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10-02 投稿


militated 发音

英:[ˈmɪlɪteɪtɪd]  美:[ˈmɪlɪteɪtɪd]

英:  美:

militated 中文意思翻译



militated 词性/词形变化,militated变形

动词现在分词: militating |动词过去分词: militated |动词过去式: militated |动词第三人称单数: militates |

militated 常用词组

militate against ─── 对…产生不利影响

militated 相似词语短语

1、filiated ─── vt.使加入;收作养子

2、imitated ─── adj.模仿的;仿造的;v.仿效;仿制(imitate的过去分词);类似

3、meditated ─── vt.考虑;计划;企图;vi.冥想;沉思

4、ciliated ─── adj.有纤毛的

5、misstated ─── vt.说错;作虚伪叙述,谎报

6、digitated ─── (动物)有趾的

7、militate ─── vi.有影响;产生作用

8、militates ─── vi.有影响;产生作用

9、volitated ─── 自愿的

militated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Many factors militated against the success of our plan. ─── 有很多因素妨碍了我们实现计画。

2、All the employee of this company have experience of working in Milit ary unit,they are deeply in earnest,with passions for every Single order。 ─── 公司由军工科技人员组成,工作认真负责,一直本着严谨认真的态度对待每一份定单。

3、The striving for consensus militated against bolder action. ─── 寻求共识的努力阻滞了更为大胆的行动。

4、His youth militated against him. ─── 他在青年时期的作为不利于他的前程

5、The supervisor's presence militated against a relaxed atmosphere. ─── 监管的出现驱散了松懈的气氛。

6、Germany has the deepest pockets, but its instinctive thrift (and the suspicion that the benefits would be felt mostly outside Germany) militated against swift and co-ordinated action. ─── 德国最有钱,但是其生性节俭妨碍了快速的协同行动(德国也怀疑行动的成效大部分会被其他国家沾光,很少惠及本国)。

7、Politeness militated against this opinion being expressed. ─── 礼貌对表达的意见有影响。

8、He added that this was achieved despite the community obstruction and incidences that militated against realisation of full potential of the country in terms of crude oil production. ─── 他补充说,此产量是在社区的阻挠和影响下,国家原油开采潜力未充分发挥的前提下实现的。

9、Milit groups The militant group Islamic Jihad said 1 of its members was killed on the ground while on the a mission to attack Israel an Israeli patrol. ─── 伊斯兰圣战组织杰哈德声称,他的一名成员在执行攻击以色列巡逻部队的任务时被打死。

10、The foggy weather militated against the operation. ─── 大雾天气不利于这次行动。

11、Health militated against his chance of success. ─── 身体不好误了他成功立业的机会。

12、The fact that he'd been in prison militated against his chances of getting a job in a bank. ─── 他曾蹲过监狱这件事影响了他谋取银行职位的机会。

13、1. Many factors militated against the success of our plan. ─── 有很多因素妨碍了我们实现计画.

14、Sraw Straw is the dry stam dried stem part of plants such as weetwheat, milit millet and sorgumsorghum. ─── 稻草是小麦,玉米和高粱等农作物的干燥的茎杆部分。

15、The fact that he'd been in prison militated against his chances of getting a job in a bank. ─── 蹲过监狱这件事影响他谋取银行职位的机会。

16、To militate against something is to affect or influence it adversely: The bad weather militated against the planned outing. ─── 错的人多了,也就成了正确的了。

17、“If the ECB had been more proactive, the recession would have been less bad,” says Marco Annunziata of UniCredit.The striving for consensus militated against bolder action. ─── 如果限制欧央行对流动性的支持,欧央行可以使隔夜利率升到1%,而不用改变政策利率。

18、The foggy weather militated against the operation. ─── 大雾天气不利于这次行动。

19、Politeness militated against this opinion being expressed. ─── 礼貌对表达的意见有影响。

20、Mr Ghosn said exchange rate volatility of any kind was damaging to business, because it militated against long-term strategy. ─── 戈恩称,任何形式的汇率波动都对业务有害,因为它会影响长期战略。

21、Their very environment militated against competing on an equal footing. ─── 他们所处的环境使他们难以在平等的基础上进行竞争。

22、HPLC method for the determination of huperzine A content in Huperziaceae.Bull Acad Milit Med Sci,2000,24(2):123-125. ─── HPLC法测定石杉科植物中石杉碱甲的含量.军事医学科学院院刊,2000,24(2):123-125.

23、JIN Ling; CHEN Fei; CHEN Xiangdong. Hangzhou Sanatorium; Nanjing Milit ary Area of PLA; Hangzhou 210002; China; ─── 中国人民解放军南京军区杭州疗养院海勤疗养区;

24、The fact that he'd been in prison militated against his chances of getting a job ─── 他曾蹲过监狱这件事影响了他寻找工作的机会。

25、Circumstances militated agains this success. ─── 环境对他的成功有不利的影响。

26、The bad weather militated against the festivities. ─── 天气不好影响了庆祝活动。

27、His underweight militated against his ever becoming a good sprinter. ─── 他体重不足,这使他难以成为一个好的短跑运动员。

28、Author LIU Wang;HUAN Jing -nin;CHEN Yu -lin;et al.Changhai Hospital;Second Milit ary University;Shanghai 200433;China; ─── 作者刘旺;郇京宁;陈玉林;夏照帆;肖仕初;王璐;张素贞;刘志国;

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