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meninges 发音

英:[məˈnɪndʒiːz]  美:[məˈnɪndʒiːz]

英:  美:

meninges 中文意思翻译



meninges 网络释义

n. 脑膜;髓膜;脑脊膜

meninges 短语词组

1、brain meninges ─── [医] 脑膜

2、cerebral meninges ─── 脑膜

3、meninges dura mater ─── 硬脑膜

meninges 相似词语短语

1、Pekingese ─── n.北京哈叭狗;adj.北京的;北京人的

2、meningeal ─── adj.脑膜的

3、menages ─── n.(法)家庭,家务;n.(Menage)人名;(英)梅纳热

4、minges ─── n.(Minges)人名;(英)明奇斯

5、rehinges ─── 重新命名

6、melanges ─── n.混合物;文学作品的杂集

7、befringes ─── vt.给…饰边

8、meningitis ─── n.脑膜炎

9、mendings ─── n.修补;修补工作;v.修补(mend的现在分词);修理

meninges 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Meningiomas arise from the meninges, the membrane surrounding the spinal cord and brain. ─── 脑膜瘤则诞生于脑膜中,而脊髓和大脑上都有膜片覆盖。

2、Any information of the meninges? ─── |脑膜上的伤如何解释?

3、Fluid is accumulated below the accumulates fluid to call traumatic be caused by putamen that happens at the antrum below hard meninx after our gangmaster skull is traumatic. ─── 我们把头颅外伤后发生于硬脑膜下腔的积液称为外伤所致的硬膜下积液。

4、meningococcal meningitis is an infection of the meninges by the bacteria . it is the most common presentation of meningococcal infection. ─── 流行性脑膜炎是由脑膜炎双球菌引起的脑膜发炎,是这一种细菌最常引致的病症。

5、Inflammation of the meninges caused by a bacterial infection,symptoms include headache and stiff neck and fever and nausea. ─── 由于细菌感染而导致闹膜发炎,症状包括头痛发烧恶心等。

6、Results Headache and dizziness were more frequent in this kind of meningitis with high cranial pressure cranial nerres paralysis, but with less fever and meninges stimuliation signs. ─── 结果本病临床表现以头痛、头晕多见,可伴颅内压增高颅神经麻痹,发热和脑膜刺激征相对少见,血及脑脊液囊虫抗体阳性。

7、The haematoma outside hard meninx happens in exert oneself dot to reach its commonly around. ─── 硬脑膜外血肿一般发生在着力点及其附近。

8、meninx secundaria ─── 次膜

9、brain meninges ─── [医] 脑膜

10、Pawn ministry when two side fracture, may hurt the vein in reaching meningeal median or meninx, cause the haematoma outside acute or chronic putamen. ─── 当头部两侧骨折时,可能会伤及脑膜中动脉或脑膜中静脉,引起急性或慢性硬膜外血肿。

11、Microscopically, a neutrophilic exudate is seen involving the meninges at the left, with prominent dilated vessels. ─── 显微镜下,左侧受累的脑膜上可见嗜中性粒细胞渗出,并有明显的血管扩张。

12、Keywords Meninges tumor;Operation;Nursing; ─── 天幕脑膜瘤;手术;护理;

13、primitive meninx ─── 原始脑(脊)膜

14、On Gd-DTPA enhanced MRI, linear, diffuse plaque-like and nodular enhancement on the surface of the involved meninges was seen. ─── 在增强MRI上,受累的脑膜呈线形、弥漫性斑块和结节状或环状显著性强化。

15、Meningococcal meningitis is a bacterial form of meningitis, a serious infection of the meninges that affects the brain membrane. ─── 脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎是一种细菌形式的脑膜炎,由于发生了对脑膜带来影响的严重脑膜感染而造成。

16、a congenital anomaly of the central nervous system in which a sac protruding from the brain or the spinal meninges contains cerebrospinal fluid (but no nerve tissue). ─── 先天中枢神经系统不正常。

17、10.symptoms that mimic those of meningitis but without inflammation of the meninges. ─── 类似脑膜炎但脑膜不发炎的症状。

18、meninx vasculosa ─── [医] 软膜

19、A purulent exudate is seen beneath the meninges in the brain of this patient with acute meningitis from Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. The exudate obscures the sulci. ─── 急性链球菌感染所致化脓性脑膜炎患者脑膜下可见化脓性渗出物。渗出物使脑沟变浅。

20、All that is left is a thin rim of cortex or glial tissue with meninges surrounding a fluid-filled cavity. ─── 剩下的是薄薄的皮质边缘或包绕液体腔的脑膜神经胶质组织。

21、Key words: meninges; ─── 关键词 :脑膜;

22、While inflammation of the brain and meninges is fairly common, chances of recovery are good. ─── 常伴发脑和脑膜的炎症,但痊愈机会极大。

23、Congenital anomaly of spinal meninges ─── 先天性脑脊膜异常

24、Conclusion Tuberculous meningitis carries some certain characteristics on MRI.Gd-DTPA enhanced MRI can well demonstrate the morphological and pathological evidence of involved meninges. ─── 结论结核性脑膜炎的MRI表现有一定的特点,增强MRI可以清楚地显示出结核性脑膜炎受累的形态学和病理学改变。

25、Meninges and Tentorium cerebella are enhanced ,its anatomic structure is clear 38 cases.Conclusion: Contrast-enhanced CT can improve density resolution of the diseas... ─── 结论头颅CT增强造影扫描能够提高病变的密度分辨力,有利于明确病变的定位和定性,为临床提供更多的重要信息。

26、a cephalosporin that can be given parenterally (trade name Zinacef) or orally by tablets (trade name Ceftin); indicated for infections of the lungs or throat or ears or urinary tract or meninges. ─── 一种能非肠道地吸收(商标是Zinacef)或口服的药片(商标是Ceftin);治疗肺脏、咽喉、耳朵或泌尿系统的药物。

27、Lysis of adhesions of cortical meninges ─── 皮质脑膜粘连松解术

28、inflammation of the meninges (the tissues that surround the brain or spinal cord) caused by a bacterial infection; symptoms include headache and stiff neck and fever and nausea. ─── 由于细菌感染而导致闹膜发炎;症状包括头痛发烧恶心等。

29、It is usually associated with scarring of meninges or arachnoid membranes of the spinal cord, observable with CT-scan with myelography. ─── 它通常与疤痕的脑膜或蛛网膜脊髓,观察到的CT扫描与脊髓。

30、It is also encased in membranes of connective tissue called the meninges ─── 它还被一些结缔组织的膜所包裹,这些膜叫做脑膜。

31、Results We could observe the degree and range of fracture,the relationship between fracture chip,spinal meninges capsule and never root,whether the vertebral canal is narrow. ─── 结果可了解骨折的程度和范围,骨折碎片与脊膜囊以及神经根的关系,椎管有无狭窄。

32、Orbital meningocele is a rare congenital anomaly with cystic herniation of meninges caused by a bony defect of the cranio-orbital bone. ─── 摘要眼窝脑膜膨出是种罕见的先天性异常,其成因为头颅或眼窝骨的缺损使得脑脑从缺损处呈囊状的膨出。

33、meninx dissector ─── 板月半切除刀

34、The third group comprises a number of diverse conditions causing infection, infiltration or fibrosis of the meninges and walls of the veins or sinuses. ─── 第三组病因则包括了多种导致感染、渗出或造成静脉血管、静脉窦壁及脑膜纤维化的情况。

35、a tumor arising in the meninges which surround the brain and spinal cord; usually slow growing and sometimes malignant. ─── 生长在脑膜上的肿瘤。

36、Psammoris meninx ─── n. 蒙沙祝蛾

37、The Application of MRI Subtraction in Imaging of Meninges ─── 磁共振减影技术在脑膜显像中的应用

38、One cause for acute swelling is infection. The yellow-tan clouding of the meninges seen here is due to an exudate from acute meningitis. ─── 急性肿胀的另一个原因是感染。这里所见棕黄色混浊物是急性脑膜炎的渗出物。

39、Cerebral meninges ─── 大脑膜

40、We could observe the degree and range of fracture,the relationship between fracture chip,spinal meninges capsule and never root,whether the vertebral canal is narrow. ─── 可了解骨折的程度和范围 ,骨折碎片与脊膜囊以及神经根的关系 ,椎管有无狭窄。

41、The pathological character of tuberculosis in intestines, peritoneum, meninges , urogenital system, bone and joint and lymph node. ─── 肺外器官(肠、腹膜、脑膜、泌尿生殖系统、骨及关节、淋巴结)结核病的病变特点。

42、meninx fibrosa ─── [医] 硬膜, 硬脑膜

43、Multiple Soft Meninges Transversely Curing Obstinate Epilepsy ─── 多处软脑膜下横切术治疗顽固性癫痫

44、Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Brain, Cerebral Meninges (Paraffin ─── 组织,切片,成年正常人,脑,脑膜(石蜡切片

45、a tumor arising in the meninges which surround the brain and spinal cord; usually slow growing and sometimes malignant ─── 生长在脑膜上的肿瘤

46、Method 53 cases meninges were suspended through 3 skull holes ,drain hematoma by a drainage tube and injection of urokinase,the therapeutic effect was summarized. ─── 方法:对53例急性硬膜外血肿患者进行3孔悬吊,单管尿激酶溶解血肿引流治疗,对治疗效果进行总结。

47、The main treatment method of the haematoma outside hard meninx is surgical operation, open skull operation namely cleared haematoma, with removing the head organizes the circumstance of press press. ─── 硬脑膜外血肿的主要治疗方法是外科手术,即开颅手术清除血肿,以解除脑组织受压的情况。

48、Keywords Meninges;Meningeal neoplasms;Magnetic resonance imaging; ─── 关键词脑膜;脑膜肿瘤;磁共振成像;

49、The brain and spinal cord are wrapped in a membrane called by other tests on the fluid the meninges. ─── 使实验室 工作站所提供的各自控制器 完全实现网络化管理。

50、In the hard meninx of skull kick ministry is insensitive to ache. ─── 中颅凹底部的硬脑膜对疼痛感觉迟钝。

51、Methods The clinical data of 11 cases meninges carcinoma that were diagnosed by cytologic examination of CSF were analyzed. ─── 方法总结分析11例经脑脊液细胞学检查确诊的脑膜癌病患者的临床资料。

52、Moreover,the strong PCNA immunoreactivity and GSI B4 strong positive amoebic like macrophages were present in amygdaloid nucleus, cortical amygdaloid nucleus and meninges covering them. ─── 杏仁核、杏仁皮质核、视前区及其软脑膜有PCNA强阳性细胞和GSI-B4强阳性阿米巴样巨噬细胞。

53、This is provided by the surrounding skull and three tough membranes called meninges. ─── 它被包围着的颅骨和三层坚韧的细胞膜被称作脑(脊)膜保护着。

54、Objective To explore the treatment of severe head injury with conservation of bone flap in the thigh and repair of meninx fibrosa with fascia lata femoris. ─── 目的探讨应用股部保存骨瓣阔筋膜扩大修补硬膜治疗重型颅脑损伤的效果。

55、symptoms that mimic those of meningitis but without inflammation of the meninges ─── 类似脑膜炎但脑膜不发炎的症状

56、The Effects of Domestic Dacron Patch and Imported Hard Meninges on Young Rabbit's Sclera ─── 国产涤纶片与进口硬脑膜片对幼兔巩膜影响的实验研究

57、The main lesions were located in the meninges, brain parenchyma, brain ventricles, cerebral vascularity and spina. ─── 尸检发现脑膜病变为主,脑实质、脑室、脑血管、脊髓均受累。

58、Meninges of cerebral convex surface ─── 大脑凸面脑膜

59、(Film of 1) stiff backbone: Be located in the outerest, qualitative tough, go up to be linked together with hard meninx, in the occipital large hole place and periosteum cicatrization; ─── (1)硬脊膜:位于最外层,质坚韧,上与硬脑膜相连,在枕骨大孔处与骨膜愈合;

60、Answer: Pneumococcus meningitis (meninx or spinal meninge infection) the incipient symptoms have a fever, listless or sleepy, the vomit, as well as the neck strong straight or the thigh is stiff. ─── 答:肺炎球菌脑膜炎(脑膜或脊髓膜感染)早期症状是发烧,无精打采或瞌睡,呕吐,以及颈项强直或腿部僵硬。

61、A variety of organisms can produce an inflammation of the meninges, in neonates, the primary organisms responsible are gram-negative enteric bacilli, gram-negative rods, and group B streptococci. ─── 多种细菌可以引起脑/脊膜炎症。引起在新生儿脑/脊炎的有革兰氏阴性肠杆菌、革兰氏阴性杆菌、B型链球菌。

62、The pathological character of tuberculosis in intestines, peritoneum, meninges, urogenital system, bone and joint and lymph node. ─── 肺外器官(肠、腹膜、脑膜、泌尿生殖系统、骨及关节、淋巴结)结核病的病变特点。

63、No protruding brain tissue or meninges were noted. ─── 一周后,该先天性表皮发育不全伤口愈合,表皮完整。

64、Migraine pain is thought to come from irritation of the meninges, membranes around the brain and central nervous system. ─── 人们认为偏头痛来自脑膜及中枢神经系统的刺激。

65、meninx primaria ─── 初膜

66、Once the meninges are infected, the organisms are spread through the CSF to the brain and adjacent tissues. ─── 一旦脑/脊膜受到感染,细菌就会通过中枢神经系统传播到大脑及相邻组织。

67、meninx tenuis ─── [医] 薄脑膜, 软膜蛛网膜

68、bovine meninges valve ─── 牛脑膜(人工心脏)瓣膜

69、Objective To explore clinical features of meninges carcinoma and cytologic changes of CSF. ─── 目的探讨脑膜癌病的临床特征和脑脊液细胞学改变。

70、Bogus antibiotics, tuberculosis drugs, AIDS drugs and even meninges vaccines have also been found. ─── 假的抗生素、结核药、爱滋病药,甚至脑膜炎疫苗,都发现仿冒品。

71、Meningitis is an infection of the membranes (meninges) surrounding the brain and spinal cord. ─── 脑膜炎是指脑膜与脊髓的感染。

72、meninx primitiva ─── [医] 原脑膜

73、below the dura mater but above the arachnoid membrane of the meninges ─── 硬脑(脊)膜以下脑蛛网膜以上

74、A purulent exudate is seen beneath the meninges in the brain of this patient with acute meningitis from Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. ─── 急性链球菌感染所致化脓性脑膜炎患者脑膜下可见化脓性渗出物。

75、It is usually associated with scarring of meninges or arachnoid membranes of the spinal cord, observable with CT-scan with myelography. ─── 它通常与疤痕的脑膜或蛛网膜脊髓,观察到的CT扫描与脊髓。

76、cardiac valve replacement with bovine meninges ─── 心脏瓣膜用牛脑膜替换术

77、The brain has an unprepossessing, jelly-like appearance, protected by the skull and the meninges (membranes just inside the cranium), and cushioned by a clear liquid called cerebrospinal fluid. ─── 大脑的外观是让人厌恶的胶糊状,由颅骨和脑膜(头盖骨里面的薄膜)保护。一种清亮的被叫作脑脊髓的液体为它减震。

78、The primary CT scan often shows as follows: hydrocephalus, meninges thickening, cystic lesions, calcification and cyclic enrichment, etc. ─── CT影像改变主要有脑积水、脑膜肥厚、脑内多发大小不等囊状低密度影、多灶性钙化、环状强化等。

79、At 14 days post-grafting, SC were migrating along ependyma, meninges and blood vessels.In the area of corpus callosum, SC were arranged like chains. ─── 14天后可观察到细胞沿软脑膜、室管膜、血管周间隙迁移,并在胼胝体部位排列成索条状。

80、Basal meninges ─── 基底部脑膜

81、Effects of supplementing Qi and activating blood circulation and hyperbaric oxygenation on meninges microcirculation in gerbil after cerebral ischemic reperfusion injury ─── 益气活血法并高压氧对沙土鼠脑缺血重灌流脑膜微循环的作用

82、Before the hard meninx of skull kick ministry is in sense of pain with smell ball and socket the most sensitive. ─── 前颅凹底部的硬脑膜以嗅球窝处痛觉最敏感。

83、below the dura mater but above the arachnoid membrane of the meninges. ─── 硬脑(脊)膜以下脑蛛网膜以上。

84、Meningitis: Inflammation of the meninges. ─── 脑膜炎:脑膜的炎症。

85、Keywords Magnetic resonance imaging;Meninges;Neoplasm metastasis; ─── 磁共振成像;脑膜;肿瘤转移;

86、It is covered by the meninges and cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid. ─── 外覆脑膜,受脑脊液保护。

87、Objective To discuss the postoperative nursing of patients with meninges tumor. ─── 目的探讨天幕脑膜瘤患者的术后护理。

88、Dual-adjusting effect of the pinggantongluo granules on the small vessels of meninges in rabbits ─── 平肝通络颗粒对家兔脑膜血管的双相调节作用

89、It is covered by the meninges and cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid. It connects the peripheral nervous system (outside the Brain and spinal cord) to the Brain. The spinal cord and the Brain constitute the central nervous system. ─── 外覆脑膜,受脑脊液保护。连接周边神经系统(脑部和脊髓外表)和脑部,与脑部一起组成中枢神经系统。

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