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10-02 投稿


monomaniacal 发音


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monomaniacal 中文意思翻译



monomaniacal 词性/词形变化,monomaniacal变形

副词: monomaniacally |名词: monomaniac |形容词: monomaniacal |

monomaniacal 相似词语短语

1、egomaniacal ─── adj.极端利己的

2、nymphomaniacal ─── adj.患慕男狂的;女色情狂的

3、monomaniacally ─── 单手的

4、Anglomaniacal ─── adj.醉心英国的

5、megalomaniacal ─── 夸大狂(者)的

6、dipsomaniacal ─── 耽酒症患者的

7、monomania ─── n.偏执狂;对一事的狂热

8、pyromaniacal ─── 纵火的

9、monomaniac ─── n.偏执狂者;狂热者

monomaniacal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Only Would A Monomania Survive ─── 惟有偏执狂才能生存

2、Instinctive monomania ─── 本能性单狂

3、48. Pushing a new enterprise past all the barriers to success takes learnable skills, to be sure, but it also takes a tenacious inner passion bordering on monomania. ─── 排除各项障碍,把一个新创企业推向成功,除了要运用多中可学得的技巧之外,还得发挥近似偏执的坚持与热情。

4、Audley, and do you select me as the victim of your monomania? ─── 难道你选定我作你那躁狂症的牺牲品吗?

5、Let us discuss, first, five of the most common manias: kleptomania, pyromania, dipsomania, megalomania, and monomania ─── 首先让我们讨论五种最常见的狂热症:盗窃狂症,纵火狂症,耽酒狂症,妄想自大狂症,偏执狂症。

6、Jiang Ruxiang:why will none but monomania survive? ─── 姜汝祥:为什么只有偏执狂才能生存?

7、Let us discuss, first, five of the most common manias: kleptomania, pyromania, dipsomania, megalomania, and monomania . ─── 首先让我们讨论五种最常见的狂热症:盗窃狂症,纵火狂症,耽酒狂症,妄想自大狂症,偏执狂症。

8、"It is the sort of malady which we call monomania ," said the doctor. ─── “这种病我们叫做偏执狂。”医生说道。

9、"It is no fault of mine if my husband's nephew goes mad, and chooses me for the victim of his monomania. ─── “如果我丈夫的侄儿发疯发狂,选定我作他偏执狂的牺牲品,那就不是我的过失了。”

10、He is also a voracious reader, which is unusual among the monomaniacal engineers of Silicon Valley. ─── 陈士骏还是个如饥似渴的读者,这在硅谷(SiliconValley)那些有些偏执狂的工程师中并不多见。

11、But her fixation on Bertram, while determined, will come to seem almost monomaniacal--it is her defining character trait, in the end. ─── 但是她的固定贝塔姆,同时确定,会来似乎几乎刚愎自用-这是她的性格特点确定,在年底。

12、intellectual monomania ─── [医] 智力性单狂

13、Therefore, comparatively, the entrepreneur is provided with radical mental characteristics: enthusiasm, monomania, imaginativeness, and entrepreneurship; self-confidence, strong desire of achievement; rebelliousness and adventurousness. ─── 该文对企业家与职业经理的心理特质差异进行探讨,丰富了原有研究。

14、9. What we grasped only with reluctance-and many at home never understood-is that heroes are such because of monomaniacal determination. ─── 我们很不情愿地理解到--而国内许多人始终不理解--英雄之成为英雄是因为他们具有偏执狂般的决心。收藏指正

15、The danger was that the draft agreement, so laboriously put together, could be wrenched by the two monomaniacal Vietnamese parties ─── 千辛万苦拟就的协定草案有毁于固执成性的越南双方之手的危险。

16、However, if a father wants to make love to his own daughter, and the sole reason the other party happens to be his daughter, this of course is incest.It is also a kind of monomania! ─── 但若父亲要与女儿做爱,唯一的原因,只是对方是他的女儿,这当然是乱伦,而且属于心理偏执狂!

17、A tall, lean biologist with a Quaker seaman's beard and monomaniacal dedication to bringing back diagnostic images, Calambo kidis was tantalized by the reports from the satellite. ─── 这位瘦高的生物学家留着络腮胡,一心想寻获有价值的蓝鲸图像,卫星发回的报告挑起他的了兴趣。

18、9.What we grasped only with reluctance-and many at home never understood-is that heroes are such because of monomaniacal determination. ─── 我们很不情愿地理解到--而国内许多人始终不理解--英雄之成为英雄是因为他们具有偏执狂般的决心。

19、emotional monomania ─── [医] 情绪性单狂


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