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10-01 投稿


lengthiness 发音

英:[['leŋθɪnɪs]]  美:[['leŋθɪnɪs]]

英:  美:

lengthiness 中文意思翻译



lengthiness 反义词


lengthiness 词性/词形变化,lengthiness变形

副词: lengthily |名词: lengthiness |形容词比较级: lengthier |形容词最高级: lengthiest |

lengthiness 同义词

prolong | draw out | increase | drag out | continue | grow | amplify | elongate | stretch | out | draw | aggrandize |extend | pull out

lengthiness 相似词语短语

1、earthiness ─── n.土质,土性;质朴,粗陋

2、healthiness ─── n.健康;健全

3、wealthiness ─── 富裕

4、lengthener ─── n.伸长器

5、deathiness ─── 死亡

6、lengthier ─── 很长的;漫长的;冗长的(lengthy的比较级)

7、lengthened ─── v.延长(lengthen的过去分词形式);加长

8、lengthiest ─── 冗长的,漫长的,啰嗦的(lengthy的最高级)

9、lengthens ─── vt.使延长;加长;vi.延长;变长

lengthiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I apologize for the lengthiness of this post (brevity is not my forte). ─── 不好意思写了这么长(简短不是我的长项)。

2、is so impressive about it, however, is not its lengthiness but rather the reverse — the thrifty compactness of its construction. ─── 然而,令人印象深刻的不是它的冗长,恰恰相反——是它简洁紧凑的结构。

3、It proves that our ancestors were already fed up with lengthiness, and consequently, such rebellious sentiments were stirred/provoked /evoked. ─── 古人已云“花如解语还多事,石不能言最可人”,可见古人亦已感废话太多之苦,乃激出了这样的反动心理。

4、sigmoid colon lengthiness ─── 乙状结肠冗长症

5、lengthiness and elaborate wording ─── 繁文缛采

6、The common fault of "Mass Media Age" is lengthiness and roughness. ─── “大媒体时代”的标题通病是长和粗。

7、The lengthiness of the article requires extraordinary determination to even start reading it, not to mention finishing it. ─── 对冗长的文章不只需要特别的决心开始去读,更不用说要看完了.

8、his novel is always lengthiness. ─── 他的小说总是写得很长.

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