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10-02 投稿


lh 中文意思翻译



lh 短语词组

1、hy lh yl hy lh yl

2、QU lh gh ─── 去lh gh

3、helix angle LH ─── 螺旋角LH

4、Lh sa ─── 左侧sa

5、LH surge ─── [医]黄体生成素峰

6、LH RH ─── [化] 促黄体激素释放因子

7、headlights set for lh traffic ─── 左行驶前照灯设置

8、flower wood lh ─── 花木lh

9、skin to skin lh ─── 皮肤对 ─── 皮肤lh

10、leuteinizing hormone (LH) ─── [化] 促黄体生成激素

11、lh s abbr. ─── 等式的左边(Left-HandSide)

12、LH(luteinizing hormone) ─── [化] 促黄体素; 促黄体激素

lh 相似词语短语

1、blah ─── n.废话;空话;瞎说;int.废话;n.(Blah)人名;(捷)布拉赫

2、lath ─── n.板条;瘦人;vt.给…钉板条;n.(Lath)人名;(老)拉

3、l.h. ─── abbr.左手(lefthand)

4、lhd ─── abbr.(拉)古典文学博士(LitterarumHumaniorumDoctor,等于DoctorofHumanities);装载拖运倾卸作业(Load-Haul-Dump)

5、lahs ─── n.拉(大调音阶的第六个音);n.(Lah)(美、马来西亚、印尼、德)拉赫(人名)

6、elhi ─── 相信

7、lash ─── vt.鞭打;冲击;摆动;扎捆;煽动;讽刺;vi.鞭打;猛击;急速甩动;n.鞭打;睫毛;鞭子;责骂;讽刺;n.(Lash)人名;(英)拉希

8、lakh ─── n.(印)十万;十万卢比;多数;adj.十万的

9、lah ─── n.拉(大调音阶的第六个音);n.(Lah)(美、马来西亚、印尼、德)拉赫(人名)

lh 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To catch some waves. LL: Li Hua, I am really jazzed about this trip to the beach. LH: Jazz? ─── 不是爵士乐吗?我们去海边跟爵士乐有什么关系呢?

2、The TCM and western drugs can work through regulating the unbalanced metabolization of LH,FSH,T,INS so as to induct ovulating and resume the balance. ─── 中西医结合治疗是通过调节患者的T、LH、FSH、INS的代谢紊乱而发挥作用,使患者的代谢和生殖功能恢复正常。

3、Just bang away. (LH: any male kid) Yeah, any male kid. So that to me was an immediate, this real passion as well. ─── (LH:每个男生)是的,每个男生,所以我就学了,很热情地。

4、EM group rats were exposed to bionics electromagnetic fields (BEMF) ,lh /d. ─── EM组:BEMF照射,1次/日,1h/d;

5、LH: A *case* of the munchies? ─── 你拿的明明是一带零食啊!

6、LH: I don't know. I don't know what the TiBetters all want? ─── 我不知道,我不知道她们想要什么。

7、LH: Any other upcoming projects? ─── LH:请问还有其它一些即将开启的项目吗?

8、The treatment of superovnlation was conducted on 17 Angora goats donors using FSH and LH. ─── 应用促卵泡素(FSH)配合促黄体素(LH)对17只安哥拉母羊进行超排处理。

9、There were significant differences in the values of LH and FSH between idiopathic azoospermia and normal control group(P< 0.01 or P< 0.05). ─── 卵泡刺激素 (FSH)分别为 (1.90± 0 .79)IU/L和 (2 .2 7± 0 .2 5 )IU/L ,与正常组 (1.6 1± 0 .14)IU/L相比 ,差异均有显著性 (P

10、LH-- What about this issue about free and open information available on the internet? Is that something you would profess? ─── 关于发行网上的一些免费和有用的公开信息,你是不是想要发展些什么呢?

11、LH -- In 2001, when the internet bubble burst a lot of companies were affected. Did you lose a lot? ─── 在2001年,当网络泡沫破灭时,很多企业受到了影响,你损失了很多吗?

12、LH: No, I didn't. I just had the read-through with her. And, I was just happy she was there. ─── 没有,我只是和她读剧本对台词而已,不过我很开心她有在那里。

13、LH: What do you enjoy about school? What was it? I mean, the exercise, the games, the learning, the clubs, the friends? ─── 你喜欢学校那个层面?是运动、比赛、学业、社团方面,还是朋友?

14、LH: As an actor anyway, you always want to bring quite a bit of yourself into it because this is when you can play the truth. ─── 作为一个演员,妳常会想要把自己的部份带进角色里去,因为这是妳可以来真的时候。

15、The levels of E2, FSH,LH were detected respectively before the operations and at 3m,6m after the operations. ─── 分别于术前、术后3个月、术后6个月抽血检测E2、FSH、LH,并术后随访。

16、The oerall prealence of electrocardiographic LH was 15.7%, the authors report, and did not differ significantly among the CHARM treatment groups. ─── 作者报道,所有研究对象心电图有LH证据者占15.7%,在CHARM治疗组中无显著差异。

17、AR fluorescence intensity was negatively correlated with SBP and LH. ─── AR荧光强度与收缩压、LH呈负相关。

18、LH -- So if something like that happened now, Mr. Ma, what would you do? ─── 如果现在还在发生呢,你将怎么办呢,马先生?

19、Results: There was no premature luteotropic hormone (LH)peak in the BFh group, while there were LH peaks in the Chh and Fhh groups. ─── Fhh组:55例57个周期,按FSH/hMG/hCG方案进行。 结果:每周期平均促性腺激素(Gn)用量BFh组为18.62±5.95支;

20、The concentration of LH arrived at the highest value on the day of oestrus and decreased gradually after that day. ─── 促黄体素的含量在发情当日达到最高值以后逐渐下降。

21、Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Athens via Frankfurt / Munich on LH (E-Ticket). ─── 德国汉莎航空公司来回香港至雅典经法兰克褔/慕尼黑经济客位机票(电子机票)。

22、The attentional biases in DL could bring about a dynamic fluctuation of performance of the dominant LH in right handers. ─── (2)右利手被试在刺激驱动条件下的右耳(左半球)优势易受注意偏向的调节出现明显波动;

23、The leuteinizing hormone (LH) in DM group was higher than that in NDM group and STZ group (P

24、During the lactation,LH,E2 and P4 levels kept low .E2 reached its peak at breeding stage.LH and P4 reach ed their peaks on the 15th day of pregnancy. ─── 在母猪泌乳阶段,促黄体素(LH)雌激素(E2)和孕酮(P4)的水平都较低,在配种阶段,雌激素分泌达到峰值,在怀孕15d时,促黄体素和孕酮的分泌达到峰值;

25、Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Dublin via Frankfurt / Munich on LH (E-Ticket). ─── 德国汉莎航空公司来回香港至都柏林经法兰克褔/慕尼黑经济客位机票(电子机票)。

26、GnRH then stimulates the pituitary gland to produce luteinizing hormone (LH), and LH stimulates the testicles to produce testosterone. ─── 从人种来看,黑人前列腺癌发病率最高,白种人其次,黄种人前列腺癌发病率最低。

27、Before the race I was in two minds as to who would win - my choices being LH or RB. So - I got it pretty much right. ─── 在比赛之前两个人可能赢得比赛的车手跃上我的心头:一个是LH、一个是RB。所以啦...我还是很正确的。

28、LH - Right, after the internet bubble, of course the big thing was SARS. ─── 对,网络泡沫以后,大的事情当然就是非典了。

29、LH: What do you want me to do? Put the indicator on? ─── 你想让我怎么做?打方向灯吗?

30、LH: He goes to SCI-Arc, Southern California Institute of Architecture. ─── 他在南加大建筑学院上课。

31、Screw-on hinge, heavy duty for LH and RH applications. Opening angle: 270o. ─── 张开角270o重型门门铰,左右门均适用。

32、It was favour for the improving of protoplast vigour to the medium with 2mg/L Gly, 100mg/L Glu, 300mg/L LH, 100mg/L yeast extraction and 500mg/L BSA. ─── 在悬浮培养基中加入2mg/L的甘氨酸,100mg/L的谷氨酸、300mg/L的水解乳蛋白、100mg/L的酵母提取物、500mg/L的牛血清白蛋白有助于原生质体活力的提高。

33、LH: I think a lot of that is still destitute with cheating and everything but I think she's grown a lot and they tried to do the right thing. ─── 我认为其实很大部分都不能说是在背叛,我想到的所有就是她成长了,她们都是在努力去做对的事情。

34、LH: I'm not pregnant; I adopted a little girl. ─── 我没怀孕,我收养了一个小女孩。

35、Outlook: Who Needs LH in Ovarian Stimulation? ─── 展望:哪些人的卵巢刺激治疗需要使用LH?

36、Acute lung injury was associated with higher PRL serum level and was independent from the LH and T serum level. ─── 急性肺损伤与血浆高催乳素浓度相关,与血清睾酮、黄体生成素无关。

37、The TCM can work through regulating the unbalanced metabolization of LH,FSH,T,INS so as to induct ovulating and resume the balance. ─── 中医药治疗是通过调节患者的T、LH、FSH、INS的代谢紊乱而发挥作用,并能改善子宫、卵巢供血障碍,使患者的代谢和生殖功能恢复正常。

38、LH: The first girl I ever had a crush on when I was younger was Kristy McNichol. ─── 我有另外一个问题问妳。妳第一次迷恋的女孩是谁?

39、LH: Yeah, I think the compatibility and chemistry is something that you can't even explain, you know. ─── 是的,我认为相容性和化学效应是无法解释的事情,你知道的。

40、In females: LH plays an important role in the productions of estrogens and progesterone, FSH stimulates the development of egg cells (ova). ─── 在女性:LH在产生雌激素和孕激素方面起重要的作用,FSH刺激卵细胞(卵泡)的发育。

41、Concealed hinge, for RH and LH application. The 2 main hinge parts have a central guide to prevent sagging during door adjustment. ─── 左右门隐密式门铰,门铰的两大部分有一个中心导承,用于调节时防止门下垂。

42、The A132X family is provided in a 3-pin single in-line package (UA) and a 3-pin surface mount package (LH). ─── A132X 系列以两种封装类型提供:3 引脚单列直插式封装 (UA) 和 3 引脚表面安装封装 (LH)。

43、Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Ljubljana via Frankfurt / Munich on LH (E-Ticket). ─── 德国汉莎航空公司来回香港至卢布里雅纳经法兰克褔/慕尼黑经济客位机票(电子机票)。

44、It also accelerates LH and FSH secretion in hypophysis. ─── IGF-1还能促进垂体内LH和FSH分泌。

45、I may just sit around. In other words, I don't do jack! LH: You don't do jack! ─── 我知道,你是说你什么也不干啊。

46、FSH,LH,E_2 and P of the Api group were significance level than the ACSF group. ─── 单用10-5M芹菜素组与人工脑脊液组相比FSH、LH、E2、P的含量数值小,其差异有显著性。

47、LH: Yeah, good. I love your website! ─── 很好。我很喜欢你的网站!

48、When the researchers assessed the men for several reproductive hormones, they found that the more obese a man was, the lower was his LH and FSH levels. ─── 当研究者评估几项生殖性的荷尔蒙发现:越是肥胖的男人,其LH和FSH的水平就越低。

49、FSH and LH in oligospermia were higher than in normal semen, but the differences were not significant (P>0.05). ─── 少精症组FSH、LH虽均较正常精液组高,但无显著性意义(P>0.05)。

50、In males: LH plays an important role in the production of testosterone, FSH plays an important role in the production of sperm. ─── 女性和男性的各种激素的综合作用造就了两个性别之间的次级性征和其他各种差别。

51、Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Munich on LH (E-Ticket). ─── 德国汉莎航空公司来回香港至慕尼黑经济客位机票(电子机票)。

52、LH: There are different ways of being together. ─── 在一起有很多不同的方式。

53、Serum TG in case group in the normal range, but found a positive correlation between the LH and TG. ─── 病例组血TG在正常参考值范围里,但发现LH与TG间呈正相关。

54、LH - Workaholic, that is something you are. Do you ever make time for free time? ─── 似乎你是一个工作狂,你在什么时候有空闲的时间呢?

55、's a win-win to me! ─── 一个常用语是win - win,意思是双赢。

56、DISCUSSION The urinary LH test has value in monitoring follicle growth and prediction of ovulation. ─── [讨论]尿LH半定量试纸测定对监测卵泡生长及预测排卵有应用价值。

57、In study group,there was no significant difference in the serum FSH,LH,E2 and T levels between before and after radiotherapy(t=0.72,P>0.05). ─── 实验组放疗后血清FSH、LH、E2、T值较放疗前无显著变化(t=0.72,P>0.05)。

58、The levels of FSH,LH,PRL,E2,T and P between two groups had no significant differences(P>0.05). ─── 两组的性激素水平,即FSH、LH、PRL、E2、T和P的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

59、LH: I'm probably painfully unambitious, especially now that I have a daughter. ─── 我大概是非常没有野心的人,尤其现在我有了一个女儿。

60、LH:Yeah,I always thought it would be great for them to have more than just one kid. I think that it would be really good. ─── 对的,我总是觉得她俩多几个孩子的话会很棒。那真的会很好呢。

61、LH: Yeah, when you take a character on a lesbian show and you flip her over to a guy, then there's no way out of this. ─── 是啊,当你在一部拉拉剧里演一个拉拉,然后你把这个角色转去爱男人,那就像是走进死胡同一样。

62、LH: No, not really, you’re always traction-limited and so it’s better with lots of long straights. ─── LH: 不,不是的,(弯角里)你一直会受到牵引力的限制,所以长直道会更好些。

63、So the allelic B of gene LH? and GDF-9 was significant positive correlate with the little size. ─── 从而得出LHB和GDF-9基因座上等位基因B与产羔数有很强的正效应, A基因与产羔数存在负效应。

64、Serum FSH, LH of oligozoospermatism and azoospermatism groups were significantly higher than that of normal sperm density group (P

65、BACKGROUND To study the value of the urinary luteinizing hormone(LH) test on the prediction of ovulation in infertile women. ─── [背景]探讨尿促黄体生成激素(LH)半定量试纸在不孕妇女排卵监测中的应用价值.

66、LH: Now I've heard that you carry a PDA all the time with you. ─── 我听说你随身都要带着笔记本电脑?

67、Serum homovanillic acid (HVA), FSH, LH and testosterone (TS) were examined in healthy first degree relatives of schizophrenic patients. ─── 和放免分析法测定精神分裂症病人一级健康亲属的血清高香草酸(HVA)、FSH、LH和睾酮(TS)浓度。

68、Objective To study on the figures of serum FSH and LH for diagnosis and treatment of the male infertility. ─── 摘要目的探讨血清FSH与LH值高低对临床上诊断和治疗男性不育症的意义。

69、The peripheral serum FSH & LH levels were estimated by invtrion bioassay and E2 & T by immunoassay. ─── 对E_2峰的上升速度的影响则以体穴组最大,体穴加耳穴组其次。

70、LH - Would you consider selling off Alibaba? ─── 你有没有想过要卖掉阿里巴巴呢?

71、Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Oslo via Frankfurt / Munich on LH (E-Ticket). ─── 德国汉莎航空公司来回香港至奥斯陆经法兰克褔/慕尼黑经济客位机票(电子机票)。

72、Another test, LH, can also be done in the veterinary hospital, but I only use it to help support my progesterone result. ─── LH,另外一项兽医院提供的测试方法,但是我只用该项测试辅助黄体酮测试结果。

73、LH: So she's still reeling off the fact that for those eight years she was completely monogamous. ─── 所以她仍能轻易地把在那8年里她是完全忠于一人的事实说出口。

74、FSH,LH of the DMSO group were significant decrease than the ACSF group,but E_2,P were significant figures. ─── 单用hCG组与人工脑脊液组相比FSH、LH的含量数值小,而E2、P的含量数值大,其差异均有显著性。

75、Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Riga via Frankfurt / Munich on LH (E-Ticket). ─── 德国汉莎航空公司来回香港至里加经法兰克褔/慕尼黑经济客位机票(电子机票)。

76、There was significant reduction in the level of T,LH in blood and the ovulation rate,pregnant rate was 80.8%,63.4% respectively. ─── 患者术后血清雄激素、促黄体生成素明显下降,术后排卵率为80.8%,妊娠率为63.4%。

77、LH: Your mother tongues isn't Mandarin, right? (WL: no it's not) You had to learn it as an adult? ─── 你的母语并非中文,是吧?你长大之后还在学中文吗?

78、Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Vilnius via Frankfurt / Munich on LH (E-Ticket). ─── 德国汉莎航空公司来回香港至维尔纽斯经法兰克褔/慕尼黑经济客位机票(电子机票)。

79、Our findings demonstrate that C disease in terms of LH and reduced LEF in addition to 24-h urine production and Kt/ determine NT-proBNP leels. ─── 我们的实验结果显示依据左心室肥厚和减少的左心室射血分数而确定的心血管疾病,24-h尿蛋白量,透析效率影响着脑钠肽前体N末端水平.

80、According to the researchers, these relatively low levels of LH and FSH are suggestive of a "partial" hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. ─── 据研究表明,那些相关的低水平的LH和FSH提示“局部”的低促性腺素性功能减退症。

81、Method:Serum concentrations of Testo,E 2,Prog,PRL,FSH,LH were examined and compared in 36 urolithiasis and 20 normal control males. ─── 方法 :检测并比较 36例男性原发性上尿路结石患者和 2 0例健康男性的血清睾酮 (Testo)、促卵泡成熟激素 (FSH)、促黄体生成激素 (LH)、雌二醇 (E2 )、催乳素 (PRL)、黄体酮 (Prog)水平。

82、LH: But now I'm married, married and monogamous. Very married, very happy. ─── 不过现在我已经结婚了,已婚和忠于一人。非常已婚,非常开心。

83、LH: I got a little taste of it when I did Angel, but I'd love to do the TV version of The Brave One and play the Jodie Foster part. ─── 拍摄Angel是一个小小的美妙体验,不过我希望可以拍“TheBraveOne”的电视版和扮演JodieFoster的角色。

84、LH: I think a lot of people identify with some and it depends on who you are in your partnership. ─── 我想有很多人会对某些角色产生共鸣,而那得看你在你的感情关系里扮演的是谁。

85、LH: So, I had a hard time with playing all of her kind of subservient wifeness. It's not in my nature. ─── 所以,我在演那些像妻子般逆来顺受的情节时是很辛苦的。那根本不是我的天性。

86、Method:levels of serum reproductive hormons:FSH,LH,E,T and PRL were examined in 59 patients with aspermacrasia and 36 with azoospermia by RIA. ─── 方法:利用放射免疫分析技术,分别测定59例男性少精,36例无精不育症患者血清中FSH、LH、E、T、PRL的浓度。

87、Abstract The wood structure of Pinus squamata that is near extinction in Pinus is anatomically observed by LH and SEM. ─── 五针白皮松是新近报道的云南松属的一新种,为高大乔木,现存20余株,分布在云南巧家县,是一濒危种[4]。

88、LH -- What do you think then, you know, about the recent controversy surrounding Google and its censorship of it websites? ─── 对于最近的围绕着谷歌和他自身的网络的审查制度的争议,你怎么看的?

89、LH: The kid with a booboo on his knee? ─── 你是说坐在那儿,那个膝盖上贴绷带的小孩啊?

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