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09-30 投稿


midgut 发音

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英:  美:

midgut 中文意思翻译



midgut 短语词组

1、midgut ph assay ─── 中肠ph测定

2、midgut post umbilical gut ─── 中肠-脐后肠

3、midgut derivative ─── 中肠衍生物

4、midgut loop ─── 中肠袢

5、midgut cecum ─── 中肠盲肠

6、midgut carcinoid ─── 中肠类癌

7、midgut volvulus ─── 中肠扭结

midgut 相似词语短语

1、midges ─── n.蚊,蠓等小虫

2、midgy ─── 侏儒

3、midguts ─── n.中肠

4、midge ─── n.蚊,蠓等小虫

5、hindgut ─── n.[生物]后肠;尾肠

6、midgets ─── n.侏儒;(非正式)矮子,小东西;(修饰语)少年(业余运动)的;adj.极小的,小型的;n.(Midget)(美、加、澳)密德杰特(人名)

7、midgie ─── n.小翼咬虫

8、midget ─── n.侏儒;(非正式)矮子,小东西;(修饰语)少年(业余运动)的;adj.极小的,小型的;n.(Midget)(美、加、澳)密德杰特(人名)

9、midcult ─── n.中产阶级文化;中间文化

midgut 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This paper indicate that midgut antigens of Ixodes sinensis may induce rabbits special resistence to ticks and discuss this phenomenon. ─── 实验表明中华硬碑中肠抗原可有效诱导宿主产生特异性抵抗力,并对该现象进行了分析讨论。

2、midgut loop ─── 中肠袢

3、Inquisition of the midgut digestive enzyme activity difference between A. C. Cerana and A. M. Ligustica ─── 中华蜜蜂与意大利蜜蜂中肠消化酶活性差异性探讨

4、Etiology: The delayed return of the fetal midgut in the abdomen has been reported to result in midgut olulus as well as other midgut pathologies as intestinal obstruction and short bowel syndrome . ─── 病因:据报导胎儿腹部中肠回旋延迟会导致中肠扭转和其他中肠病变,象肠梗阻和短肠综合征。

5、It mainly distributed in the outer midgut wall, only a little in the nucleus of midgut wall cell. ─── 斯氏按蚊雌蚊中肠免疫活性蛋白主要分布在中肠肠壁外侧,仅有少量分布在肠壁细胞核。

6、Objective To examine the anti vector immune response of midgut from the mosquito, Anopheles gambiae . ─── 目的探讨冈比亚按蚊中肠抗原抗媒介免疫的作用,进一步研究抗媒介疫苗抗原。

7、Compared with the YS strain, CYP6AE12 in fat body and midgut of the YS-FP strain was 1.3- and 3.6-fold over-expressed respectively, while CYP9A18 was not over-expressed in both midgut and fat body of the YS-FP strain. ─── 与相对敏感品系YS相比,CYP6AE12在YS-FP抗性品系中肠和脂肪体中的mRNA表达量分别为YS品系的3.6倍和1.3倍; CYP9A18在YS-FP品系中肠和脂肪体的mRNA表达量分别为YS品系的0.3倍和1.0倍。

8、Observation of the Midgut and Silk Gland in Silkworm During Pupal-Adult Metamorphosis ─── 家蚕中肠与丝腺变态发育的组织切片观察

9、midgut juice ─── 中肠酶液

10、midgut shunt ─── 中肠分路

11、HFRSV RNA located in ovary cells and midgut cells of chigger mite. ─── 用原位分子杂交技术在恙螨的卵巢细胞、支肠细胞等组织中检测到汉滩病毒?RNA。

12、midgut volvulus ─── 中肠扭结


14、Inquisition of the Digestive Enxyme Activity in the Midgut of the Honeybee(Apis cerana cerana Fab.) ─── 中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana Fabricius)中肠消化酶活性的探讨

15、Wang Chenzhu, Qin Junde.EFFECT OF SOYBEAN TRYPSIN INHIBITOR,GOSSYPOL AND TANNIC ACID ON THE MIDGUT PROTEASE ACTIVITIES AND.GROWTH OF HELICOVERPA ARMIGERA LARVAE[J].Acta Entomologica Sinica,1996(4). ─── 引用本文: 王琛柱,钦俊德.大豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂与棉酚或丹宁混用对棉铃虫中肠蛋白酶和生长率的影响[J].昆虫学报,1996(4).

16、Since left colic flexure is a segment of embryonic hindgut and the splenic artery typically supplies the foregut, the condition in which an artery of foregut crosses midgut to supply an area of the hindgut becomes interesting. ─── 本例中变异之动脉发源自供应前肠之脾动脉,再跨越了胚胎中肠部份,而供应原属于后肠发育出之结肠左曲,实为一种罕见的变异状况。

17、The results showed that the digestive tract in R. canadum was consisted of buccal-pharynx cavity, esophagus, stomach, pyloric caeca, foregut, midgut and hindgut. ─── 结果显示,军曹鱼消化道由口咽腔、食道、胃、幽门盲囊、前肠、中肠和后肠几部分组成。

18、Correction of midgut volvulus ─── 中肠扭转矫正术

19、In all the cases, on laparotomy the findings of midgut malrotation and midgut olulus were confirmed.There were multiple peritoneal (Ladd) bands, which were cut, and the gut was derotated and fixed. ─── 所有的病例经剖腹手术证实存在中肠旋转不良和中肠扭转,还存在多发的腹膜系带,手术中予以截断,并将肠管的扭转矫正固定。

20、anterior midgut caecum ─── 中肠前盲囊

21、Effects of Fluoride on Activities of Phosphatase in Hemolymph and Midgut Tissues of Silkworm ─── 氟对家蚕血液及中肠磷酸酶活性的影响

22、Methods American cockroaches were anatomized to obtain midgut of the 2-3 instar and 9-10 instar nymphs and adults, the activities of proteases, amylases, lipases and sucrases were tested. ─── 方法解剖人工饲养美洲大蠊和野生美洲大蠊不同虫态的中肠,测定蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脂肪酶和蔗糖酶活性。

23、Dynamic Histochemistry Changes in Midgut of Ixodes Sinensis after Infesting on Hosts Immunized by Tick Antigen ─── 中华硬蜱叮咬蜱抗原免疫接种宿主后中肠组织化学的动态观察

24、Six of the active toxin units integrate into the plasma membrane to form a hexagonal-shaped pore through the midgut cell. ─── 六个活性毒素单元结合到原生质膜上形成一个贯通中肠细胞的底面为六边形孔洞

25、Keywords Aedes aegypti;midgut epithelium;primary culture;in vitro;stem cells; ─── 关键词埃及伊蚊;中肠上皮细胞;原代培养;体外;干细胞;

26、Secondly,differential protein concentration in the hemolymph and midgut of An. stephensi adult females fed on different meals was examined with Bradford method. ─── 利用Bradford法测定不同食源条件下斯氏按蚊雌蚊血淋巴和中肠蛋白浓度差异。

27、The initial diagnosis of midgut olulus was made by sonographic examination in all of them.Some patients underwent UGI series, CT, or both subsequently. ─── 所有的病例最初的中肠扭转的诊断都是经超声检查作出的,部分病人随后做了UGI摄影术或/和CT检查。

28、rotation of midgut ─── 中肠扭转

29、I gene locates on the 9th chromosome of silkworm and prevents the transport of carotenoid from epithelia of midgut into hemolymph. ─── I基因阻止类胡萝卜素从中肠上皮细胞到血淋巴的转运, 是天然黄茧形成过程中的重要控制基因。

30、The classic corkscrew pattern is due to jejunal loops spiraling downward in the right or mid upper abdomen in midgut olulus and was seen in 3 cases. ─── 典型的拔钻形图像是由于中肠扭转病人右上腹或中上腹的空肠肠管螺选状向下,这在我们的3例病人中曾看到。

31、midgut Middle region of the gut. ─── 中肠消化道的中央区域。

32、midgut cell ─── 中肠细胞

33、midgut cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus ─── 牛肠细胞质多角体病毒

34、The results showed that the expression of CYP6AE12 was higher in fat body than in midgut in the 6th instar larvae of both strains, whereas the expression of CYP9A18 was higher in midgut than in fat body. ─── 结果表明:CYP6AE12和CYP9A18的mRNA表达具有组织特异性,CYP6AE12在脂肪体中表达量较高,而CYP9A18在中肠中的表达量较高。

35、Ultrastructural Changes in the Midgut Epithelium of Ixodes sinensis after Infesting the Rabbits Immunized by Purified Ixodic Protein ─── 叮咬不同免疫力兔后中华硬蜱中肠上皮细胞超微结构的观察

36、Inquisition of the midgut digestive enzyme activity difference between lab reared and feral Periplaneta americana ─── 人工饲养和野生美洲大蠊消化酶活性差异研究

37、The effects of larval midgut fluid on the insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis parasporal crystal ─── 昆虫中肠液性质对苏云金芽孢杆菌伴孢晶体毒力的影响

38、By using 125I-labeled Bt toxin, the differences of binding kinetics among CrylAa, CrylAb, Cry 1 Ac and BBMV in larval midgut of resistant and susceptible H. armigera were tested. ─── 利用~(125)I标记Bt毒蛋白,测定了棉铃虫抗、感品系幼虫中肠BBMV与Cry1Aa、Cry1Ab和Cry1Ac结合动力学的差异。

39、2. ICP dissolve in the alkaline midgut; ─── ICP在碱性中肠中解离。

40、Midgut olulus is associated with premature deliery. ─── 中肠扭转与早产相关。

41、Pathological Changes in Midgut Tissues of Cotton Bollworm Larvae after Intaking Transgenic Bt Cotton ─── 棉铃虫取食转Bt基因棉花后中肠组织的病理变化

42、Our results show that the clockwise whirlpool sign was able to identify the midgut olulus in all the patients without any false-positie diagnoses. ─── 我们的结果显示顺时针的漩涡征出现在所有中肠扭转的病人,没有一例假阳性的诊断。

43、The protease,amylase and lipase played important roles in the digestive system of turbot,In the digestive system the order of protease from high to low was as follows:pylorus,stomach,foregut,midgut. ─── 在消化系统各个部分,蛋白酶活性从高到底依次为幽门盲囊、胃、前肠、中肠;淀粉酶主要集中在幽门盲囊与前肠,胃部很少进行淀粉的消化;

44、Keywords Ixodes sinensis;immunity;midgut epithelium;ultrastructure; ─── 中华硬蜱;免疫力;中肠上皮细胞;超微结构;

45、Keywords Anopheles stephensi;Midgut protein;Antibody;Oocyst;Plasmodium yoelii;Inhibitory effect; ─── 斯氏按蚊;中肠蛋白;抗体;卵囊;约氏疟原虫;抑制作用;

46、Malrotation is defined as an anomaly of rotation and fixation of the midgut. ─── 摘要肠迴转不全,是指肠腔在胚胎发育阶段,肠的旋转和固定发生异常。

47、Proteins extracted from midgut ─── 中肠组织蛋白

48、In 5 day of pupae, the alimentary tract of adults were took shape which including peg-top like midgut,small ileum, swell rectum and craw. ─── 在化蛹第5天,具有陀螺形中肠与细长回肠、膨大的直肠囊和嗉囊的成虫消化道基本形成。

49、Keywords Plasmodium yoelii;Anopheles stephensi;Anopheles dirus;midgut;prophenoloxidase; ─── 疟原虫;约氏;斯氏按蚊;大劣按蚊;中肠;前酚氧化酶原;

50、12 h, stronger reactions were distributing in the midgut wall, ovary, malpighian tubule, the peritrophic matrix (PM) began to appear; ─── 12 h肠壁细胞、马氏管和卵巢均出现阳性反应 ,蚊围食膜开始出现 ,但不完整 ;

51、The UGI series has long been an important inestigation for the diagnosis of midgut malrotation and olulus. ─── UGI摄影术长期以来都曾是诊断中肠旋转不良和扭转的重要手段。

52、Studies on Molecular Biology of Bt Toxic Protein Cry1Ab Receptor in Midgut of Chilo Suppressalis ─── 二化螟中肠Bt毒蛋白Cry1Ab受体基因的分子生物学研究

53、Shimanuki et al encountered the counterclockwise sign in 3 patients thought to hae midgut olulus, which turned out to be hemorrhagic enteritis without malrotation or olulus on surgery. ─── Shimanuki等人曾在3例认为是中肠扭转的病人中碰到过逆时针征,但手术证实是出血性小肠炎,并没有旋转不良或中肠扭转。

54、The nutrients varied in concentration in the different midgut segments. ─── 营养物质在中肠不同部分的浓度不同。

55、The midgut gland cell differentiation occurs at Z2, There are 4 types of cells, i. e., embryonic cell (E-cell), fibrillar cell (F-cell), blister cell (B-cell) and resorptive cell(R-cell). ─── 中肠腺小管上皮在Z2期细胞已有了分化,由4类细胞组成,即胚细胞(E细胞)、纤维细胞(F细胞)、泡状细胞(B细胞)和吸收细胞(R细胞)。

56、Midgut tissue ─── 中肠组织

57、The main results are as follow: 1 Anatomy of the digestive system of Bradysia odoriphaga larvaThe alimentary canal of the larvae consists of foregut, midgut and hindgut. ─── 主要结果如下:1韭菜迟眼蕈蚊幼虫的解剖学韭蛆消化道主要包括前、中、后肠3部分,口腔下侧生有一对细长的丝腺(即下唇腺)。

58、The reduced binding of the toxin to the midgut acceptors. ─── 肠的吸附位点对毒素蛋白的亲和力下降。

59、midgut extract ─── 中肠浸出物

60、4. Irreversible binding of the C-terminal domain of activated ICP to specific receptors in the midgut cell membrane; ─── 活化了的ICP的C-端区域与中肠细胞膜的专化受体不可逆结合。

61、Figure 4. Malrotation with midgut olulus showing torsion around the narrow mesenteric stalk. ─── 图4伴有中肠扭转的旋转不良显示扭转是沿着狭窄的肠系膜蒂。

62、In all patients, the diagnosis of midgut olulus was made on the basis of the clockwise whirlpool sign on sonography. ─── 所有病人都是基于超声上顺时针漩涡征的表现作出中肠扭转的诊断。

63、embryonic digestive tube consisting of the foregut the midgut and the hindgut. ─── 胚胎的消化管,包括前肠,中肠和后肠。

64、Study on the relationship between body length and cell numbers of midgut gland in Penaeus monodon ─── 斑节对虾体长与中肠腺细胞数相关性研究

65、Immunohistochemistry showed that Cyt1Aa6 protein was attached to the surface of midgut of Ae. albopictus. ─── 免疫荧光染色和免疫组织化学实验结果表明:Cyt1Aa6毒素蛋白主要结合于C6/36细胞膜和白纹伊蚊幼虫中肠上。

66、Histological changes in the midgut epithelium of Ixodes sinensis after biting naive and immunized New Zealand white rabbits ─── 中华硬蜱叮咬不同免疫力新西兰兔后中肠上皮组织的形态动态变化

67、Silkworm midgut nuclear-polyhedrosis virus ─── 家蚕中肠核多角体病毒

68、The oldest patient in our study was 32 years old, which is a ery unusual age for midgut olulus to appear. ─── 我们这组研究中最大的病人是32岁,这是发生中肠扭转很罕见的年龄。

69、Analysis on the Protein Expression Profile in Midgut From Silkworm, Bombyx mori, During Larva-pupae Metamorphosis ─── 家蚕中肠组织在变态发育不同时期的蛋白表达差异分析

70、MdLys expression was slightly increased in midgut after challenging with Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus. ─── 在中肠中,受到大肠杆菌或者金黄色葡萄球菌刺激后,表达水平均有所上调。

71、These results prove that the specific antigens of Ixodex sinensis are only localized in salivary gland and midgut epithelium And this study has therefore laid a theore... ─── 用中华硬蜱反复叮咬后的动物血清,经LSAB法抗原片染色;

72、Six of the active toxin units integrate into the plasma membrane to form a hexagonal-shaped pore through the midgut cell. ─── 六个活性毒素单元结合到原生质膜上形成一个贯通中肠细胞的底面为六边形孔洞

73、The mean age in our study was 11.8 years, which is surprisingly old een after considering the fact that midgut olulus is known to occur in older children and adults. ─── 我们这组研究中病人的平均年龄为11.8岁,即便是考虑到中肠扭转已知道会发生在大龄儿童和成年人的事实,这个平均年龄还是比较的大。

74、The CHAPS can enhance the dissolution of BBMV, and PI-PLC can cleave the APN from midgut membrane, the combination of Mono-Q and FPLC methods can purify partial APN. ─── CHAPS可以增加BBMV的溶解,PI-PLC能将APN从膜上解离下来,Mono-Q和FPLC结合的方法可以纯化部分APN。

75、midgut hormone ─── 中肠激素

76、It was concluded that the entire midgut was involved in food and water absorption. ─── 测试物在整个中肠中流动,中肠各段均参与了食物和水分的吸收。

77、5.The Ophicephalus argus digestive tract consists of the buccal-pharynx cavity, the esophagus, the stomach, the foregut, the midgut, the hindgut and the pyloric caecum. ─── 乌鳢的消化道由口咽腔、食道、胃、前肠、幽门盲囊、中肠、后肠几部分组成。

78、Abstract: Genesis and function through histo and cytology and cyto-chemistry are researched in midgut gland of Penaeus chinensis at larval stage. ─── 摘 要: 用组织学、细胞学以及细胞化学等手段对中国对虾中肠腺的结构发生和功能进行研究。

79、During embryologic development, intestinal rotation primarily occurs in the midgut, the segment of the bowel supplied by the SMA. ─── 在胚胎发育期间,肠管的旋转最初发生在中肠,部分节段的肠管是由SMA供养的。

80、Esterase in midgut ─── 中肠酯酶

81、The absorption of honokiol and magnolol in the midgut was as well as that in lieum. ─── 在小肠中部及下部吸收无明显差异,但较小肠上部相比稍差。

82、midgut polyhedrosis ─── 中肠型脓病

83、During embryologic deelopment, intestinal rotation primarily occurs in the midgut, the segment of the bowel supplied by the SMA. ─── 在胚胎发育期间,肠管的旋转最初发生在中肠,部分节段的肠管是由SMA供养的。


85、The Reproduction of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus in the Midgut Epithelial Cell and the Other Sensitive Cell of Helicoverpa armigera ─── 棉铃虫核多角体病毒在中肠及其它组织中增殖过程的电镜观察

86、Midgut protein ─── 中肠蛋白

87、Midgut olulus classically appears as bilious omiting in neonates.Howeer, in our group of patients (Table 1), this condition was seen in only 1 patient. ─── 新生儿的中肠扭转一般表现为胆汁性呕吐,然而在我们的这组病人中,这种情况只发生在1例病人中。

88、Figure 4. Malrotation with midgut olulus showing torsion around the narrow mesenteric stalk. ─── 图4伴有中肠扭转的旋转不良显示扭转是沿着狭窄的肠系膜蒂。

89、By using Mg/EGTA method, to centrifuge with different speeds, the BBMV in midgut of H. armigera could be successfully separated, and most of the APN activities in BBMV were preserved. ─── 利用Mg/EGTA方法,以不同的速度进行离心,可以成功地分离棉铃虫中肠BBMV,且BBMV中保留了大部分APN活性。

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