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10-02 投稿


presto 发音

英:[ˈprestoʊ]  美:[ˈprestəʊ]

英:  美:

presto 中文意思翻译







presto 网络释义

adj. 迅速的adv. 赶快n. 急板;急板之乐曲或乐章int. 转眼间n. (Presto)人名;(意)普雷斯托

presto 短语词组

1、off white x nike air presto off white x nike air soon

2、presto change ─── [网络] presto变化

3、host presto ─── 主持不久

4、hey presto n. ─── 急板, ─── 急板乐段; 说变就变(表示完成某事如变戏法般迅速容易); 突然地; 立即; (魔术师用语)您看

5、luna presto ─── 早月

6、corer presto ─── 快跑

presto 词性/词形变化,presto变形


presto 相似词语短语

1、presets ─── v.预先调整;预先装置(preset第三人称单数)

2、preset ─── v.预调,预置;给……预定时间;预先决定,事先安排;n.预调装置;adj.预先装置的,预先调整的

3、prests ─── n.普雷斯特(英钟表工匠,1820年取得表的无钥匙机能的专利)

4、prestore ─── vt.预存储;vi.预存储

5、prestos ─── 很快

6、pressor ─── adj.加压的,增血压的,收缩血管的;n.升高血压的物质

7、pressy ─── 压力

8、preshow ─── 预演

9、prester ─── n.[气象]普雷斯特龙卷风;n.(Prester)人名;(德、捷)普雷斯特

presto 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、be presto ─── 流水

2、"We went to the lab, whipped up a batch of this stuff, and presto, we ended up with something very gooey and very smelly," he said. ─── "我们去到实验室,迅速调配了一些这样的东西,不一会,我们得到了一些粘粘的,发臭的东西。"

3、Weather forecasters said it would rain around midnight and, hey presto, the first drops of rain started to fall almost on the dot. ─── 天气预报员表示午夜将会下雨,然后,就像变戏法似的,第一滴雨几乎准时落下。

4、poco largo [ presto ] ─── 略慢[快]

5、You just press the button and, hey presto, a perfect cup of coffee! ─── 只要按下按钮,嘿,马上就出来一杯上好的咖啡!

6、Just copy them to a bootable flash drive and presto, install faster than any DVD. ─── 只要将它们拷贝到可启动闪存驱动器,安装速度比任何DVD 。

7、The machine looks difficult to operate but, in fact,it's dead easy-just push these two buttons and,hey presto! See,it's working. ─── 根据您昨天说的,您已经准备同意我们的提议了。而事实上,您现在所说的却是您已改变心意。

8、Piano Sonata No. 1 in C major, Op. 24, J. 138: IV. Rondo: Presto, Perpetuum Mobile ─── 大调第一钢琴奏鸣曲,作品24,J.138:第四乐章:回旋曲,“无穷动”

9、Hey presto,pass! ─── 快,变了!说变就变!P-Chango![5tFeindVEu](变魔术用语)快!快!变!

10、The Presto network embedded RFID tags in objects. It was an early version of Internet of Things. ─── Presto网络可以给物品嵌入RFID(无线射频识别)标签,这是物联网的最初版本。

11、Quanto devi al mio padrone? Quello rispose: Cento bati d’olio. Egli disse: Prendi la tua scritta, siedi, e scrivi presto: Cinquanta. ─── 他说:‘四千公升油。’管家说:‘拿你的欠单去,快坐下写二千。’

12、Presto bottega che l'alba e gia 。 ─── 冲对他的商店即然这是黎明。

13、With something so important, you can't just wave a wand and presto! ─── 在这么重大的问题上,你想挥动一下指挥棒,转眼就变过来,办不到!

14、Summon them right where you think the Stealth unit it is and presto! ─── 把他们直接召唤到你认为有隐形单位的地方。

15、The movie is preceded by "Presto Chango, " a new Pixar short about a disagreement over a carrot between a magician and his rabbit. ─── 片尾的皮克斯短片《魔术师和兔子》讲述了魔术师和他的兔子在胡萝卜上产生分歧的故事。

16、Hey presto, pass! ─── 快, 变了! 说变就变!P-Chango! [5tFeindVEu](变魔术用语)快! 快!变!

17、We poison the water in his washbowl?When Kordax bites his nails?Presto! ─── 我们把迷药混入他的洗脸盆的水中,然后当克达斯咬指甲的时候,哈哈!

18、So, when this recruiter guy gets here, I'll act like a complete fool, blow the interview, and presto, I'm off to Columbia University! ─── 所以今天招生的人来,我就像傻瓜一样,把面谈搅乱,这样一来,我就可以上哥伦比亚大学了。

19、Until entering Presto Recordings in Lincoln, Nebraska, Jeff had never rehearsed or even heard his drum and bass parts except in his head.Jeff was assisted in recording " ─── 在进入位于内布拉斯加州.林肯市的PrestoRecordings之前,杰夫从未排演过甚至从未听鼓点和低音部分来适应,这些通通都在他的脑海里。

20、Add to this, elegant looks with a pretty head and then all you have to do is decide on the color of your choice and hey presto, off we go! ─── 除此以外,还要考虑马匹漂亮的头部和高贵的神情,然后你唯一要做的就是选择马匹的颜色!那么,我们开始吧!

21、Flip the "cover" shut and presto: cord management! ─── 你可以快速的将封面关闭。

22、And presto: You've got a simple working database-backed Web application that does each CRUD-based operation, as shown in Figure 1. ─── 现在就已经得到了一个简单的能够工作的带有数据库支持的Web应用程序,可以进行基于CRUD的每个操作,如图1所示。

23、J.s.Bach-Sonata for Violin Solo No.1 BWV1001"Presto" ─── 巴哈:小提琴无伴奏奏鸣曲第一号"急版"[2008...

24、per fare insieme un buon lavoro.Saluti e a presto. ─── 你知道福步上有多少人来自东北地区?

25、Then simply drag employee icons onto the shifts and click print and, hey presto, a beautifully clear rota is created. ─── 然后简单地拖拽员工的图标到排班表并且点击打印,一个美观清晰的值班表就创建成功了。

26、MAN: They are looking like the Oscar hopefully as this moment we can all come back together again and it really would be a sign presto really man fancies very quickly. ─── 男士:这个时候他们觉得奥斯卡又有希望了,我们又能回来聚到一起了,这真是个可以使人们迅速投入到对奥斯卡的憧憬中的信号啊。

27、Just change your point of view slightly and, presto, your seagull stands with visual prominence against the blue sky. ─── 只需稍微改变你的视角,很快,海鸥在蓝天的映衬下视觉上显得很突出。

28、Sonata Op.27 No.2 Moonlight in C-Sharp Minor - Presto agitato (Recorded April 6_ 1962).mp3 ─── 第三乐章,激动的急板,升c小调,4/4拍子,奏鸣曲式。

29、As N. K. Singh, a member of India's parliament, says: "It is not just a matter of hey presto. " ─── 正如印度议员N-K-辛格(N.K.Singh)所言:“这不可能一蹴而就。”

30、presto chango ─── 快变、立刻变

31、Put it on the Units you wish to teleport and then click near the Mastermind and Presto. ─── 把它放在您要传送得单位上然后单击摄魂师附近,就可以了。

32、Hey presto! ─── 说变就变

33、But hey, presto, now you are! ─── 但是,嘿,急,而现在则是!

34、hey presto ─── int. 突然地; 立即(魔术师用语)您看, 变!

35、Insert the foam so that it cushion’s the side of the bag’s compartments, and presto! ─── 将泡沫塑料塞入包中作为其隔层一边的衬垫,如此之快就完成了!

36、You put the money into an account, like a stock mutual fund, that gives you 10% per year interest on average and presto. ─── 你把钱存入帐户,好比是一个开放式股票基金,每年平均给你10%的现利。

37、Te presto el libro a condicion de que me lo devuelvas pronto. ─── 只要你很快还我,我就把书借给你。

38、a) J. S. Bach: Siciliana and Presto from the first sonata; or Sarabanda and Gigue from the second Partita; or Prelude and Gavotte in Rondeau from the third Partita. ─── 巴赫:第一奏鸣曲的西西里亚那和急板,或者第2帕蒂塔的萨拉本达和奇迦,或者第3帕蒂塔的回旋曲的前奏曲和加伏特舞曲。

39、Piano Sonata No. 14 in C sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 2, Moonlight: III. Presto agitato ─── 升c小调第14钢琴奏鸣曲,作品27之2,“月光”:第三乐章、激动的(奔涌的)急板

40、Eyeballs then see other desirable things that you are selling, and, presto!you earn money. ─── 眼球会注意哪些你正在销售的宝贝玩意儿,然后,以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势,你就会赚到钱。

41、"I just turn the piece of wire in the lock and hey presto, the door open." ─── 我把金属丝伸到锁孔里一拧,嘿,那门就开了。

42、I just turned the piece of wire in the lock and hey presto, the door opened. ─── 我把金属丝伸到锁孔里一拧, 嘿, 那门就开了.

43、Potrebbe dirle di chiamare Rocco il piu' presto possibile? ─── 能不能请她尽快打电话罗格?

44、Drive around with it all summer. When it is nice and brown and all the needles are gone, take it camping with you. Presto! Instant firewood. ─── 当它的美色逝去,褐色也褪去,甚至所有针状物都消失的时候,带着它与您露营,可以将它当作瞬间的木柴。

45、Billy: You'll be all right. Just cook them in the boiling water for three minutes and presto! Yummy food. ─── 比利:你可以的啦。就将它们放在滚水中煮三分钟,一下就好!好吃。

46、It must have all started with the navel.They cut the umbilical cord, give you a slap on the ass, and presto! ─── 这完全起源于肚脐,他们在这儿割断了脐带,在你屁股上掴一掌,然后全妥了!

47、presto tool ─── 快速工具

48、Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, Choral: IV. Finale: Presto (excerpt ─── 大调第九交响曲,作品125,“众赞歌”(通译“合唱”):4.终曲:急板(选段)

49、J.S.BACH:Violin Sonata No.1 in G minor, BWV 1001 Presto(Soloist: Hilary Hahn violin ─── 约翰.赛巴斯坦.巴哈:G小调第一号小提琴奏鸣曲,编号1001-急板(小提琴独奏:希拉蕊.韩

50、Recipients of its spending put the money into bank accounts and, presto, the money comes right back to the Treasury to finance yet more government spending. ─── 第二个层次是怀疑主义,摇摆不定,有时候信,有时候不信,这是凯恩斯主义经济学,也就是主张政府干预主义的经济学;

51、Noi ci alziamo presto. ─── 我们起得早。

52、Piano Concerto No. 2, BB 101: II. Adagio - Piu adagio - Presto ─── 第二钢琴协奏曲,第二乐章,柔板-更柔板-急板)

53、F. Mendelssohn: Octet in E-Flat Major, Op. 20, Mvt. IV: Presto ─── 孟德尔颂:降E大调弦乐八重奏,作品20,第四乐章:急板

54、07.Valses poeticosVivacd,Melodico,Tempo de vals noble,Tempo de vals lento,Allegro humoristico,Allegretto,Sentimental,Vivo,Presto,” ─── 诗意华尔兹集,如歌,高雅的华尔兹,慢速的华尔兹,幽默的快板,小快板,多愁善感的,活泼的,急板

55、There is always an element of presto chango in international relations. ─── 国际关系总是存在着突变的因素。

56、Presto! In fila! ─── 快点!排成一列!

57、You just press the button and, hey presto, a perfect cup of coffee! ─── 只需按下按钮,嘿,一杯可口的咖啡就出来了!

58、1. Quick makeup, hair, and outfit changes, and PRESTO! ─── 快速化妆、做发型、换装,极速的快板!

59、The first motive has a humorous theme, the second, in Presto, is more tenacious, while the work closes with a delicate coda. ─── 结束部的音乐轻快、活泼,表情细腻。

60、Chiang wanted guns, planes, gasoline, arms, supplies. His American chief of staff would indent for these supplies in Washington, and presto, they would materialize. ─── 蒋要枪炮,要飞机、汽油、军火及补给,这些他的美国参谋长会向华盛顿要,而且会像变戏法那样,瞬时兑现。

61、But add some meat or other protein to the bread and the glucose absorption rate becomes a gentle curve.Top it off with a little olive oil and presto: brain-friendly fuel masquerading as a tasty lunch. ─── 但是,如果添加一些肉类或其他蛋白质,面包的葡萄糖吸收率将会成为一个温和的曲线。

62、Quick makeup, hair, and outfit changes, and PRESTO ! ─── 快速化妆、做发型、换装,搞定!

63、Saverio: A presto!Ciao! ─── (希望很快见到你,你好!)

64、Il sabato lavoro Anche io La mattina lei si alza presto Anche lui Il sabato non lavoro Neanche io Non ... ─── 表达意见相同和意见不同 在表达肯定语气的相同意见时使用连词anche,而否定语气的相同意见则使用neanche。

65、Presto is basically a set of WAR files that run on Tomcat container with a high availability (HA) database ( MySQL) with failover. ─── Presto基本上是由一套运行在Tomcat容器上的WAR文件构成的,它使用了一个高可用的数据库(MySQL)处理失败。

66、presto change ─── 剧变

67、But hey, presto, now you are! ─── 但,现在你意识到啦!





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