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10-02 投稿


lisp 发音

英:[lɪsp]  美:[lɪsp]

英:  美:

lisp 中文意思翻译





lisp 网络释义

n. 口齿不清;咬舌发音vi. 咬舌讲话;说话口齿不清vt. 咬着舌说;口齿不清地说

lisp 词性/词形变化,lisp变形


lisp 短语词组

1、LISP construction ─── [计] LISP结构

2、auto lisp ─── 自动lisp

3、common lisp commonlisp ─── 语言

4、speak with a lisp ─── 口齿不清地说

5、concurrent LISP ─── [计] 并发LISP语言, 并行LISP语言

6、LISP program ─── [网络] LISP计划

7、LISP Utility Program LISP ─── 实用程序

8、LISP interpreter ─── [计] 类LISP语言解释程序

9、LISP-like programming language ─── [计] LISP程序设计语言

10、gnu emacs lisp gnu emacs lisp

11、LISP compiler ─── [计] LISP语言编译程序

12、adjoin lisp ─── 邻接lisp

13、LISP standard ─── [计] LISP标准

14、LISP evaluation ─── [计] LISP求值

15、pure LISP ─── [计] 纯LISP语言

16、pure application LISP ─── [计] 纯应用LISP

17、LISP machine ─── [计] LISP

18、lisp out ─── 口齿不清地说

lisp 相似词语短语

1、lip ─── n.嘴唇;边缘;vt.以嘴唇碰;adj.口头上的;vi.用嘴唇;n.(Lip)人名;(法)利普;(中)猎(广东话·威妥玛);(柬)利;(东南亚国家华语)立

2、list ─── n.列表,清单,目录;(船的)倾斜;v.列清单;把…列入一览表;被列入价目表;把…列入正式名单(尤指医院或法庭的名单);(船只)倾斜;使(公司)上市

3、lisps ─── n.口齿不清;咬舌发音;vi.咬舌讲话;说话口齿不清;vt.咬着舌说;口齿不清地说

4、liest ─── 阅读

5、limp ─── adj.柔软的,无力的;软弱的;vi.跛行,一拐一拐地走;缓慢费力地前进;n.跛行;n.(Limp)人名;(英)林普

6、wisp ─── n.小捆;小束;vt.把…卷成一捆;vi.卷成一捆

7、lis ─── abbr.莺尾花饰(fleur-de-lis);实验室信息系统(laboratoryinformationsystem);n.(Lis)(英、葡、西、挪、阿、丹)利斯(人名)

8、crisp ─── adj.脆的;新鲜的;易碎的;vt.使卷曲;使发脆;vi.卷曲;发脆;n.松脆物;油炸马铃薯片;n.(Crisp)人名;(英)克里斯普

9、risp ─── 米饭

lisp 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The reason the lisp is often written with a th-sound is that it's pretty impossible to write a fronted [s] with a normal keyboard. ─── 口齿不清经常被误写为th音的原因是因为用一个普通键盘打出前移S音太困难了。

2、CMUCL CMUCL - CMUCL is a Common Lisp compiler for x86, sparc, hp and alpha machines running unix-like operating systems. ─── CMUCL - CMUCL 是一个运行在类似Unix操作系统的x86, sparc, hp 和 alpha 机器上的Common Lisp 编译器。

3、Otherwise, here's an extremely brief introduction to Lisp ─── 否则的话,请阅读下面对于Lisp的简要介绍

4、)At this point, the LISP hackers are saying, A good syntax for lambda is nice, but what about macros? And this is a good question ─── 关于这一点,LISP 用户会说:“lambda 的语法很棒,但是宏又怎么样呢? 这是一个好问题。

5、Lush Lush is an object-oriented Lisp interpreter/compiler , a huge numerical library, a GUI toolkit, and bindings to GSL, SDL, OpenGL, V4l, and others. ─── Lush是一个面向对象的List解释器/编译器,一个大型库,一个GUI工具包,和GSL,OpenGL,V4l等绑定。

6、LISP Utility Program ─── LISP计算机语言公用程序

7、The Visual Lisp is in order to accelerate the Auto Lisp procedure development but software of designs development tool, provided for the AutoCAD a gather completely develop the environment. ─── 其通用性使得它在机械、电子、航空、船舶、建筑、服装等领域得到了极为广泛的应用。

8、Garbage collection, introduced by Lisp in about 1960, is now widely considered to be a good thing. ─── 于是,位于中间的语言(也就是中级程序员用的那些语言)动得跟冰山一样慢。

9、Keywords Auto LISP;chemical equipment graphics;parts;parameterization; ─── 化工设备图;零件;参数化;

10、concurrent LISP ─── [计] 并发LISP语言, 并行LISP语言

11、LISP provides two primitives for sorting: sort and stable-sort. ─── LISP提供两种主要的排序:排序和稳定排序。

12、On the basis of AutoCAD2000 design platform,using secondary development tools such as Visual lisp language, dialog control language, image control menu and tool fence,the author develops style chart design module. ─── 基于AutoCAD2000设计平台,利用AutoCAD2000的Visual Lisp语言、对话框控制语言(DCL)、图像控件菜单、工具栏等二次开发工具,开发了款式图设计模块。

13、PLOB! (Persistent Lisp OBjects!) implements orthogonal persistency for LISP and CLOS objects. ─── 为LISP和CLOS对象实现了正交持久性。

14、Using the customization capability of AutoCAD system (Auto/Visual LISP and DCL), the authors developed Origin like program to draw curves. ─── 在 Auto CAD中 ,利用 Auto/ Visual L ISP与 DCL 语言开发了类似 Origin功能的绘制曲线图专用程序。

15、They had always done this from the time they could lisp... ─── 她们一边缝一边谈论针线穿越的不同国家,更觉进展神速。


17、The Applications of Visual LISP in Gear Design --Teaching Practice for Degree Thesis ─── 在计算机辅助齿轮设计系统中的应用--毕业设计教学实践

18、But when Brando showed up on the set wearing livid make up and talking with a lisp, Oz tried to steer him toward a more low-key portrayal. ─── 作为一个国际职业惯偷,他谨慎细心、有过无数成功的“战绩”,但是现在,他准备洗手归隐了。

19、!-- The source code, including both the C and Emacs Lisp components, is freely available for examination, modification, and redistribution, under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). ─── Emacs的版权遵从GNU通用公共许可证(GPL),赋予他人自由地对包括C和Lisp在内的Emacs源文件进行修改和再发行的权利。

20、Examples of languages that use dynamic typing include PHP, Lisp, Perl, Python, Ruby, and Smalltalk. ─── 使用动态类型的程序语言在运行时检查数据类型(又称“懒加载”),这与编译时相对。

21、Lisp: Turing Machines are an awkward way to describe computation. ─── 图灵机的计算模式糟得很。

22、LISP expressions ─── LISP 表达式

23、The name Lisp comes from "list processing, " and it is often said that everything in Lisp is a list. ─── Lisp这一名字来自于“列表处理”,人们常说Lisp中的任何东西都是一个列表。

24、Having learned Italian for half a year, I still can not speak with the proper lisp. ─── 学了半年意大利语,我还是不会打嘟噜。

25、CAD procedure of extruder screw was developed with Visual LISP based on AutoCAD2004, and dialog box of data input was compiled with DCL. ─── 在AutoCAD2004平台上,用VisualLISP语言开发了挤出机螺杆的CAD程序,用对话框控制语言(DCL)编制了螺杆参数输入对话框。

26、If he talks with a childish lisp he is called a baby, and if he answers in a grown-up way he is called impertinent . ─── 一旦他说话时口齿不清了,他会被叫作小婴儿,而当以小大人的口吻回答时,他又会被指无礼。

27、She spoke with a lisp. ─── 她口齿不清。

28、Method of the Expert System of Fuzzy Reasoning with Weights Achieved by LISP Language ─── 一种基于LISP语言的加权模糊推理专家系统实现方法

29、Children usually lisp until they are three of four. ─── 孩子三、四岁前说话往往口齿不清。

30、lisp machine ─── lisp 计算机

31、LISP procedure ─── LISP程序

32、At least two or three times a year, comp. lang. lisp has a long discussion about why it is that more people don't use Lisp. ─── 每隔两三年,comp.lang.lisp就会展开一场关于为什么人们不爱用Lisp的大讨论。

33、he was but eleven months and nine days old and , though still a tiny toddler , was just beginning to lisp his first babyish words. ─── 他才十一个月零九天。尽管刚趔趔趄趄地学步,却已开始咿呀学语了。

34、pure application LISP ─── [计] 纯应用LISP

35、"LISP: Powerful computer programming language designed for manipulating lists of data or symbols rather than processing numerical data, used extensively in artificial-intelligence applications." ─── LISP语言:功能强大的计算机程序语言,设计来处理资料或符号的目录,而不是处理数值资料,广泛为人工智能应用程序采用。

36、The Application of Visual LISP in Drawing Fault Tree ─── 在绘制故障树中的应用

37、Real Programmers don't write in Lisp. ─── 人气的程序员才会用的括号比代码还多。

38、Clojure is a Lisp dialect. ─── Clojure是一种Lisp方言。

39、LISP interpreter ─── [计] 类LISP语言解释程序

40、To pronounce with a lisp. ─── 口齿不清地发音

41、If you have programmed in Lisp before, you can skim this section or go directly to the next page. ─── 如果您曾经使用过Lisp语言编程,您可以跳过本段,直接阅读下一页。

42、A Chinese Checkers-Playing Program in LISP and Heuristic Search ─── LISP跳棋程序与启发式搜索

43、No children run to lisp their sire's return,Or climb his knees the envied kiss to share. ─── 孩子们不再会“牙牙”的报父亲来到,为一个亲吻爬倒他膝上去争夺。

44、The Secondary Development of HVAC Diagram Database in Visual LISP ─── 基于Visual LISP技术的暖通空调图库二次开发

45、She spoke with a slight lisp. ─── 她说话有点咬舌。

46、Application of Visual Lisp on parameterize design for cam mechanism ─── 在凸轮机构参数化设计中的应用

47、For example, Lisp works with lists that are defined as a head element followed by a sub-list, a notation that lends itself naturally to recursion on progressively smaller sub-lists. ─── 例如,Lisp处理的列表定义为在头元素后面有子列表,这种表示法使得它自己自然地对更小的子列表不断递归。

48、To tell lisp that you want to treat an S-expression literally, and not to evaluate it as a function, you quote it. ─── 为了告诉Lisp您要将一个S表达式当作文本来处理,而不是作为函数处理,您需要用引号表明它。

49、No children run to lisp their sire's return, ─── 娇儿尚学语,哑哑迎父归。

50、lisp out ─── v. 口齿不清地说

51、The last function you're going to create is going to take some recursion, where the true power of list processing using Lisp lies. ─── 将要创建的最后一个函数要执行一些递归操作,这是使用Lisp进行列表处理的真正强大之处。

52、The thaler eventually lost its lisp, and became our dollar. ─── “thaler”一词最终失去了咬舌音“th(A/o)”,而成为了我们今天的“dollar”一词。

53、LISP code ─── LISP 代码

54、Introduced the soft body structure and data file structure of drawing software of navigation lock corss pulling door which use Auto LISP language in Auto CAD platform developed. ─── 介绍了采用AutoLISP语言在AutoCAD平台上开发船闸横拉门绘图软件的软体结构和数据文件的结构。

55、Lisp is a survivor, having been in use for about a quarter of a century. ─── Lisp是一个幸存者,已经使用了四分之一个世纪。

56、pure LISP ─── [计] 纯LISP语言

57、value for LISP atom ─── LISP原子值

58、Application of Visual LISP in intelligent plot for refrigeration engineering ─── 在制冷工程智能化绘图中的应用

59、to speak with a lisp ─── 口齿不清地说

60、The Program Design and Development to Control and Evaluation of the Test Questions Storehouse with LISP Language ─── 基于LISP语言的试题库标准答案及控制程序设计与开发

61、LISP construction ─── [计] LISP结构

62、The Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) is an object oriented programming language embeded in Common Lisp. ─── CLOS系统是一个嵌入CommonLisp的面向对象标准语言。

63、common LISP ─── 公用列表处理语言

64、If he talks with a childish lisp he is called a baby, and if he answers in a grown-up way he is called impertinent. ─── 一旦他说话时口齿不清了,他会被叫作小婴儿,而当以小大人的口吻回答时,他又会被指无礼。

65、So far we have an Emacs text editor with Lisp for writing editor commands, a source level debugger, a yacc-compatible parser generator, a linker, and around 35 utilities. ─── 到目前为止我们拥有以Lisp为宏命令的Emacs文本编辑器,源代码级的调试器,与yacc兼容的语法分析器,连接程序和大约35种工具。

66、LISP standard ─── [计] LISP标准

67、Auto LISP language ─── AutoLISP语言

68、LISP functions ─── LISP函数

69、I have uploaded a project that implements AVL trees, and the programming language is LISP. ─── (译):我已经上载了一个项目,实施定位的树木,和编程语言是函数式。

70、LISP system ─── LISP系统

71、PROLOG and Its Implementation by LISP ─── prolog语言的特点及其用LISP语言的实现

72、"Others, such as LISP, are functional, in that programming is done by invoking procedures (sections of code executed within a program)." ─── 其它语言为函数语言,如LISP,程序设计都是通过呼叫程序(程序中执行的部分程序代码)进行。

73、LISP procedures ─── LISP过程

74、Functional programming concepts are a feature of many dynamic languages, and also derive from Lisp. ─── 功能编程概念的一个特点是许多动态语言,也源自Lisp语言。

75、Example of using GSL inside lisp complete source code can be directly used by the test. ─── (译):例如使用吉斯达内口齿不清完整的源代码可以直接使用的考验。

76、LISP - She is an aging beatnik, who lives in a rural commune with her hippie cousins SMALLTALK and FORTH. ─── 她是一位老了的穿奇装异服言行怪僻的人,和她嬉皮士式的表兄SMALLTALK和FORTH一起住在一个乡下的嬉皮士式群居村。

77、She speaks with a lisp ─── 她说话口齿不清。

78、Sorting LISP provides two primitives for sorting: sort and stable-sort. ─── LISP提供两种主要的排序:排序和稳定排序。

79、However, we should not blame those who cannot speak well because of a physical defect such as a natural lisp, stutter or dyslexia. ─── 不过,因身体缺陷如天生口齿不清、结巴、诵读困难等而不能讲好英语者,我们不应当责怪。

80、Pattern Grading CAD System Based on Visual LISP ─── 基于Visual LISP的服装cad放码系统

81、lisp [a speech defect] ─── 大舌头

82、LISP evaluation ─── [计] LISP求值

83、LISP compiler ─── [计] LISP语言编译程序

84、Application of ActiveX in Visual LISP Programming ─── ActiveX在Visual LISP编程中的应用

85、In AutoCAD, Auto/Visual LISP and DCL language can be used to develop a special program for work flow chart drawing. ─── 在Auto CAD中,利用Auto/ Visual L ISP与DCL 语言开发了绘制工作流程图的专用程序。

86、Visual LISP Application Research on Mechanism Design Drawing ─── 在机构作图法设计中的应用

87、Lisp高手:Whoever does not understand LISP, is doomed to reinvent it! ─── 初学者:哪个工作都没要求?没兴趣。

88、He has a slight lisp. ─── 他说话有点咬舌。









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