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10-03 投稿


muting 发音

英:[[m'ju:tɪŋ]]  美:[[m'ju:tɪŋ]]

英:  美:

muting 中文意思翻译



muting 相似词语短语

1、luting ─── n.封泥,水泥封涂;(瓶罐的)橡皮密封圈(等于lute);v.用封泥密封(或涂抹)(lute的现在分词)

2、mutiny ─── n.兵变;叛乱;暴动;vi.反叛;暴动;参加叛乱

3、imputing ─── n.输入(物);投入(物);输入端(同input);v.输入(数据、信息)(同input)

4、mutine ─── 反叛,造反

5、meting ─── 给予

6、-muting ─── n.叛变;兵变;静音;v.静音(mute的ing形式)

7、minuting ─── n.分,分钟;片刻,一会儿;备忘录,笔记;会议记录;vt.将……记录下来;adj.微小的,详细的

8、mating ─── n.(动物等的)交配,交尾;配套;(植物等的)杂交;v.交配;使配对;使紧密配合(mate的现在分词)

9、outing ─── n.远足;短途旅游;体育比赛;adj.远足适用的;v.出来;暴露(out的ing形式)

muting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I seem stark mute yet inwardly do prate.I am and Im not.I freeze yet am burnedSince from myself another self I turn. ─── 仅仅凭学校废墟不远处座座屹立的政府大楼,教育投入在国民税收中的清楚比重,官员年年吃喝开销浪费的可统计金额,就已足够证明:“六一”是中国成人的羞耻日。

2、Because users will stare at a sovereign application for long periods, you should take care to mute the colors and texture of the visual presentation. ─── 因为用户会长时间盯着独占应用,因此应该考虑弱化视觉表现上的颜色和纹理。

3、Mute: Zhang Peili’s Solo Exhibition represents the newest production made from Zhang’s long exploration in video. ─── “静音:张培力个展”是艺术家张培力长年从事录像艺术探索的最新成果呈现。

4、Grocery shopping.Rocko,emile,and the mute...also,i like loafing. ─── 兴趣爱好:Music,all of it.

5、His accusing hand stiffly extended, quaking in mute condemnation. ─── 他那控诉的手僵硬地伸出去,在无声的谴责中颤抖。

6、And without bestowing a word on Berg, who stood mute beside him, he put spurs to his horse and rode down the lane. ─── 但他一句话也没有回答那默默不语地站在他身旁的贝格,摸了一下马,便走到胡同里去了。

7、The letter "e" in "mouse" is mute. ─── “mouse”中的字母“e”不发音。

8、He stared at me in mute amazement. ─── 他目瞪口呆地盯着我。

9、The fish doesn't think. The fish is mute, expressionless. ─── 但是这鱼并不想,鱼是不说话的,不表达的.

10、Ali, mute and attentive, brought the pipes and coffee, and disappeared. ─── 哑巴阿里小心地拿来烟管和咖啡以后便退了出去。

11、As well, you can animate the muting to do such things as having particle bursts being intermittently emitted. ─── 用户也可以设置静音的动画以获得粒子间歇发射的效果。

12、He's a deaf mute and cannot tell anyone secret. ─── 他是个聋哑人,不会把他们的秘密告诉任何人。

13、China must be careful to avoid Japan's practice of muting the effects of restructuring through unsustainable government spending. ─── 中国必须小心避免像日本那样通过不可持续的政府支出来减轻转型产生的影响。

14、He is mute, for he cut his tongue off so as to grasp the essence of swordsmanship when he was young. ─── 他是个哑巴,因为他年轻时为了领悟剑的精随而把自己的舌头给割了下来。

15、Victor of Aveyron was captured naked and mute in the woods near Lacaune in 1800. ─── 1800年法国"阿韦龙省的维克托"在拉科讷附近的树林中被抓住时赤身裸体,不会说话。

16、This tweak will mute keypress sounds. ─── 去掉按键声音使按键静音....

17、Far commoner were the muting masks that had no mouth openings and were used for punishment when a girl had too many complaints. ─── 更普遍的禁声面具是为了惩罚抱怨的女生的,这种面具没有嘴巴的开口。

18、Leave melodizing on this wintry day, Shut up thine olden pages, and be mute: Adieu! ─── 别在冬日啭啼你迷人的歌喉。合上你古老的卷帙,安静吧:再见了!

19、A mute for various brass instruments. ─── 减音器各种铜管乐器中的一种减音器

20、As they were going out, a mute, demon-possessed man was brought to Him. ─── 他们出去的时候、有人将鬼所附的一个哑吧、带到耶稣跟前来。

21、A acute persecutor has been executed with salutes of flutes, and refutation of an absolute mute. ─── 个为害极大的迫害者在笛子的致敬和一个全哑之人的驳斥声中被处决了。

22、Make him a deaf mute, and I will build you a Helen Keller. ─── 使他成为聋哑,我将为你创造一个海伦凯勒。

23、We have put an end to mute, inglorious Miltons. ─── 再见了,沉默而无名的弥尔顿。


25、Still Seven was not back. But her husband hadn't learned how to light damp firewood, so the stove remained cold and mute. ─── 可是船上烧湿柴的本领年青人还没有学会,小钢灶总是冷冷的不发吼。

26、Muting each drop in her wild-beating heart. ─── 雨滴胡乱的打落在她的心上。

27、Low-frequency traces and long-offset traces are typical targets for muting. ─── 低频的地震道和长偏移距道都是切除的目标。

28、You can set other options too, such as muting all soundsduring hiding. ─── 你还可以设置诸如在隐藏期间屏蔽所有声音这样的其它选项。

29、The word "debt" contains a mute letter. ─── 在debt这个词中有一个不发音的字母。

30、They are all deaf and mute and cannot speak. ─── 他们都是聋哑人,不会说话的。

31、He is mute on the subject of social system. ─── 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。

32、Tampa Bay Muting player is Brought down and free-kick awarded. ─── 坦帕湾反抗队的球员被带倒,他们获得一次任意球的机会。

33、NIV] Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. ─── [和合]那时,6瘸子必跳跃象鹿;7哑巴的舌头必能歌唱。在旷野必有水发8出;在沙漠必有河涌流。

34、He is the focus of the mute hopes of a whole class. ─── 他是整个班上无声希望的焦点。

35、Dynamic playback options (song speed, groove, muting etc.. ─── 动态放音选择(歌曲速度、凹线,静音等。

36、The product uses the mute Ding clear rubber manufa cture,anti-isweary,anti-rends,The life is long. ─── 产品采用哑丁晴橡胶制造,抗疲劳、抗撕裂,寿命长。

37、You need get a mute on your guitar to make the tune soft. ─── 你得给吉他安个弱音器好让音柔和一点。

38、He is unable to speak, because he is a mute. ─── 他不能说话,因为他是哑巴。

39、Stone gargoyles watch from atop the tallest buildings, bearing mute testimony to crime and suffering in the streets. ─── 在最高的大楼上滴水椽石兽俯视世界,见证着大街上的罪恶和苦难。

40、You know that when you were pagans, you were led astray to the mute idols, however you were led. ─── 你们作外邦人的时候、随事被牵引受迷惑、去服事那哑吧偶像.这是你们知道的。

41、You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. ─── 你们作外邦人的时候,随事被牵引,受迷惑,去服事那哑巴偶像,这是你们知道的。

42、The farmer did not understand why his children were mute. ─── 农夫不知道为什么他的孩子都是哑巴。

43、For some time those who escaped the nameless terror behind the rift stand mute. ─── 呆呆地站了好一会儿,那些人才从裂隙造成的惊吓中摆脱出来。

44、After the muting of Bengal army in 1857, the control of India passed to the British Crown and Queen Victoria became Empress of India in 1877. ─── 1857年东印度公司孟加拉(非法词语,系统屏蔽)的当地士兵发动兵变后,1858年印度改由英国君主统治。1877年维多利来女王正式成为印度女皇。

45、Whenever the mute be active, an icon of a microphone with a slash through it will appear on the screen. ─── 只要消音起作用,就会在屏幕上出现一个麦克风图标,有一条斜线贯穿该图标。

46、They see my foreign face and instantly become mute. ─── 他看到我的脸是外国的和立即装聋作哑。

47、But there are ways to mute the impact of reverse vesting. ─── 但是也有许多办法可以消除反向特别保护权的影响。

48、After the muting of Bengal army in 1857, the control of India passed to the British Crown and Queen ictoria became Empress of India in 1877. ─── 1857年东印度公司孟加拉军队的当地士兵发动兵变后,1858年印度改由英国君主统治。1877年维多利来女王正式成为印度女皇。

49、A acute persecutor have be executed with salutes of flutes, and refutation of an absolute mute. ─── 唯一为害极大的迫害者在笛子的致敬和唯一全哑之人的驳斥声中被处决了。

50、Like the last muting of winter as it ends. ─── 有如冬季结束时最后的哑音。

51、Typically, guitar riffs make use of fast tremolo picking, and heavy palm muting for a percussive effect. ─── 通常,吉他反复段落用快速碎拨和重度手掌闷音来达到冲击效果。

52、Merchantmen had to be content with extinguishing their cabin lights, muting the radios, and hoping for the best. ─── 商人们被迫熄灭他们的船舱灯光,实行无线电沉默,然后祈祷最好的运气。

53、He tried to speak but he was still mute. ─── 他尽力想说,却仍然哑口无声。

54、However, to Teresa's great astonishment, Luigi remained mute, and not a word escaped his lips the rest of the evening. ─── 可是,使德丽莎大为惊奇的是,罗吉却仍旧哑口无言,那天晚上他始终没再讲一个字。

55、Selected calling function of CTCSS mute VF coding or decoding(Eligibility). ─── CTCSS哑音频编解码选呼功能(可选)。

56、Lacking the faculty of speech; mute. ─── 丧失了说话能力的; 哑的

57、In January it broke out into muting. ─── 到了一月份,就爆发成为兵变。

58、When play a VCR tape during a conference, do not use the mute button. ─── 在会议期间播放VCR盒带,不要用消音键。

59、Always remains mute on the subject of social system. ─── 他总是对社会制度的问题保持沉默。

60、Its mute and uncomplaining lotIs such as mine should be. ─── 唉,这沉默而无怨的宿命 虽是她的,可对我适合。

61、He gave me that longingand then made me mute, why? ─── 上帝啊,你既不给机会,为什么给我满腔的热情和抱负?

62、In this film, he played the mute Edward, an ugly, unfinished creation of a mad scientist. ─── 他在这部片中饰演无法言语的爱德华,外表丑陋的他是一位疯狂科学家未完成的作品。

63、A mute and distinct voice said :“You are safe now . ─── 一个无声而又十分真切的声音说到:现在你安全了。

64、Instead of providing end-to-end node-disjoint multipath muting, LOMP only ensures data forwarding for hop-by-hop multipath. ─── 与现有的多径路由协议相比,LOMP并不提供端到端的节点独立的多径路由,而只是确保在报文的每一跳转发过程中都有多条路径可用。

65、Whilst I, as mute, can warble forth no higher lays? ─── 可此时,哑然的我难道还能向着前方,宛转地唱出更高层次的绝响?

66、An ordinarily mute vowel should be pronounced in this word. ─── 一般不发音的元音应在这个单词中发音。

67、He just has to open his mouth and ask. He's blind, not mute - so simple. ─── 他只要张开嘴问即可。他是瞎子,不是哑巴。就这么简单!

68、Bio-soft analysis showed that PEDV muting slowly, especially in Korea, DX strain and JS-2004-2 strain have a closed relationship. ─── 利用生物软件分析结果表明PEDV发生着微小的变异,尤其在韩国变异明显,而DX株与中国JS-2004-2株亲缘关系很近。

69、He was a tall gaunt man with blackrimmed spectacles and the mute and patient look of an overdriven mule. ─── 他是一个瘦高个子,戴着一副黑边眼镜,他那一声不响,逆来顺受的样子看去很象一头累垮了的骡子。

70、But Fernand, instead of responding to this amiable gesture, remained mute and trembling. ─── 但弗尔南多对这个友好的表示毫无反映,依旧象一尊石像似的一动也不动。

71、Thanks to Twinkle, the village teacher, Twilight married Rainbow, a mute yet musically gifted girl. ─── 在乡村教师晟的帮助下,旭和虹结了婚。

72、Candy's lower jaw begins to quiver involuntarily. She stares at him, mute. ─── 凯蒂的下颚开始不知不觉地颤抖起来。她瞪着他,说不出话。

73、He has been passing himself off as a deaf - mute . ─── 他一直装聋作哑。

74、The Nabob's friends ... had stood all this while as mute as fishes. ─── 印度回来的大富翁的几个朋友 ... 这时都始终站在一旁,一声不响。

75、I recommend skipping the nightly news entirely, but muting just the business news might be enough. ─── 我建议完全忽略掉晚间新闻的内容,但只忽略其中的商业新闻已经做够了。

76、Merchantmen had to be content with extinguishing their cabin lights, muting the radios, and hoping for the best. ─── 商人们被迫熄灭他们的船舱灯光,实行无线电沉默,然后祈祷最好的运气。

77、The built-in Auto Chromatic Tuner also provides a Mute function for silent tuning. ─── 内置式自动半音阶调谐器还提供了静音功能,为沉默的调谐.

78、Open your mouth for the mute, For the rights of all the unfortunate. ─── 你当为哑吧(或作不能自辨的)开口,为一切孤独的伸冤。

79、Brooding skies cast a lavender glow on a flock of mute swans gliding across a crag-ringed loch in Edinburgh, Scotland. ─── 在苏格兰的爱丁堡,淡紫色的天空下,一群哑天鹅在群山环绕的湖面上静静地划过。

80、Alas .... surname Tong, and taught me how to set the "mute" rather than vibration, good or not? ─── 唉....姓桐的,教我怎么设置“静音”而不是震动,好不好?

81、In the face of my entreaties, he remained largely mute, other than to say his name was Justin. ─── 他除了告诉我他的名字是贾斯廷以外,对我的恳求几乎保持沉默。

82、The people said,That pair of how happy mute husband and wive! ─── 人们说,那一对多么幸福的哑巴夫妻啊!

83、Silencing is different from muting in that muting only affects what you hear, while silencing filters the player out for everyone in the channel. ─── 和消音不同的是,消音只针对你有效(如同忽略名单),但是保持频道静默,会使得该玩家在频道中的发言,别人完全听不到。

84、MUTE UNIT SPEECH Mute all non-trigger unit sounds for current player. ─── 关闭当前玩家所有非触发单位的声音。

85、But Night stood still and mute. ─── 不过夜之神坐着一声不响。

86、Pairs of eternally mute stone lions crouched outside their entrances-one on each side. ─── 两个永远沉默的石狮子蹲在门口。

87、"We think that it is likely that policing experiences played some role in muting peri-traumatic emotions in the female officers. ─── “我们认为很可能做警察的经历在女警官抑制创伤情感上起到某种作用。

88、He remained as mute as a fish, too. ─── 他就象鱼那样无声无息。

89、Only the living are so mute. ─── 只有活着的人才那么沉默。

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