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malpractice 发音

英:[ˌmælˈpræktɪs]  美:[ˌmælˈpræktɪs]

英:  美:

malpractice 中文意思翻译



malpractice 词性/词形变化,malpractice变形


malpractice 常用词组

malpractice insurance ─── 医疗事故保险

malpractice 短语词组

1、architectural malpractice ─── [法] 建筑上的怠忽职守

2、medical malpractice ─── [法] 医疗失当, 医疗错误

3、malpractice lawsuit ─── 医疗事故诉讼

4、malpractice suit ─── [医]医疗事故诉讼

5、malpractice liability ─── 渎职责任

6、malpractice insurance ─── [法] 医疗事故保险

7、legal malpractice ─── [法] 渎职罪

malpractice 相似词语短语

1、apractic ─── adj.精神性失用(症)的;运用不能(症)的

2、normal practice ─── 常规

3、malpractices ─── n.玩忽职守;不法行为;治疗不当

4、malolactic ─── adj.苹果乳酸的

5、practice ─── n.实践;练习;惯例;vi.练习;实习;实行;vt.练习;实习;实行

6、GP practice ─── 全科医生实习

7、law practice ─── n.法律实践;律师事务所

8、to practice ─── 实践;练习;实习

9、in practice ─── 在实践中;实际上,事实上

malpractice 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The arbitrator is found to have taken bribes, conducted malpractice out of personal considerations, and misused the law in rendering a verdict in the course of arbitration. ─── 仲裁员在仲裁该案时有贪污受贿、徇私舞弊,枉法裁决行为的。

2、Applying the traditional examination method exist more malpractice of artificial factors in business enterprise training,that can t guarantee training quality. ─── 企业培训应用传统的考试方式存在较多人为因素的弊端,不能保证培训质量。

3、Among them, 22 are put in the malpractice, enterprise that embezzles bribery problem, bureaucratic.. ─── 其中,存在以权谋私、贪污受贿问题的企业22家,官僚...

4、"They shall not extort or take bribes, practice favouritism , commit malpractice, neglect their duties, or fail to collect or undercollect the amount of tax payable. ─── 不得索贿受贿、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守、不征或者少征应征税款;

5、The concept of "Assessment Result of Medical Malpractice" should be replaced by the concept of "Medical Negligence Assessment". ─── "医疗过失鉴定"概念应当取代"医疗事故鉴定结论"概念。

6、President Obama said he does not favor limits on the amount of money juries can award in malpractice lawsuits. ─── 奥巴马总统说,他并不赞成对陪审团能够为医疗事故判定多少赔偿金设立上限。

7、However, 48 percent of physicians reported that they had been named in a malpractice lawsuit at some time in their career. ─── 48%的医师报告,在他们行医生涯中的某个时间,他们曾经涉及一项医疗事故诉讼。

8、Doctors across the country are quitting their jobs because they can't afford malpractice insurance. ─── 全国的医生在放弃他们的工作,因为他们负担不起职业过失保险。

9、He also worried about malpractice suits and the high cost of malpractice insurance that doctors increasingly confront. ─── 他还担心渎职起诉,以及医生在高渎职保险中要付出的高额成本。

10、One reason is documented cases of gross medical malpractice in sub-Saharan Africa, mainly in the south. ─── 原因之一是撒哈拉沙漠以南,主要是在南部,医疗界里已证实的所有玩忽职守的案例。

11、And he took on a major concern for doctors: the fear of a malpractice lawsuit. ─── 同时,他也对医生们最担心的一个问题表达了意见,那就是医疗失误引起的法律诉讼。

12、Distinguish between the medical accident and the medical malpractice and the definitude of their responsibility, are propitious to solve and mitigate the conflict between the doctors and the patients. ─── 区分医疗事故与医疗损害并明确相应的责任,有利于妥善解决医患纠纷,缓和医患矛盾。

13、Enter the spectre of malpractice insurance,which adds approximately $500 to the cost of every hospital delivery. ─── 可是产妇一旦参加了医疗事故保险,在医院生孩子就要多付大约500美元。

14、But, suffer traditional smallholder idea to manacle, farmer (contain ordinary flowers business) appear necessarily in pursueing flowers industry course a few malpractice. ─── 但是,受传统小农观念束缚,农户(含一般花卉企业)在从事花卉产业过程中必然出现一些弊端。

15、Medical malpractice lawsuits can be exceptionally expensive to pursue, with costs often exceeding$100,000. ─── 医疗过失诉讼的成本很高,一般至少十万美元。

16、It would be irresponsible, bordering on malpractice, just to put in extra adaptability where it's not needed. ─── 加入不需要的、额外的可适应性是不负责任的、近乎不法的行为。

17、The concept of "Assessment Result of Medical Malpractice" should be replaced by the concept of "Medical Negligence Assessment" . ─── “医疗过失鉴定”概念应当取代“医疗事故鉴定结论”概念。

18、She sued her doctor for malpractice. ─── 她控告她的医生失职。

19、Much malpractice still exists in the current operating models of the state-owned commercial banks. ─── 国有商业银行现行的运营模式仍存在许多弊端 ;

20、We must correct the malpractice of individuals obtaining extra incomes by taking advantage of sectoral monopoly and some special privileges. ─── 对凭借行业垄断和某些特殊条件获得个人额外收入的必须纠正。

21、Introduced the idea that condition overhauls, analysed the malpractice of system of our country active overhaul, pointed out generate electricity the development way that facility status overhauls. ─── 介绍了状态检修的概念,分析了我国现行检修体制的弊端,指出了发电设备状态检修的发展方向。

22、Russia has long criticised the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe for daring to highlight election malpractice. ─── 俄罗斯长期以来批评欧洲安全与合作组织竟敢公然在选举时营私舞弊。

23、On the other hand the insufficiency and malpractice of the relief also pushed the victims and refugee to the revolt, leading to its loss of ruling legitimacy. ─── 但救济的不彻底又把灾民推向反抗与起义者的一边,为国民政府最终丧失其政治合法性累积下了不稳定因素。

24、The first step in pursuing a medical malpractice case is suspecting that one may have been the victim of medical malpractice. ─── 医疗过失的诉讼的第一步是确定医疗过失的受害者。

25、What is the first step in pursuing a medical malpractice claim? ─── 、医疗过失诉讼中,应该从何开始,第一步应该做些什么?

26、To strengthen the management of medical risk is an effective way to decrease malpractice and improve the safety of patients. ─── 加强医疗风险管理是减少医疗差错、改善患者安全的有效途径。

27、Too bad his usual cases are of the boring malpractice and fraud variety. ─── 他通常的案子都是些令人生厌的失职、诈骗之类的。

28、these bills is any serious attempt to rein in malpractice costs. ─── 这些法案中没有任何严格控制渎职造成的支出的措施。

29、To its malpractice should do historical analysis and academic fluoroscopy. ─── 对其弊端应做历史的分析和理论的透视。

30、Malpractice of taking exam education lies in examination, not in unearthing personal potential. ─── 医疗事故采取考试教育在于检查,而不是在挖掘个人潜力。

31、The judge is found to have taken bribes, conducted malpractice out of personal considerations, and misused the law in rendering judgment during the trial of the case. ─── 审判人员在审理该案件时有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判行为的。

32、It would be malpractice not to prescribe it. Yet with few exceptions we doctors don't learn much in our medical training about the healing power of love. ─── 如不在处方中为他的病人开这种药那他就是渎职。然而,医生们几乎毫无例外地没在我们所接受的医疗培训中学到更多的有关爱的治愈力的知识。

33、The original administration system malpractice already day by day was prominent in China, and the original pattern already unsuitable new market environment, so must reform. ─── 中国原有的行政管理体制的弊端已经日益突出,原有的模式已经不适应新的市场环境,因此必须改革。

34、It mainly deal with the concepts of medical malpractice,the burden of proof,The above concepts include meaning、characteristic、habitude and function. ─── 主要涉及医疗侵权行为、证明责任等概念的含义、特点、性质及作用。

35、Can you sue for malpractice and negligence? ─── 你可以控告渎职和失职?

36、only one or two serious allegations of malpractice. ─── 只有一两起严肃的渎职指控。

37、Enter the spectre of malpractice insurance,which adds approximately $ 500 to the cost of every hospital delivery. ─── 一旦参加了医疗事故保险,在医院生孩子就要多付大 约500美元。

38、There are many problems in tort action for medical malpractice which mostly exist in allocating burden of proof. ─── 医疗侵权诉讼的许多问题突出反映在证明责任分配之中。

39、The conclusion of technical appraisement for medical malpractice has served the health administrative departments as a basis and greatly react on dealing with medical disputes. ─── 医疗事故技术鉴定结论,在处理医疗纠纷中占有很重要的地位和作用,是卫生行政部门处理医疗事故的依据。

40、Most Acute herpes zoster(AHZ)can be cured,but still 15% of AHZ develop to PHN due to improper treatment or malpractice. ─── 多数急性带状疱疹(AHZ)疼痛可治愈,然而约有15%的患者由于治疗不及时或治疗不当而最终发展成为带状疱疹后神经痛(PHN)。

41、The malpractice of traditional land use system is evident and the patterns of land assets disposition are the important content of land use system and the key of land assets disposition. ─── 传统的土地使用制度弊端明显,土地资产处置方式是土地使用制度的重要内容,是土地资产处置的关键。

42、But the malpractice is the people can always pay attention, sometimes also can be injured, and not easy to hand over the sincerity friend. ─── 但弊端是人们会一直关注,有时还会受伤,并且不容易交到真心朋友。

43、These two kinds of standards all have its huge malpractice. ─── 为解决军功制度的弊端,明人也提出了一些建议。

44、If you think your policy might not cover your services, write your malpractice insurer a letter. ─── 如果你认为你的政策不包括你的服务,就给医疗事故保险公司写信。

45、Medical malpractice law is a highly technical field of law, and malpractice lawsuits tend to be fiercely defended by well-funded defense firms. ─── 医疗过失相关法律需要律师有高超的辩护技巧,并且这种诉讼的被告对象通常是指拥有雄厚的资金实力和辩护律师的机构。

46、Kindly send me written erification that my malpractice insurance policy, referenced aboe, will coer me in the eent of a lawsuit arising out of my actiities at the health fair. ─── 参考上面所有的事情,寄给我一份鉴定,在医疗事故保险单中包括起因于在健康事件活动引起的控诉。

47、The reasons resulting in medical tangles of 206 cases of non - malpractice and 99 cases of malpractice were discussed briefly. ─── 也简略讨论了206例非医疗过失纠纷和99例医疗过失纠纷发生的原因。

48、If forgot this one primary purpose, can cause the action that gives malpractice, can do the thing that harms party and people interest, meet finally by people disgustful. ─── 如果忘记了这一根本宗旨,就会诱发出以权谋私的行为,就会做损害党和人民利益的事,最后会被人民唾弃。

49、Malpractice insurers have expressed concern about the increased risk they incur when they provide liability-insurance coverage to bariatric surgeons. ─── 医疗疏失保险公司对于提供胃间隔手术医师保险责任几付时,受理此类保险的风险增加感到关心。

50、They shall not extort or take bribes, practice favouritism, commit malpractice, neglect their duties, or fail to collect or undercollect the amount of tax payable. ─── 不得索贿受贿、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守、不征或者少征应征税款;不得滥用职权多征税款或者故意刁难纳税人和扣缴义务人。

51、There is uncertainness and comparative certainness in medical work, and it leads patients to medical risk.Medical malpractice and others are the main factor affecting patient safety. ─── 医疗活动本身存在着不确定性和相对确定性一对内在矛盾,由不确定性引发的医疗过失等是影响病人安全的主要因素。

52、The dominant commercial bank renders a great service to the rural cooperatives in investment, while there exists much malpractice and hidden trouble. ─── 占主导地位的商业银行对农业合作社的投资虽功不可没,但同时也存在很多弊端和隐患。

53、Legally,a doctor commits medical malpractice when he departs from standard practice. ─── 从法律角度上讲,医生背离标准惯例则构成医疗失职。

54、One could even say it is marketing malpractice. ─── 人们甚至可以将它称为营销违规行为。

55、But in the economic system switcher process, the malpractice of the countryside insurance system exposed obviously.It hindered the socialism new rural reconstruction advancement. ─── 但在经济体制转机的过程中,农村保险制度存在的弊端已明显暴露出来,农村保险处于低谷状态,阻碍了社会主又新农村建设的进程。

56、Among them but, the family system enterprise pattern already has in rationality, also has if paragenesis each kind of malpractice, has realistic flaw which in the development is unable to avoid. ─── 但是,家族制企业模式既有其内在的合理性,也具有与其共生的各种弊端,存在着发展中无法避免的现实缺陷。

57、A doctor who refused to give treatment is on trial for medical malpractice. ─── 一位曾拒绝医疗的医师因有渎医职而在接受审判。

58、The cause of the defects is malpractice in political and economic system. ─── 其原因是政治、经济体制方面的弊端。

59、Equestrian mode puts Bai Lexiang in a few kinds of relatively serious exterior sexes, put in greater corrupt opportunity, also do not have modernistic, this is its inherent malpractice. ─── 伯乐相马模式存在几种较为严重的外部性,存在较大的腐败机会,也不具有现代性,这是其固有的弊端。

60、lawyers, doctors, etc sued for malpractice ─── 因渎职而受到控告的律师、 医生等.

61、The victims can not only claim indemnity of the unit(hospital)which caused the malpractice but also find out ... ─── 凡发生医疗事故的,受害者不仅可以依法向医疗事故单位(医院)索赔,而且可以依法追究医疗事故单位的其他法律责任。

62、The essay analyses the obligation mode of medical malpractice and apportionment of compensation for medical malpractice and puts forward suggestions. ─── 在分析我国现行的医疗事故归责模式、医疗事故赔偿责任分担模式的基础上,提出了改进方案。

63、In 2000, for example, a Texan widow called Christie Littleton sued her late husband's doctor for malpractice. ─── 例如,2000年,一名德克萨斯州寡妇克里斯提.利特藤将她逝去丈夫的医生以玩忽职守的罪名告上法庭。

64、A consent form does not give the health care provider a license to commit malpractice. ─── 你需要明白的是医疗同意书并不是容许医疗提供者构成医疗过失的许可证,因此你仍然具备要求医疗过失赔偿的权利。

65、He has talked to medical men who have participated in executions and to others who have become prosecuting lawyers in malpractice suits. ─── 他的谈话对象包括参加过死刑的医疗人员,还有成为了医疗事故上诉律师的。

66、The costs of malpractice insurance, lawsuits, and health care costs were considered more important. ─── 医疗事故保险、诉讼以及卫生保健的费用被认为是最重要的问题。

67、Therefore, we recommend turning to the experienced specialist, and the very high costs the malpractice law firm typically must advance, an injured patient is very well served by going with a specialist firm. ─── 因此我们建议寻求有经验的专家的帮助,并且律师事务所还必须预先支付高额的成本开支,而且这样病人才能够得到很好的服务。

68、He also announced a surprising idea to use executive authority to encourage state-level experiments in curbing malpractice abuses. ─── 他还提出了一个出人意料的观点,即用行政权力来鼓励各州遏制玩忽职守。

69、Only with fairness can Hong Kong continue to enjoy stability and prosperity. Our tolerance of corruption and malpractice would only erode the hard-won success of Hong Kong. ─── 只有社会公平,才能促进香港稳定繁荣,但假如我们容忍贪污舞弊,繁荣将会受到损害。

70、With medical-malpractice occurred, criminal liability and administrative liability as well as civil liability come into place in accordance. ─── 随着医疗事故的发生,各种法律上的责任,如刑事责任、行政责任、民事责任等也会随之产生。

71、How much would you say doctors' fears of malpractice are to blame for the high cost of US healthcare? ─── 美国医疗成本高企,你认为有多少应归咎于医生害怕治疗失当?

72、After undergoing the malpractice of environmental pollution prevention such as "bottom administration", the developed countries explored and developed the model of circling economy. ─── 发达国家在经历了“末端治理”等环境污染防止的弊端之后,探索并发展了循环经济模式。

73、The incident of malpractice compensation expense, executes the disposable settlement, by undertakes the incident of malpractice responsibility Medical establishment to pay.... ─── 医疗事故赔偿费用,施行一次性结算,由承担医疗事故责任的医疗机构支付。...

74、Thus, Li E writes a report to the emperor to state his opinion on the malpractice of writing flashy but unsubstantial reports.He requests for an imperial order to reform the official style of writing. ─── 于是,李谔写了一篇奏章给隋文帝,向他陈述了这种文风华而不实的弊端,请求下令改革官员们的文风。

75、In 1997, Andrews underwent an operation to remove a polyp from her vocal chords. The surgery left her singing voice damaged, and she sued the doctors for malpractice. ─── 1997年安德鲁斯进行了声带息肉的切除手术。然而手术破坏了她的声音,她以医生的玩忽职守提出了诉讼。

76、Resolute measures should be taken to prevent and redress malpractice in the recruitment and promotion work. ─── 坚决防止和纠正用人上的不正之风。

77、This paper analyzed evidence ability and certificate strength of medical malpractice identification and put forward the related legislation suggestion. ─── 分析论证我国的医疗鉴定结论证据能力与证明力,结合我国实际提出相关的立法完善建议。

78、Organizers of competitions, athletes, coaches and referees shall abide by sportsmanship, and may not practice fraud or engage in malpractice for selfish ends. ─── 体育竞赛的组织者和运动员、教练员、裁判员应当遵守体育道德,不得弄虚作假、营私舞弊。

79、The malpractice of going in for "back door" deals became common. ─── 后门成风。

80、But, by no means it can serve as a basis for all the medical malpractice, not mention of the law judgement. ─── 但它不是处理所有医疗过失的依据,也不是法律裁决的依据。

81、I've heard that lawsuits take a long time. Is that true with malpractice cases? ─── 、听说法律诉讼一般都拖延很长时间,医疗过失的诉讼的也需要很长时间才能解决么?

82、Medical malpractice, as one type of medical tort, can be analyzed with the base tort law theories. ─── 医疗事故作为医疗侵权的类型之一,可以采用侵权法的一般理论进行分析。

83、How to treat the disputed medical records in malpractice identification? ─── 如何处理医疗事故技术鉴定中的争议病历?

84、In U.S.A, Enron event"s repercussion in the year of 2001 haven"t been put down, in 2002 the financial malpractice took place in the WorldCom and financial affairs of Xerox. ─── 在美国,2001年的安然事件余波尚未平息,2002年又接连爆出世界通信和施乐公司的财务舞弊事件。

85、Appoint people on their merits; do not resort to malpractice in personnel placement. ─── 坚持任人唯贤,反对用人上的不正之风

86、In modern society ruled by law, the pluralized dispute resolution system can accommodate the needs of varieties of clients and minimize the limitation of judicature malpractice. ─── 在现代法治社会中,多元化的纠纷解决方式,更加符合现代纷繁复杂的纠纷的解决和不同当事人的需求,也能最大程度减少司法的限度带来的弊端。

87、Wholesome service turns over those who undertake technical appraisement of unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment, by the party that offers malpractice dispute processing beforehand pay appraisal cost. ─── 卫生行政部门移交进行医疗事故技术鉴定的,由提出医疗事故争议处理的当事人预先缴纳鉴定费。

88、But the economical development superheated meter appears many development pattern aspect malpractice and the flaw also gradually reveal. ─── 但经济发展过热表现出的诸多发展模式方面的弊端和缺陷也逐渐显露出来。

89、There are a lot of malpractice in use of traditional mode of performance appraisement based on financial indicator system. ─── 传统的以财务指标为基础的业绩衡量系统在实际运用中存在许多弊端。

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