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10-02 投稿


molder 发音

英:[ˈmoʊldər]  美:[ˈməʊldə(r)]

英:  美:

molder 中文意思翻译





molder 网络释义

vi. 腐朽;崩塌n. 铸工;造模者;砂模技工vt. 使…崩塌;使…腐朽n. (Molder)人名;(捷、罗、葡)莫尔德

molder 短语词组

1、molder's brusg ─── [机] 翻砂笔

2、compression molder ─── 压缩成型机

3、molder's spatula ─── [机] 翻砂镘刀

4、planer molder ─── 云层飞机

5、injection molder ─── [化] 注射模型成形机; 注射模压机

6、molder's tools ─── [机] 造模工具

7、molder's bench ─── [机] 造模工作台

8、blow molder ─── 吹塑机

9、sweeping molder's horse ─── [机] 旋刮板马架

molder 词性/词形变化,molder变形

动词现在分词: moldering |动词第三人称单数: molders |动词过去式: moldered |动词过去分词: moldered |

molder 相似词语短语

1、melder ─── 记者

2、folder ─── n.文件夹;折叠机;折叠式印刷品;n.(Folder)人名;(德)福尔德

3、holder ─── n.持有人;所有人;固定器;(台、架等)支持物;n.(Holder)人名;(英、罗、瑞典、德)霍尔德

4、molders ─── v.腐朽,腐烂;碎裂,崩塌(同moulder);n.铸工;造模者(同moulder);n.(Molder)(美)莫尔德(人名)

5、bolder ─── adj.更粗的;更醒目的;n.(Bolder)人名;(德)博尔德尔

6、moldier ─── adj.发霉的;乏味的;陈腐的(moldy的变形)

7、smolder ─── vi.闷烧;郁积;n.阴燃;闷烧

8、moulder ─── v.腐朽,腐烂;碎裂;废弃;n.制模工,铸工;印刷一套用于制版的电印版;n.(Moulder)(美、英、加)莫尔德(人名)

9、colder ─── adj.更冷的,越来越冷的(cold的比较级)

molder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then, electroforming the ellipsoid was used to form a concave mold. ─── 将椭圆光阻透镜进行微电铸,电铸成分为镍。

2、NINGBO WIN ART SKIN MOLD CO., LTD. ─── 宁波博艺皮塑有限公司。

3、And plastic mold manufacturing design and development! ─── 及塑胶模具的设计开发制造!

4、The plastic was poured into the mold and left to set until it was firm. ─── 塑料被注入模子后, 便放在一边让它慢慢凝结硬化。

5、Design of Injection Mold for the Plastic Parts. ─── 带螺纹塑件注射模设计。

6、Not only a school can prosper education, but also molder education. ─── 一个重要理念:管理也是教育。

7、A mold, as of a footprint, made for use in a criminal investigation. ─── 印模在刑事侦察中所用而制作的印模,如脚印的印模

8、Fleming was amazed by this strange bacteria killing mold. ─── 对于这种能杀死细菌的怪异霉菌,富莱明感到非常地诧异。

9、To make(a phonograph record or videodisk)from a mold or matrix. ─── 制版按模型或模板制造(唱片或录像片)

10、If you want to be a draftsman, a machinist, a molder , or a patternmaker, you'll need algebra and geometry and even trigonometry. ─── 如果你想成为手工艺人、纫工、型工或制模工,你需要代数和几何,甚至三角。

11、To mold into a rigidly conventional pattern. ─── 使僵化使墨守成规

12、Penn State forever, Molder of men and women ─── 永远的宾州州立,铸造了无数的人才

13、The night air is usually cool enough to serve as a deterrent to mold growth. ─── 夜间的空气通常都冷到足以抑制霉菌的生长的程度。

14、To shape or mold(dough, for example) into a particular form. ─── 塑造将(面团等)塑造或浇铸成一特殊形状

15、They are cast in the same mold. ─── 它们是一个模子浇铸成的。

16、It probably had mold on it. Didn't you check? ─── 可能都发霉了呢!你没检查看看?

17、Bread tends to mold in damp weather. ─── 在潮湿天气中面包易于发霉。

18、Women of her mold are easy to see through. ─── 她那种性格的女人是很容易看穿的。

19、Follow up new molder machining process and solve all issues on site. ─── 跟进新模具的加工流程并解决现场的所有问题。

20、The workers are teeming melten metal into the casting mold. ─── 工人们正把熔化的金属注入铸型模中。

21、school can prosper education, but also molder education. ─── 学校可以培养人才,也可以毁灭人才。

22、To make(a phonograph record or videodisk) from a mold or matrix. ─── 制版按模型或模板制造(唱片或录像片)

23、The mitotic route is seen, for example, in the slince mold Physarum. ─── 例如,有丝分裂的途径可以看到在粘菌之绒泡。

24、Children mold figures out of clay . ─── 孩子们用粘土塑造人像。

25、College degree in mold or mechanical major. ─── 大专学历,相关专业毕业。

26、They are cut from the same mold. ─── 他们是一个模子刻出来的.

27、The making of such a mold or cast, as with plaster of Paris. ─── 制印模用石膏对这种模型或模子的制作,如用巴黎的石膏

28、The design process of earphone bracket mold is introduced. ─── 介绍了耳机支架模具的设计过程。

29、They looks as come from the same mold. ─── 他们俩像是一个模子刻出来的.

30、A trowel-shaped tool for smoothing the surface of clay, sand, or plaster in a mold. ─── (瓦工的)镘用以刮光模子中泥土、沙粒或灰泥的表面的铲型工具

31、Chiefly the mold of a man s fortune is in his own hand. ─── 一个人的命运掌握在自己手中。.

32、Application of Hydraulic Joint-action System in Multi-jack Moving Molder Construction ─── 液压联动系统在多仓滑升模板施工中的应用

33、Children mold figures out of clay. ─── 孩子们用黏土塑造人像。

34、He is cast in his father's mold. ─── 他长得和他父亲一模一样。

35、Mycelium on cereal grain is termed mold growth. ─── 在谷物上生长的菌丝体叫做发霉。

36、Already abroad used on the export mould, bumper mould and IP mold. ─── 已在出口模具、保险杠及仪表板模具上广泛应用。


38、Haolilai Mold Plate Renting Co., Ltd. ─── 好利来模板租赁有限责任公司。

39、He's got a bad attitude about mold. ─── 他不喜欢霉菌。

40、Cleans soap scum, mold and mildew stains in days. ─── 几天之内把肥皂残留渣滓,?菌及发霉的痕迹清洁乾净.

41、A creamy, mold - ripened cheese that softens on the inside as it matures. ─── 卡门贝干酪一种奶油的、发霉催熟的奶酪,烧熟时其内部是软的

42、TK is a world-class injection mold maker in China. ─── 东江是中国模具行业中最具规模的厂家之一。

43、The pastry mold in which this food is baked. ─── 制这道菜的糕点模子

44、To that end, they hire, recruit, and train employees in their own mold. ─── 为了达到那个目的,他们以自己的模式雇用、招收、培训员工。

45、It can mold our character, to open up our vision, is our mentor. ─── 它可以陶冶我们的情操,开拓我们的视野,是我们的良师益友。

46、Your order is far from our MOQ. We need to charge cost of mold. ─── 像这样的问题很多,样品、模具、设计费用等,因为客户订单不够起定量而必须收取。

47、The sweatful practice sessions mold mighty football teams. ─── 一连串汗流浃背的训练磨练出实力强大的足球队。

48、His father was an excellent poet: he is cast in the same mold. ─── 他的父亲在世的时候是一位杰出的诗人;他现在是子继父业。

49、They filled the mold with liquid steel and let it cool. ─── 他们在模具中填上液态钢,让它冷却。

50、How does the supplier control mold hardness? ─── 供应商如何控制型腔的硬度?

51、Present Situation and Prospect of Fully Electric Injection Molder ─── 全电动式注塑机的发展现状及展望

52、He's made in his father's mold. ─── 他个性像他父亲。

53、You are enable to increase the number of shell mold production. ─── 使铸型的生产效率的提高成为了可能。

54、Chiefly the mold of a man's fortune is in his own hands. ─── 一个人的命运模式主要是由自己决定的。

55、Data of decor mold design can be managed effectively. ─── 建立了自顶向下的设计模式与导航设计机制,实现了模具设计过程的数据管理。

56、Low pressure mold closing is standard . ─── 低压开关模装置可保护模具的安全。

57、And the applications and economic benffits of the molder were analysed. ─── 并对该机的应用及经济效益进行了分析。

58、CHENG XING PLASTIC MOLD CO., LTD. ─── 广州市黄浦区成星塑料模具厂。

59、A phonograph record pressed from a master mold or matrix. ─── 唱片从唱片模板或母带压制出来的唱片

60、Lida Mold Plate Renting Co., Ltd. ─── 利达模板租赁有限公司。

61、Manufacturing experiences for variant kind of plastic mold, forming etc. ─── 对各种塑料成型工艺有深刻了解及丰富经验。

62、The Saturn V rocket is sprouting plants and mold and its structure is home. ─── 土星V号火箭正繁演各种植物及菌类还有结构体是温床。

63、Eyebolt should on the center of the mold(for balance) 85. ─── 吊模螺丝的位置要在前/后模部份的重心,保持平衡;

64、Setting of the knife mold is rapid,accurate and easy-to-leam. ─── 刀模设定快捷准确,简单易学。

65、The word cast is used in the sense of "casting into a mold. ─── “造型”(Cast)的作用是“与一个模型匹配”。

66、Booth : What do you want me to do? Spit in my hand? We're Scully and Molder. ─── 不只是实验室里的工作,所有的一切都要让我参加。

67、Have good knowledge in Mold or Trim/Form Machine. ─── 具备丰富的模具及成型设备工艺的知识。

68、Producing Mold Area Sifang Mold Ltd., Co. ─── 产品模具手板模型。

69、We want to tie in the MKO from the open mold side. ─── 客人希望从开模的方向锁机器顶棍孔.

70、The On-line Real-time Detecting System of Molder Surface Temperature of Continuous Casting Machine ─── 连铸机铸坯表面温度在线实时测量系统的研究

71、"Modern Mold &Die" has a readership over 100,000. ─── 《现代模具》拥有固定读者约10万人。

72、Ningbo Elite Mold Manufacture Co., Ltd. ─── 宁波埃利特模具制造有限公司。

73、He was first and foremost a fiery orator in the 19th century mold . ─── 他却是19世纪中期首屈一指的富于热情的雄辩家。

74、Generously grease a mold or casserole dish. ─── 在模子或砂锅中涂抹大量的油。

75、Coordinates own department staff to complete mold trial. ─── 协调部门人员组织,完成试模任务.

76、This figure illustrates an example of a large mold. ─── 以下是大型注塑模具的结构示意图。

77、S.M.C B.M.C MOLD.INJECTION MOLD. ─── 塑胶射出成型模、玻璃纤维热压模。

78、The common vaginitis is causes by the infusorium or the mold. ─── 常见的阴道炎是由滴虫或霉菌引起的。

79、Cast ceramic mold under vacuum. ─── 在真空环境下倒陶瓷模。

80、Do you know how to set the amplify mold of the copy machine? ─── 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?

81、On mold engineer advice, design robot hand for injection. ─── 在模具工程师指导下,设计注塑机自动取出治具。

82、If the mold spray is sticky, reduce the silicate. ─── 如果脱模剂发粘,则减少硅酸盐。

83、Convective drying is a main method of drying pulp mold at home. ─── 对流干燥是国内纸浆模塑制品生产工艺中主要运用的干燥方法。

84、Another step in fine-tuning the component of a mold. ─── 另一个步骤是精密的调整模具的结构。

85、Ad language is not the molder of language pattern, But the user of standard language. ─── 广告语言是人们关注的热点问题之一。

86、If you can, please use the same switch case mold as the last time. ─── 如果你能作到,请使用和上次一样的开关箱模具。

87、Learning and knowing the knowledge about injection molder extrusion press and die. ─── 了解注塑机,模具和挤压机方面的知识。

88、They were cast in the same mold. ─── 他们气质相同。

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