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10-02 投稿


maladjustment 发音


英:  美:

maladjustment 中文意思翻译



maladjustment 反义词


maladjustment 同义词

unstable | neurotic |disturbed | estranged | alienated | confused

maladjustment 短语词组

1、maladjustment of supply and demand ─── [经] 供需失调, 供求调节不良

maladjustment 词性/词形变化,maladjustment变形

名词复数: maladies |

maladjustment 相似词语短语

1、tax adjustments ─── [税收]税收调整

2、maladjusted ─── adj.失调的;不适应环境的

3、adjustment ─── n.调整,调节;调节器

4、readjustment ─── n.重新调整;重新适应;再调整

5、maladjustments ─── n.失调,不适应

6、adjustments ─── n.调整,调整数(adjustment复数形式)

7、overadjustment ─── n.过度调整

8、self-adjustment ─── 自动调整;自动调节

9、tax adjustment ─── [税收]税收调整

maladjustment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Causation Of Waterpower Maladjustment In Heating Network And Its Adjustment Measurement ─── 供暖管网水力失调原因及调节措施

2、Maladjustment to The Modern Circulation Function of Wholesale Market in Guangzhou and Countermeasures ─── 广州市批发市场对现代流通功能的不适应及其发展对策

3、It suggested that their pathologic foundation were maladjustment of microecology and low immune function when the respiratory tract was infected. ─── 上呼吸道菌群失调和免疫功能低下是慢性肺心病急发期中医辨证分型的病理基础。

4、Accordingly, 4 norms of the Military Mental Maladjustment Scale were founded, including the whole norm, the service norm, the gender norm and the rank norm. ─── 据此分别建立了中国军人适应不良量表的总体常模及军兵种、性别、军官和士兵常模。

5、In the period of mort time, the fluctuation is not formed by relation of supply and demand, and is formed by government macro-control for macro-economy maladjustment caused by heeds and unsteady real estate market. ─── 在多数时段,波动并不是因为供求关系变化形成,而是由于在需求拉动之下,房地产市场不稳定,引起宏观经济失调,政府采取宏观调控措施的结果。

6、As a developing country of economy rapidly growth, China has urban priority tendency, which lead to rural functions maladjustment and spatial disorder. ─── 我国在现代化建设中有“城市优先”的倾向,致使乡村地域系统职能的失调和空间发展的失序。

7、maladjustment of supply and demand ─── [经] 供需失调, 供求调节不良

8、The ecological problems in Regional Innovation System (RIS) are mainly displayed as maladjustment of RIS which is induced by the behavior of trading environment with economic income. ─── 摘要目前区域创新系统存在的生态经济问题主要表现为一些地方存在以生态换经济的行为和以经济换生态的行为而引发区域创新系统的失调。

9、An experimental study on the effect of somatostatin in antagonizing the maladjustment of sexual hormones homeostasis induced by tamoxifen ─── 生长抑素逆转三苯氧胺对性激素内环境影响的实验研究

10、In the new conditions of the times,the inherent existence and function model of the traditional martial arts show obvious maladjustment. ─── 在新时代条件下,传统武术固有的存在方式和功能模式显示出了明显的不适应。

11、personality maladjustment ─── 人格调节不良

12、Furthermore, the maladjustment of vasoactive peptide is deemed to be an important aspect of VSA. ─── 此外,血管活性肽失调被认为是VSA发病机制的又一个重要方面。

13、Thus, maladjustment is disharmony with one's environment. ─── 因此,适应是一个不和谐的环境。

14、Experimental research for maladjustment properties of passive confocal unstable resonator ─── 正支共焦非稳腔的失调特性实验分析

15、All kinds of phenomena and causes of maladjustment were analyzed in this paper, and the methods for self-adjustment were put forward. ─── 主要分析了各种适应不良现象的具体表现及其成因,并提出了进行自我调节的方法。

16、gain maladjustment factor ─── 增益失调因子

17、Problems concerning present curriculum setup in colleges and universities of TCM mainly focus on maladjustment of subject structure arrangement and development situation of TCM. ─── 当前中医药院校学科专业设置存在的问题主要是学科专业结构设置与中医药发展的形势不适应。

18、sensory integration maladjustment ─── 感觉统合失调

19、educational maladjustment ─── 教育失调

20、A Brief Analysis Of Vertical Temperature Maladjustment In Hot Water Heating Of Multiplayer Building ─── 浅析多层建筑热水采暖中的垂直温度失调

21、on the other hand, as overseas methods as are concerned, they are carried difficultly for their complexity, or their effect are not good for their maladjustment. ─── 另一方面,从国外引进的一些评估与测度方法,或者是因为太复杂而难执行,或者是因为不适合国情而效果不佳。

22、Keywords mental health maladjustment cross-sectional studies attitude toward help-seeking junior students; ─── 关键词精神卫生学;行为困扰;断面调查;求助态度;初中生;

23、Exploration of the relationship between the equilibrium maladjustment of sour alkali of chronic respiratory failure and Chinese medicine dialectical ─── 慢性呼吸衰竭酸碱失衡与中医辨证关系的研究

24、Because of the tiredness of travel and the maladjustment of the different area,now I'm a spent bullet! ─── 由于旅途的疲惫和水土的不符,在下现在实在已是强弩之末啊!

25、On the Maladjustment of Tube Network of Heat Supply ─── 供热管网水力失调及其防止

26、psychological maladjustment ─── 心理适应不良

27、The weakening of social organizations, the maladjustment of children, and finally, crime, had resulted. ─── 使社会组织削弱,孩子心理失调,最后,造成更多的人犯罪。

28、Examine pH value and smear of fresh dejecta for infant intestinal flora maladjustment ─── 新鲜粪便pH和涂片检查小儿肠道菌群失调

29、During the course at the acute ward, we summed up the core problem to be social maladjustment via comprehensive assessments. ─── 住院期间经整体性护理评估归纳出健康问题核心,乃为个人因应能力失调。

30、Schumpeter, no doubt, would call this "maladjustment" . ─── 毫无疑问,这就是“失调”。

31、Along with influences from the mainstream culture, aboriginal adolescents also confront ethnic identity conflicts and social maladjustment, which together may lead to drug use. ─── 受到主流文化侵袭,原住民青少年面临认同困扰,有可能适应不良并进而产生用药行为。

32、Maladjustment analysis ─── 失调分析

33、Causes of and Measures for the Maladjustment in Gender Ratio at Birth ─── 湖北部分地区出生人口性别比失调的成因与对策

34、The weakening of social organizations, the maladjustment of children, and finally, crime, had resulted ─── 使社会组织削弱,孩子心理失调,最后,造成更多的人犯罪。

35、Traffic accidents are a systemic maladjustment of person, car, road and the environment. ─── 摘要交通事故是人、车、路和环境动态系统失调的结果。

36、Comprehensive Rectification of Hydraulic Maladjustment of District Heating System ─── 供热系统水力失调的综合治理

37、RHC of ecological subsystem ascends from mid maladjustment (RHC 3) in 1990to low harmony (RHC 7) in 2003. ─── 生态子系统的协调等级由1990年的为中度失调3级,上升到2003年低度协调7级。

38、Experimental research for maladjustment properties of passive confocal unstable resonator[J]. ─── 引用该论文 张翔,杨伟,许冰,柳建.

39、and regular daydreaming was regarded as evidence of maladjustment or an escape from life's realities and responsibilities. ─── 习惯性地做白日梦被人们认为是不适应环境的表现,或是对生活现实和责任的一种逃避。

40、marriage maladjustment ─── 婚姻失调

41、mental maladjustment ─── 心理障碍

42、emotional maladjustment ─── 情绪失调

43、The paper introduced the result of the research on coal mining maladjustment in 2000, pointed out that the present status of coal mining maladjustment is still serious. ─── 介绍了2000年对国有煤矿采掘失调的调查情况,认为目前采掘失调情况仍然较严重。

44、sexual maladjustment ─── 性失调

45、The Analytical Method for Calculating Heat Maladjustment of Hot Water Heating System ─── 热水供暖系统热力失调解析计算方法

46、Due to the great role switching from a middle school student to a university student, freshers suffer maladjustment in their learning psychology, which influences their study. ─── 摘要由于从高中到大学的环境、角色的巨大转变,大学新生在学习心理上会产生种种不适应情绪,对其学习造成不良影响。

47、School maladjustment ─── 学校失调

48、Research on Delinquency, Mental Problem and Maladjustment Of Primary School Students ─── 小学生的品德不良行为及其心理与行为适应问题研究

49、This article expounds the definition and correlation of the children's self-control ability and learning maladjustment. ─── 阐述了儿童自我控制能力及学习适应不良的含义及两者的相互关系。

50、On Causes of Maladjustment for New Students of Five - year Higher Vocational Education in Mathematics Learning and Its Countermeasures ─── 五年制高职新生数学学习不适应的原因及对策

51、Analysis of Pressure Maladjustment on Two-port Logic Valve ─── 二通插装阀压力失调分析

52、School maladjustment is an objective reality to be settled urgently. ─── 学校适应不良是个客观存在的亟待解决的现实题目。

53、Quit the nicotine reduction unconsciously and completely. Avoid maladjustment of incretion and disease of integration because of abrupt. So you can achieve quittance without pain. ─── 戒烟:通过不断降低烟碱吸入量,使戒烟者在不知不觉中把身体内对烟碱的需求量减到零,同时避免因突然戒烟引起的内分泌失调和戒烟综合症,从而达到无痛苦戒烟的目的。

54、child maladjustment ─── 儿童顺应不良

55、Taking biaxial collimator for typical example, its operational principle, thermal maladjustment links and maladjustment optical principle are described. ─── 以双轴平行光管为典型实例,论述其工作原理、热失调环节和热失调光学原理。

56、Family maladjustment ─── 家族失调

57、Analysis on personality of soldiers with psychological maladjustment in a field army ─── 某野战部队官兵心理适应不良者人格特征分析

58、Because of the maladjustment of the kidney's function, Kidney, Tiangui, Chong and Ren channels, utems procreation, function became turbulence: Yin yang and Qi-blood lost balance. ─── 多囊卵巢综合征是由于卵泡不能发育成熟和卵泡壁的过度增生不能破裂导致卵泡闭锁,符合中医的肾虚血瘀的病理改变。

59、It is pointed out that California's electricity disaster was formed by the market maladjustment of purchase and sale based on the economic imbalance between supply and demand for electric power. ─── 指出:此次严重电灾是在经济范围供需失衡基础上引发市场购销失调,加上管理不善而形成的;

60、Hydraulic maladjustment ─── 水力失调

61、Keyword:role maladjustment; ─── 关键词:角色失调;

62、learning maladjustment ─── 学习适应不良

63、The maladjustment of minority groups has become a headache for the governments of all major industrialized countries in Europe such as Germany, Britain, and Italy. ─── 欧洲主要工业化大国如德国、英国、义大利都有令各国政府与社会头痛的少数民族适应不良问题。

64、Analysis of postoperative psychological maladjustment of patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators ─── 植入型心律转复除颤器植入术后患者心理适应不良分析

65、This maladjustment,which is embodied as that the labor ability is not fully applied on the philosophy point,shows insufficient employment on the point of empirical sciences. ─── 在人类新的价值理想的建构中,劳动作为一种手段,其功能需要从“谋生”转向“乐生”,这就是劳动在人的发展中的重要作用。

66、Imbalance between the government power and the citizen right is the main reason for the society maladjustment. ─── 政府权力与公民权利失衡是社会失调的主要原因。

67、acculturation maladjustment ─── 文化适应不良

68、The company staff must properly make use of the inspection equipment, preventing calibration failure due to maladjustment. ─── 公司员工必须正确使用检测设备,防止因调整不当而使其校准失效。

69、Hydraulic calculation method alleviating vertical maladjustment in the household horizontal heating system ─── 分户水平式供暖系统减轻竖向失调的水力计算方法

70、Maladjustment properties ─── 失调特性

71、maladjustment n. ─── 失调;

72、Improve drop of body function due to maladjustment of kidney function, which causes such phenomena as aging, waist ache, and body coldness. ─── 改善因肾功能失调引起的身体机能下降、衰老、腰疼、体寒肢冷等现象。

73、Interpersonal Maladjustment Peer Competition of Middle School Students and Education Interfering ─── 中学生同伴竞争人际适应问题及其教育对策

74、I wasn't the only one undergoing the onset of depression, however, as friends around me also displayed signs of maladjustment. ─── 我也想起一些留英学生的部落阁,光是阅读他们眉飞色舞的报告,我的脸似乎都溅上了他们横飞的口沫。

75、Analysis on Maladjustment of Actual Exchange Rate's Effects on Economic Balance ─── 现实汇率失调影响经济均衡的效应分析

76、We can obtain incline angle according to the deviation of optics maladjustment and transfer the angle into control system. ─── 由光斑偏移量反演出谐振腔镜的倾斜角,并把腔镜倾斜角反馈给控制系统。

77、Besides, once they are living in the lower live level than they are expected, they might feel maladjustment or even abandon themselves. ─── 除此之外,一旦他们生活在比他们预想还低的生活水平,他们可能会感到不适应或者干脆自暴自弃。

78、We have discussed maladjustment without attaching them to any specific disorders. ─── 我们已经讨论了他们不适应不附加任何特定疾病。

79、marital maladjustment ─── 婚姻不良适应

80、In many factors which lead to the heat maladjustment existed in the indoor heating system,random increasing radiator pieces on design is the most important reason could not been ignored. ─── 室内供暖系统的热力失调现象有诸多影响因素,在设计中控制散热器片数的取定是控制系统热力失调的有效方法。

81、Children that are expressing or are exposed to risk factors experience an elevated risk of developing later psychosocial maladjustment, such as conduct problems. ─── 本文主要以台湾集中市场商品中的单一型认购权证来实证二项式模式;

82、The self-supported flow regulating valve can be approach to eliminate the water power maladjustment in city heat supply system meanwhile realize energy saving ─── 供热系统中的水力失调与自力式流量调节阀的应用

83、The direct cause of surplus production is the maladjustment of the relationship between investment and consumption and the profound cause is that macro control lacks systematic rational consideration. ─── 产能过剩的直接成因是投资和消费的关系失调,深层次成因则是宏观调控缺乏系统的理性思考。

84、Keywords instrument amplifer;oprational amplifer;common mode interference;noise;logging tool;accuracy;maladjustment; ─── 关键词仪器放大器;运算放大器;共模干扰;噪声;测井仪器;精度;失调;

85、Because of lack of teachers and examine mechanism, maladjustment of textbooks, low of student's English level, the bilingual teaching of private international law exists many problems. ─── 由于师资和考核机制的欠缺、教材的不相适应、学生的外语能力不高,国际私法的双语教学存在诸多问题。

86、age female of skylight way one face endocrine maladjustment, the noodles is expressionless to point an exit with unique difficulty for him. ─── 一脸内分泌失调的老女人,面无表情的给他指了一条麻烦无比的出路。

87、We also provide advises, guidance and interview services on psychology, maladjustment problems and parental education. ─── 心理困扰、适应不良、亲职教育谘询辅导面谈。

88、sexual maladjustment and deviation ─── 性适应障碍和偏差

89、"according to traditional Chinese medical theory, diseases are caused by the maladjustment of the qi, and of blood circulation." ─── 根据传统中医理论,疾病的产生常是气和血的循环失调所致。

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