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maestro 发音

英:[ˈmaɪstroʊ]  美:[ˈmaɪstrəʊ]

英:  美:

maestro 中文意思翻译




maestro 词性/词形变化,maestro变形


maestro 短语词组

1、el maestro editorial vida nueva pdf ─── 编辑大师生活新PDF

2、ess maestro ess ─── 大师

maestro 相似词语短语

1、maestoso ─── adv.(尤作演奏演唱指示)庄严地,雄伟地;adj.(表演)庄严的;n.庄严乐章(或乐段)

2、estro ─── 埃斯特罗

3、maelstrom ─── n.大漩涡;极度混乱;不可抗的破坏力

4、maestri ─── n.音乐大师;名家(maestro的复数);n.(Maestri)(美)马埃斯特里(人名)

5、maelstroms ─── n.大漩涡;极度混乱;不可抗的破坏力

6、maestros ─── n.大师;名家;大音乐家(maestro的变形)

7、Castro ─── n.卡斯特罗(古巴领导人,1976-2006年在任)

8、metro ─── n.地铁;大都市;伦敦地下铁道;麦德隆(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地德国,主要经营零售)

9、cabestro ─── n.缰绳;带头牛

maestro 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Maestro: So you don't believe in ghosts? ─── 迈斯卓:你是说你们不相信有鬼么?

2、AIDY BOOTHROYD is looking forward to pitting his wits against Jose Mourinho at Vicarage Road on Saturday, but insists he will not be star struck by the Portuguese maestro. ─── 艾迪.博斯罗伊德正期待着在周六于维卡拉格路和何塞.穆里尼奥大斗智,但他亦强调不会被这位葡萄牙大师的名气所吓怕。”

3、The Maestro bangs his hands and head into the floor and crumbles into dust. The wind sweeps the rest of him away. The Villagers look sad and the kids cry. ─── 迈斯卓突然猛地将脑袋撞在地上,渐渐变成了尘粉,一阵风将他剩下的部分吹走了,镇民们看上去非常伤心,孩子们开始哭泣。

4、The winning goal was scored by the maestro himself. ─── 制胜的一球是大师自己拿下的。

5、After many years, Du Ru-mi (E.Ji-ah) is working on an orchestra for the city's special cultural district preparations and found Maestro Kang to become the orchestra's conductor. ─── 经过多年,小提琴手,都茹美(东纪啊)为首都市听的文化区筹备工作,并发现大师康是乐团的指挥官。

6、Oooooo.. This is my day!Seeing Maestro Muti and hearing my favourite operatic overture in one night. ─── 起床听,然后一整天天都像在维也纳公园里骑马一样。

7、Today, Dan Zhaoyi is considered a national treasure, a maestro with a knack for catapulting young students to the highest levels of international competition. ─── 但昭义如今被认为是国宝级音乐大师,能够在一夕之间将年轻学子推向最高级别的国际比赛。

8、or Li. Soy Fernando, maestro de esta clase. ─── 嗨,你一定是李先生吧。我是费尔南多,这个班的老师。

9、The boy takes his hands to his mouth like the Maestro did earlier when he pulled his skin off. ─── 男孩学着迈斯卓的样子把手放在自己嘴边,好像要学迈斯卓把自己的皮扯掉的样子。

10、The Maestro lifts the boy off the other boy's shoulders. ─── 迈斯卓把男孩从另一个男孩的肩膀上抱下来。

11、Maestro Vitas and Mr Pudovkin have received the invitation to take part in a national concert in memory of the earthquake victims in 2008. ─── 大师维塔斯和普多夫金先生已收到了邀请参加一个国家的音乐会,以纪念地震灾民在2008年。

12、Now he aims to eclipse Chelsea maestro Lamps. ─── 目前他希望超越切尔西大师兰帕德。

13、"In Cremona, home of the Stradivarius violin, artisans from around the globe learn to build instruments the way the maestro did: by hand, one at a time. ─── 在克雷莫纳这个弦乐器(尤指斯特拉迪瓦里及其子制作的小提琴)的家乡,世界各地的工匠都在此学习巨匠制作乐器的方法:用手,一次做一个。

14、Mr.Fair had trained under a "fencing" maestro who was very active in clandestine blade work during WWII. ─── 费尔先生曾受训于一位二战期间在刀刃上的工作(指暗杀)方面非常活跃的剑术大师。

15、Over the years, Maestro Yin has traveled across the world, performing regularly with orchestras such as the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, and the St. ─── 从艺六十年来,殷承宗的足迹遍布世界各地,与他合作过的乐团包括维也纳爱乐乐团、莫斯科爱乐乐团、圣彼德堡爱乐乐团等。

16、MasterCard International has MasterCard, Maestro, Mondex, Cirrus, and other brand names. ─── 由此提醒您珍惜自己的信用记录,觉积累自己的信用财富。

17、Halevy, his pupil, asked 'Maestro, have you nothing to say to me?'when Cherubini snarled back, 'I have been listening to you for two hours and you have said nothing to me. ─── 今日名言:“凯鲁比尼嘲笑哈列维”"Watching the first performance of one of Halevy's operas from the composer's box Cherubini kept silence until after the second act.

18、Being a famous portrait work of Leonardo da Vinci, this painting represents the artistic thinking of the maestro. ─── 达?芬奇的著名肖像画作品,它代表了达?芬奇的艺术思想。

19、The Maestro says it's Mozart Maestro ─── 说他就是莫扎特

20、Would like to cheerful songs, you always linger. Love is willing to joy, along with you forever. You wish: a happy New Year and good health, Carnival music, Italian Maestro! ─── 愿欢快的歌声,时刻萦绕着您。愿欢乐年华,永远伴随您。祝福您:春节愉快、身体健康,合家欢乐,万事顺意!新年快乐英文新年快乐英语

21、And she is still the grocery shopper, the haircut-getter, and the maestro conducting the household orchestra. ─── 我想知道的是,夫妻之间会如何处理另一半失业的情况,以及对待孩子和家务的态度。

22、Risorse - Estesa biografia, con scheda critica e bibliografia del maestro argentino. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

23、Maestro Giulini ─── 指挥家朱利尼大师

24、The honour of best goalkeeper went to Bruce Grobbelaar, the top defender was Rob Jones, while your choice as midfield maestro was Steve McManaman. ─── 其余各奖为:最佳门将布鲁斯,最佳后卫罗布琼斯,最佳中场麦克马拉曼。

25、Bernanke: The New Maestro? ─── 伯南克:新一代宗师?

26、Witness the Maestro collection of vessel, or above-counter, basins from Native Trails. ─── 观察大师们收集的容器,或柜台面,本地生产的脸盆。

27、Maestro: Did I scare you? ─── 迈斯卓:我吓着你们没有?

28、Olsson hit out at the England international in first-half stoppage-time on Sunday as he thought the Reds' maestro had dived under a challenge in search of a penalty. ─── 上半场补时阶段奥尔森在禁区内撞到杰拉德,他认为杰拉德假摔想博取点球。

29、The Maestro snaps and points at her. She stops talking. ─── 迈斯卓对她打了个响指,她立刻不说话了。

30、In 1968 Maestro Zubin Mehta was appointed Music Advisor to the IPO and in 1977 he became its Music Director. ─── 在1968年大师祖宾梅塔被任命为音乐顾问,以首次公开招股,并在1977年他成为音乐总监。

31、On 12th Sep. 2008 the La Scala Filarmonica will beconducted by the Chinese Maestro Zheng Mingxun. This will be amarvelous example of blending between Italian and Chinesetalent. ─── 2008年9月12日,斯卡拉爱乐乐团的演奏将由中国指挥家郑明勋指挥。这将是一个中意才华交汇、迸发的绝佳时刻。

32、and maestro George Solti, visibly moved, said, "It was very difficult. I hope I never do it again." ─── 指挥格奥尔格·索尔蒂显然颇受感动,他说:“干得很吃力,希望我永远不再于第二回。”

33、Bald he was and a millionaire, maestro di color che sanno ─── 他歇了顶,又是一位百万富翁。有学识者的导师。

34、Rafael Benitez believes Fernando Torres is on the verge of achieving legendary status at Anfield as the goals maestro closes in on a new club record. ─── 拉法-贝尼特斯认为托雷斯已经处于接近安菲尔德传奇边缘,他的进球已经刷新俱乐部的记录。

35、Oh Se-hoon, the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra and Maestro Chung Myung-whun, for joining us on this day of celebration and reflection. ─── 我们必须进行调整,以满足新的需要,并保证最高的道德、廉正和问责标准,以表明我们对所有会员国和全世界人民充分负责。

36、Referred to fondly as Maestro, Ellington loved writing music for his band. ─── 被称为音乐大师的艾灵顿喜爱为他的乐团写歌。

37、The maestro raises his baton. ─── 大师举起他的指挥棒。

38、The main thing you'll notice, watching those two games, however, is that Kobe Bryant, the MVP, the maestro, the superstar, was a miserable 15-46 from the floor in the two games combined. ─── 现在如果你看那两场比赛,你将会发现最主要的问题是,新科MVP、比赛大师、超级巨星科比,在这两场比赛中一共有46次投篮,但是只命中15次。

39、I often like drawing parallels between software, web, or game development to orchestral music where the designer is the composer and the developer is the ensemble’s maestro or conductor. ─── 我常常喜欢把软件,网络或是游戏开发想成是管弦乐,而设计师是作曲家,开发者是乐团的指挥家。

40、Maestro: The first person who gets scared has to leave. How about that? ─── 迈斯卓:谁第一个被吓倒就得离开,怎么样?

41、His study with the maestro benefited him in his entire career. ─── 跟这位大师的学习使他毕生的事业受益。

42、Please consider the short list of Firebird Maestro features below: ─── 请考虑短期的名单火鸟大师的特点如下:

43、In September 1996,Agricultural Bank of China and China Football Association jointly issued the first athletics Affinity card, Maestro Kinscard, in China. ─── 1996年9月,中国农业银行与中国足球协会联合发行国内首张体育认同卡“金穗----万事顺卡”。

44、Closing this section is a World Premiere performance of Cylinder and Coins by none other than special guest Giacomo Bertini, the Italian coin Maestro. ─── 本节闭幕是世界首演缸和硬币的不是别人,特别来宾贾科莫贝尔蒂尼,意大利硬币大师。

45、However, the Milan midfield maestro admits that he would be shocked if he doesn't play against Les Bleus in Italy's last crunch match on Tuesday night. ─── 然而,米兰中场承认如果他不能在周二晚上首发出场面对与法国的小组赛最后一场比赛,他将感到非常震惊。

46、"The word 'commercial' is exactly what we want, " said the maestro, who also starred in TV ads for American Express. ─── 这位艺术大师说道:“商业化这个词就是我们想要的”,他还在美国快递公司的电视广告中担任主角。

47、She was invited to take part in the Aspen Music Festival in 1997 and studied with Maestro Murry Sidlin and David Zinman. ─── 1997年夏应邀参加阿斯本音乐节,曾受到MurrySidlin和DavidZinman等大师指导。

48、The winning goal was scored by the maestro himself. ─── 致胜的一球是大师自己拿下的。

49、Mi Maestro students book the classes based on their own schedule and click on a link when they're ready to begin the lesson. ─── MiMaestro的学生可以根据他们自己的时间计划来预定课程,而且他们只要随时点击网上连接就可以开始课程。

50、Maestro Owner Accused Of 480mph Speeding ─── 超速被罚

51、Arturo Toscanini revered Brahms, but Toscanini's score of the C-minor Symphony was so thoroughly marked up that no one but the maestro himself could read it. ─── 托斯卡尼尼非常崇敬博拉姆斯,但他的C小调交响曲的乐谱上画满了标记,以致只有大师本人才能看懂。

52、Poi disse loro: Ora attingete, e portatene al maestro di tavola. Ed essi gliene portarono. ─── 耶稣又吩咐他们:“现在舀出来,送给筵席的总管!”他们就送去了。

53、His study with the maestro benefit him in his entire career ─── 跟这位大师的学习使他毕生的事业受益

54、Having coached Gerrard from a young lad in the reserves, right up to serving as Rafa Benitez's right-hand man today, Sammy Lee knows how the midfield maestro maintains his impeccably high standards. ─── 将杰拉德从预备队中的孩子培养成为老贝手下的队长,萨米李知道这名中场大将能够长期保持高水平竞技状态的原因。

55、Have you been to the concert conducted by the maestro? ─── 你参加过这位名指挥家的音乐会吗?

56、Maestro de Sabata explained that many years ago he was conducting the Bolero in a concert.When the moment arrived, he suddenly felt a twing of inspiration and inserted the rallentando. ─── 从照片上看,Victor de Sabata的眼神有一股让人震慑的力量,怪不得当年伦敦爱乐的一位乐手说de Sabata是介于魔鬼撒旦和恺撒之间的一个人。

57、"Yes,I have heard your explanation before, Maestro." ─── "是的,大师,我以前听过你的解释。"

58、Maestro Zhu is such an artist that he has contributed immensely to the art of Huaer, through whom is revealed the spirited vitality of the folk music and the panorama of the Huaer in its full blossom. ─── 朱仲禄是一个对花儿艺术有着特殊贡献的民间音乐家,从他的身上,我们看到了民间音乐鲜活的生命所在,他的一生代表着花儿艺术在历史发展过程中一个阶段的基本面貌。

59、In front of his expectant fans, the German maestro will then end his stint with a first outing in his personal FXX GT machine. ─── 之后驾驶他私人的FXXGT赛车首度在对自己期待已久的车迷面前出场,进而结束自己此次的表演。

60、The maestro says it's mozart. ─── 艺术大师说他是莫扎特。

61、Ji repeatedly asked the media to stop calling him a "maestro in traditional Chinese culture" but despite the protests, the "master" title stuck. ─── 季老生前曾多次表示,希望媒体不再称自己为“国学大师”。但即便如此,人们仍尊称他为“大师”。

62、Maestro Fou Ts'ong Piano Recital ─── 傅聪钢琴独奏音乐会

63、My bike has now received a full service in the workshop of Illya, who introduced himself as "Mister bicycle maestro man". ─── 我在一条新铺的柏油路上爆了胎,这条路像罗马人建造的大路一样笔直。

64、Maestro: So, do you still want me to go? ─── 你仍然要赶我走吗?

65、The singer was led off the stage by the maestro ─── 歌唱家由那位著名的指挥领着离开了舞台。

66、Maestro: You're trying to scare me aren't you? I'll tell you what we'll play a game.(rises his voice)Anybody here like playing games? Hello?!(claps)GAMETIME! ─── 迈斯卓:你想吓唬我是吧?我告诉你我们要做个游戏。(提高嗓音)谁想玩游戏啊?喂!(拍巴掌)游戏时间到了!

67、Maestro: You ARE trying to scare me I guess I have no choice. ─── 迈斯卓:你在威胁我我想我似乎是没得选择了。

68、El es el maestro Zhang? ─── 他是张老师吗?

69、The Reds Spanish midfield maestro played his 100th game in the 3-1 win over Aston Villa and he has given us some magic moments in a red shirt so far. ─── 红军西班牙中场指挥家的第100场比赛即为3:1战胜阿斯顿维拉,迄今为止他已经奉献给我们很多不可思议的瞬间。

70、A truly universal personality, Maestro Mehta is equally renowned for his brilliant operatic performances. ─── 大师梅塔以他平易近人的性格以及善于出色指挥歌剧演出而闻名。

71、E quando furon venuti a Capernaum, quelli che riscotevano le didramme si accostarono a Pietro e dissero: Il vostro maestro non paga egli le didramme? ─── 缴纳殿税他们来到迦百农,收殿税的人前来对彼得说:“你们的老师不纳税吗?”

72、Yes, the Maestro assented.. ─── 是的,艺术大师同意了。

73、Selected concerts must be under mutual agreement between the Club Maestro member and the HKPO. ─── 所选之音乐会须由大师会会员及港乐双方同意。

74、Maestro:(Smiles)Well that's too bad isn't is? I guess I have to try harder next time. ─── (微笑)那可真糟啊,不是吗?我想我下次得再努力一点。

75、The complete system is controlled by the GERSTEL MAESTRO software or through the Agilent Technologies ChemStation. ─── 在这样的情况下,做为前处理技术,有效的提供了仪器的工作效率。

76、1.Los alumnos escriben en sus cuadernos lo que les dicta el maestro. ─── 学生们把老师听写的内容写在练习本上。

77、"The Maestro fought a long, tough battle against the pancreatic cancer which eventually took his life. ─── 声明中说:“大师与病魔进行了长期、艰苦的斗争,但最终被病魔夺去了生命。

78、Fair had trained under a "fencing" maestro who was very active in clandestine blade work during WWII. ─── 费尔先生曾受训于一位二战期间在秘密制造刀具方面非常活跃的剑术大师。

79、Jinan Li Panlong is the Ming Dynasty literature after the seven leaders, respect for the "Maestro of the" generation become the master. ─── 济南李攀龙是明代文学后七子领袖,尊为"宗工巨匠",蔚为一代宗师。

80、A Special Concert to Commemorate Maestro Luciano Pavarotti was held at our Concert Hall tonight. ─── 由中央音乐学院与意大利驻华大使馆联合举办的“纪念帕瓦罗蒂音乐晚会”于今晚在学院音乐厅举行。

81、Maestro: You ARE trying to scare me, I guess I have no choice. ─── 迈斯卓:你在威胁我,我想我似乎是没得选择了。

82、Reports emanating from Spain say that Liverpool's midfield maestro is now the number one transfer target of Real after they failed to prise Cesc Fabregas from Arsenal. ─── 西班牙媒体说利物浦的中场发动机是黄麻在引进阿森纳的法布雷加斯失败后的头号目标。

83、But whether discussing the structure of a Mozart finale or the problem of performing Wagner to a Jewish audience, Mr Barenboim proves a wonderfully compelling maestro. ─── 无论是讨论莫扎特第40交响乐末章的结构,还是分析向犹太观众演绎瓦格纳作品时的问题,Barenboim都诠释了令人钦佩的大师风采。

84、The company's Maestro tools have also been upgraded to let their NFC chips speak to a device's Bluetooth and WiFi radios. ─── 同时公司的Maestro工具软件也得到升级,可以让其NFC芯片和其它设备的无线及WiFi频率适配。

85、Maestro: No next time huh? Why is that? ─── 迈斯卓:没有下次了吗?为什么会那样呢?

86、4. C-BONS Hair Care offers a wide range of shampooing, conditioning and hair styling products with strong and well-known brands in China such as Slek and Maestro. ─── 丝宝护发部门在中国打造了在洗发水、护发素及头发定型产品等多个领域内的强力品牌,例如舒蕾和雅涛等。

87、The boy takes his hands to his mouth like the Maestro did earlier when he pulled his skin off. ─── 男孩学着迈斯卓的样子把手放在自己嘴边,好像要学迈斯卓把自己的皮扯掉的样子。

88、As the Villagers continue to talk, a shadow sneaks up behing the Maestro's back. He can't see anything, but he notices the scared looks in the Villager's eyes. ─── 正当人们谈论不休时,一个黑影潜到迈斯卓背后,迈斯卓并没有看到,但是他看到了镇民们惊惧的眼神。

89、His study with the maestro benefit him in his entire career. ─── 跟这位大师的学习使他毕生的事业受益。

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