期。

45、As to the candidate of corporate liquidator, the problem is presented that lawmaking and justice are disjointed in administrative liquidation, thereafter. ─── 在公司清算人的选任上,主要指出行政特别清算中存在的立法与司法相脱节的问题。

46、China exhibition intellectual property right protection's lawmaking perfection ─── 我国会展知识产权保护的立法完善

47、Paliament is the lawmaking group in Great Britain. ─── 国会在英国是立法机构.

48、lawmaking circumstance ─── 律师制度

49、Local Lawmaking ─── 地方立法

50、As for the Content of the Civil Case Corpus and the Lawmaking Thinking that Postpone Outside ─── 关于民事主体的内涵与外延的立法思考

51、The penal code be used ases a kind of norm to adjust the means, calculator crime the lawmaking particularly such. ─── 刑法作为一种规范性调整手段,其产生具有滞后性,计算机犯罪立法尤其如此。

52、Under the certain history condition, three greatly religious laws developed the social activities and it important function produced graveness influence to the future generations' customs lawmaking. ─── 在一定的历史条件下,三大宗教法对社会生活发挥了及其重要的作用,对后世世俗立法产生了重大影响。

53、On Roosevelt "New Politics" Concerning the Lawmaking Contents of Repressing Rich- Poor Division and Its Enlightening ─── 关于罗斯福"新政"中抑制贫富分化的立法内容及其启示

54、The Anti-Dilution Protective Lawmaking Speculation of the Well-known Trademarks in Our Country ─── 我国驰名商标反淡化保护的立法构想

55、The reason why the chamber of commerce was able to participate in lawmaking and even became an important impetus was due to the interaction of external and internal factors. ─── 商会参与公司立法取决于内外因的交互作用:商会本身所具有的参与法制现代化所必需的基本素质和能力是其参与立法的根本前提;

56、To Investigate the Lawmaking Requirement to Upbuild Regional Innovation System of Sichuan Provincefrom the Science and Technology Legislative Practice ─── 从四川科技立法实践看构建区域创新体系的法制需求

57、On the Lawmaking Modes of Our the Legislation of Material Right Ownership Types ─── 我国物权立法所有权类型模式探析

58、Using their excellences and according our country's actual circumstance, then forming our electronic funds transfer lawmaking mode. ─── 取两者之所长,根据本国的实际情况,形成自己的电子资金划拨立法模式。

59、The system of priority lacked uniform and idiographic criterion in the modern lawmaking of China although it was appeared long ago. ─── 中国也在很早有了优先权,但在现代立法中却没有统一的具体规定。

60、The article will basis on lawmaking intention of the system, then analysis the law influence of the system against the state-owned companies and solves path to move out the legal plight in deals. ─── 从美国航运法受控承运人机制的内容入手,系统阐述该制度对我国国有航运公司的法律影响及解决途径。

61、The lawmaking of Mainland China's Corporation Law may reference from Taiwan's lawmaking experience and to establish that system to suit for the corporation's practice in mainland. ─── 我国公司立法可以借鉴我国台湾地区法人董事制度的立法经验,建立适合我国公司实践的法人董事制度。

62、About of Lawmaking of Wage Pay in Our Country ─── 关于我国工资支付的立法

63、I thought lawmaking of litigation for right of subrogation exist many shortage, we should strengthen lawmaking and sound it. ─── 我国有关代位权诉讼的立法存在许多不足,应该加强立法来进一步完善这项制度。

64、agricultural lawmaking ─── 农业立法

65、Analysis on the Lawmaking of Rubbish Management for Shanghai Restaurants and Kitchens ─── 上海市餐厨垃圾管理的立法分析

66、Multi-dimensions Survey on Chinese Ancient Lawmaking Evolves ─── 中国古代立法演进的多向度考察

67、A Century of Lawmaking for a new Nation: US Congressional Documents and Debates ─── 为新国家进行的一个世纪立法,美国国会文件的辩论

68、No one would be apt to respond that lawmaking was going on, or object that the age requirement did not say anything about ballot access. ─── 没有人会说这是高院在制定法律,或者提出反对说年龄限制的规定不是关于参选权的规定。

69、The information lawmaking plays an important role in the development of information society. ─── 信息时代的良性运行和发展,离不开信息立法的保护和促进。

70、Then, this article begins in detail introducing the problems to the lawmaking condition of the FMA of the listed companies.And the author gives the suggestions to the sollution to the problems. ─── 接着,本文在第二章详细介绍了我国外资并购上市公司立法存在的问题和解决对策,并对美国等国家的外资并购法律作了较为详细的介绍以作为我国外资并购立法的借鉴之用。

71、On this foundation, several lawmaking suggsetions about modification of the criminal procedural procedural law in retry procedure are put forward. ─── 在此基础上,提出了修改刑事诉讼法再审程序的多条立法建议。

72、The Lawmaking Advice about Enactment of Chinese Names ─── 关于汉语姓名设定的立法建议

73、Brief Introduction of Lawmaking on Electron Castoff in Foreign Country ─── 国外电子废弃物立法简介

74、Therefore, we should improve the quality of administrative lawmaking, advance the reform of executing administrative laws, consummate administrative supervision system, etc. ─── 因此,我们必须注重提高行政立法质量,推进行政执法改革,完善行政监督,使服务型政府建设在法治的轨道上有序推进。

75、Several Considerations on Preventing Harm Accidents of Primary School and Middle School Students and Management Lawmaking ─── 关于中小学校学生伤害事故预防和处理立法的几点思考

76、Viewing from the constitution,the lawmaking in environment right in global countries shows the trend of constitution,citizen right and reification. ─── 从宪法的国际层面来看,目前世界各国的环境权立法已经呈现出宪法化、公民权化和具体化的趋势。

77、Central Government Lawmaking ─── 中央立法

78、Thoughtway on the Lawmaking of the Byelaw of Medical Accident Management insists on the principles of equality, equity and publicity and gives prominence to the principle of prevention. ─── 医疗事故处理条例的立法思路,坚持了公平、公正、公开原则,突出预防为主的原则;

79、Wang Fang, Wang Zili(forthcoming 2005). Surveying the Chinese Ocean Fishery Lawmaking Condition. ─── 中国社科院法研所课题组.中国渔业权立法研究(未刊稿),2002.

80、On the present limits of Authority in The local lawmaking in national autonomuous areas in our country ─── 当前我国民族自治地方立法权限问题探析

81、Learning from the Foreign Environmental Lawmaking to Set up the Environmental Right in Our Country ─── 借鉴外国环境权立法,在我国法律中确立和完善公民的环境权

82、bilingual education lawmaking ─── 双语教育立法

83、On System and Lawmaking disputes about Doctrine of Capital Maintenance and Solving Corporation's Difficult Position in Fundraising ─── 公司资本维持原则与解决企业筹资困境的制度与立法争议

84、More and more legal rights start appear the trend that the real right turn, and a great deal of body is now in all countries lawmaking. ─── 越来越多的债权开始出现物权化的趋势,并且大量体现于各国立法中。

85、Bring upped the personnel lawmaking the demand the aspect that notice with the point . ─── 提出了人事立法需要注意的方面和重点。

86、Then the article introduces the actuality of Chinese Urban Design lawmaking, and analyze the historic reasons, which brings on the law status of Urban Design inexplicit. ─── 介绍中国的城市设计立法情况,并分析城市设计在中国法律地位不明的历史原因。

87、The Administrator had no delegated lawmaking authority, and thus courts were not bound by his interpretive guidelines. ─── 该案的行政官员未被授予立法权,法院因而不受其解释性指导方针的束缚。

88、The temporal principle part of lawmaking can be generalized by“two class layers of a dollar”, respectively owning lawmaking purview in legal and actual. ─── 当时的立法主体可以用“一元两级分层”进行概括,分别拥有法律或事实上的立法权限。 立法工作的根本原则和指导方针是新民主主义。

89、Hope ability is later the spirit indemnity of the lawmaking provide to draw lessons from. ─── 希望能为以后精神损害赔偿的立法提供借鉴。

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