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10-02 投稿


monied 发音

英:[ˈmʌnid]  美:[ˈmʌnid]

英:  美:

monied 中文意思翻译



monied 词性/词形变化,monied变形

monied 相似词语短语

1、denied ─── v.拒绝;拒签(deny的过去式)

2、-nied ─── -nied

3、honied ─── adj.甜如蜜的;多蜜的;v.对…甜言蜜语;给…加蜜(honey的过去分词)

4、ponied ─── 支付;清偿(pony的过去分词)

5、moneyed ─── adj.有钱的;金钱上的

6、moniker ─── n.绰号;名字

7、alimonied ─── 赡养费

8、monies ─── n.货币;金钱(money的复数形式);n.(Monies)人名;(丹)莫尼斯

9、monged ─── 混血儿

monied 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The writers in the Tang Dynasty were affected by the story about moni bead in sutra.They created some fantastic beads in their novels by association of ideas in sutra. ─── 唐人受佛经的影响,由摩尼宝珠的某种异能联想创作了小说中奇异的宝珠。

2、Rank: MGR6Report to: Chongqing GMBased in ChongqingKey Responsibilities Finance:- Branch GL maintenance and moni...... ... ─── 公司名称:华侨银行(中国)有限公司成都分行工作地点:四川省成都市发布时间:2008-11-18

3、At the basis of her fieldwork, the author narrates the causes and conditions in which they become moni, their practice and life, as well as their position in the Yi community. ─── 作者在长期田野调查的基础上,描述了凉山彝族嫫尼成巫的原因和条件,她们从事的法事活动,她们的生存现状,以及嫫尼在彝族社会中的地位。

4、exe is the main executable of mcafees quickclean application. this task will stay resident upon boot-up and moni... ─── 进程文件: plguni or plguni.exe进程名称: quickclean进程类别:存在安全风险的进程英文描述: plguni.

5、Application of SPI Technique to Phased Array Radar Beam Steering Moni toring System ─── SPI技术在相控阵雷达波控监测系统中的应用

6、In Jordan, where they once were top dogs, they have staged protests against a monied, urbanised Palestinian elite. ─── 在约旦,他们曾经是统治者,他们上演了反对富有城市巴勒斯坦精英的活动。

7、2 floor to introduce so much knowledge, the minds of some points raised: how to address identified as Jia Moni Fogu Mami? ─── 2楼介绍那么多知识,心中稍有点疑问:怎么确认为释迦摩尼真身佛骨?

8、The Jeffersonians supported farmers over monied interests and opposed centralising policies such as creating a national bank. ─── 杰斐逊一派的人主张农民应享有充分的经济利益,反对集权政策(如创办国家银行)。

9、Keywords Coal spontaneous combustion;DTM;Solar radiation;Dynamic moni toring;Fire -extinghshing; ─── 煤层自燃;DTM;太阳辐射;动态监测;灭火工程;

10、Linked by asphalt paths each monastery has a different character and sense of charm, the most famous being Moni Agias Trias due to it's appearance in the James Bond film For Your Eyes Only. ─── 如果你不范头晕的毛病的话,迈泰奥拉确是一个生动迷人的地方。点击此处进入论坛相关帖子参与讨论!

11、"Tomorrow will be a test, so today want to relax themselves, were again in the afternoon Moni Juan, a good sleep at night, in order to raise enough to the spirit of the examination tomorrow. ─── “明天就要考试了,所以今天想让自己放松一下,下午再做份模拟卷,晚上好好睡一觉,为明天赶考养足精神。”

12、"I used the same marble and stone as in the original Taj," Moni said. ─── 他说:“我用了和原来的泰姬陵一模一样的石材。

13、The paper deals with characteristics of oil spills on ice-infested waters,present investigation status of (moni)toring and numerical forecast of the sea ice,monitoring and behavior of oil spills. ─── 鉴于目前的溢油模型主要是针对海面溢油的情况,本文提出了预测海底管道出现裂纹和腐蚀形成的小孔时发生溢油的模型。

14、When a price was placed on Floyd's head he wrote to Oklahoma's governor, saying: "I have robbed no one but the monied men. " ─── 当弗洛伊德的通缉赏金公布后,他写信给俄克拉荷马州官员说:“我只抢劫有钱人。”

15、Monasteries of Daphni, Hossios Luckas, and Nea Moni of Chios ─── 希俄斯的达菲尼、霍希俄斯卢卡斯和尼奥莫尼修道院

16、Conclusion Placental function decreased while risks for fetus increased as the gestation delayed.Therefore,to ensure the safety of mother and child,delayed gestation should be closely moni... ─── 结论延期妊娠时胎盘功能逐渐降低、胎儿高危程度逐渐增加,故产前、产时应严密监护及时处理,以确保母婴安全。

17、Though, these stories on moni bead are Chinese, they are still related with sutra's stories. ─── 这些宝珠故事虽然已经中国化,但仍然与佛经有着密切的关系。

18、Na te moni i inu wai ai matou; ─── 我 们 出 钱 才 得 水 喝 ;

19、One of the earliest proof systems, suggested by Moni Naor of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, made use of this notion. ─── 最早期的验证系统之中,有一款就是以这样的概念为基础,由以色列魏兹曼科学学院的内欧尔(MoniNaor)所提出。

20、Not long ago, a bunch of us in our Santa Moni... ─── Shared by forcey 贵公司的员工太有闲情逸致了!

21、In this paper, the arrangement of the seepage moni toring system of Jiujiangs Changjing dike rehabilitation project is briefly int roduced and the seepage monitoring data are thoroughly ana lyzed . ─── 简要地介绍了九江长江干堤溃口复堤段堤基渗流监测系统的布置情况,对渗流监测成果作了全面分析。

22、The results showed that the application of project management module in ERP achieved "third class integration" of material, capital and information flows and the real-time moni... ─── 实践表明,ERP系统项目管理模块的应用实现了物流、资金流、信息流的“三流合一”及对项目投资计划和预算的实时监控,有利于提升企业项目管理水平,实现效益最大化。

23、Some largest new home builders in London are increasingly listing the monied Asian investors as their consumers. ─── 伦敦一些最大的住宅建造公司正日趋将现金充裕的亚洲投资者列为营销对象。

24、Conclusion This method is so easy to operate, simple and convenient that it can be used for moni... ─── 结论:本法简便可行,结果准确,为该制剂的质量控制提供了方法。

25、When power rested in one man, King Louis, all sorts complained of oppression, and the nobility, middle, and monied men called on the poor to help. ─── 当权力集中在国王路易一个人身上的时候,对压迫的抱怨来自方方面面,贵族,中产阶级和有钱人都号召穷人来帮忙。

26、The monied-men who buy my cues naturally want the best hitting and longest lasting cue their money can buy. ─── 很自然地﹐这些有钱的顾客都希望能买到一根手感最佳并质量持久的球杆。

27、As recently as 1993, the Legislature had outlawed the title-loan business, despite the influence of well-monied lobbyists. ─── 就在最近的1993年,立法机关顶住为有钱人利益维护的政客压力,宣布高利贷商业是不合法的。

28、A kind of high precision cross-core low-current sensor for insulated on-line moni toring is developed. ─── 一种用于绝缘在线监测的穿心式高精度微电流传感器。

29、This NSMS (nonin terference stress-measurement system) method is an alternative to the strain gauge for moni toring rotor blade vibration. ─── 此方法将在叶片的振动检测中取代应变计式检测装置。

30、Dr Moni said his research would take a year to complete, starting in 2008. ─── 还说,这个研究将从明年开始用一年的时间来完成。

31、Perform periodic independent reviews per QA inspection plan and provide inspection report accordingly 2. Moni...... ... ─── 公司名称:荷兰银行(中国)有限公司重庆分行工作地点:重庆市发布时间:2009-3-28

32、tis ?moni? vadovams. ─── 网站简介: Dienra?

33、Cnidium monied ─── 蛇床子

34、Moni stands to Buddhist chants...she was given a nice treat afterwards. ─── 马尔济斯狗狗莫妮站立礼佛一声佛号一声心 ...

35、Devils brought the crisis, this time the rabbit is Moni a good opportunity to succeed. ─── 红魔带来了危机,这个时候正是帕妮兔子大显身手的好机会。

36、Production Manager (Night Shift) Responsibilities : To lead the AI/SMT, final assembly operation in Night shift. To moni...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海方尔达企业管理有限公司工作地点:辽宁省大连市中山区发布时间:2009-7-23

37、Hively : I often wish I were Steiglitz who came from a monied background and promoted artists he believed in whether the work sold or not. ─── 海夫利:我经常想我是来自一个施泰格茨谁有钱的背景和推动艺术家,他不认为在是否出售或工作。

38、This proposed method has been put to a good use in the safety moni toring for TGP. ─── 三是创建一个快速把监测数据及换算成果输入到数据库的应用工具。

39、Na kati koutou te tango moni i a koutou tangata i mohio ai, engari me homai mo nga wahi pakaru o te whare. ─── 从 今 以 后 , 你 们 不 要 从 所 认 识 的 人 再 收 银 子 , 要 将 所 收 的 交 出 来 , 修 理 殿 的 破 坏 之 处 。

40、In addition, let me talk about, whether 46 test, stage I am basically pro forma in 2000 to the beginning of the Zhenti done so, as well as a 3 Moni Juan. ─── 另外说一下,不管四六级考试,备考阶段我基本上把零零年开始的真题做完以及做了三本模拟卷。

41、The monied men and women at Davos owe their prosperity to the trading system the WTO oversees. ─── 达沃斯论坛上的有钱男女之所以能发财,其实正该归功于世贸组织主导的贸易体系。

42、Through summarizing the various codes and standard at present, the writer provides some opinions on the moni... ─── 本文通过对现有各种规范的总结,提出了建筑基坑边坡位移监测与控制看法,供业界同行参考。

43、Mini Moni Mika No Happy Morning Chatty ─── 迷你早晨-迈克不快乐的饶舌口语

44、Moni religion ─── 摩尼教

45、In sutra, the moni as well as wishful bead is a universal appellation of bead.It is provided with plenty of egregious power. ─── 摘要佛经中的摩尼是珠之总名,又名如意珠,具有多种异能。

46、As housing costs on China's mainland skyrocket — raising concerns of a property bubble there — monied buyers are heading abroad, moving into markets that look, in comparison, like a bargain. ─── 出现购房热的最大因素之一是中国买家的崛起。由于中国内地房价飙升,催生出关于房地产泡沫的担忧,富有的中国买家因此直奔海外,来到那些与中国内地相比似乎很合算的房地产市场。

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