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10-03 投稿


mutilates 发音

英:[ˈmjuːtɪleɪts]  美:[ˈmjuːtɪleɪts]

英:  美:

mutilates 中文意思翻译



mutilates 词性/词形变化,mutilates变形

形容词: mutilative |动词过去分词: mutilated |动词现在分词: mutilating |动词第三人称单数: mutilates |名词: mutilation |动词过去式: mutilated |

mutilates 相似词语短语

1、mutilate ─── vt.切断,毁坏;使…残缺不全;使…支离破碎

2、mutilations ─── n.毁损;残缺;切断

3、mutilated ─── v.(使)残废;严重损毁(mutilate的过去式及过去分词);adj.残废的

4、Jubilates ─── 欢腾

5、rutilated ─── adj.(矿物,尤指石英)含金红针的

6、mutilator ─── n.毁损者,切断者

7、muticate ─── 肢解

8、butylates ─── v.把丁基引进;使……丁化

9、mutates ─── vi.变化,产生突变;vt.改变,使突变

mutilates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I thought the movie about a serial killer who rapes and mutilates his victims would be a good choice. ─── 我觉得那部关于一个连环杀手强奸并伤害他的受害者的电影会是一个不错的选择。

2、Mutil time injection: the multi-time injection can be realized; the best common rail system can realize six times injection, which indicates better flexibility of the common rail system. ─── 多次喷射:可以实现多次喷射,目前最好的共轨系统可以进行6次喷射,这体现了共轨系统的灵活性好的优势。

3、The audience sees a mortician after hours in the morgue, as he mutilates the corpse of a young woman who died in a car crash. ─── 观众看到一个殡仪馆馆员在太平间很长时间,因为一位年轻妇女死于车祸,他在太平间残害妇女的尸体。

4、3.The madman mutilates art work. ─── 这个疯子毁损了艺术品。

5、The madman mutilates art work. ─── 这个疯子毁损了艺术品。

6、sometimes soul supports life, other times it mutilates life for its own dreamtime gain in the nonphysical. ─── 有时候灵魂支持生命,但有时候为了自己在非物质层上的梦想收获,灵魂摧毁生命。

7、By using sputtering rate correction, linear calibration curve of mutil matrixes was established and the quantitative depth profile analysis of the coating of the colored steel strips was reached. ─── 通过溅射率校正,建立了多基体的线性校准曲线,解决了彩涂钢板涂镀层的逐层定量分析。

8、Bad translation mutilates the original work. ─── 拙劣的译本将原作删改得支离破碎。

9、stretches, disjoints or mutilates victims. ─── 拉长,使脱节或毁伤受害者。

10、the thing that mokls and mutilates our race, not killing us outright, but letting us live on with half a heart and half a lung! ─── 塑造那东西,残害全人类,虽没有全然把我们杀死,可是让我们半心半肺的继续活下去!

11、In the film, Leatherface, wearing a mask made of human skin, kills and mutilates his innocent victims using a chainsaw. ─── 在这部电影中,“人皮脸”戴着一副人皮面具,杀害并用链锯肢解他无辜的受害者。

12、It also mutilates the ascension of those who have sincere inheritance for such, causing problems for the entire ascension movement. ─── 它也损害了拥有这类真正遗传者的提升,为整个提升运动带来问题。

13、If they don't change their appearance only one of eight kills, tortures or mutilates. ─── 如果他们不换服装,八个文化中只有一个杀戮,折磨或残害。

14、Conclusion The development level of adapt behavior in childen is influened by mutil factors, more at... ─── 结论学龄前儿童适应行为发展水平受多种因素影响。应采取综合措施进行相对性干预。

15、In practice, of course, we do more like 1. 5 Mutilates per Envenom, and thus gain something like 50 damage per Envenom on the average; ─── 在实际战斗中,我们一般在两次毒伤间会打出1.5个毁伤,平均每次毁伤的伤害差为50点。

16、A omnidirectionaland mutil administrative levels international cooperative situation has formed. ─── 一个全方位,多层次的国际科技合作格局已基本成形。

17、MCM (Mutil Chip Module) ─── 多芯片组件

18、3. offsctdruckereien printer of rubber cushions, elastic sealing rubber around the edge of the box as rubber aging, mutilates, caused by exhaust air leakage untrue. ─── 3. 胶印晒版机的橡胶布垫、不塑性稠封橡胶边际边际框的橡胶老化、毁坏、漏气引起的抽气不虚假。

19、It has been recognized in the past that the traditional Database Management Systems cannot handle efficiently spatial data in mutil dimensional space. ─── 空间检索技术是有效地管理和操纵空间数据的一种必要手段。

20、The speedy analysis of flue gas by mutil - channel gas chromatography was set up. ─── 建立裂解气的多通道色谱快速分析法。

21、The Mutil Model Single Channel Angie Tracking System ─── 多模单信道角跟踪系统

22、translation mutilates the original work. ─── 译本将原作删改得支离破碎。

23、Non-physical harm is generated through electricity that often runs through humans at low initiatory levels, and such energy mutilates the field of another. ─── 非物质层面的伤害通过电而被引起,这些电通过在低提升级别的人而运行,而这些能量会伤害另一个人的场。

24、Mutil agent system ─── 多智能体系统

25、the thing that mokls and mutilates our race, not killing us outright, but letting us live on with half a heart and half a lung! ─── 塑造那东西,残害全人类,虽没有全然把我们杀死,可是让我们半心半肺的继续活下去!

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