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multipotent 发音

英:[mʌltɪˈpətənt]  美:[ˌmʌltɪˈpəʊtənt]

英:  美:

multipotent 中文意思翻译



multipotent 短语词组

1、multipotent progenitor ─── 多能祖细胞

2、multipotent stem cells ─── 多能干细胞

3、multipotent cell ─── 多能细胞

4、multipotent stem cell ─── 多能干细胞

multipotent 相似词语短语

1、multipotential ─── 有可能变成几种成熟细胞中的任何一种的

2、multipole ─── n.多极;复极;adj.多极的

3、multiplet ─── n.多重态;多重谱线

4、multipoles ─── n.多极;复极;adj.多极的

5、multiphoton ─── adj.多光子的

6、multiloquent ─── 多口的

7、multiplant ─── 多工厂

8、multipresent ─── 多重存在

9、multiclient ─── 多客户

multipotent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(BMSCs) are a population of multipotent cells. ─── 骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSC)是一类具有多向分化潜能的细胞。

2、Conclusion: The enzyme digestion method can effectively isolate mesenchymal stem cells with a high proliferative ability and multipotent differentiation ability. ─── 结论:酶消化法可有效的从胎盘组织中分离间充质干细胞,增殖能力强,具备多向分化能力。

3、multipotent non-hematopoietic adult stem cell ─── 多能非造血成体干细胞

4、Differentiation of vascular endothelial cells from canine bone marrow multipotent adult progenitor cells ─── 犬骨髓成年多能祖细胞诱导分化血管内皮细胞的实验研究

5、Research on human adult stem cells suggests that these multipotent cells have gr eat potential for use in both research and in the development of cell therapies. ─── 人类成年干细胞研究表明,这些多能力细胞在细胞疗法的研究和发展中具有极大的利用潜能 。

6、Keywords multipotent stem cell;adipose;differentiation;human; ─── 多能干细胞;脂肪;分化;人;

7、Separation, purification and culture in vitro of multipotent adult progenitor cells derived from human bone marrow ─── 人骨髓来源的多能成体祖细胞分离纯化及体外培养的实验研究

8、Keywords multipotent adult progenitor cells;mesenchymal stem cells;bone marrow;clonal culture;induction;cell differentiation;in vitro model;epidermal cell;microenvironment;rats; ─── 多能成体祖细胞;间充质干细胞;骨髓;克隆化培养;诱导;细胞分化;体外模型;表皮细胞;微环境;大鼠;

9、Keywords multipotent adult progenitor cells rat culture neurons; ─── 多潜能成年祖细胞;大鼠培养神经元;

10、Potential myogenic differentiation and its significance of adipose tissue - derived multipotent stem cells ─── 脂肪组织来源多能干细胞的心肌分化潜能及意义

11、Keywords adult stem cell;multipotent adult progenitor cell;cell differentiation; ─── 成体干细胞;多潜能成体干细胞;细胞分化;

12、Multipotent adult progenitor cells from human bone marrow differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells induced by co-culture with human hepatocyte line ─── 共培养诱导人骨髓多能成体祖细胞分化为肝细胞样细胞

13、Experimental study of chemotactic effects of total body irradiation in rat bone-marrow extracts on dermal multipotent stem cells ─── 全身照射大鼠骨髓提取液对真皮多能干细胞趋化作用的实验研究

14、Keywords Femoral head necrosis;Core decompression;Multipotent stem cell;Decalcified bone matrix; ─── 股骨头坏死;髓芯减压;多能干细胞;脱钙骨基质;

15、Keywords total body irradiation;dermal multipotent stem cell;bone-marrow extract;chemotaxis; ─── 全身照射;真皮多能干细胞;骨髓提取液;趋化;

16、multipotent growth factor ─── 多(潜)能生长因子

17、ConclusionsThe transplanted multipotent NSCs could survive, differentiate into functional dopamine neurons in the brains of PD model mice. ─── 结论移植的神经干细胞能在PD模型小鼠纹状体存活,并可分化出特定的多巴胺能神经元。

18、The human embryo, but not its yolk sac, generates lympho-myeloid stem cells: mapping multipotent hematopoietic cell fate in intraembryonic mesoderm ─── 是人胚而非卵黄囊生成淋巴髓质干细胞:跟踪胚内中胚层多功能造血细胞的最终发展

19、This article discussed the biology of epidermal stem cell and dermal multipotent stem cell,including their characteristic and identification. ─── 本文着重介绍目前研究取得结果较多的表皮干细胞和真皮多能干细胞,包括目前已知的其各自的生物学特性和鉴别等。

20、Hong Yu,Dong Fang,Suresh M,et al.Isolation of a Novel Population of Multipotent Adult Stem Cells from Human Hair Follicles[J].AJP,2006,168(6):1881. ─── 耿松梅,王剑利,王万卷,等.毛囊干细胞定位和体外向表皮分化[J].中国医学科学院学报,2006,28(3):360-362.

21、therefore, the search for sources to obtain multipotent stem cells from discarded tissues and without ethical problems is of great interest. ─── 因此,从废弃组织中获取多能力干细胞而没有伦理学问题的原始资料研究是很令人感兴趣的。

22、Investigation possibility of multipotent adult progenitor cells from human bone marrow differentiating into hepatocytes in vitro ─── 肝细胞生长因子诱导人骨髓来源的多能成体祖细胞向肝样细胞分化的可行性

23、In vitro culture of multipotent adult progenitor cells purified from human bone marrow by magnetic-activated cell sorting ─── 双阴性选择法纯化培养人骨髓多能成体祖细胞

24、We believe pericytes represent one of the most promising sources of multipotent stem cells that scientists have been searching for in the quest to make regenerative medicine possible," Dr. ─── 我们相信周细胞代表了最有意义的多能干细胞,正是科学家为使再生医学成功而一直在寻找的细胞,更有利的一方面是该细胞来源于血管壁,这在人体中所有组织都有。

25、For the UCI study, multipotent human neural stem cells were transplanted into the brains of rats that had undergone radiation treatment. ─── 在加州大学欧文分校进行的这项试验中,研究人员将多能人神经干细胞中移植到经放射治疗的大鼠的脑部。

26、Multipotent adult progenitor cells frombone marrow ─── 人骨髓来源多能成体祖细胞

27、But to mature, these newborn cells must migrate away from the influence of the multipotent stem cells.On average, only half of them make the trip;the rest die. ─── 但新生细胞若要发育成熟,就必须要先摆脱多效性干细胞的影响力,平均只有半数的新生细胞能够成功达成目的,其馀的则会死去。

28、Objective To exam the electrophysiological properties of cells derived from multipotent neural stem cells of embryonic rat CNS. ─── 目的探讨胚胎大鼠神经干细胞体外培养分化的子代细胞电生理特性。

29、Abstract: Umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cell is a kind of multipotent abult stem cell.It has the potential of differentiating into nerve-like cell. ─── 摘 要: 脐血间充质干细胞是从脐带血中分离和培养的一种多潜能成体干细胞,具有向神经细胞分化的潜能。

30、Hematopoietic stem cells, also known as multipotent stem cells, is present in the blood of the Organization of the original group of hematopoietic cells. ─── 造血干细胞又称多能干细胞,是存在于造血组织中的一群原始造血细胞。

31、Adrenomedullin,a vasodilatory peptide,has been shown to have multipotent properties and may play a pivotal role in the advance of hypertension. ─── 肾上腺髓质素是一种具有多种生物学特性的血管活性多肽,在高血压的发生发展中起着重要的作用。

32、Membrane properties of rat embryonic multipotent neural stem cells ─── 大鼠神经胚胎多能干细胞的膜特性

33、Fernandes KJ,McKenzie IA,Mill P,et al.A dermal niche for multipotent adult skin-derived precursor cells[J].Nat Cell Biol,2004,6:1082-1093. ─── 史春梦,程天民.大鼠真皮多能间充质干细胞的分离培养[J].第三军医大学学报,2001,23:1068.

34、multipotent hemopoietic stem cell ─── 多能造血干细胞

35、Keywords Dermal multipotent stem cells;Wound healing;Genechip;Bioinformatics;Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor;proliferation;mechanisms; ─── 真皮多能干细胞;创伤愈合;基因芯片;生物信息学;分泌性白细胞蛋白酶抑制因子;增殖;机制;

36、multipotent cell ─── 多能细胞

37、Keywords skin;adult stem cell;epidermal stem cell;dermal multipotent stem cell; ─── 皮肤;成体干细胞;表皮干细胞;真皮多能(干)细胞;

38、Abstract: Mesenchymal stem cell is multipotent stem cell,which can differentiate into a variety of organizations under certain conditions. ─── 摘要: 骨髓间充质干细胞是一种多能干细胞,在一定条件下具有分化为各种组织的能力。

39、Long Term Culture of Dermis-derived Multipotent Stem Cells and the Effects of Collagen Sponge on Their Growth in vitro ─── 大鼠真皮间充质干细胞的体外长期培养及胶原海绵对其生长的影响

40、Umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cell is a kind of multipotent adult stem cell.It has the potential of differentiating into nerve-like cell. ─── 脐血间充质干细胞是从脐带血中分离和培养的一种多潜能成体干细胞,具有向神经细胞分化的潜能。

41、Abstract: A fundamental question in stem cell research is whether cultured multipotent adult stem cells represent endogenous multipotent precursor cells. ─── 摘要: 是否能够保持干细胞内在的多向分化潜能,是对干细胞研究的基本问题。

42、Keywords multipotent stem cells;mice lung;lung injury;cell culture;repair; ─── 关键词间充质干细胞;肺;细胞培养;损伤;修复;

43、Although ma ny different kinds of multipotent stem cells have been identified, adult stem ce lls for all cell and tissue types have not yet been found in the adult human. ─── 例如,我们 还没有在人体中定位成年心脏干细胞或成年胰岛干细胞。其次,成年干细胞通常仅以微小的 数量出现,很难分离和纯化它们,它们的数量也会随年龄增长而降低。

44、The Empirical Study of Isolation of Multipotent Cells from Human Term Placenta in Vitro ─── 体外分离培养胎盘多分化潜能细胞的实验研究

45、Umbilical cord blood stem cells have been found in recent years. They are a kind of original progenitor cells which have the same multipotent capacity as the marrow stem cells. ─── 脐血干细胞是近几年来发现的一类具有与骨髓干细胞相同的多向分化潜能的原始祖细胞。

46、Conclusions SPTP may originate from primitive multipotent stem cell.The differential diagnosis should be made from other tumors of the pancreas. ─── 结论SPTP可能起源于胰腺原始多潜能干细胞,诊断上须与胰腺其它良恶性肿瘤相鉴别。

47、Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are currently under intense investigation to determine their role in cellular therapy. ─── 多骨髓基质细胞(MSC)目前正在紧张的调查,以确定它们的作用,细胞疗法。

48、"This finding marks the first direct evidence of the source of multipotent adult stem cells known as mesenchymal stem cells. ─── ault博士说:“这个发现是标志存在多潜能成体干细胞(已知的间充质干细胞)第一个直接证据。

49、Keywords Bone mesenchymal stem cells;Multipotent stem cells;Differentiation; ─── 骨髓基质干细胞;多分化潜能干细胞;分化;

50、In vitro purification and culture of multipotent adult progenitor cells from human bone marrow by magnetic activated cell sorting ─── 免疫磁珠法分选人骨髓多能成体祖细胞及初步鉴定

51、Keywords multipotent adult progenitor cells from human bone marrow;hepatocyte growth factor;cell differentiate;hepatocytes; ─── 关键词人骨髓来源多能成体祖细胞;肝细胞生长因子;诱导分化;肝细胞;

52、Embryonic stem cells(ES cells)are unique cell populations with the ability of self-renewal,unlimited proliferation,multipotent differentiation and maintaining their undifferentiated state. ─── 胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)具有自我更新、无限增殖、保持未分化状态和向所有三个胚层分化的潜能。

53、Keywords wound healing;stromelysin 1;multipotent stem cells;dermis; ─── 伤口愈合;基质溶解素1;多能干细胞;真皮;

54、multipotent adult progenitor cells from bone marrow ─── 人骨髓多潜能成体祖细胞

55、AIM: To investigate the effects of dermal multipotent mesenchymal stem cells(DMMSC)on hair follicle growth and try to elu cidate its mechanism. ─── 目的:了解真皮多能间充质干细胞对毛囊生长的作用及可能的作用机制。

56、Keywords myeloid progenitor cells;multipotent adult progenitor cells;immunomagnetic seperation;cell culture technique; ─── 骨髓祖代细胞;多能成体祖细胞;免疫磁化分离;细胞培养技术;

57、Hematopoietic stem cells are multipotent stem cells that give rise to all blood cell types. They can be found in the bone marrow of adults. ─── 造血干细胞是多能干细胞,能够分化和增殖为不同类型的血细胞,存在于成年人的骨髓中。

58、The dermis-derived multipotent s tem cell layer could support the growth of CFU-GM and CFU-E hematopoietic colo nies in vitro. ─── 真皮多能干细胞层体外可促进正常大鼠CFU GM和CFU E集落的生长 ;

59、multipotent stem cell ─── 多能干细胞

60、Multipotent adult progenitor cells ─── 多能成体祖细胞

61、Culture and identification of canine bone marrow-derived multipotent adult progenitor cells and their differentiation into smooth muscle-like cells ─── 犬骨髓多能成体祖细胞的体外培养、鉴定及向平滑肌样细胞的诱导分化

62、5 santiago-schwarz f, borrero m, tucci j, et al. in vitro expansion of dendriti cell precursors from multipotent progenitors is regulated by a discrete fas-mediated apoptotic schedule.j leukoc biol, 1997, 62(4): 493-503. ─── 声明:若《肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞在人黑色素瘤组织中的形态学观察》涉及到你的版权,请及时告知。

63、According to the function,the stem cells can be divided into totipotent stem cells,multipotent stem cells and committed stem cells. ─── 间充质干细胞属定向干细胞,是成骨细胞、成软骨细胞、脂肪细胞、成肌肉细胞和骨髓基质细胞的干细胞,成年后主要存在于骨膜下和骨髓腔中,也分布于肌肉、胸腺和皮肤中。

64、The breakthrough gives scientist a way to produce multipotent stem cells for treating conditions such as heart disease without creating an embryonic clone of patient. ─── 在没有制造病人的胎儿克隆情况下,这个突破性的发现给科学家们提供了一个生产多效能的干细胞的方法来医治像心脏病等疾病。

65、OBJECTIVE: To investigate histopathological characteristics of pterygium and analyze the multipotent stem cell effects on the onset of pterygium. ─── 目的:观察翼状胬肉组织病理学特征,探讨多能干细胞在翼状胬肉发生过程中的作用。

66、Mesenchymal stem cells, a type of multipotent stem cells, can differentiate into hepatocyte. ─── 骨髓间充质干细胞是一种多能干细胞,具有分化成肝细胞的潜力。

67、Keywords Multipotent stem cells;Hematopoiesis;Radiation in jury;Dermis;Rats; ─── 多能干细胞;放射损伤;造血恢复;真皮;大鼠;

68、Brain tumor stem cells are characteristic of marked proliferation,self-renewal and multipotent differentiation. ─── 脑肿瘤干细胞具有增殖、自我更新以及多向分化的特点;

69、Conclusions SPTP may originate from primitive multipotent stem cell. The differential diagnosis should be made from other tumors of the pancreas. ─── 结论SPTP可能起源于胰腺原始多潜能干细胞,诊断上须与胰腺其它良恶性肿瘤相鉴别。

70、In this paper we reviewed the compose of amniotic fluid cells and their origin, biological characteristic, multipotent stem cells, and their prospects of application in tissue engineering. ─── 综述了羊水中细胞的组成、来源、生物学特性、干细胞特性及组织工程学应用等方面的内容,并对研究前景进行展望。

71、Thus, the multipotent capacity of MSC, their role in supporting haemopoiesis, and their immunoregulatory activity make MSC particularly attractive for therapeutic exploitation. ─── 因此,MSC的多潜能性,在造血中的作用以及他们的免疫调控活性使得MSC尤其值得治疗上的关注。

72、Conclusion:Our cell line belongs to neural precursor and is multipotent,which has the ability to undergo self-renew.So,they are the stem cells of the central nervous system. ─── 结论:我们分离的细胞具有自我更新能力和多分化潜能,属于胚胎早期细胞,有很强的增殖能力,是中枢神经系统的干细胞。

73、Aggressive cancer cells, expressing a multipotent, embryonic cell-like phenotype, engage in a dynamic reciprocity with a microenvironment that promotes plasticity and tumorigenicity. ─── 侵略性癌细胞能表达一种多能的类似胚胎细胞的表型,并与微环境进行动态互惠来增强其可塑性和致瘤性。

74、Recent observations on cell cultures from amniotic fluid obtained by second-trimester amniocentesis provide evidence that they may represent a new source for the isolation of multipotent stem cells. ─── 近来,许多研究表明羊水中含有胎儿的干细胞,这些细胞能否应用于干细胞和组织工程学领域成为研究热点。

75、Hematopoietic stem cells are multipotent stem cells that give rise to all blood cell types. They can be found in the bone marrow of adults. ─── 造血干细胞是多能干细胞,能够分化和增殖为不同类型的血细胞,存在于成年人的骨髓中。

76、Conclusion Our cell line which expresses Nestin antigen is multipotent cell line and has ability to self-renew,and believed that it contains stem cells of the CNS. ─── 这种神经干细胞如能被特异性地诱导分化为某种特定神经元以替代丢失的神经元,无疑将为中枢神经系统功能重建和神经再生带来新的希望。

77、Objective To exam the electrophysiological properties of cells derived from multipotent neural stem cells of embryonic rat CNS. ─── 目的探讨胚胎大鼠神经干细胞体外培养分化的子代细胞电生理特性。

78、Mesenchymal stem cell is a kind of multipotent stem cell that resides in bone marrow、cord blood、muscle、bone、cartilage、fat、blood vessel and so on. ─── 间质干细胞是存在于骨髓、脐带血、肌肉、骨骼、软骨、脂肪、血管等的多能干细胞。

79、Placenta-derived multipotent cells ─── 胎盘多分化潜能细胞

80、Related Factors Affecting the Isolation of Multipotent Non-hematopoietic Adult Stem Cells from Umbilical Cord Blood ─── 影响脐血多能非造血成体干细胞分离的相关因素研究

81、multipotent progenitor ─── 多(潜)能祖细胞

82、Dongguan Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. multipotent balcony fence, stair handrails engineering, iron window grilles engineering, engineering and Iron Furniture Iron ornamental works; ─── 东莞市多能科技发展有限公司的阳台围栏工程、楼梯扶手工程、铁艺窗花工程、铁艺家具工程和铁艺装饰品工程;

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