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10-01 投稿


meltable 发音

英:[ˈmeltəbəl]  美:[ˈmeltəbl]

英:  美:

meltable 中文意思翻译



meltable 相似词语短语

1、deletable ─── adj.[计]可删除的

2、getable ─── adj.能得到的

3、meltage ─── n.熔化;溶解

4、eatable ─── adj.可吃的;n.食物(常用复数)

5、lettable ─── 可出租

6、beatable ─── adj.可打的;可击的;经打的(beat的变形)

7、heatable ─── adj.可被加热的

8、relatable ─── v.使人觉得自己能理解某人;adj.有关系的;可关联的

9、gettable ─── adj.能得到的;可以获得的

meltable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cooling the melt (in a quiescent state) to achieve the desired solid fraction. ─── 冷却镕融金属(静态下)获得理想的固态粒度。

2、But it still ranked as the third biggest melt on record. ─── 但是,它仍然是排在世界第三大冰川融化的记录中。

3、When the jolly sunshine come to stay , then I slowly melt away. ─── 可是每当太阳升起来,我就慢慢地融化了。

4、She looks as though butter would n't melt in her mouth. ─── 她看上去一副天真无邪的样子。

5、Landward,miles of rough grass marshes melt into low uplands. ─── 几英里的覆满野草的沼泽地延伸到了低洼的旱地里。

6、The jelly will melt in the wine after a few minutes. ─── 几分钟后,果冻会在酒里溶化。

7、Your ice cream is going to melt quickly. ─── 你的冰淇淋快要溶化了。

8、Bake for 10 minutes until the cheese melt. ─── 入烤箱烤约10分钟,直至乾酪化开,即可。

9、Melt the butter and then blend in the flour. ─── 先把黄油融化,然後加入面粉。

10、Setting a fire for cooking will not melt the igloo. ─── 在屋内焚木生火煮食,是不会把他们住的冰屋溶掉的.

11、So by a dint of smite I gait ere I run and melt together with dusk. ─── 于是一记重击使我脚步迟缓,在我奔跑并融于昏暗之前。(这句估摸不准)

12、If you warm ice it will melt into water. ─── 如果你把冰加热,它会融化成水。

13、The melt must be wiped off the sample before it enters the next melt. ─── 在样品进入下一个熔体前必须把熔体从样品上擦掉。

14、The Heat is on: When carb ice won't melt. ─── 加热:当汽化器结冰不能溶化时。

15、He looked as though butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. ─── 他装出一副老实的样子。

16、A deep lake of melt water formed behind the frigid dam, fifing several valleys in Idaho and western Montana. ─── 冰堰后面,冰雪消融形成了深深的湖泊,灌满了爱达荷州与蒙大拿州西部的若于个山谷。

17、In factories,workers use it to melt metals. ─── 在工厂,工人们用火去融化金属。

18、I'VE BEEN TELLING THAT WULI OPPA GET A SMILE THAT MELT THE ICE!!! ─── 哥的笑真是天使般的笑容...是那么纯洁/那么和善.......

19、Glacial melt water;the summer melt season. ─── 冰川融的水;酷热的夏季

20、Do this rapidly so the butter does not melt. ─── 动作要快,这样蜂蜜黄油就不会融化掉。

21、When you melt ice, it passes from a solid to a liquid state. ─── 你把冰融化时,冰便从固态变成液态。

22、If you heat up ice,it will melt into water. ─── 如果你给冰加热,它就会化成水。

23、It was so hot that the butter started to melt. ─── 天太热,黄油都化了。

24、It's hot enough to melt hell. I hope it will be coolers oon. ─── 天气热到快把地狱熔化了,希望很快能够凉快一点。

25、His enthusiasm is enough to melt a heart of stone. ─── 他的热诚足以软化铁石心肠。

26、binding method using meltable threads as "stitches" to secure individual and gathered sections. the thread of adhesive nature are place on the folding machine . ─── 用可以融化的线,把个别书帖及检集后各帖连接一起的装订方法。线是有粘性的,放于折纸机上。

27、Melt margarine in large saucepan over low heat. ─── 在一个大锅中融化黄油,加入棉花糖,搅拌至融化,离火.

28、Along with lively tranquility, they melt into a kind of strange background. ─── 他们随着嘈杂的静寂淡入陌生的光景。

29、When we die, we melt into the sea. ─── “当我们死的时候,便跟大海融为一体。

30、Ice will melt into liquid and dry up. ─── 冰会融化成液体,蒸发掉。

31、Inward fervency wants to melt this icebound indifference but. ─── 内心的火热却又想把这冰封的冷漠融化。

32、Do you think they'll melt us down? ─── 你想他们会把我们融化掉吗?

33、As you melt this heart of stone. ─── 你融化了我这颗铁石的心。

34、To reduce(solid matter) to liquid form; melt. ─── 使(固态物)溶解为液体;使液化

35、Beside them, the creek chattered with snow melt. ─── 在他们的不远处,小溪潺潺流动,漂浮着融雪。

36、The ice cream softened and began to melt. ─── 冰淇淋开始变软并开始融化。

37、First, melt two ounces of butter. ─── 先溶好两盎司黄油。

38、A hot cuppa helps melt hearts? ─── 喝热咖啡能让人更...

39、If you warm ice, it will melt into water. ─── 如果你给冰加温,它就会化成水。

40、The snowman will melt after the sun comes out. ─── 太阳出来之后,雪人就会融化了。

41、In a Dutch oven or5- quart pot, melt butter over medium heat. ─── 去一只5夸脱的锅,放入黄油,中活加热融化。

42、To melt into the dream of us......beyond this troubled place... ─── 在我们的梦中被融化,离开这个迷乱的地方。。。

43、Plumes are hot enough to melt their way through the ocean floor or through a continent. ─── 地幔羽的热量足以熔穿海底或大陆。

44、In a heavy saucepan, cut the butter into pieces and melt over medium-low heat. ─── 在平底深锅内,把黄油切成小块,用中低温把它煮化。

45、Her money seemed to melt away in Paris . ─── 在巴黎她的钱似乎自行消失了。

46、When it gets warmer the snow will start to melt. ─── 天气变暖时,雪开始融化。

47、Once the salts melt, a gray-white substance is left. ─── 一旦这种盐融化了,就会留下灰白色的物质。

48、The sun is out. The snowman will melt sooner or later. ─── 太阳出来了。雪人迟早会被融化掉的。

49、The clouds melt and the fog disperse. ─── 云消雾散。

50、In a stockpot, melt butter over medium heat. ─── 取一只汤锅,把黄油放入,中火加热融化。

51、But I don't think so. Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. ─── 但我并不这样看。她装得一本正经,可实际上并不是那么一回事。

52、A borrowed coin appears to VISIBLY MELT! ─── 借来的硬币出现明显熔融!

53、All his support melt away when he really needed it. ─── 在他真正需要支持时,却得不到一丝半点。

54、He dawdled nervously toward the door, wishing to melt away. ─── 他心神不宁地慢慢向门口倒退,恨不得一下子化为乌有。

55、When the weather becomes warm, the snow begin to melt. ─── 天气变暖时,雪将开始融化。

56、Some melt carry-over improves the wetting and equilibrium growth conditions. ─── 在其中携带一点熔体会改善浸润情况和平衡生长条件。

57、But the ice cream will melt within a few minutes, too. ─── 但这冰淇淋在几分钟内也会化掉的。

58、The large thermal mass of the melt generally precludes any short-term control of the process according to temperature. ─── 大的热熔体通常较难按温度实现过程的短期控制。

59、If you spread salt about (the ground), it helps to melt the snow. ─── 如果你在地上撒些盐,会有助于雪的融化。

60、But if we heat it in a furnace it will melt and become a liquid. ─── 但如果放到熔铁炉内加热,它就会熔化成为液体。

61、Dissolve into a fiery world of chaos, melt! ─── 在燃烧的混乱世界里熔化!

62、Cooling the melt( in a quiescent state) to achieve the desired solid fraction. ─── 冷却熔融金属(态下)得理想的固态粒度。

63、In the wet air oxidation, heat and light cesium enough to melt. ─── 在潮湿空气中,氧化的热量足以使铯熔化并点燃。

64、In Las Vegas, winter seems to melt immediately into summer. ─── 在拉斯维加斯,似乎冬天一结束就立即进入夏天了。

65、The snow began to melt when the sun came out . ─── 太阳出来时,雪开始融化。

66、And the sorrow that you know will melt away. ─── 你所知的悲伤將会融化。

67、They serve steaks that just melt in your mouth. ─── 他们做的牛排柔嫩可口。

68、He decided to use carbon because it does not melt. ─── 于是,他决定用碳,因为碳不易熔化。

69、Don't put plastic dishes in the oven or they'll melt. ─── 别把塑料盘子放进烤箱,否则它们会熔化的。

70、The snow began to melt when the sun came out. ─── 太阳出来时,雪开始融化。

71、The sea seemed to melt into the sky at the horizon. ─── 在水平线处,海洋似渐渐没入天际。

72、Stir and mash until the sugar is melt. ─── 又搅又捣,让糖充分溶解。

73、Measuring the density of the meltable material ─── 测量可溶性物质的密度

74、People know laser to be a very powerful device which can melt or destroy any material known to man . ─── 人们知道激光器是一种非常强有力的装置,能熔化或烧毁人们已知的任何物质。

75、You should melt the sugar in the mouth. ─── 你应使糖溶解在口中。

76、And then, suddenly, the sun would come out, and the snow would melt. ─── 但随后,太阳突然出来了,雪也化了,

77、How is melt temperature controlled? ─── 如何控制熔炼温度?

78、He had learnt how to melt invisibly into the background. ─── 他已经学会如何退居幕后。

79、His face became suddenly black and the features seemed to melt and alter. ─── 他的脸突然发黑,脸上五官好像溶化了,又好像在变形。

80、Butter would not melt in his mouth! ─── 他总是一本正经的样子。

81、Affect the melt flow rate and the cooling speed. ─── 会影响熔体的流动性和冷却速度。

82、The sea and the sky seem to melt into one another. ─── 大海与天空仿佛融为一体。

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