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monotheistic 发音

英:[ˌmɑːnoʊθiˈɪstɪk]  美:[ˌmɒnəʊθiˈɪstɪk]

英:  美:

monotheistic 中文意思翻译



monotheistic 网络释义

adj. 一神论的

monotheistic 同义词

monotheistic 反义词


monotheistic 短语词组

1、monotheistic faith ─── 一神教信仰

2、monotheistic religion ─── 一神教

monotheistic 词性/词形变化,monotheistic变形

副词: monotheistically |名词: monotheist |形容词: monotheistic |

monotheistic 相似词语短语

1、monothematic ─── adj.单主题的

2、henotheistic ─── 神灵的

3、zootheistic ─── 动物神论的

4、monotheistical ─── 一神论的

5、monotheist ─── n.一神论者

6、monogamistic ─── 一夫一妻制

7、hylotheistic ─── 有神论的

8、nontheistic ─── 非神论的

9、monotheletic ─── 单触觉

monotheistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Monotheistic thought is not equal to monotheistic religion. Thought is the movement of conception while religion is that of faith. ─── 一神思想不等于一神宗教,思想是概念运动,宗教则是信仰运动。

2、Some archaeologists have proposed that Egyptian records of the 13th century BC are early written reports of a monotheistic belief in Yahweh noted among the nomadic Shasu. ─── 一些考古学家已经提出,在公元前13世纪的埃及档案中,记载了游牧民族萨苏信仰雅威的早期一神论信仰。

3、Personally I think the first reason is the monotheistic nature running counter to Chinese tradition. ─── 我个人认为首先是由于它是一神教,其性质与中国的传统格格不入。

4、Islam is world's great monotheistic religions. ─── 伊斯兰教是世界上伟大的信仰一个神的教。

5、monotheistic religions: Islam. Polytheistic religions: Hinduism and Chinese folk religions. ─── 多神的,如印度教和中国民间宗教;

6、For the big monotheistic faiths, holding a debate looks hard but necessary ─── 对于两大一神教信仰来说,举行一场辩论看来很难但又必要

7、a monotheistic religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and Mohammed as the chief and last prophet of God ─── 伊斯兰教一种一神教,其特征是接受服从上帝和穆罕默德的教义,并认后者为上帝主要的同时也是最后一个先知

8、the monotheistic religion of Muslims based on the Koran ─── 基于可兰经的回教徒一神教

9、: monotheistic religions: Islam.Polytheistic religions: Hinduism and Chinese folk religions. ─── 多神的,如印度教和中国民间宗教;

10、A being conceived as the perfect,omnipotent,omniscient originator and ruler of the universe,the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions. ─── 上帝一种被认为完美的、全能的、全知的宇宙创造者和统治者,一神教中最基本的信仰和崇拜对象。

11、Jerusalem would come to be recast, in all three major monotheistic religions, as a city of a godly significance. ─── 正因为如此,耶路撒冷会重塑其声望,被后人奉为三大宗教的圣城。

12、India is a “religious empire”, both monotheistic religions, but also how polytheism. ─── 印度是一个“宗教王国”,既有一神教,也有多神教。

13、God: the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions. ─── 一种超自然存在,被认为是宇宙全知全能之最高创始者和统治者,一神教主要的信仰和膜拜对象。

14、Partly because it has never been monotheistic, China has rarely had the universalistic ambitions of western states. ─── 部分原因是中国从未被“一神思想”主宰,中国也很少有西方国家那种“普救”的野心。

15、Sikhismn. The doctrines and practices of a monotheistic religion founded in northern India in the 16th century and combining elements of Hinduism and Islam. ─── 锡克教一种16世纪在印度北部创立的一神教的学说和实践,该宗教结合印度教和伊斯兰教的基本原则。

16、Here was a philosopher from "pagan" antiquity who was monotheistic and moral without any help from the Christian Church! ─── 这是一位从“异端”遗物而来的先知,是没有在任何基督教会帮助下的一神论和道德!

17、Science is not the unconditional monotheistic religion that controls all the things, and the freedom of thought is the most enviable. ─── 摘要科学并不是无条件的主宰一切的现代的一神教,思想自由才是最可羡慕的。

18、Scholars in the modern world have tended to locate the focus of this faith tradition in the context of monotheistic religions. ─── 现代世界的学者是趋向于把这种信仰的焦点定位在一神论宗教的传统文献上。

19、At that time, there were two great monotheistic religions, Judaism and Zoroastrianism.So this was seen as an important symbol of respect from one religion to the other. ─── 在那个时候,犹太教和索罗亚斯德教是两个伟大的一神教,因此,两个宗教都视相方为一个重要的尊敬象征。

20、But Simon's gnosis remained essentially Jewish and monotheistic, as did that of the Gnostic circles to which later parts of the New Testament allude. ─── 但是,西蒙的诺斯替主义本质上保留着犹太教和一神论的元素,诺斯替的盘绕也映射在新旧的后期部分。

21、a member of a monotheistic Hindu sect. ─── 印度的神论教派中的教徒。

22、10.His monotheistic solution resolves the old strict dualism. ─── 他的一神论解决方案解答了古老的严格二元论。

23、based on a monotheistic religion believing that Mohammed was the last and major prophet of God. ─── 立基于一神论,相信穆罕默德是最后并且是主要的神的先知。

24、God: a being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions. ─── 一种存在体,被认为是宇宙全知全能之最高创始者和统治者,一神教主要的信仰和膜拜对象。

25、The word natural , in the monotheistic sense, means in accordance with God s design or in accordance with God s natural law . ─── 在单神论的含义里,词语 自然的 意指 按照上帝的旨意 或 按照上帝的自然法则 。

26、The monotheistic religions in the era of globalization ─── 在全球化时代的一神论宗教

27、In the monotheistic systems that emerged by the late Vedic period, the devas were subordinate to one supreme being. ─── 后来一神论兴起,各神都从属于一个至高之神。

28、The monotheistic religion of the Jews,tracing its origins to Abraham and having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Bible and the Talmud. ─── 犹太教犹太人的一神教,起源可追溯到亚伯拉罕,其精神原则和道德准则主要包含在《圣经》和《塔木德经》中。

29、The religion of Islam influenced him, to a great extent, in the formulation of his monotheistic doctrines. ─── 他萃取了基督教的伦理体系,但拒绝基督的神性,同样也否认印度教的化身。

30、the monotheistic religion of the Jews; based on the Old Testament and the Talmud. ─── 基于旧约圣经和犹太法典的一神教。

31、Conclusion:Both the topiramate monoth erapy and topiramate plus AEDs are effective in treatment of all types of seizur es with mild side effects. ─── 结论:托吡酯单用及合用其他药治疗各型癫痫均有效,未见明显不良反应,有较高的临床应用价值。

32、But they have common antecedents in Greek and Roman civilisation and monotheistic Christianity. ─── 但它们都源于希腊与罗马文明,以及一神论的基督教。

33、A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions. ─── 上帝一种被认为完美的、全能的、全知的宇宙创造者和统治者,一神教中最基本的信仰和崇拜对象

34、monotheistic religion ─── 一神教的宗教

35、a member of a monotheistic sect of Zoroastrian origin; descended from the Persians; now found in western India. ─── 起源于索罗亚斯德教教徒的一神论教派的成员;波斯人的后裔;现在在西印度创办。

36、The enemies of this kind of cultural openness have always existed within each of our monotheistic religions,20 and often enough their visions of those faiths have triumphed. ─── (也就是说,这种宽容并不是出于无可奈何,而是已深入到其文化习俗的底蕴里面。

37、Monotheistic groups continue to live today with a religious heritage, much of which found first expression in Aramaic. ─── 一神论的团体在宗教传统下,今天依然继续保持活力,它们中的大多数首先在亚拉姆语找到了解释。

38、Other denominations of Hinduism, as described later, don't hold this belief strictly and more closely adhere to a Western perception of what a monotheistic faith is. ─── 其他挂命的印度教,正如随后所述的,并不严格地持有这种信仰,更加接近于西方理解的一神论信仰。

39、On the Possibility of Monotheistic Religion ─── 一神宗教何以可能

40、The sacred nature of individualism referred to here is a reference to the origins of Western individualism in our monotheistic religions, the Judeo-Christian tradition. ─── 刘:对我来说,我觉得个人主义的神圣性实际上是来源于西方的这种宗教意识,就是西方的这个基督犹太传统,从这个宗教传统当中呢,能够找到这个个人主义的神圣性。

41、Muslims collectively and their civilization; based on a monotheistic religion believing that Mohammed was the last and major prophet of God ─── 全体的穆斯林和他们的文明;立基于一神论,相信穆罕默德是最后并且是主要的神的先知

42、the monotheistic religion of Muslims based on the Koran. ─── 基于可兰经的回教徒一神教。

43、It concludes that Confucianism is polytheistic or with obvious polytheistic elements, whereas Judaism is a typically monotheistic system. ─── 犹太教的经书长期被视为神的启示,而儒学的经典则被认为是人言,因而神圣性与权威性不足;

44、a member of a monotheistic sect of Zoroastrian origin; descended from the Persians; now found in western India. ─── 起源于索罗亚斯德教教徒的一神论教派的成员;波斯人的后裔;现在在西印度创办。

45、Monotheistic movement within Hinduism, founded in Calcutta (now Kolkata) in 1828 by Ram Mohun Roy. ─── 印度教内部的一神论改良派组织,1828年由罗伊在加尔各答创建。

46、Muslims collectively and their civilization; based on a monotheistic religion believing that Mohammed was the last and major prophet of God. ─── 全体的穆斯林和他们的文明;立基于一神论,相信穆罕默德是最后并且是主要的神的先知。

47、Will monotheistic religions change their idea of the soul to accommodate data? ─── 神教会为了适应数据而改变他们对于灵魂的看法吗?

48、One of the three major monotheistic religions in the world, Islam calls for complete acceptance of and submission to the teachings and guidance of God. ─── 三种主要monotheistic宗教的当中一个在世界上,回教要求完全采纳和提议对上帝教学和教导。

49、Monotheistic groups continue to live today with a religious heritage, much of which found first expression in Aramaic. ─── 一神论的团体在宗教传统下,今天依然继续保持活力,它们中的大多数首先在亚拉姆语找到了解释。

50、It is, I should say, a 'monotheistic but "sub-creational" mythology'. ─── 这是一个“一神论”但包括“次创造”的神话。

51、Monotheistic thought is not equal to monotheistic religion. Thought is the movement of conception while religion is that of faith. ─── 一神思想不等于一神宗教,思想是概念运动,宗教则是信仰运动。

52、His monotheistic solution resolves the old strict dualism. ─── 他的一神论解决方案解答了古老的严格二元论。

53、His monotheistic solution resolves the old strict dualism. The dualist principle, however, reappears in an acute form in a later period, after Zoroaster. ─── 他的一神论解决方案解答了古老的严格二元论。然而,二元论的法则在琐罗亚斯德之后的随后时期以一种敏锐的方式出现。

54、Here was a philosopher from "pagan" antiquity who was monotheistic and moral without any help from the Christian Church! ─── 这是一位从“异端”遗物而来的先知,是没有在任何基督教会帮助下的一神论和道德!

55、Indian monotheistic religion founded in the late 15th century by Guru Nanak. ─── 5世纪后期由古鲁那纳克创建的一神宗教。

56、The monotheistic religion of the Jews, tracing its origins to Abraham and having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Bible and the Talmud. ─── 犹太教犹太人的一神教,起源可追溯到亚伯拉罕,其精神原则和道德准则主要包含在《圣经》和《塔木德经》中

57、In judeo-christianity and most monotheistic religions, objects can represent a view of the cosmos. ─── 在犹太基督教和大多数一神论的宗教中,事物可以代表宇宙的一种观点。

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