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10-03 投稿


mixer 发音

英:[ˈmɪksər]  美:[ˈmɪksə(r)]

英:  美:

mixer 中文意思翻译




mixer 常用词组

concrete mixer ─── 混凝土混合机

static mixer ─── 静态混合器

internal mixer ─── 密炼机;密闭式混合机

mixer 短语词组

1、concrete mixer ─── [机] 混凝土混合机

2、blade paddle mixer ─── [化] 桨式搅拌机

3、arm straight paddle mixer ─── [机] 宜臂桨式混合机

4、anchor(type) mixer ─── [化] 锚式搅拌器

5、baffie-plate column mixer ─── [机] 挡板混合塔

6、baffle-column mixer ─── [机] 挡板混合塔

7、batch mixer ─── [机] 分次式混合机

8、air lift mixer-settler ─── [化] 空气升液式混合澄清槽

9、arm mixer ─── [化] 桨式混合机; 桨式混合器; 桨式搅拌机; 桨式搅拌器

10、arm of mixer ─── [机] 混合机的桨臂

11、acid phosphate mixer ─── [机] 过磷酸钙混合器

12、blade-paddle mixer ─── [化] 叶片式拌和机; 桨式搅拌机; 桨式混合机

13、Banbury (mixer) ─── [化] 密炼机; 班伯里机; 生胶混炼机

14、amalgam mixer ─── [医] 汞合金调拌器

15、baffle(-plate) column mixer ─── [化] 挡板混合塔

16、active mixer and modulatior ─── [电] 有效混合和调变器

17、anchor paddle mixer ─── [化] 锚桨式搅拌器

18、air and gas mixer ─── [化] 空气煤气混合器

19、anchor mixer ─── [化] 锚式搅拌器

mixer 词性/词形变化,mixer变形


mixer 相似词语短语

1、miler ─── n.(非正式)一英里赛跑的参赛者;(非正式)一英里赛马专用马;n.(Miler)(美)米莱尔(人名)

2、fixer ─── n.定影剂;代人安排者;筹划者,奔走者;解决问题的人

3、miner ─── n.矿工;开矿机;n.(Miner)人名;(英)迈纳;(西)米内尔

4、mixier ─── 混合器

5、miter ─── n.主教冠;斜接,斜面接头;笔螺(mitre的美式拼写);v.(使)斜接(miter的美式拼写);n.(Miter)(美、俄、波)米特尔(人名)

6、mimer ─── n.米默泉

7、mixter ─── n.米克斯特(德国电脑黑客);米克斯特(男子名)

8、mixers ─── n.[电影][广播]混合器;混音器;混炼机(mixer的复数)

9、miser ─── n.守财奴;吝啬鬼;(石油工程上用的)凿井机;n.(Miser)人名;(英)迈泽;(德)米泽;(西)米塞尔

mixer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In addition, we designed a quadrature Gilbert mixer to construct a mult-band mult-standard RF receiver frond end (FE). ─── 另外,本文还设计实现了一个正交Gilbert 混频器, 与宽带低噪声放大器一起构成一个多频带、多标准射频接收前端。

2、The mixer adopt TAIWAN-made motor, this assures the mixer durable and low-moise. ─── 台湾垂直减速马达,确保噪音低及耐用。

3、Various types of mixer, single extruder, twin extruder, die and post extruder system can be assembled with RC90. ─── 各种混合器、单螺杆挤出机、双螺杆挤出机、模具和后挤出机系统都能与RC90装配。

4、Expert installation and reliable service are in the hands of the Kimble Mixer Company of New Philadelphia, Ohio. ─── 专业安装和可靠的服务由俄亥俄州费城的Kimble搅拌机公司提供。

5、The Zone Return Air Path lists the Zone Mixer and Zone Return Plenum components comprising the path. ─── 区域回风路径列出了区域混风器和区域回风静压箱组件,这些组件构成了该路径。

6、The MMIC balun double balanced mixer has a high dynamic range and a wideband operation. ─── 另外 ,单片巴仑双平衡混频器具有高的动态范围和宽频段工作特点。

7、All ingredients were passed through a 0.8 Mm sieve, blended for 10 min in a Turbula mixer and then pressed on a rotary press. ─── 所有成分均通过0.8毫米的过滤筛,混合搅拌10分钟在旋转压片。

8、Rotary mixer is used in mixing and granulating si nter for ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy. ─── 圆筒混合机主要用于钢铁和有色金属冶炼烧结物料的混合和制粒作业。

9、We manufacture and maintain mixer tank for Rinker Materials. ─── 为瑞科尔公司制造并维修搅拌罐。

10、A concrete mixer has to be employed. ─── 不得不使用混凝土搅拌器。

11、Mix all ingredients in mixer with ice. Serve in a small bowl garnished with strawberries or grapes and a straw. ─── 入果汁机搅打入小碗,饰草莓及葡萄,加吸管服务。

12、The MGKJ Computer monitoring System for Internal Mixer was used to predict the mix Mooney viscosity in the BB270 internal mixer. ─── 使用MGKJ型密炼机混炼微机监控系统,在BB270型密炼机上预测混炼胶的门尼粘度值,实现了胎面胶门尼粘度值的预测。

13、Powder can be continuously and uniformly mixed in the mixer until reaching stable elements users required. ─── 将配合好的各种粉料作连续均匀混合,达到用户对砖坯所需要的稳定成分。

14、We are interested in buying extruder machine for PVC with all accesories. just like crasher mixer. ─── 我方有意购买聚氯乙烯挤出机及其全套配件,如搅拌式碎料机。

15、HZS series of concrete mixer adopts Italian SICOMA or domestic JS series of compulsory dual-axial mixing console. ─── HZS系列混凝土搅拌设备,采用意大利SICOMA系列或国产JS系列双卧轴强制式搅拌主机。

16、The kitchen mixer tap is tested and approved for high-pressure systems. ─── 厨房混合型水龙头经过测试,可以用于高压系统。

17、Willis met a lot of new people at the Math Department mixer. ─── 威利斯在数学系的联谊上认识很多新朋友。

18、In a large bowl, beat sugar and margarine with an electric mixer on medium speed until smooth. ─── 将砂糖和植物牛油放到电动搅拌盆里,中速打至顺滑。

19、This line consists of raw material mixer, double-screw extruder, air blower, dryer and coating machine. ─── 宠物食品生产线由拌粉机、双螺杆挤出机、风送机、干燥机和涂衣机组成。

20、SSB series color mixer is designed into double-stratum paddle of stainless steel make sure well-proportioned mixting. ─── SSB系列混色机采用双层不锈钢架,搅拌浆立体设计,搅拌均匀。

21、TGV-PSE Unit 46 hit a truck with the huge concrete mixer on the level crossing near the Swiss border late 2007. ─── “高速列车,术股46击中一辆卡车与巨大的混凝土搅拌机的平交道口附近的瑞士边界将于2007年底完成。

22、Well, in that case, you might like a mixer. ─── 好吧,那样的话,你可能会喜欢搅拌器。

23、Wearable and anti-eroding coat is added after renewing the shape and dimensions to insure the life of mixer blade. ─── 修复后的搅拌桨叶是在恢复原有的形状后,表面再施加抗磨抗腐蚀耐磨涂层,确保搅拌桨的使用寿命。

24、PL series batcher is auto batching equipment with mixer motor. ─── PL系列混凝土配料机是一种与搅拌机配套使用的前台自动配料舍宾它可根据用户设计的混凝土配比要求自动完成砂、石、水泥等物种的配料程序。

25、Advantages of the Liebherr-truck mixer amount to an optimum utility value for more profit. ─── 利勃海尔混凝土搅拌车的优势使其成为最佳选择,为客户带来更高的利益。

26、Using electric mixer on full speed, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until solf peaks. ─── 将蛋白与塔塔粉以搅拌机用快速打发至起泡,慢慢将砂糖加入,继续打发至糖溶解,蛋白呈硬状。

27、The default mixer device used by the multimedia key bindings. ─── 多媒体按键绑定所使用的默认混音器设备。

28、The "pony" type of mixer is also a steel fabricated cylindrical tank and plain internally. ─── “小筒”型和膏机也是一种钢制的圆形的同筒形槽而内部是平的。

29、Remove the flask from the vacuum mixer and place in the oven. ─── 从真空机内取出铸造瓶?然后放在?h炉内。

30、He was even able to get soldering using a almost handmade device connected to a concrete mixer, trying to adapt the said part. ─── 他能够得到利用,甚至几乎是手工焊接设备连接到一个混凝土搅拌机,努力适应输出的一部分。

31、To mix with CDJ you will still need a seperate mixer. ─── 利用CDJ进行混频控制需要分类混频器。

32、The different-speed mixer is a new type mixer. ─── 差速搅拌捏合机是一种新型搅拌机。

33、Based on orthogonal test,structural parameters of mixing mechanism for twin shaft mixer are researched. ─── 利用正交试验,对双卧轴搅拌机搅拌装置的结构参数进行了研究。

34、The image converted to Black and white using the monochrome Channel Mixer. ─── 使用单色频道混频器转换的图片。

35、The performance depends much on the linearity of the mixer used for up-conversion and the selectivity of filters. ─── 性能在很大程度上取决于上变频所用混合器的线性以及滤波器的选择性。

36、SHL series coo li ng mixer combin ed with SHR series high speed mixeris wi dely used in process of mixing, drying and colourin g of Various plasti cs. ─── SHL 系列冷却混合机与SHR系列高速混合机配台,可广泛用于各种塑料的混合、燥、色等工艺。

37、Beat cream cheese and yogurt in a mixing bowl on medium speed of mixer until smooth. ─── 奶油乳酪和酸奶用搅拌器中速拌至匀滑。

38、Using electric mixer, beat cream cheese and sugar in large bowl until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. ─── 使用电动搅拌器,搅拌奶油干酪和糖在一个大碗内,直至起泡,大约需要2分钟。

39、The conveyer device is structurally characterized by also comprising a contraction and expansion pipe mixer and an air compressor air duct. ─── 其结构特点是,它还包括缩扩管混合器和空压机输气管。

40、The company selects the double-group glue which is prepared in the professional glue mixer imported from Japan. ─── 大风范选用了日本进口的双组份拼板胶水,并经过专门的调胶机进行调配。

41、The temperature of the water in the mixer version highly reliable operation with ceramic discs can be changed by the user by turning the head. ─── 冷热混水型水头的水温通过陶瓷片进行控制,性能稳定可靠,用户可通过简单的旋转来进行调节。

42、Unique name of the Zone Return Plenum or Zone Mixer component. ─── 区域回风静压箱或区域混合器组件的唯一标识名。

43、Mainly applied in electric control system of masticator, banbury mixer, and other roll mill etc. ─── 我需要“密炼机、开炼机等电气控制系统”更详细信息:姓名:

44、He's a good mixer, isn't he? ─── 他是一位善于交际的人,是不是?

45、Long operating life and minimum maintenance effort were the targets when the entire Liebherr truck mixer model programme was revised and updated. ─── 在修改和更新整个利勃海尔搅拌车计划时,长使用寿命和最小的维护量是我们的目标。

46、Exfoliation of organoclay was obtained after 4 min of mixing time in a banbury mixer. ─── 在本所实验室密炼机里混炼4 min后获得有机陶土剥层。

47、Lowes has KitchenAid 4.5-Quart Cook for the Cure Ultra Power Stand Mixer (model KSM95PWH) for $150 with free shipping. ─── 我每天除了吃饭的时间全在减肥,你还说我没有毅力?

48、He made a bloomer by starting the food mixer without its lid on, spraying egg all over the kitchen. ─── 他出了个纰漏,开动食品搅拌机时没把盖子盖上,结果鸡蛋溅得整个厨房到处都是。

49、I like asking Graham to our parties because he's such a good mixer. ─── 我喜欢请格雷厄姆来参加我们的聚会,因为他是个善于交际的人。

50、English: The default mixer tracks used by the multimedia key bindings. ─── 多媒体按键绑定所使用的默认混音器音轨。

51、She's a good mixer and has a large circle of acquaintances. ─── 她是个外场人儿,人头儿挺广。

52、It requires no special configuration,but shall not be used in conjunction with an external line level microphone mixer. ─── 它无需特别配置,但不要用来连接外线路电平麦克混音器。

53、The sound device might have it's own mixer control that the wizard doesn't know about. Consult your sound card's user manual for information. ─── 声音设备可能有自己的混音控制,但向导不知道。有关信息,请参考您的声卡用户手册。

54、The supplier shall inform a warranty for the coating used in the mixer in tons of mixed material. ─── 供应商应以混合材料的吨数为指标,通告对搅拌器所用的涂层提供的担保情况。

55、If the track mixer is hidden, click the triangle next to the word "Tracks" at the top of the window to show the track mixer. ─── 如果轨道混音器被隐藏,请点按窗口顶部的“轨道”词旁边的三角形来显示轨道混音器。

56、The Contiflow mixer, which thanks to its quick adjustability allows for highly flexible control of produced quantities, forms a compact unit. ─── Mixer Contiflow混合搅拌机是一个紧凑型单元,能快速调节提取数量,灵活调控生产量。

57、The reliable recording and correction of the aggregate moisture values has a central meaning for quality assurance of the mixer credentials. ─── 可靠地记录和校正混凝料湿度值对于确保搅拌机的质量是至关重要的。

58、It's ont only used in milling materials but also used as a mixer blender availably. ─── 它不仅能用于粉磨物料,而且还能有效地做混合机使用。

59、Keywords : Millimeter-wave, GaAs-based HEMT, low-noise amplifier, power amplifier, mixer, oscillator, switch. ─── 关键词:毫米波,砷化镓高速场效电晶体,低杂讯放大器,功率放大器,混频器,振荡器,切换器。

60、The mixer adopts TAIWAN-made motor ,which can speed-down dramatically meraly vertically , This assure the mixer dur.... ─── 台湾垂直减速马达,确保噪音低及持久耐用。

61、It is most characteristic of me to be optimistic, enthusiastic, outgoing, to make many friends, and to be good mixer. ─── 我性格上最大的特点是开朗、热情、外向、广交朋友,十分善于和人相处。

62、You can take the mixer apart to clean it. ─── 你可以把搅拌器拆开来清洁。

63、She's outgoing and a good mixer. ─── 她性格外向,善于交际。

64、That black box located under the monitor with all the sliders and buttons is a video mixer. ─── 一个黑盒子安放在监视器下面,有多有的滑块和按钮的是视频混合控制台。

65、Him in the stomach which has a relatively large channel, which is a mixer, what can be minced. ─── 他的肚子里面有一个比较大的通道,里面是一个搅拌机,什么东西都能够被绞碎。

66、Devastator looks like a gorilla and has the cement mixer drum in the centre of his chest which he can use as a weapon. ─── 大力神看起来很像大猩猩,搅拌车的桶长在人形中间,可当武器使用。

67、Function, Mixer is flour and water will stir rubs surfacegroup stir or other physical mixer. ─── 作用;和面机是将面粉和水搅揉成面团或搅和其他物理的搅拌机。

68、Beat marzipan paste, butter and powdered sugar with an electric mixer for 3 minute or until well combined. ─── 将杏仁糕,牛油和糖粉用搅拌器打3分钟直到材料完全均匀。

69、He made a bloomer by starting the food mixer without its lid on, spraying egg all over the kitchen. ─── 他出了个纰漏,开动食品搅拌机时没把盖子盖上,结果鸡蛋溅得整个厨房到处都是。

70、We may refer to such a cell as a perfect mixer. ─── 我们可以把这样的元件称为理想混合器。

71、Manual mixer with fast rotating arms on vertical axle suitable for Vortex Uno 300. Raw materials are manually fed. ─── 带快速轴行星绕臂和旋转立轴的手拉搅拌机,适合于沃泰克斯Uno 300系统。原料采用手工加入。

72、Serial PLD concrete dosing machine is a king of automatic foreground dosing machine matched with the mixer. ─── PLD系列混凝土配料机是一种与搅拌机配套使用的后台自动配料设备。

73、A integrated Ka band fourth harmonic mixer with very low conversion loss using a novel 1-D EBG structure was presented. ─── 介绍了一种全集成微带四次谐波混频器,该混频器采用了一种新型电磁带隙结构,可获得很低的变频损耗指标。

74、Can anybody here tell me the differences between gyroscope and vortex mixer? ─── 中文就是涡旋仪或者涡旋混合仪.

75、The specified Mixer Bitmap Image is not of a supported format. ─── 不支持指定的混合位图图像格式。

76、Uh, we met at the mixer. You had on a black dress with a slit up the side, strappy sandals . . . ─── 恩,我们在酒会上见过。你穿着一件一边有开口的黑色裙子和一双系带凉鞋…

77、The construction site needs a new concrete mixer. ─── 工地上需要一台新的混凝土搅拌机。

78、Mr. Chang is a good mixer - he called cousins with every guest. ─── 张三很会交际,和每个客人都能攀点交情.

79、Mechanism of Cavity Transfer Mixer in Injection Moulding Machine. ─── 关键词:腔穴传递式混合器。

80、The resources were predominantly labour and a concrete mixer was the only equipment used. ─── 资源主要是劳动和混凝土搅拌机是唯一使用的设备。

81、Our concrete material is mixed in a rotating-drum batch mixer at the job site. ─── 我们用的混凝土是在现场的间歇式转筒搅拌机中搅拌的。

82、Similarly, if you really want to save time you do not make cakes with an electric mixer, you buy one in a shop. ─── 同样地,如果你真的想节省时间,你不要用电动搅拌机做蛋糕,你可以在商店买一个。

83、PLD Serial concrete dosing machine is a kind of automatic foreground dosing machine matched with the mixer. ─── PLD系列混凝土配料机是一种与搅拌机配套使用的前台自动配料设备。

84、Fax:0769-22687018 Products:Air compressor, Genset, Concrete Mixer, Concrete Mixing Plant, Rock Drill For Mining. ─── 产品:空压机,发电机,混凝土搅拌机,搅拌站,搅拌车和钻具

85、The company mainly produces chemical equipment - centrifuges, grinder, mixer, dryer product line. ─── 公司主要生产化工设备-离心机,粉碎机,混合机,干燥机系列产品。

86、The Homo Mixer and Paddle Mixer can be used separately. ─── 对流搅拌机与桨叶搅拌机可分开使用。

87、The main products: Huaneng brand CVT of the best-selling fresh milk mixer, sold overseas. ─── 主要产品:华能牌系列无级变速鲜奶搅拌机畅销全国,远销海外。

88、Living in this world is similar to the fate of a stone in a cement mixer. ─── 生活在这个世界上就像命运在水泥搅拌机里的一块石头。

89、Audacity can record live audio through a microphone or mixer, or digitize recordings from cassette tapes, vinyl records, or minidiscs. ─── Audacity可通过麦克风或混音器进行现场录音,也能从盒式磁带、唱片或MD转录数字化录音。

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