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09-30 投稿


consorts 发音

英:[kənˈsɔːts]  美:[kənˈsɔːrts]

英:  美:

consorts 中文意思翻译





consorts 常用词组

consort with ─── 陪伴;与…闲混;与…一致

consorts 词性/词形变化,consorts变形

动词过去分词: consorted |动词第三人称单数: consorts |动词现在分词: consorting |动词过去式: consorted |

consorts 相似词语短语

1、consortism ─── n.同生现象

2、consortia ─── n.联盟;合作;公会

3、consort ─── n.(统治者的)配偶;一组(古乐器或乐师);随航船只;伙伴;v.厮混,(别人反对的)结交;陪伴;符合;n.(Consort)(美、英、法)孔索尔特(人名)

4、consorted ─── n.(统治者的)配偶;一组(古乐器或乐师);随航船只;伙伴;v.厮混,(别人反对的)结交;陪伴;符合;n.(Consort)(美、英、法)孔索尔特(人名)

5、consists ─── v.由…构成;由…组成(consist的三单形式)

6、contorts ─── vt.扭曲;曲解;vi.扭曲

7、consoles ─── n.[计]控制台(console的复数);支柱;v.安慰;慰问(console的三单形式)

8、consorter ─── 配偶

9、consents ─── n.准许,同意;赞同,同意;正式批准文件,批文;(古)一致,和谐;v.同意,准许;(古)赞成(意见、看法等);n.(Consent)(法、荷、美)孔桑(人名)

consorts 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、TANG, MING: elegant consort (a high-ranking palace woman) ─── 丽妃

2、The goddess Isis, consort of Osiris, and her sister Nephthys found the pieces and gave new life to Osiris, who became the ruler of the underworld. ─── 俄赛里斯的配偶伊希斯和她的妹妹奈弗台斯,一一拾回,赐予俄赛里斯新的生命,其后来成为冥府的统治者。

3、The scandal began in early May when Mr Berlusconi's wife, Veronica Lario, announced that she was divorcing him, adding that she could no longer stay with a man who “consorts with minors”. ─── 丑闻始于今年5月初,当贝卢斯科尼的妻子韦罗妮卡拉里奥?他说她想离婚,她再也不能忍受了“与未成年人”的男子。

4、A politician known to consort with gangsters. ─── 一名被确证与匪徒有来往的政界人物

5、Zeratul: Kerrigan's consort! ─── Kerrigan的爪牙!

6、The crews of the Card and its consorts had eaten Christmas dinner in Casablanca before sailing. ─── 在起航前“卡德”号和僚舰上的官兵已在卡萨布兰卡吃了圣诞晚餐。

7、ZHOU, N-S DIV, SUI: hereditary consort ─── 世妇

8、Your actions do not consort with your principles. ─── 你的行为跟你的原则相悖。

9、Governed in consort with her advisers ─── 和她的顾问合力治理

10、Thou, wretched boy, that didst consort him here, shalt with him hence. ─── 你这该死的小子,你生前跟他做朋友,死后也去陪他吧!

11、Hence, let no man consort with another's wife. ─── 因此男人不应与他人之妻通奸。

12、The three sons from his first consort Ashi Rinchen had all died in their childhood. ─── 国王的第一个妃子仁青有三个儿子,但都在他们童年的时候死了。

13、Most worship some form of the Great Goddess and Her consort, The Horned God. ─── 大多数人崇拜伟大的女神和她的配偶、有角的上帝。

14、They went in consort two or three together. ─── 他们三三两两结伴前往。

15、You should consort more with your classmates. ─── 你应与同学多交往。

16、The earliest supreme god, a personification of the sky, who was the son and consort of Gaea and the father of the Cyclopes and Titans. ─── 优利纳斯神最早的至上的神,是天的化身,是大地女神的儿子和配偶,是希克罗比斯和泰坦们的父亲

17、Father is annoyed that his daughter consorts with all kinds of strange people. ─── "女儿与各种来历不明的人厮混在一起,父亲很是恼火。"

18、You yourselves consort with harlots, and with prostitutes you offer sacrifice!So must a people without understanding come to ruin. ─── 因为她们同荡妇走往偏僻之处,又同庙妓一同献祭:但无智的百姓却因此而堕落!

19、His practice does not consort with his words. ─── 他言行不一致。

20、Changed practices, consorts and buried. ─── 一改常规,后妃合葬。

21、You should consort with your classmates. ─── 你应与同学交往。

22、Later Druk Gyalpo Jigme Wangchuck also married Ashi Pema Dechen, the sister of his first consort. ─── 后来晋美又娶了旁措却登的妹妹白马德青。

23、The tombs of Shang kings and their consorts at Xiaotun lie on a north-south axis, ten degrees east of due north. ─── 商朝国王以及他们的配偶在小屯的墓穴也是位于一条南北走向的轴上,北面大约向东倾斜十度。

24、He was therefore, always respected, and often employed; but he was not a favourite of George the second; his consort, or his minister. ─── 因些,他一直受人尊敬,常受到任命,却并非乔治二世,王后及内阁大臣们的宠信。

25、In this approach, a small molecule effector moiety is displayed from the surface of the protein, and protein and small molecule act in consort to bind the RNA target. ─── 在此方法中,一个小分子效应基会显示从表面的蛋白质,蛋白质和小分子的行为约束勾勾搭搭的RNA的目标。

26、North Building Deluxe Consort Room ─── 北楼豪华夫妻间

27、Isabel: Would a true Griffin Queen consort with demons? Kill Godric? Burn peasants? ─── 伊莎贝尔:一个真正的狮鹫帝国女皇会与恶魔结为夫妻?杀死哥德里克?焚烧农民?

28、In front of the hall, there is a pair of 400 years old consort pines, symbolizing the harmony of the emperor and empress. ─── 在殿前有一对400年的夫妻古松,被称作连理枝,它象征了皇上和皇后的和谐融洽,百年好和。

29、sacred pool on the slopes of Java's Mount Penanggungan, men bathe beside statues of Sri and Lakshmi, the consorts of the Hindu god Vishnu. ─── 爪哇的槟榔刚甘山斜坡上圣池,男人们在印度教神毗湿奴的配偶希里·拉克希米雕像旁洗浴。

30、And maybe, perhaps you didn't know there was a consort coming, either? ─── 你们也许还不知道有条接应船会驶来吧?

31、Most of overage unmarried girls in cities are so-called talent ladies who have rather good education.Probably,their behaviors selecting consorts do not begin just from today. ─── 城市里的大龄未婚女青年大多数是所谓的“才女”,即受过较高教育的女子。“才女”择偶恐怕不是从今天才开始的。

32、In a sacred pool on the slopes of Mount Penanggungan, men bathe beside statues of Sri and Lakshmi, the consorts of the Hindu god Vishnu. ─── 在Penanggungan山坡一个圣池,男人们在印度教神毗湿奴配偶斯里和拉克希米雕像旁洗澡。

33、King of Elis in ancient Greece to their daughter in order to pick a horse Wenwushuangquan the Prince Consort, the election must be made and their chariot race. ─── 古希腊伊利斯国王为了给自己的女儿挑选一个文武双全的驸马,提出应选者必须和自己比赛战车。

34、One should consort with those one can learn from. ─── 一个人应结交能与之学习之人。

35、Only law marry just be provided with consort right. ─── 只有法律婚才具有配偶权。

36、With gritty determination and good humor,she served the crown and the country as a Duchess , royal consort and Queen mother. ─── 不管是作为公爵夫人,还是皇后和皇太后,她都以坚韧不拔的决心和良好的幽默感,为这个国家和王室操劳着。

37、The dress sense of male consorts is an even bigger issue now then it was in the Thatcher era. ─── 与撒切尔时代相比,如今第一先生的着装是一个更重要的问题。

38、Who consorts with the unclean becomes himself unclean; who consorts with clean is cleansed. ─── 与污秽者为伍,自己也得污秽;与洁净者相伴,自己也得洁净。

39、Consort of George IV of Great Britain. ─── 不伦瑞克的卡罗琳:大不列颠乔治四世的配偶。

40、The sixteen legs are trampling on sixteen animals, which symbolize heavenly guardians and consorts. ─── 二尊头戴五骷髅冠,以五十干湿人首璎珞为严饰,体现出藏传佛教的神秘主义色彩。

41、Probably,their behaviors selecting consorts do not begin just from today. ─── “才女”择偶恐怕不是从今天才开始的。

42、The crews of the Card and its consorts had eaten Christmas dinner in Casablanca before sailing. ─── 在起航前“卡德”号和僚舰上的官兵已在卡萨布兰卡吃了圣诞晚餐。

43、If he consorts with persons unsuitable to him, his bishop will interfere. ─── 如果他和不适合他去结交的人来往,他的主教就会进行干涉。

44、The women interviewed by Lewis recounted stories of their grandmothers' ordeals with monks who used them as "wisdom consorts. " ─── Lewis采访的这些妇女还向她讲述了她们祖母作为“智慧女”遭受僧侣们折磨的过去。

45、Their bonds were all the stronger since Nian's younger sister was one of the emperor's most favored consorts--she bore him four of his thirteen children, one girl and three boys. ─── 君臣两人之间的关系,复因年羹尧之妹贵为雍正的宠妃而更形磐固。雍正的十三名子嗣有一女三男足年妃生的。

46、He doted upon his Yang GuiFei (Precious Consort Yang) and, spending his time in search of pleasure, neglected both politics and the court. ─── 他沉溺与杨贵妃(珍贵的爱妃)的玩乐之中,终日寻欢作乐,根本不理会政治与朝廷。

47、Life as music, music consort with the life. ─── 人生如乐。

48、Ahab's pagan consort Jezebel carefully planned and craftily executed, she got two scoundrels to bring false charges against Naboth. ─── 亚哈王的异教配偶耶洗别小心地计谋并狡猾地去执行,她叫两个匪徒作假见证控告拿伯.

49、Say to thy Consorts: "If it be that ye desire the life of this World, and its glitter,- then come! ─── 你对你的众妻说:“如果你们欲得今世的生活与其装饰,那末,你们来吧!

50、Nor yet a sweet consort from broken strings, ─── 不奢望断弦弹奏出甜美的乐章,

51、The clan of the Consorts and the literati and officialdom fought bitterly against the practice and took relevant counter measures. ─── 外戚、士大夫针对宦官把持的这所监狱采取了争夺与反制措施。

52、In the past, the emperor and his consorts would come here to fish, watch fireworks, or admire the moon over Jade Island. ─── 在过去,皇帝和皇后会在这垂钓、看烟火,或是欣赏月色琼华岛。

53、The eariest supreme god. a personification of the sky who was the son and consort of Gaea and the father of the Cyclopes and Titans. ─── 乌拉诺斯.最早的主神.是天的化身.大地女神的儿子和配偶.泰坦诸神和库克罗普斯的父亲.

54、A consort of Zeus and the mother of Apollo and Artemis. ─── 勒托宙斯的一个妻子,也是阿波罗和阿耳特弥斯的母亲

55、The earliest supreme god,a personification of the sky,who was the son and consort of Gaea and the father of the Cyclopes and Titans. ─── 优利纳斯神最早的至上的神,是天的化身,是大地女神的儿子和配偶,是希克罗比斯和泰坦们的父亲。

56、"Fatheris annoyed that his daughter consorts with all kinds of strange people. ─── "女儿与各种来历不明的人厮混在一起,父亲很是恼 火 。

57、The Road to Paradise - Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh ─── 天堂之路

58、South Building Consort Room Tailian Hotel Reservation ─── 南楼夫妻房,桂林台联酒店预订

59、Druk Gyalpo Jigme Wangchuck was born to Gongsa Ugyen Wangchuck and Ashi Tsundue Lhamo alias Lemo, the second consort, in 1905. ─── 主域甲波(不丹国王的藏语叫法)晋美旺秋出生于1905年,父亲是不丹开国国王贡桑乌颜旺秋,母亲是国王第二个妃子泽登拉姆(别名勒莫)。

60、Dmitry Tursunov and No. 7 seed will be "Prince Consort before the horse," Stepan Jelinek of the Czech people for the right to the final. ─── 图萨诺夫将和7号种子”前驸马“捷克人斯特潘内克争夺决赛权。

61、And let no man consort with alien powers. ─── 不会再有不同的势力。

62、The act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign or the sovereign's consort. ─── 加冕为君主或其配偶加冕的行为或仪式

63、Do not consort with thieves. ─── 不要与窃贼交往。

64、A consort of fellow diplomats. ─── 一群协力工作的外交官们

65、His behavior does not consort with his beliefs. ─── 他言行不符。

66、Consorts of the Prophet! ─── 先知的妻子们啊!

67、The earest supreme god, a personfcaton of the sy ho as the son and consort of Gaea and the father of the Cyclopes and Ttans. ─── 乌拉诺斯,最早的主神,是天的化身,大地女神的儿子和配偶,泰坦诸神和库克罗普斯的父亲。

68、Governed in consort with her advisers. ─── 与她的顾问们协力统治

69、The clan of the Consorts and the literati and officialdom fought bitterly against the practice and took relevant counter measures. ─── 外戚、士大夫针对宦官把持的这所监狱采取了争夺与反制措施。

70、The insidious influence of underground mobs working in consort with gambling syndicates has once again threatened the integrity of pro baseball in Taiwan. ─── 地下黑道与签赌集团挂勾产生的危害影响,又再度威胁到台湾职业棒球的诚信问题。

71、Don't consort with criminals. ─── 不要和犯罪分子结交。

72、The offering up of the wisdom consort to the guru necessary in the high tantras was likewise practiced by the AUM sect. ─── 与喇嘛教中的师父弟子关系相同,奥姆真理教的学员也必须给“上师”献“智慧女”。

73、They visit caerns of many different tribes, and they have been known to consort with mages, spirits and the fae as well. ─── 他们拜访了许多部族的圣地,他们被认为与魔法,灵魂和妖精有关。

74、CONSORT:Outlanders, you are back? Have you news of the outside world? There was a great earthquake recently, and no demons have terrorized a citizen for an entire week! ─── 外地人,你回来了?你有外面世界的信息吗?这最近有一场巨大的地震,而且一整周都没有恶魔恐吓一个市民!

75、Uranus The eariest supreme god, a personification of the sky who was the son and consort of Gaea and the father of the Cyclopes and Titans. ─── 乌拉诺斯,最早的主神,是天的化身,大地女神的儿子和配偶,泰坦诸神和库克罗普斯的父亲。

76、Some traditions also aver that the mountain is Shiva's linga and Lake Manasarowar below is the yoni of His consort. ─── 佛教、印度教、耆那教和苯教四大教派均将冈仁波齐尊为神山,世界中心。

77、The “dazzlingly lovely” Genji, son of the emperor and one of his lower-grade consorts, is irresistible to women. ─── 一个地位低下的妃子受皇上临幸,产下源氏,“俊美可喜”,迷倒众生。

78、consort with; associate with ─── 与..结交

79、You consort too long with those young men. ─── 你跟那些年轻人一起混得太久了。

80、Perhaps even more than his obvious wealth and famed magical power, Gromph's ability to select his consorts was a testament to his status. ─── 或许,比起他惊人的财富和闻名的魔法力量更为重要的,就是贡夫能够选择自己的配偶,这才是对他地位的证明。

81、All through the twenty-fourth the British cruisers and the Prince of Wales continued to dog the Bismarck and her consort. ─── 24日一整天,英国几艘巡洋舰和“威尔士亲王”号继续尾随着“俾斯麦”号和它的僚舰。

82、He undergoes many dangerous magical transformations and consorts with those considered the "worst" of the wizarding world (CS18). ─── 他经历了很多次十分危险的魔法变身,和巫师世界里品行恶劣的人物为伍(密室,第18章)。

83、Sirius was astronomically the foundation of their entire religious system. It was the embodiment of Isis, wife and consort of the god Osiris, who appeared in the sky as Orion. ─── 天狼星是他们全部宗教系统天文学上的基础。它是妻子伊希斯和她的配偶奥斯里斯的化身,奥斯里斯在天空中以猎户星座出现。

84、King Iphitos ancient Greece to their daughter to a selection of her consort songs, proposed to be elected and who have their own competitions chariot. ─── 古希腊伊利斯国王为了给自己的女儿挑选一个文武双全的驸马,提出应选者必须和自己比赛战车。

85、His practice does not consort with his preaching. ─── 他言行不一。

86、Nor yet a sweet consort from broken strings. ─── 不奢望断弦弹奏出甜美的乐章。

87、the prince consort(= the queen's husband) ─── 亲王(女王的丈夫)

88、Consorts of the Prophet! If any of you were guilty of evident unseemly conduct, the Punishment would be doubled to her, and that is easy for Allah. ─── 先知的妻子们啊!你们中谁作了明显的丑事者,将受加倍的刑罚,这事对于真主是容易的。

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