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10-01 投稿


miserableness 发音


英:  美:

miserableness 中文意思翻译



miserableness 词性/词形变化,miserableness变形

副词: miserably |名词: miserableness |

miserableness 反义词


miserableness 同义词

suffering | mean | sorry | abject | piteous | wretched | hapless | overcast | woeful | rotten | inadequate | hopeless | despairing | depressed | paltry | pitiful | dull | grey | depressing | fed up | down | cheerless | gray | measly | deplorable | shabby | dismal | low-down | pathetic | desolate | scurvy | accursed | sad | melancholy | execrable | misfortunate | pitiable | ailing | forlorn | scummy |unhappy | petty | gloomy | rope | low | poor | derisory

miserableness 相似词语短语

1、mistakableness ─── 误会

2、filterableness ─── n.过滤性

3、answerableness ─── 应负责任

4、observableness ─── 可观察性

5、desirableness ─── n.满意;愿望

6、filtrableness ─── 可过滤性

7、fineableness ─── 细度

8、measurableness ─── 可测量性

9、alterableness ─── 易变性

miserableness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was a miser -and how! ─── 他是吝啬鬼--可不是吗!

2、He is a precious miser. ─── 他是个十足的吝啬鬼。

3、His brother was a prize bastard and a miser. ─── 他的兄弟是个头号大坏蛋,还是个吝啬鬼。

4、A miser lusts after gold. ─── 守财奴死要钱。

5、A miser is characterized by greed. ─── 守财奴以贪婪为特性

6、He is really a miser. ─── 他可真抠。

7、A generous miser is a contradiction in terms. ─── “慷慨的吝啬鬼”是一种语词矛盾的说法。

8、A miser gives undue importance to making and saving money. ─── 守财奴对赚钱和存钱孰轻孰重的认识有误。

9、Hats off to you for getting a donation from that miser. ─── 你能从那小气鬼身上募到钱真不简单,我佩服你。

10、A stingy person; a miser. ─── 吝啬吝啬小气的人; 守财奴

11、George used to be a miser, but lately he has launched out in the most marvellous way. ─── 乔治过去曾是个吝啬鬼,可最近却令人吃惊地大肆挥霍起来。

12、The money the miser boards will do him no good. ─── 守财奴敛财,对己毫无好处。

13、He has gained the character of a miser. ─── 他博得了一个守财奴的名声。

14、A stingy, grasping person; a miser. ─── 吝啬的人;小气鬼

15、"Jinzan snow Liman" refers to the Jinzan Xue Baochai Figure in general, buried in snow, it is not, Xue Baochai necessarily imply that the situation was left out in the cold miser. ─── "金簪雪里埋",是指薛宝钗如图里的金簪一般,被埋在雪里,也是不得其所,暗示薛宝钗必然遭到冷落孤寒的境遇。

16、People will love easily and hard to hate each other with passion. They will get relaxed easily and forget the miserableness. Of course, your soul will also get stronger with passion. ─── 人们有了热情,就会变得心胸宽广,抛弃怨恨,就会变得轻松愉快,甚至忘记病痛,当然还将消除心灵上的一切皱纹。

17、He is such a high-level miser that no one can gain anything from him. ─── 他是一个极顶吝啬的人,谁也别想占他半点便宜。

18、A satyr, a miser and a homosexual died at the same time, they want to heaven. ─── 一个色狼、一个财迷和一个同性恋同时死了,他们都想上天堂。

19、When the miser returned and found the place empty, ─── 守财奴回来发现那个地方空了后,

20、The miser grudged his dog its food. ─── 吝啬鬼不愿用食物喂他的狗。

21、The miser, who head a heart of flint, drove the old beggar woman away. ─── 守财奴是个冷酷无情的人,他把乞讨的老妇人赶走了。

22、People will get relaxed easily and forget the miserableness. ─── 人们会容易变得放松,忘记痛苦。

23、The miser puts his gold pieces into a coffer;but as soon as the coffer is closed,it is as if it were empty. ─── 守财奴把金子放进保柜,但是保险柜一关上,就像空的一样。

24、Miser: A person who lives poor so that he can die rich. ─── 吝啬鬼:过穷日子以求死后富有的人。

25、The miser bought some wine with some money. ─── 吝啬鬼用钱买了一些酒。

26、The miser gloated over his gold. ─── 守财奴心满意足地望着他的金子。

27、His grandfather was a miser. ─── 他爷爷是个吝啬鬼。

28、The poorer one is,the more he looks upon money as dirt. I often wonder why a miser should be so rigid in self-denial,even grudging to spend every single cent for himself. ─── 一个人到了越穷困的时候,对于金钱便越视为粪土,我常常奇怪视钱如命的守财奴,为什么要这样刻薄自己,半文钱也不肯花。

29、The Miser, on his next visit, found the hole empty and began to tear his hair and to make loud lamentations. ─── 守财奴在接下来的一次查看中发现洞已经空了,然后开始拉扯自己的头发并大声唱起哀歌。

30、He is a very stingy person. 2. What a miser! 3. He's not a generous person. ─── 他是个很小气的人。真是个吝啬鬼!他不是个慷慨的人。

31、Don't be such a miser. ─── 别像个守财奴似的。

32、The pocket of the miser is always empty. ─── 吝啬鬼的口袋里总是没有钱。

33、A miser loves gold above his life. ─── 一个守财奴爱财胜过生命。

34、Passers were wondered at seeing a feast going on in the miser’s house and so they asked his doorkeeper about it. ─── 一些人路过,看到在小气鬼家里举办宴会,都感到很奇怪,便问小气鬼的看门人是怎么回事。

35、He wanted to own her as wildly as a miser wants to own gold coins, as hungrily as a sharecropper wants to own his own land. ─── 他想要占有她,如疯似癫得就像守财奴想要占有金市一样,如饥似渴得就像二地主想要占有耕地一样。

36、Hugh lived the life of a selfish miser who increased his own wealth at the expense of others; he ended up being a friendless alcoholic who died in the poor house. ─── 休过着一种守财奴的生活,用别人的金钱来增加自己的财富;最后他变成一个没有朋友的酒鬼,死时一文不名。

37、Bless her from marrying a miser. ─── 上天保佑她不要和一个吝啬鬼结婚。

38、You are such a miser, you won't even buy me Dawan Tea. ─── 你真是个看财奴,连大碗茶都舍不得请我喝!

39、It is the unintellectual miser who sweats blood at the loss of a hundred dollars. ─── 只有无知的守财奴才会为损失了100块钱而心痛万分。

40、Do you want to be a pursuer or a miser of money? ─── 你是想做金钱的追随者还是奴隶?

41、A miser who is too tightfisted to give his extra food and treasure wouldn't accumulate merits and is thus not eligible for the name of the Bodhisattva. ─── 其悭吝者,不自食用,功德不修,复不与人。坚守财宝亦复如是。

42、A stingy person;a miser. ─── 吝啬吝啬小气的人;守财奴

43、To 6) hoard days as a 7) miser does dollars, to make every hour bring me 8) dividends in specific results accomplished. ─── 6)天囤积作为7)是否守财奴美元,使每一个小时,使我8)分红具体成果。

44、Animals never have enough food, nor the miser sufficient money. ─── 动物好吃不厌多,财迷贪财总嫌少。

45、To spend the money is the last thing for a miser. ─── 吝啬鬼最不想做的事就是花钱。

46、MISER sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold, which he buried in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall and went to look at daily. ─── 一个守财奴卖光了他所有的东西去买了一块金子,他把金子埋进一面破墙边上地下的洞里,然后他每天都会去查看。

47、She discovered she had married a miser. ─── 她结婚之后才发现自己嫁了个吝啬鬼.

48、Conquer anger by love, evil by good; conquer the miser with liberality, and the liar with truth. ─── 以爱心降服愤怒、好事降服坏事、慷慨降服吝啬、而以真理降服欺诈。

49、He's changed into a perfect miser. ─── 他已变成了一个十足的吝啬鬼。

50、He was worried that " Old Miser" knew of his sore need and would take advantage of the situation to boost the interest rate. ─── 他还恐怕那“钱猢狲”知道他是急用,要趁火打劫,高抬利息。

51、A miser's life is a constant exercise of every human faculty in the service of his own personality. ─── 守财奴的生活,便是不断的运用这种力量为自我效劳。

52、The miser's eyes glinted when he saw the money. ─── (喻)"一看到钱,守财奴的眼睛便亮起来了。"

53、For a parting shot, she called me a miser. ─── 临走前,她丢给我一句话,说我是小气鬼。

54、Dickens's lively good, bad and comic characters, such as the cruel miser Scrooge, the aspiring novelist David Copperfield, or the trusting and innocent Mr. ─── 他生活在英国由半封建社会向工业资本主义社会的过渡时期。

55、There was once a miser who sold all his property and turned it into a great lump of gold. ─── 从前,有个守财奴,他把所有的财产都卖了,换成了一大块金子。

56、A plunder plunders his heir's fortune while a miser his own. ─── 1挥霍者掠夺他的继承人的财产,守财奴掠夺自己的财产。

57、Friendship is a prodigal, but love is a miser. ─── 友谊是子弟,而爱情却是小气鬼。

58、What a miser!He cycles to school every day. ─── 吝啬鬼!他每天还骑自行车上学!

59、As good beg of a naked man as a miser. ─── [谚]向守财奴求助,好比向一无所有的人求助。

60、She disovered she had married a miser. ─── 她发现自己嫁了一个守财奴。

61、He had to give the crotchety old miser his last money for a map of the area, but he wasn't complaining - otherwise he'd still be trying to find his way home. ─── 但是有人说偶尔会发现一些非法的工厂,那里你可以买下一个急救帐篷,一个弩炮和一个弹药车,一站购齐!想象一下他们赚的钱,恩?

62、The most covetous griping miser in the world would have been cur'd of the vice of covetousness, if he had been in my case; for I possess'd infinitely more than I knew what to do with. ─── 即使是世界上最贪婪、最一毛不拔的守钱奴,处在我现在的地位,也会把贪得无厌的毛病治好,因为我现在太富有了,简直不知道如何支配自己的财富。

63、A miser lives always in fear ,never able to take delight in what they have ,or create from it those things worth having like friends,family,a good name . ─── 守财奴离群索居内心惶恐不安,他永远难以从已经拥有的财富中得到快乐,也不能从那些诸如朋友、家庭和名声之类的值得拥有的东西中创造快乐。

64、Overcome the angry by non-anger; overcome the wicked by goodness; overcome the miser by generosity; overcome the liar by truth. ─── 以无忿(即慈爱)战胜忿怒者,以善战胜恶人,以布施战胜吝啬的人,以说真实语战胜妄语者。

65、Why don't you buy me a drink for a change, you old miser! ─── 你就不能也请我喝一杯, 你这老财迷!

66、You are so lucky! Two-thirds of the world's wealth is in your hands, but if only to accumulate and stubbornly cling your wealth , it will undoubtedly become a miser! ─── 你们是幸运儿,世界上三分之二的财富都掌握在你们的手中,但是如果只是为了累积财富而死抱着财富不撒手的话,无疑成了守财奴!

67、An obdurate miser. ─── 冷酷无情的吝啬鬼

68、Miser, to make sure of his property, sold all that he had had converted it into a great lump of gold, which he hid in a hole in the ground, and went continually to visit and inspect it. ─── 一个守财奴,想要确定他的财产有多少,于是他把他的所有换成了一大块金子,并将它藏在地底下的一个洞里面,而且频繁的去查看它还是否在那里。

69、The miser chanced to overhear the remark and loudly reproached the servant: "Who allowyou to fix the date? ─── 吝啬鬼碰巧偷听到那句话,便大骂仆人:“谁允许你决定日子的?”

70、He was very rich, but a miser. ─── 他非常富有,但却极为吝啬。

71、A miser worships money . ─── 守财奴崇拜金钱。

72、The poorer one is, the more he looks upon money as dirt. I often wonder why a miser should be so rigid in self-denial, even grudging to spend every single cent for himself. ─── 一个人到了越穷困的时候,对于金钱便越视为粪土,我常常奇怪一钱如命的守财奴,为什么要这样刻苦自己,半文钱也不肯花。

73、He has grown into an old miser. ─── 他已经变成老守财奴了。

74、He is an old miser. ─── 他是个老财迷。

75、a miser; a close liver; a moneygrubber; a scraper; a Scrooge ─── 守财奴

76、You can't expect a miser like her to contribute. ─── 你就别指望像他那样的小气鬼能捐钱了。

77、Of, relating to, or characteristic of a miser; avaricious, grasping, and penurious. ─── 守财奴似的与守财奴有关的,具有守财奴特性的;贪婪的、吝啬的且一毛不拔的

78、The ruling passion of them miser is the love of money. ─── 吝啬鬼最强烈的情感就是爱财。

79、If my uncle was certainly a miser, he was one of that thorough breed that goes near to make the vice respectable. ─── 如果说我的伯伯是个不折不扣的吝啬鬼,他倒是这帮人物中出类拨萃的一位,几乎使人对那种坏习惯也感到可敬。

80、His brother was a miser. ─── 他的兄弟是个吝啬鬼。

81、Soon Mary discovered she had married a miser. ─── 不久,玛丽发现她嫁给了一个守财奴。

82、Don't bargain on getting a penny from him, he is a miser ─── 别指望从他那里得到一个便士,他是个吝啬鬼。

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