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10-03 投稿


uxorious 发音

英:[ʌk'sɔːrɪəs]  美:[ʌk'sorɪəs]

英:  美:

uxorious 中文意思翻译



uxorious 词性/词形变化,uxorious变形

副词: uxoriously |名词: uxoriousness |

uxorious 相似词语短语

1、notorious ─── adj.声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的

2、laborious ─── adj.艰苦的;费劲的;勤劳的

3、usurious ─── adj.高利贷的

4、uxoriously ─── adv.疼爱妻子地;顺从妻子地

5、luxurious ─── adj.奢侈的;丰富的;放纵的;特级的

6、corious ─── 革质的

7、glorious ─── adj.光荣的;辉煌的;极好的

8、uproarious ─── adj.骚动的;喧嚣的

9、scorious ─── 轻蔑的

uxorious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Unlike those for car insurance, the premiums are flat rates: the libidinous will pay the same as the uxorious. ─── 与那些车险不同的是,保险费是统一费用:好色者与溺爱妻子者将会付出同样的代价。

2、uxorious a. ─── 宠爱妻子的;

3、The uxorious Rupert reacted to the Journal story with fury, calling the paper to complain. ─── 爱妻心切的默多克对这篇报道极为恼怒,给该报打电话控诉不满。

4、Uxorious-minded men could sidestep the marriage market's elaborate and costly etiquette. ─── 用情专一的男人们可以借此避开征婚市场上的繁文缛节。

5、His friends laughed at him because he was so uxorious and submissive to his wife's desires. ─── 他的朋友们嘲笑他,因为他溺爱妻子到了百依百顺的程度。

6、him as the creature of his mother's hatred of Ammon and the uxorious spouse of a beautiful wife. ─── 有些人认为,他是他母亲对阿蒙泄愤的工具,他是溺爱一个美貌妻子的丈夫。

7、There are those who regard him as the creature of his mother's hatred of Ammon and the uxorious spouse of a beautiful wife. ─── 有些人认为,他是他母亲对阿蒙泄愤的工具,他是溺爱一个美貌妻子的丈夫。

8、The most uxorious are probably Switzerland(3%) and Australia(2.5%). ─── 对老婆最用情专一的国家大概是瑞士(%和澳大利亚(.5%。

9、His sentiments are, he is aware, complacent, even uxorious. Nevertheless he does not cease to hold to them. ─── 他清醒地意识到,自己对这份感情有些洋洋自得,甚至过于宠爱女人。然而,他并不结束它,而是尽力挽留。

10、Uxorious:excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife. ─── 过分溺爱妻子;

11、Uxorious people take his wife to do given the excuse, rejected the Hupenggouyou among all social, alcoholic drinks and tobacco money can be saved for the early realization of room for the car project. ─── 怕老婆的人拿老婆做推搪的借口,拒绝了狐朋狗友间的壹切应酬,省下的烟酒钱可早日实现供房、供车大计。

12、His friends laughed at him because he was so uxorious and submissive to his wife's desires. ─── 他的朋友们嘲笑他,因为他溺爱妻子到了百依百顺的程度。

13、The most uxorious are probably Switzerland (3%) and Australia (2.5%). ─── 对老婆最用情专一的国家大概是瑞士(3%)和澳大利亚(2.5%)。

14、There are those who regard him as the uxorious spouse of a beautiful wife. ─── 有些人认为他是一个宠爱美貌妻子的丈夫。

15、Camille had a uxorious husband who obeyed her every wish or demand. ─── 凯米莉有一个怕老婆的老公,她的什么要求和愿望他都听从。

16、at home, most men do not uxorious mother-in-law did not dare contradict; at home, a woman fears her husband's mother-in-law also dare to contradict. ─── 在家里最不怕老婆的男人也不敢顶撞岳母;在家里最怕老公的女人也敢顶撞婆婆。

17、Uxorious people can not smoke, can not drink, not pleasure, a day early to go home from work after the report. ─── 怕老婆的人不能抽烟、不能喝酒、不能寻欢作乐,每天下班之后早早回家报到。

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