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10-01 投稿


maturer 发音

英:[məˈtjʊərə]  美:[məˈtʃʊrər]

英:  美:

maturer 中文意思翻译



maturer 词性/词形变化,maturer变形

形容词比较级: maturer |动词现在分词: maturing |副词: maturely |形容词最高级: maturest |动词第三人称单数: matures |动词过去分词: matured |动词过去式: matured |名词: matureness |

maturer 同义词

grown-up | ripen | prepared | get on | established | adult | developed | grow | old | suppurate | aged | ready | full-grown | mellow | season | maturate | age | develop | fledged |ripe | elderly | big | prime | senesce | grow up | grown | matured | experienced | accomplished | full-blown

maturer 反义词


maturer 相似词语短语

1、maturely ─── adv.成熟地;充分地

2、mature ─── adj.成熟的;充分考虑的;到期的;成年人的;vi.成熟;到期;vt.使…成熟;使…长成;慎重作出

3、capturer ─── n.捕获者

4、multurer ─── 骡夫

5、matured ─── adj.成熟的;到期的;v.成熟;到期(mature的过去分词)

6、manurer ─── 肥料

7、measurer ─── n.[测]测量器;[测]测量员

8、matures ─── 成熟

9、maturest ─── 成熟的;考虑周到的(mature的最高级)

maturer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Enables us to be much maturer and nearer to our dreams ─── 让我们更加成熟,更接近我们的梦想

2、People are growing maturer and maturer from the time they plan to have a baby. ─── 从计划要生育小孩的时候起,人们就会变得越来越成熟。

3、In many practice years, scale of factory larger and larger, management become maturer and maturer,our products have strong competition with its high quality and resonable price. ─── 在多年的生产经营实践中,生产规模日益扩大,经营管理日趋成熟,其产品质高价优,在国内外市场上有着很强的竞争力。

4、New image is expressed much maturer than old one. ─── 新形象更成熟的表达比旧。

5、I tried to say I feel happy for you, there're tons of reasons there, It must be a wonderful person:maturer, more talented and maybe even prettier. ─── 想试着告诉你自己为你高兴,有成千上万理由这么想,因为那一定是个很不错的人,更成熟,更睿智甚至也许更美丽。

6、I am hones,I do not people to lie,please understand,be yourself,want some one who can comunicate with in matur way.be able to travel. ─── 我是个诚实的人,不喜欢别人撒谎,请理解,做你自己,想找一个能成熟交流的人,愿意旅行.

7、Hello, I come back! In the new year, I hoped oneself can maturer somewhat, be able to know more friends. The friendship does not have the national boundary! ─── 大家好,我又回来啦!在新的一年里,我希望自己能更加成熟一些,能认识更多的朋友。友谊无国界!

8、Men and women ought to grow with years into greater health, broader judgment, maturer wisdom. ─── (不论男人女人随着年岁地增加应该“变得”比过去更健康、更具判断力和智慧。

9、When another colorful ring was added in your annual rings, may you walk to a richer and maturer world full of colors. ─── 当你的年轮又添上一个五彩的圆环时,祝你迈向更充实、更成熟的多彩世界。

10、Men and women ought to grow with years into greater health, broader judgment, maturer wisdom. ─── 不论男人女人随着年岁地增加应该“变得”比过去更健康、更具判断力和智慧。

11、The enrichment of aluminum in soils developed from granite is much maturer than that from basalt, the quality is adhesiver, and the primary minerals are less, too. ─── 发育于玄武岩的红壤较发育于花岗岩的红壤富铝化程度更高,质地更粘重,原生矿物较少。

12、The paper presents that Bai Juyi's anxiety is a multi-echelon and complicated,which makes his thought deeper and maturer. ─── 认为白居易的忧患情结是一个多层次、复杂的结构体,这也使得他的思想愈加深沉、愈加成熟了。

13、At the end of 20 century, Ofsted amended the Framework of inspecting schools frequently and made it matur and perfect. ─── 而且从上世纪末开始,英格兰教育标准局频繁修订学校督导大纲,英格兰学校督导制度也因此逐步走向成熟和完善。

14、So it's time for me to make maturer choice now, to be frank, it's also a little painful to be more realistic. ─── 生活的最终意味着承担责任,找到解决问题的正确答案,履行生活赋予每个人的使命。

15、Why the majority of people's first love always wither silently it because the young people are often childish in love. Your love will fruit earlier if you are maturer. ─── 为什么一般人的初恋总会无声无色地惨败,因为年轻人多恋爱得较幼稚。人成熟一点,你的爱情便会早熟一点,直到开花结果

16、With these experiences, became maturer in thought and was able to deal with others more smoothly, to analyze and solve problems more efficiently. ─── 这些经历都使我不断在思想上成熟起来,增强了自己在待人接物和分析问题、解决问题的能力。

17、In the school life and rich after school, cause me to be maturer, to be steady. ─── 在学校的生活和丰富的课余时间,使我更加成熟、稳重。

18、more independent and systemic the noumenon is, the maturer the art gets. ─── 本体独立性越强,体系越完善,艺术就越成熟。

19、Speaking of the parents: You are maturer , are self-confident, and has enters the apex university's competitive power. ─── 对父母而言:你更加成熟、自信,并具备进入顶尖大学的竞争力。

20、With the development of the business, the human resources management in Dalian PGM has been getting more maturer with each passing day. ─── 随着企业的发展,大连PGM的人力资源管理也日趋成熟。

21、Appears maturer after experience professional profession ups and downs' Arab League Germany. ─── 在经历职业生涯沉浮后的阿德显得更加成熟。

22、Had not thought that 23 year-old Zhang Yang Guoer has compared to hers age maturer peace and point of view. ─── 没想到,23岁的张杨果而有比她的年龄更成熟和平和的心态。

23、”He Jinqiu said that “, therefore, many foreign students reflected, the reform and open policy causes national the abroad study policy becomes maturer, the management has been standarder. ─── 何晋秋说,“因此,很多留学生都反映,改革开放使国家的留学政策变得更加成熟,管理更加规范了。”

24、Speaking of the parents: You are maturer, are self-confident, and has enters the apex university's competitive power. ─── 对父母而言:你更加成熟、自信,并具备进入顶尖大学的竞争力。

25、Appears maturer after experience professional profession ups and downs' Arab League Germany. ─── 在经历职业生涯沉浮后的阿德显得更加成熟。

26、This year this team is maturer, we do not need to take the highest integral in Brazil. ─── 今年这个团队更加成熟,我们并不需要在巴西拿下最高的积分。

27、late maturer ─── 晚熟者

28、"In the maturer markets, such as Western Europe, it's simple. ─── “在成熟市场,如西欧,这很简单。

29、It changes maturer beautiful, also changes including the makings has the young female student's feeling very much. ─── 它变的更成熟美丽,连气质也变的很有小女生的感觉。

30、Now, passed through the love, the marriage, particularly daughter's misfortune, in Li Yapeng eye Wang Fei was maturer. ─── 如今,经过了恋爱、结婚,尤其是女儿的不幸,李亚鹏眼中的王菲更加成熟了。

31、Comparatively, Ding Junhui in the technology, the experience and the psychological quality is maturer. ─── 相比之下,丁俊晖在技术、经验和心理素质上都更为成熟。

32、The maturer process of smelting special FeSi was summarized, while the process shortages were also pointed out. ─── 总结性地提出了较为成熟的特殊硅铁冶炼工艺方法,也客观地指出了该法的缺陷之所在。

33、Had not thought that 23 year-old Zhang Yang Guoer has compared to hers age maturer peace and point of view. ─── 没想到,23岁的张杨果而有比她的年龄更成熟和平和的心态。

34、As time goes on, we become maturer and older day by day, and then there is a story. ─── 1就这样,随着时间的推移,我们不断成熟,随着时间的推移,我们变得老朽,于是就有了一段故事.

35、In a flash you're a little maturer . May you possess a colorful youth in such a colourful age. ─── 就在这一瞬间,你又长大了一些,多彩的年龄,愿你拥有一个多彩的青春。

36、today is you in the first National Day which overseas passed, I believed this unusual experience can let you become maturer, wishes you to succeed! ─── "今天是你在国外度过的第一个国庆节,我相信这不同寻常的经历会让你变得更成熟,祝你成功!"

37、I'm maturer than others who are of my own age, because of my experience. ─── 由于我的经历,我比我的同龄人更成熟。

38、She is maturer than many people, completely manifested this point at 05 year and 06 year competition. ─── 她比很多人都成熟,在05年和06年的比赛就完全体现到了这一点。

39、So I left ,trying to be much maturer and stronger. ─── 欢乐趣,离别苦,就中更有痴儿女。

40、early maturer ─── 早熟者

41、But passing all are only the new starts merely, from now on will use a maturer posture to face the challenge, shares the good music together with the singer fan. ─── 而过往的一切仅仅只是新的开始,今后将用更加成熟的姿态面对挑战,与歌迷一同分享好的音乐。”

42、When another colorful ring was added in your annual rings,may you walk to a richer and maturer world full of colors. ─── 当你的年轮又添上一个五彩的圆环时,祝你迈向更充实、更成熟的多彩世界。

43、Along with the cognition of Marxism turning deeply, application of historical materialism become more and more maturer in the Chinese literature research. ─── 鲁迅等人成功地将历史唯物主义与中国古代文学研究结合起来,为历史唯物主义文学研究奠定了坚实的基础。

44、The maturer you are, the less you imitate; ─── 你越成熟,你越少模仿;

45、The paper has expounded components and several types of coal bed gas and analys ed the influences of microlithotype, matur ity, reservoir pressure and so fort... ─── 对分析煤盆地间、钻孔间以及煤层间煤层气成分的变化具有重要意义。

46、I never see u r a maturer person simply because u r showing me u r very demanding, lack of critical thinking, proper studying & humble attitude! ─── 坦白说,大部分的版主都是一肚子苦水与委屈,只能在私底下互相诉苦彼此劝慰打气罢了!

47、Being as a small tree in brave wind and snow , Jane grew unflaggingly, and it was the environment that made her become maturer and maturer. ─── 她就像一颗顶风冒雪的小树,不屈不挠地成长起来,也是这种环境造就了更加成熟的简爱。

48、Chinese-styled rural urbanization belongs to the historical sphere,which,since the 1980s has become much maturer as undergoing a series of disputes,doutbts,researches and practices. ─── 我国的乡村城市化道路具有中国特色,是一个历史范畴。自20世纪80年代初以来,它在争论、置疑、学术包容和积极实践中不断迈向成熟。

49、Garbage power technology becomes maturer and maturer today,the single unit capacity has reached 100MW. ─── 垃圾焚烧发电技术日趋成熟,现垃圾发电厂单炉发电能力高达100兆瓦;

50、With one year older in age,I wish you more charming, maturer,wiser, enjoy your golden years forever and have brilliant future. Happy birthday and good health. ─── 加了一岁,加了一份魅力,加了一份成熟,加了一份智慧。深深祝福你,永远拥有黄金岁月,璀璨的未来。生日快乐,身体健康!

51、In the suspension fork aspect, first hung four model of vehicles to use comfortableness as well as technical aspect maturer Mai Xunshi independent suspension. ─── 在悬架方面,前悬上四款车均采用了舒适性以及技术方面更成熟的麦弗逊式独立悬挂。

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