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Dublin 发音

英:[ˈdʌblɪn]  美:[ˈdʌblɪn]

英:  美:

Dublin 中文意思翻译



Dublin 网络释义

n. 都柏林(爱尔兰共和国的首都)

Dublin 短语词组

1、dublin sky ─── 都柏林天空

2、dublin university ─── 都柏林大学

3、dublin ireland ─── 爱尔兰都柏林

4、trinity college dublin ─── 都柏林圣三一学院

5、dublin city university ─── 都柏林城市大学

6、stonechat dublin ─── 都柏林石聊

7、brazen head dublin ─── 厚颜无耻的都柏林

8、Salmonella dublin ─── [医] 都柏林沙门氏菌

9、dublin college ─── 都柏林学院

10、dublin business school ─── 都柏林商业学校

11、leonard cohen live in dublin ─── 伦纳德·科恩住在都柏林

12、dublin city ─── 都柏林城市

13、dublin castle n. ─── 都柏林堡(牙买加地名)

14、dublin airport ─── 都柏林机场

Dublin 相似词语短语

1、Dublin ─── n.都柏林(爱尔兰共和国的首都)

2、dualin ─── n.双硝炸药(炸药的一种)

3、Lublin ─── 卢布林(波兰城市)

4、dub in ─── 配音

5、doubling ─── n.加倍;并线;折回;防护板;衬里;v.使加倍;使成双(double的ing形式);绕过;握紧;adj.双重的;折叠的

6、drumlin ─── n.冰堆丘;冰丘;[地质]鼓丘

7、dubbin ─── n.防水油;皮革保护油

8、Lyublin ─── 柳林

9、dunlin ─── n.黑腹滨鹬;鹬类

Dublin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In August we shifted our furniture to Dublin. ─── 八月时我们把家俱搬到了都柏林。

2、Sie bitten H ndel, seinen Messias in Dublin das erste Mal zu spielen und bieten ihm daf r viel Geld. ─── 他们是来请求亨德尔在都柏林作为他的弥撒亚首演地点并为此奉上丰厚的酬劳。

3、Petr Cech's side dropped their first points away in Dublin against Republic of Ireland. ─── 切赫所在的国家队(克)在都柏林挑战爱尔兰,带走了1分。

4、Derek has sole responsibility for sales in Dublin. ─── 在都柏林唯一的职责就是负责销售。

5、In 65 cases, ECC Dublin intervened on behalf of consumers to seek a refund or compensation from car hire companies. ─── 在65个个案中,都柏林欧洲消费者中心代表消费者要求汽车租赁公司进行退款或补偿。

6、It seems Caffrey is trying to turn this Dublin team into something they're not. ─── 一些都柏林的物理策略是可疑的,至少可以这样说。

7、They got to know each other when Frank just came back Dublin to spend his holidays . ─── 他们是在弗兰克回都柏林度假之初认识的。

8、His face, which carried the entire tale of his years, was of the brown tint of Dublin Streets. ─── 他那饱经风霜的脸像都柏林街道那样黝黑。

9、Before david gilmore tickets direct flights from dublin to petersburg . ─── 东西的这也是资深的价格电影票应该。

10、Since the date of May 1, 2004 on which the fifth historic expansion of EU in Dublin, Ireland completed, the burden of legal translation has doubled. ─── 事实上,法律翻译实践在国内外历史悠久。 但是,无论在法学领域还是在翻译领域,针对法律翻译的系统研究却远远不够,至今,法律翻译在译学研究领域仍未获得独立分支的学科地位。

11、Elsewhere, Dublin airport yesterday celebrated its 20 millionth passenger of the year with champagne and flowers. ─── 另外,都柏林机场昨天用香槟和鲜花庆祝了它今年的第2千万个乘客。

12、The office was transferred from Belfast to Dublin. ─── 办公地点已从贝尔法斯特移到都柏林。

13、Dublin Core is one of the most accepted metadata formats by the international digital library community. ─── DC(Dublin Core)是目前国际上最有影响的元数据格式,数字图书馆发展进程中,越来越倾向采用DC实现资源信息的描述。

14、Therefore it is a fire-new scheme to describe Dublin Core with XML. ─── 使用XML语言来描述Dublin Core元数据是一种全新的元数据解决方案。

15、Its assessment last year found the numbers experiencing homelessness in Dublin had decreased by 19 per cent since 2002. ─── 去年的评估报告发现2002年以来都柏林无家可归的人数减少了19%。

16、Dublin Core had hold 8 workshops since 1995.It set up some special workgroups to take in some topic research. ─── Dublin Core自1995年起开了8次会议,研究探讨元数据的问题,取得了一系列的成果。

17、There are some guys in Dublin who are very good and definitely do make money. ─── 在都柏林,有几个家伙非常棒,他们肯定能赚到钱。

18、In 1881 they returned to Dublin, where Yeats studied at the Metropolitan School of Art. ─── 1881年他们迁回了都柏林,叶芝在那里的都市艺术学院学习。

19、As a writer Yeats made his debut in 1885, when he published his first poems in The Dublin University Review. ─── 1885年,叶芝在《都柏林大学综述》一书中首次发表了他的诗作。

20、In 1871, he was apprenticed to a Dublin estate agent, and later he worked as a cashier. ─── 1871年,萧伯纳在都柏林的一家地产代理公司当学徒,后来当出纳员。

21、They harassed the coastal settlements of Ireland, beginning with an attack on Lambat Island, near Dublin. ─── 他们骚扰爱尔兰沿海居民,开始侵袭都柏林附近的兰姆巴特岛。

22、Dry weather on the east coast and closed schools combined to make driving in and around Dublin easier than in recent days. ─── 东部沿岸干燥的天气和学校关闭使得车子出入都柏林比往日来的轻松。

23、However, Dublin drivers also fared badly in the survey, outstripping all others for speeding offences. ─── 不过,都柏林司机在调查中很不走运,他们的超速驾驶居于全国榜首。

24、Partitioning metadata of Dublin Core type described by XML automaticly based on OAI protocol is another. ─── 另一种是基于OAI协议自动收割以XML描述的Dublin Core元数据。

25、With its headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, the IRB is the World Governing and Law-making body for the Game of Rugby Union. ─── 与它在都柏林的总部,爱尔兰,IRB为橄榄球联合的游戏是管理的世界和立法身体。

26、In Dublin, Shelley first had contact with a political movement. ─── 在都柏林雪莉第一次接触到政治运动。

27、On stage, I could do it well enough to think we were somewhere in Dublin. ─── 在舞台上,我能够做到感觉我们像是在都柏林的某个地方意义。

28、How come that u are happy getting found from a geezer up in windy Dublin? ─── 各个国家的人说英语各有什么特色?

29、Flat Dublin voices bawled in his head. ─── 单调的都柏林口音在他的头脑里响着。

30、One man was killed, while a female garda was seriously injured on traffic duty in Dublin. ─── 一名男子丧生,而一名女警察在都柏林进行交通值班的时候严重受伤。

31、The band organized a showcase in Dublin and soon representatives of every major record label were offering the bewildered boys contracts. ─── 乐队在都柏林组织了一场亮相演出,很快各大唱片公司的代表都向这群懵懂的男孩儿发出了签约邀请。

32、So every year on the anniversary of protagonist Leopold Bloom' s sojourn through Dublin, Joyce fans from all over the world come to pay their respects. ─── 因此,每年在书中主人公利奥波德·布卢姆逗留都柏林的这个纪念日,乔伊斯迷们会从世界各地汇聚这座古城进行一年一度的凭吊。

33、Meanwhile he gave to Dublin its first charter of municipal liberties. ─── 与此同时,他让都柏林破天荒第一次获得都市自治敕书。

34、Two topboots jog dangling on to Dublin. ─── 一双高统马靴荡悠着,一路荡到都柏林。

35、He was taken back to Dublin to be buried. ─── 他被允许安葬在都柏林。

36、L Lansdowne Road - the home stadium of the Irish national team in Dublin, Ireland. ─── 兰斯多恩路,爱尔兰队的主场,位于都柏林。

37、Some Dart services in Dublin were also disrupted when trees fell on the line at Sydney Parade and Merrion Gates. ─── 一些都柏林郊区电气化铁路也停开了,因为树木倒在了。

38、I live within commuting distance of Dublin. ─── 我住在离都柏林上下班可乘公交车往返的地方。

39、Born in Crumlin, Dublin to parents Bridget and Paddy, he was one of 13 surviving children (out of 22 born) in a Catholic family. ─── 布朗生在都柏林的克拉姆林,一个天主教家庭。双亲布里吉特和帕蒂共生育了22个孩子,其中13个活了下来。

40、George Bernard Shaw was born on July 26th in Dublin, a noted socialist who took a leading role in the Fabian Society. ─── 乔治·肖伯纳1856年7月26日生于都柏林,是一位著名的社会主义思想家以及费边社的创始人。

41、Dublin Core is a valid metadata standard to describe information resource in Web. ─── 元数据Dublin Core是一种有效的描述网络信息资源的元数据标准。

42、They were also traders and did much to develop life in Dublin, Cork and Waterford. ─── 但他们同时也是商人,为发展都柏林、科克和沃特福德的生活做出了贡献。

43、Araby tells the story that a Dublin teenager pursues his dreaming lover but ends in vain. ─── 《阿拉比》讲述的是一个都柏林少年追求朦胧爱情,但最终梦想破灭的故事。

44、Reputation - Luxembourg and Dublin have an excellent reputation for their regulation. ─── 信誉:卢森堡和都柏林在管制方面有很好的信誉。

45、Dublin bagged two goals in last night's win. ─── 在昨晚获胜的那场比赛中都柏林队射进了两球。

46、Cecelia Ahern (b. 30 September 1981 in Dublin, Ireland) is an author and the daughter of current Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern. ─── 作者西西莉亚艾亨,爱尔兰青年女作家,现任爱尔兰总理的女儿,2004年创作这部献给天下有情人的小说时,年仅21岁。

47、However, he said the Shannon Airport Authority should be granted full autonomy from the Dublin Airport Authority and "debt-free" status. ─── 不过,他说香农机场管理局应该从都柏林机场管理局得到充分的自主权和“无债务”状态。

48、Mrs. O'Donovan was walking down O'Connell Street in Dublin, and coming in the opposite direction was Father Rafferty. ─── 奥当诺凡太太正在都伯林的奥康奈尔街走着,从对面走来了拉菲提神父。

49、The glasses of my car began to sweat when I drove out of Dublin. ─── 在我驱车驶出都柏林时,车上的玻璃开始凝出了水珠。

50、Beginning with the story of"Eveline", all the Dublin adults are living in isolation and without love. ─── “孤独感”成为了《都柏林人》中成年人的精神通症,从《伊芙琳》开始我们便可以看到都柏林的成年人普遍都生存在一种孤独、缺爱的环境中。

51、Failure to enforce litter fines were a large part of the reason why Dublin was so dirty, Dr Cavanagh said. ─── 先生说,未能加强对垃圾乱扔进行罚款是都柏林这么脏的大部分原因。

52、Dublin Airport Authority spokesman Vincent Wall said the weather had a significant impact on operations at the airport. ─── 都柏林机场管理局的发言人VincentWall说,天气对机场的运转造成了严重影响。

53、"Miss Kathleen Kearney's musical career was ended in Dublin after that," he said. ─── 他说,凯恩琳·卡尼小姐的音乐声涯从此断送在都柏林了。

54、A quick look at the table above indicates that RDF is ideal for representing Dublin Core information. ─── 从上表中我们可以看出RDF是“都柏林核心数据”的最适当表示。

55、Joyce departed Dublin with nearly all the narratives he would ever write already stored in his memory. ─── 乔伊斯离开都柏林这一段记事早已经存在他的记忆里。

56、How many loads did I let you hijack? How many ways can I stand here in playback? How did I end up lying here Crying underneath the Dublin sky? ─── 你抢走了我多少心绪?还有多少路可以回头?我怎么会以这样的方式结束我们之间的故事?躺在浑浊的天空下啜泣?

57、Following standard medical checkups the team will travel to Dublin on the 13th and stay until the 22nd. ─── 在例行的身体检查之后,皇马将在13号访问都柏林,并将在22号离开。

58、"Unfortunately right now people in Dublin need to take the bus to Belfast to buy Ikea," he said. ─── 他说:“不幸的是现在都柏林的人们需要乘车到贝尔法斯特去买宜家”。

59、In the middle of a scrubby business park on the outskirts of Dublin, a hulking grey building has recently sprung up. ─── 在都柏林郊外一片灌木丛生的商业园区中央,一座庞大的灰色建筑最近拔地而起。

60、The stage journey to Dublin took a full twelve hours. ─── 到都柏林的公共马车旅途需要整整12小时。

61、Paul McGuinness' side, who won their two qualifying games 4-0, stormed to a 5-1 win over the Dublin outfit. ─── 保罗.麦基尼斯的球队在资格赛里两次打出4-0,然后又5-1战胜了都柏林。

62、Apple's products are now being snapped up in Delhi and Dalian just as in Dublin and Dallas. ─── 和在都柏林和达拉斯一样,德里和大连的苹果产品也正遭到疯抢。

63、While living in Dublin, Caithleen has fallen in love with Eugene Gaillard. ─── 凯色林在都柏林住的时侯,与宜真高兰,坠入爱河。

64、Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). ─── 刘飞,黎建辉,阎保平.

65、Kick-off in Dublin on Wednesday is 7.45pm and the game is being televised live on Sky Sports. ─── 周三晚7.45,比赛将在都柏林开球,该比赛将由天空体育台直播。

66、There is an active and popular Chinese community in Ireland - Chinese New Year is celebrated in Dublin as well as in Beijing. ─── 同时在爱尔兰还有一个活跃和受欢迎的中国社团中国的新年不仅在北京庆贺同时也在都柏林进行庆贺。

67、Dublin Core: Cataloging Standard of 21st Century Library? ─── Dublin Core:21世纪图书馆编目标准?

68、Dublin, Thomas. Women at Work. 2nd Edition. New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. ─── 《工作中的妇女》。第2版。纽约:哥伦比亚大学出版社,1981。

69、However, he said the Shannon Airport Authority should be granted full autonomy from the Dublin Airport Authority and "debt-free" status. ─── 不过,他说香农机场管理局应该从都柏林机场管理局得到充分的自主权和“无债务”状态。

70、During previews, I met a guy in a store who was from Dublin, a salesman selling Irish jewelry. ─── 在预演的时候,我在商店里认识了一个来自都柏林贩卖爱尔兰珠宝的商人。

71、When he was seventeen,Synge entered Trinity College, Dublin, graduating in 1892. ─── 17岁时辛格进入都柏林三一学院,并于1892年毕业。

72、A native of Dublin, Ireland, Coyne received his bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from University College Dublin in 1971. ─── Coyne出生于爱尔兰都柏林,1971年获得了都柏林大学的机械工程学士学位。

73、Dublin Skylon Hotel : Great Deals Available Now! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

74、and recording sessions took place in London, Dublin and Sweden. ─── 与会议记录发生在伦敦,都柏林和瑞典。

75、I caught the next plane to Dublin. ─── 我赶上了下一班飞机去都柏林。

76、But before he was winning over the world, Keating was a middle-class kid living in Dublin. ─── 在罗南·基丁赢得全世界的欢迎之前,他是出生于都柏林一个中产家庭的孩子。

77、He mounted to the parapet again and gazed out over Dublin bay, his fair oakpale hair stirring slightly. ─── 他又跨上胸墙,眺望着都柏林湾。他那浅橡木色的黄头发微微飘动着。

78、Day 455 "Dublin One Day Trip" in IRL(7th Dec. ─── 今天真的冲去都柏林啦!!!

79、Carwin was wanted in Dublin for theft and murder. ─── 加尔文因偷盗和谋杀正受都柏林方面通辑。

80、Dublin bagged two goals in last night's win. ─── 在昨晚获胜的那场比赛中都柏林队射进了两球。

81、In this short story collection, women characters are presented as the embodiment of the ugly Dublin society. ─── 在这部作品中,他把女性描写为都柏林社会丑陋的象征。

82、He voted for it and put on his topboots to ride to Dublin from the Ards of Down to do so. ─── 他投了赞成票,是穿上高统马靴,从当郡的阿兹[61]骑马到都柏林去投的。”

83、Table of areas where LOM and Dublin Core overlap, along with other relevant vocabularies. ─── LOM和Dublin Core以及其他相关词汇表的重叠部分。

84、Any RDF application that knew how to handle Dublin Core could then make at least basic use of DOAP data. ─── 任何知道如何处理Dublin Core的RDF应用程式至少能够使用基本的DOAP资料。

85、'The big question everyone's asking is: How much will Ireland grow? ' says Philip Lane, an economics professor at Trinity College Dublin. ─── 都柏林圣三一学院(TrinityCollegeDublin)经济学教授拉内(PhilipLane)说,人人都在问的大问题是,爱尔兰会有多大幅度的增长?

86、From here you can take the DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit train) to Lansdowne Road DART station. ─── 儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。所有的3岁以下的儿童在使用现有的床铺之下不需付费。

87、She trained in Dublin and in Darjeeling, India, before taking her religious vows in1937. ─── 在她1937年举行她的宗教宣誓之前,她在都伯林,大吉岭,印度接受训练。

88、People like Roy Keane, Chris Sutton, Dion Dublin and John Hartson are of enormous value in that respect. ─── 像基恩、萨顿、达布林、哈特森在这方面都作出了很大的贡献。

89、They scooted off to Dublin for the weekend. ─── 他们急匆匆地上都柏林度周末去了。

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