masterless 发音
英:[ˈmæstəlɪs] 美:[ˈmɑːstəlɪs]
英: 美:
masterless 中文意思翻译
masterless 短语词组
1、masterless knight ─── 无主骑士
2、masterless samurai ─── 无主武士
3、masterless duty order ─── 无船长值班令
4、masterless vision ─── 无主视觉
masterless 词性/词形变化,masterless变形
名词复数: masteries |
masterless 相似词语短语
1、lusterless ─── adj.没有光泽的
2、gaiterless ─── 无声无息
3、masterliness ─── 精通
4、hasteless ─── 匆忙的
5、mannerless ─── adj.没礼貌的
6、garterless ─── 无吊袜带
7、matterless ─── 无内容的
8、casteless ─── adj.没有社会阶级的;(在印度)不属于任何阶级的
9、masterclass ─── n.大师课
masterless 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Yes, Mekarius. Frolg's master. Frolg is sad, no seen the master for long time. Frolg the Toothless. Frolg the Masterless. ─── 对,麦克里斯,弗罗格的主子。弗罗格不开心,很久都没见到主子了,弗罗格没有了牙齿,弗罗格成了流浪汉。
2、What mean these masterless and gory swords to lie discolour'd by this place of peace? ─── 在这安静的地方,怎么横放着这两柄无主的血污的刀剑?
3、By means of this protocol informa"-tion can also be exchanged directly between bay units so as to set up simple masterless systems for bay and system interlocking ." ─── 通过此协议,插线单元之间可直接进行信息交换,以便为插线系统互锁建立简单无人控制系统。
4、He came to her, his black face as forlorn as a lost and masterless hound. ─── 他走进来时那张黑脸像丧家的狗的脸一样难看。
5、Alack, alack, what blood is this, which stains the stony entrance of this sepulchre? What mean these masterless and gory swords to lie discolour'd by this place of peace? ─── 嗳哟!嗳哟!这坟墓的石门上染着些什么血迹?在这安静的地方,怎么横放着这两柄无主的血污的刀剑?
6、What mean these masterless and gory swords to lie discolour'd by this place of peace? ─── 在这安静的地方,怎么横放着这两柄无主的血污的刀剑?
7、harsh punishments for sturdy vagabonds and masterless men. ─── 对顽固的流浪汉和没有主人的人的严厉惩罚。
8、There were then in Sherwood scores of masterless men like John of Mansfield, and when they heard how Robin had spoiled the Prior of Newark they sought him out with a view to joining him. ─── 在修武德有二十几位像约翰曼斯菲尔德一样无主人的人,听到罗宾汉如何抢劫尼华克寺院副院长时,他们都出来找他,要求见一次面,并加入他的组织。
9、harsh punishments for sturdy vagabonds and masterless men. ─── 对顽固的流浪汉和没有主人的人的严厉惩罚。
10、"ronin, Japanese masterless samurai. because samurai received their livelihood from their lord in return for service, a masterless samurai was essentially a vagabond unless he could enter the service of another lord. " ─── "浪人,没有主子的日本武士。因为日本武士依靠他们所效力的主子来维持生计,所以从根本上讲,没有主子的武士便是浪子,除非他们能为另外的主子效力。"
11、I am Frolg. Frolg the Guard. Frolg the Toothless. Frolg the Masterless. ─── 我是弗罗格,守卫弗罗格。弗罗格没有了牙齿,弗罗格成了流浪汉。
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