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musculature 发音

英:[ˈmʌskjələtʃər]  美:[ˈmʌskjələtʃə(r)]

英:  美:

musculature 中文意思翻译



musculature 网络释义

n. 肌肉组织;[解剖] 肌肉系统

musculature 词性/词形变化,musculature变形

名词: muscularity |副词: muscularly |

musculature 短语词组

1、somatic musculature ─── [医] 骨胳肌系统

2、branchiomeric musculature ─── 鳃原节肌序

musculature 相似词语短语

1、vasculature ─── n.脉管系统

2、maculature ─── 废页

3、musculatures ─── n.肌肉组织;[解剖]肌肉系统

4、sculpture ─── n.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vt.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vi.从事雕刻

5、subculture ─── n.亚文化群;vt.作再次培养

6、insculpture ─── 过失

7、musculation ─── 肌肉活动;肌活动

8、muscular ─── adj.肌肉的;肌肉发达的;强健的

9、maculatures ─── 斑

musculature 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、rapy of disorders arising from spasm of the smooth musculature. ─── 新握克了已证实对平滑肌痉挛引起的病症有预防和治疗作用。

2、The balanced structure and the smooth musculature enables it to move with ease and agility. ─── 平衡的身体结构和平滑的肌肉组织,使他的动作轻松而敏捷。

3、One may elevate easily the soft-tissue beneath the nasal musculature. ─── 结论隆鼻术硅胶假体置入层次为深脂肪层。

4、ocular musculature ─── 眼肌

5、Musculature of 12 Meridians ─── 十二经筋

6、musculature acupuncture methods ─── 经筋刺法

7、Ultrastructural observations on detrusor musculature in areflexia neurogenic bladders ─── 神经原性膀胱逼尿肌超微结构的变化

8、musculature of small intestine meridian ─── 手太阳经筋

9、Vitamin E is maintaining the normal orgnaization of musculature and metabolization, furnish in the energy during muscle is contractive especially and release the effect with having main. ─── 维生素e在维持肌肉组织的正常机构和代谢,特别是在肌肉收缩期间的能量供给和钙离子摄取和释放有着重要的作用。

10、Changes the directional pull of the tendons at their attachment to the epicondyles. Provides mechanical relief of forearm musculature and symptomatic relief of tendon attachments. ─── 改变筋腱在外髁牵拉的方向,减低前臂肌肉承受的压力,从而减低外髁筋腱(手肘外侧)承受的拉力。

11、4.Among them: what effect do the hormone receptors and angiotensin receptors play in pupillary musculature; ─── 包括:激素受体和血管紧张素受体在瞳孔肌肉组织中起什么作用;

12、Keywords Prostatic hypertrophy;Bladder detrusor musculature;Ultrastructure; ─── 关键词前列腺增生;膀胱逼尿肌;超微结构;

13、The reaction time and agility of his mechanical appendages is enhanced far beyond the range attainable for normal human musculature. ─── 反应时间和灵活性,他的机械附加物是加强远远超出了正常范围内实现人类肌肉。

14、As I think, majority of piano students worldwide is forced to realize legato by rather strongly tensed fingers' and palm's musculature that supposedly should help in PHYSICAL LINKING the sounds. ─── 因为我认为,大多数钢琴世界各地学生被迫奏的实现而强烈紧张的手指和手掌的肌肉说,按说应该有助于物理连接的声音。

15、Posterior Musculature and Lumbodorsal Fascia ─── 后部肌肉组织和腰背筋膜

16、Human Musculature Modeling for Real-time Deformation ─── 用于实时变形的解剖学人体肌肉建模

17、9.The royal jelly contains proteide hormone which will circulate in the whole body after taking it and help rejuvenation of skin and musculature enginery.There is good effect on curing scald; ─── 9、蜂王浆含蛋白质荷尔蒙,服后随血液循环全身,有助于皮肤和肌肉组织机能恢复活力,对治疗烫伤效果明显;

18、Again, false body has musculature enclothe, because musculature blood movement is substantial, can prevent affect. ─── 从侧面看起来很平,但从后面看是又宽又平,丰臀后外形改善,但从后面看,却是一个方臀。

19、Influences of aerobic endurance exercise on injuries of free radicals in mouse musculature ─── 有氧耐力运动对小鼠肌肉组织自由基损伤的影响

20、She had been conscious for some days of an increasing sense of disembodiment, as if her limbs and musculature merely established the residential context of her body. ─── 几天来,她就意识到了一种有加无减的魂不守体的感觉,仿佛她的四肢和肌肉系统仅仅构成了她躯体的居住背景。

21、musculature of pericardium meridian ─── 手厥阴经筋

22、Keywords coronary sinus musculature;arrhythmia;action potential;connexin;triggered activity;delayed afterdepolarization;atrial fibrillation; ─── 冠状静脉窦肌肉结构;心律失常;动作电位;连接蛋白;触发活动;延迟后除极;心房颤动;

23、someone who does special exercises to develop the musculature ─── 一个做特殊运动来锻炼肌肉组织的人

24、“Furthermore, repeated colonic pacing and the resulting electric activity and colonic contractions probably acted to exercise the colonic musculature and increase its contractile activity. ─── 此外,反覆地结肠电击以及所产生的电活性和收缩作用,或许可以训练直肠肌肉,并增加它们的收缩力。

25、larval musculature ─── 幼虫肌序

26、congenital defect of gaster musculature ─── 先天性胃壁肌缺损

27、Forearm : Straight, strong in bone, with lean musculature. ─── 前臂:直,骨骼强壮,有肌肉的(瘦肉)

28、Experimental study on the Amplitude and Phase Angle Changes of Electrical Impedance of Endermic Musculature in Rat Cadavers ─── 大鼠死后皮下肌肉组织电阻抗幅值和相位角变化的实验研究

29、Bladder diverticula are herniations of the bladder mucosa through the bladder wall musculature. ─── 摘要膀胱憩室是膀胱黏膜由膀胱壁肌肉层膨出所造成。

30、hypotonia of musculature ─── 肌张力低下

31、Protect with foot musculature, sterilize, deodorization, magnetism therapy, shock absorption, lower back pain,achillodynia , arthrosis &spinal alteration dueto weak andtired feet. ─── 特有的护边设计,在令足底舒适的同时更可有效防止足部肌肉软组织受损。具有杀菌、防臭、磁疗、减震的功效.(适合任何人士)

32、Because the ureteral musculature ru in an irregular helical pattern, stretching of its muscular elements leads to lengthening as well as widening. ─── 因为输尿管是不规则螺旋形走向,肌内成份的牵张使输尿管延长及增宽。

33、Thigh musculature well-developed, moderately broad. ─── 大腿肌肉非常发达,中等宽度。

34、musculature of heart meridian ─── 手少阴经筋

35、The intrinsic musculature of the larynx was found to be relatively undeveloped and not very strong. ─── 喉头本身的肌肉组织被发现是相对地未发展及不是非常强壮的。

36、short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature. ─── 矮而胖的;例如,有着短腿且肌肉沉重的。

37、pharyngeal musculature ─── 咽的肌肉系统

38、An infectious,usually fatal bacterial disease of cattle and sometimes of sheep,goats,and swine,caused by Clostridium chauvoe and characterized by gas-containing swellings in the musculature. ─── 气肿疽通常为致命的牛的传染性细菌疾病,有时为绵羊、山羊和猪,由气肿疽梭状芽孢杆菌引起,其特点为肌肉系统内充气肿大。


40、” Think about that for a second: when horses stiffen and resist, their musculature becomes paralyzed for the duration of that resistance. ─── 想一秒钟:当马僵硬抗拒,他们的肌肉组织在抗拒过程中变得不能行动自如。

41、When patients are instructed to perform sphincter exercises postoperatively, they are actually contracting the levator ani musculature. ─── 当患者需要进行术后外括约肌收缩训练时,他们可以收缩提肛肌。

42、The process of developing the musculature of the body through specific types of diet and physical exercise,such as weightlifting,especially for competitive exhibition. ─── 健美运动通过特殊饮食和锻炼,如举重,使肌肉发达的过程,尤指为了竞赛性的展示。

43、A variety of reasons might be behind this unusual size and musculature. ─── 对这种不同寻常的体形和发达肌肉有不同的解释。

44、is lymphatic oedema model, expression is the skin and subcutaneous tissue oedema, have lymphocyte and oar cell soak, even musculature can be replaced by oedema and metamorphic connective tissue place. ─── 一为淋巴水肿型,表现为皮肤和皮下组织水肿,有淋巴细胞及浆细胞浸润,甚至肌肉组织可被水肿和变性的结缔组织所代替。

45、someone who does special exercises to develop the musculature. ─── 一个做特殊运动来锻炼肌肉组织的人。

46、Without the cumbersome chewing musculature, brains could grow bigger, marking the divergence of humans from apes. ─── 有个发生在240万年前的基因突变,造成人类始祖下颚缩小,没有了笨重的咀嚼肌肉系统后,脑部可以长得更大,而划分了人类和猿类的差别。

47、Keywords Meridian doctrine;Twelve meridians;Qi and blood quantity;Musculature; ─── 经络学说;十二经脉;气血多少;经筋;

48、Breus said the bath will relax your musculature and increase your core body temperature. ─── 布鲁斯说,洗澡能放松你的肌肉组织,增加你的核心体温。

49、The skeleton and musculature of the back are responsible for the support and movement of the trunk as a whole. ─── 背部的肌肉与骨骼是支持整个躯干并使之运动的结构。

50、” Which get to observe the unusual musculature of the jaw from the inside. ─── 猎物刚好可从鸟喙内部观察特殊的肌肉组织。

51、An infectious, usually fatal bacterial disease of cattle and sometimes of sheep, goats, and swine, caused byClostridium chauvoe and characterized by gas-containing swellings in the musculature. ─── 气肿疽:一种传染性的,通常对牛类致命的细菌疾病,有时发生于绵羊、山羊和猪,由气肿疽梭状芽孢杆菌引起,其特点为肌肉系统内充气肿大

52、lip musculature ─── 唇部肌群

53、musculature of lung meridian ─── 手太阴经筋

54、There is little available musculature to suture anterior to the sternum ─── 在胸骨前只有很少可用的肌肉能够缝合。

55、Due to he difference of muscle tension between front and back musculature in his curs after operation, in addition to the ache after wound, it will cause domical talipes eqainus. ─── 结果它仿照机械手臂设计以实现空间位置的变换,具有空间内的可调性,装卸方便不需二次去除固定物。

56、In addition, there are the subsidiary parts of the meridian system, including the twele skin zones and twele musculature zones. ─── 此外,尚有经络系统的附属部分包括十二皮部和十二经筋。

57、The intestinal musculature is overstimulated, so that the canal becomes narrowed and the space (lumen) inside the intestine is not large enough to permit the passage of fecal material. ─── 由于肠内肌肉受到过度刺激,以至肠道变窄,过小的肠腔阻碍了粪便的通过。

58、strengthening bone and musculature ─── 壮筋骨

59、The skin is extremely withered, the musculature is flabby and the adipose tissue is hardly present. ─── 皮肤极萎缩,肌肉松弛,脂肪层几乎不存在。

60、The image segmentations of musculature of human crus and human chest are implemented using GVF model. ─── 在MATLAB环境下,完成人体小腿部肌肉图像分割和人体胸腔图像分割,为人体器官的三维重建提供了可直接应用的数据。

61、Thanks to the remarkable musculature of a hydralisk (4,000 muscles compared to a terran's 629), the penetrative force delivered by a hydralisk spine is quite astounding. ─── 由于刺蛇拥有强有力的肌肉组织(4000多块肌肉,人族有629块),它们针刺的穿透力让人震惊。

62、We know more about the musculature of the left femur than we do about how our brains acquire and process the desire to engage sexually. ─── 显然同大脑如何接收并处理性欲相比,我们对左股骨肌肉组织的了解要深刻的多。

63、In addition, somatic motor neres traeling through the pelic plexus proide additional inneration to the pelic floor musculature (Zara et al, 1994). ─── 另外,走行于盆腔神经丛之中的自主运动神经也在一定程度上支配着盆底肌肉。

64、Warming up the speech musculature at the beginning of therapy will facilitate speech goals ina session, and lay the foundations for speech. ─── 在训练开始时,预热言语肌肉组织会促进一节课中言语目标的达成,为开口说话打下基础。

65、Octinum-D has proved effective in the prophylaxis and therapy of disorders arising from spasm of the smooth musculature. ─── 新握克丁已证实对平滑肌痉挛引起的病症有预防和治疗作用。

66、The process of developing the musculature of the body through specific types of diet and physical exercise, such as weightlifting, especially for competitive exhibition. ─── 健美运动通过特殊饮食和锻炼,如举重,使肌肉发达的过程,尤指为了竞赛性的展示

67、Actie continence is achieed by oluntary contraction of the leator ani musculature, which surrounds the apex of the prostate and membranous urethra. ─── 前列腺尖部和膜部周围的提肛肌的主动收缩可以导致主动性控尿。

68、a rhythmic tightening in labor of the upper uterine musculature that contracts the size of the uterus and pushes the fetus toward the birth canal. ─── 一种子宫肌肉活动有节奏的紧缩。

69、Conclusion:It is speculated that early removal of the cervical collar can prevents postoperative atrophy of extensor musculature and lower the incidence of axial symptom postoperatively. ─── 结论:颈椎板成形术后早期去围领进行功能训练可以有效防止颈后肌群萎缩.减少轴性症状的发生。

70、It uses its pectoral-fin spines as anchors to prevent jackknifing as its body musculature produces snakelike movements. ─── 步行以胸鳍棘为锚,在身体产生蛇形动作时防止弯折。

71、Study of the electrical conduction between the left atrium and the musculature of the coronary sinus ─── 冠状静脉窦和左房电传导特性的研究

72、Breus said the bath will relax your musculature and increase your core body temperature. ─── Breus说,洗澡会放松你的肌肉组织,并增加你的身体核心温度。

73、epilepsy in which the attack involves loss of consciousness and tonic spasms of the musculature followed by generalized jerking. ─── 癫痫症状包括失去知觉和肌肉弹直性痉挛等。

74、Could an athlete sporting genetically inflated musculature exert enough force to snap his or her own bones or tendons? ─── 利用基因疗法来增加肌肉的运动员,可能会因使力过大而拉伤自己的骨骼或肌腱吗?

75、integumentary musculature ─── 皮肌

76、An infectious, usually fatal bacterial disease of cattle and sometimes of sheep, goats, and swine, caused by Clostridium chauvoe and characterized by gas-containing swellings in the musculature. ─── 气肿疽通常为致命的牛的传染性细菌疾病,有时为绵羊、山羊和猪,由气肿疽梭状芽孢杆菌引起,其特点为肌肉系统内充气肿大

77、The survey of blood biochemical parameter and musculature morphology in Wanxi White Geese ─── 皖西白鹅血液生化参数和肌肉组织形态的测定

78、The sensation of resistance coincide with a particular fault in the distribution of contraction in the musculature. ─── 阻力感与肌肉收缩的分布上的一个特别的错误同时发生。

79、Dysarthrias are speech disorders that result from neurological impairments associated with weakness,slowness,or incoordination of the musculature used to produce speech. ─── 构音障碍是由于神经病变以及与言语产生有关肌肉的麻痹、收缩力减弱或运动不协调所致的言语障碍。


81、musculature of triple energizer meridian ─── 手少阳经筋

82、Think about that for a second: when horses stiffen and resist, their musculature becomes paralyzed for the duration of that resistance. ─── 想一秒钟:当马僵硬抗拒,他们的肌肉组织在抗拒过程中变得不能行动自如。

83、Coronary sinus musculature ─── 冠状静脉窦肌肉组织

84、The musculature should be examined for size, strength, and tenderness. ─── 肌肉系统应检查其大小、度及柔韧性。

85、Overzealous use of retractors can damage the skin and the musculature, as mentioned earlier. ─── 就像早先提到的,牵开器使用过于积极可能损伤皮肤和肌肉组织。

86、Objective To analyze the electrophysiological characteristics of pelvic floor musculature and anus external sphincter of tethered cord syndrome(TCS)with electrophysiological technique. ─── 目的利用电生理技术,分析脊髓栓系综合征(TCS)患儿盆底肌、肛门外括约肌功能改变的特点和临床意义。

87、Prostate is by muscle fiber and gland body are comprised, gland body is occupied about 70% , musculature occupies 30 % about, for prostate support organization. ─── 前列腺是由肌肉纤维和腺体组成,腺体约占70%,肌肉组织约占30 %,为前列腺支架组织。

88、EDLS can increase contraction of the vascular muscle and the car-diac musculature,and cause less sodium to return to the blood. ─── 本文进行以下五个专题实验研究。

89、somatic musculature ─── [医] 骨胳肌系统

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