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Marian 发音

英:[ˈmeriən]  美:[ˈmeəriən]

英:  美:

Marian 中文意思翻译




Marian 网络释义

adj. 圣母玛丽亚的;英国玛丽一世的n. 圣母玛丽亚的信徒;圣母玛利亚崇拜者

Marian 短语词组

1、got it marian ─── 明白了,玛丽安

2、marian hill ─── 玛丽安山

3、marian rivera ─── 玛丽安·里维拉

4、marian river ─── 马里安河

5、marian high school ─── 玛丽安高中

6、marian bechtel sits at west palm ─── 玛丽安·贝克特尔坐在西棕榈滩

7、marian hill remix ─── 玛丽安·希尔混音

8、Marian Anderson ─── 玛丽安·安德森(美国黑人女低音歌唱大师)

9、Maid Marian ─── 梅德·玛丽安(英国古时莫利斯舞中的人物, 侠盗罗宾汉的情人)

10、Marian's operation ─── [医] 马里安氏手术(膀胱正中切开取石术)

11、marian lithotomy ─── [医] 正中切石术

Marian 相似词语短语

1、Icarian ─── n.伊卡罗斯人;adj.伊卡罗斯的;伊卡罗斯人的

2、-arian ─── adj.信奉阿里乌斯教的;阿里乌斯派的;n.阿里乌斯派信徒

3、Carian ─── n.(Carian)人名;(法)卡里安

4、Hadrian ─── n.哈德良(罗马皇帝)

5、Marian ─── adj.圣母玛丽亚的;英国玛丽一世的;n.圣母玛丽亚的信徒,圣母玛利亚崇拜者

6、Zairian ─── 扎伊里安

7、malarian ─── 马来语

8、Umbrian ─── n.翁布利亚人;翁布里亚语;adj.翁布里亚人的;翁布里亚地区的;翁布里亚画派的

9、Parian ─── adj.(与)帕罗斯岛(有关)的;(与)帕罗斯岛产白色大理石(有关)的;(似帕罗斯岛白大理石的)伯利安瓷的;n.帕罗斯人;伯利安瓷

Marian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“Barbie has been talking and she said Marian said, 'Shoot me first,”' Rhoads said. “Apparently what she was trying to do was to save the younger girls.” ─── “芭比已经开口说话了,她说玛丽安向歹徒要求‘来冲我开枪!',”罗德说。“显然她这样做的目的是想挽救其他比她小的孩子的性命。”

2、What is more significant, Antonia and Marian, with their rise and fall, both explore a way for women's development and survival. ─── 更重要的是,无论是安东妮亚的“成功”,还是玛瑞恩的“失败”,她们都在为女性的发展与生存探索一条出路。

3、Marian was obviously annoyed by Peter's remarks but I smoothed her ruffledfeathers and she began to talk to him again. ─── 显而易见,玛丽安是被彼特的话所激怒的,不过我使她冷静了下来,于是她又开始同他讲话了。

4、Gray, Nancy Nickell Ragno, Marian Davies Toth ; ─── 书名/作者 World of language/Betty G.

5、Marian College of Fond du Lac ─── 丰迪拉克玛丽安学院

6、The daughter of a poor,black Baptist preacher,Marian Wright Edelman grew up in the racially segregated South. ─── 玛丽安?赖特?埃德尔曼是一位贫穷的黑人浸信会传教士的女儿,她在实施种族隔离政策的美国南方长大。

7、Later, after Laura was in bed, I told Marian the whole story of how Sir Percival had met his death, and the information I had learned from Mrs Catherick about Anne's father. ─── 后来,瑙若上床了,我告诉了麦闰,就是派司沃大人怎么送死,我从喀什瑞克太太那里得到安娜父亲的情况。

8、Marian Galik (* 1933), studied Sinology and history of the Far East, Charles University, Prague (1953-1958), post-graduate studies at Peking University (1958-1960). ─── “布拉格汉学学派”的代表人物之一,同时也是欧美享有盛誉的比较文学学者。

9、Jacobs' family buried him with his fully charged phone after he died of cancer.His wife Marian Seltzer continues to pay his monthly $55 phone bill and regularly leave many messages on his phone. ─── 3年来,即使手机早已没电,他的妻子玛丽安每个月都为手机支付55美元话费,还一直给他的手机语音信箱留言。

10、Marian's syndrome ─── Marfan综合征

11、Marian Evanswrote under the name of George Eliot. ─── 玛丽安?伊文思写文章使用笔名乔治?艾略特。

12、Mr.Obama and his wife, Michelle, have vowed to hold life as steady as possible for the girls, and are taking grandmother Marian Robinson to Washington to help. ─── 奥巴马先生和他的妻子米歇尔,誓言要举行生活尽可能稳定的女孩,并正在采取的祖母玛丽安罗宾逊华盛顿的帮助。

13、Call to order by District Governor Marian Hsiao, DTM at 10:00. She welcomed all members from Taiwan island-wide. ─── 总会长萧敏环于上午10:00宣布第四次执行委员会会议开始,并欢迎所有来自各地会友。

14、The Andersons were too poor to pay someone to teach Marian . So she was able to teach herself only a few simple songs. ─── 安德森家太穷了,没有钱请老师来教她如何弹钢琴,所以,她只能自学,弹一些简单的歌曲。

15、Marian Wright Edelman's home county in South Carolina is no longer officially segregated by race. ─── 从法定意义上讲,埃德尔曼在南卡罗来纳州的故乡小城不再有种族隔离。

16、Must be familiar with Marian System (Intergraph Product) or other Materials Control System; ─── 八年以上电力行业项目工作经验,丰富的材料管理技术背景和工作经验;

17、Fortunately, a group of recluses and the leader Robin Hood tries to get the property back.The chief catches Robin's girlfriend, Marian to bother him.Will it be successful? ─── 幸好有班号称快活人的隐士,他们以罗宾汉为首,把百姓被劫去的物资挣回来。

18、Vocal Recital: Anderson, Marian - BRAHMS, J. / MAHLER, G. / SCHUBERT, F. (1951 ─── 声乐独唱会:安德森,马力恩-布拉姆斯,J./马勒,G./舒伯特,F.(1951

19、" Toscanini's comment spread throughout the world of music.Finally, Marian Anderson was famous. ─── 在罗斯福太太的帮助下,安德森得以在华盛顿一个更大的环境中演出。

20、Marian was obviously annoyed by Peter's remarks but I smoothed her ruffled feathers and she began to talk to him again. ─── 显而易见,玛丽安是被彼特的话所激怒的,不过我使她冷静了下来,于是她又开始同他讲话了。

21、Milk Thistle is also known by the names Our Lady's Thistle, Marian Thistle, and Wild Artichoke. ─── 水飞蓟别名乳蓟,苦蓟草等。

22、Friar Tuck, Little John, and Maid Marian were the best-known members of his band. ─── 好汉们当中的著名人物有塔克修士、小约翰和玛丽安姑娘。

23、Her attention was given to enjoy Marian's ease of manner and flow of ideas. ─── 她的兴趣只是在于观察玛丽安滔滔不绝的思绪与从容自如的神态。

24、As they went Little John came up beside his leader, who walked by the white palfrey talking to Marian. ─── 当他们走着时,小约翰走向前他的领袖旁,罗宾正走到马旁跟玛丽安说话。

25、This present study deals with origin and development of Marian Devotion, its cultural and psychological connotation and its influence to Catholicism and Orthodox Eastern Church. ─── 本文主要论述圣母崇拜的产生与发展、其文化和心理内涵以及对天主教和东正教的影响。

26、He thought about Marian. ─── 他想到玛丽安。

27、The day I signed on with Chrysler, Marian called to wish me well. ─── 我签约就聘于克莱斯勒公司那天,玛丽要打电话向我表示祝贺。

28、The daughter of a poor, black Baptist preacher, Marian Wright Edelman grew up in the racially segregated South. ─── 玛丽安。赖特。埃德尔曼是一位贫穷的黑人浸信会传教士的女儿,她在实施种族隔离政策的美国南方长大。

29、The economical reductionistic interpretation, rooted in interpretation of Marxian philosophy from philosophical position of Marian social theory, obstructs understanding of globalization of economy. ─── 对马克思社会理论的经济还原论解释妨碍着人们对于经济全球化的理解,而这种解释又根源于人们从理论哲学立场对于马克思哲学的解释。

30、The three-year-old Marian Koshland Science Museum is in Washington, D. ─── 你想过为什么小孩子要打那么多的预防针吗?

31、The musician Kosti Vehanen played the piano at Marian's concerts. ─── 她决定再次到欧洲演出,她再一次受到了热烈的欢迎。

32、So Theresa gave her the flowers to arrange. The house was not far from the flower market. Marian had gone there every few days. ─── 于是特丽萨让她帮忙摆花。房子离花市并不远,玛丽安每隔几天就去一次。

33、Marian has vanished. ─── 玛丽安不见了。

34、Marian Talaj ─── 塔拉伊

35、The daughter of a poor, black Baptist preacher, Marian Wright Edelman grew up in the racially segregated South. ─── 玛丽安.赖特.埃德尔曼是一位贫穷的黑人浸信会传教士的女儿,她在实施种族隔离政策的美国南方长大。

36、So they feasted, right merrily, with Marian to grace their feast, and Robin Hood revolving plans for the future. ─── 所以他们非常愉快地宴饮,玛丽安增加他们宴会的光彩,罗宾汉深思未来的计划。

37、Maid Marian ─── 梅德马丽安(旧五朔节游戏中的五朔节女王,英国古时一种化装舞蹈莫利斯舞中穿女孩服装的男孩)

38、I need to back track a little here, so you will understand where I am coming from. In September of 1997, I walked through the doors of Marian College as an adult student going to college for the first time, at 44 years old. ─── 在此我需要追述一下,以便你能了解我的背景。1997年9月,已44岁而生平第一次进人大学的我,作为一名成人学生穿梭于玛丽安学院各教室之间。

39、15"Are you sure you know the way, Marian?" ─── “你确信你知道路吗,玛丽安?”

40、Galik, Marian Slovakia The Slovakia Academy of Sciences ─── 斯洛伐克斯洛伐克科学院

41、We must now travel to Egypt to free Marian. ─── 我们必须去埃及,拯救玛丽安。

42、HIRUKO:“I'm sorry about your friend Brett.We must work together to avenge him and rescue Marian. ─── 比留子:不幸的消息,你的朋友布雷特遇害了,我们必须合作替他报仇,也是为了迎救玛丽安。

43、Three-time world champ Marian Dragulescu of Romania fell on his second tumbling pass. ─── 三次世界冠军罗马尼亚选手玛丽安-德勒古列斯库在做他的第二个串时摔倒。

44、HIRUKO:Marian is being held behind that door. ─── 比留子:玛丽安就被关在那扇门后面。

45、marian lithotomy ─── [医] 正中切石术

46、Four of the girls including Marian Fisher were buried Thursday and a fifth girl was being buried Friday. ─── 包括玛丽安·什尔在内的四名女孩星期四下葬,另外一名女孩在星期五下葬。

47、Radville Marian Health Centre PO Box 310, Radville, SK S0C 2G0 Canada 电话: 306-869-2224 传真: 306-869-2653 ─── 分类:楼宇及建造-安装工作,保健和社会援助,公共机关,机构,组织,建筑施工工作,特别护理单位

48、''Tis no use for you to be in love with him any more than me, Retty Priddle, ' said jolly-faced Marian, the eldest, silly. ─── “你跟我一样,爱他是没有用的,莱蒂·普里德尔,”说话的人名叫玛丽安,年纪最大,长着一张快活脸。

49、In September of 1997, I walked through the doors of Marian College as an adult student going to college for the first time, at 44 years old. ─── 1997年9月,已44岁而生平第一次进入大学的我,作为一名成人学生穿梭于玛丽安学院各教室之间。

50、Michael: So, once we get on board, do we have to wear slippers so we don't step through the bottom of the boat? Marian: That's right. ─── 迈克尔:我们是不是一上船就要穿拖鞋,这样才不会把船底踩破?

51、My friend Marian Westley said her runner's high came at the end of a marathon, and it was paired with such volatile emotions that the sight of a puppy had the power to make her weep. ─── 但这种感觉到底是真实的,还是一种错觉?如果它是真实的,那么究竟应该是什么感觉?又是什么原因引起的呢?经历过这种感觉的人都说这种感觉不同寻常。

52、I would like to say good bye in the name of the child Istrate Marian Vasile. ─── 我有一些问题想请教老师,这些是世望会的信件,请老师指教。

53、"He had his arm up over his eyes," Lucy Marian used to tell us. ─── “他用手臂盖着眼睛。”露西?玛丽安总是这样告诉我们。

54、Father Mushtaq Pyara expressed concern as devotees prepare for the 62nd pilgrimage to the National Marian Shrine in Mariamabad. ─── 朝圣者准备参与第六十二届默里亚巴德玛丽安圣殿的朝圣之旅,对此穆尔塔克·皮亚拉(Mushtaq Pyara)神父表示担忧。

55、For my money, Marian was responsible for the trouble we'd had. ─── 依我看, 玛丽安对我们遭到的麻烦应负责任。

56、But, after Marian's death, things were never the same in the glade, for all had loved her, and all mourned her loss, while Robin Hood himself was inconsolable. ─── 但是,在玛丽安死后,在森林空地事情完全就变了模样,因为所有的人都敬爱她,所有的人为她的去世而悲伤,而罗宾本人尚不能平抚伤痛。

57、The music world and the world at larege became poorer places on April 8, when Marian Anderson, the great atto from Philadelphia, died at 96. ─── 今年4月8日,来自费成的伟大的女低音歌唱家玛丽安。安德森以九十六随高龄逝世,世界各地,尤其是音乐界人士无不为之黯然神伤。

58、And Marian heard everything. She saw everything. A woman had been plucking (扯)at her mouth. ─── 玛丽安什么都听到了。她什么都看到了。一个女人一直在扯自己的嘴。

59、Marian Evans wrote under the name of George Eliot ─── 玛丽安·伊文思写文章使用笔名乔治·艾略特。

60、In America, at least, says Marian Salzman, a leading trendspotter, the focus of conspicuous consumption is increasingly on getting your children into the best schools and universities. ─── 潮流领头人MarianSalzman说,在美国,日益明显的炫耀性消费体现在:将小孩送到最好的学校接受教育。

61、Taking questions recently after a speech at a downtown church in Washington, D.C., Marian Wright Edelman was confronted by a conservative parishioner. ─── 最近,埃德尔曼在华盛顿市中心一座教堂发表演讲之后接受了别人的提问。

62、"An' I just want to tell you, before I forget it, that you'd better send for Marian to-morrow to take care of the children. ─── 也告诉你一声:你明天最好打发人去叫茉莉安来看孩子。

63、Marian Zielinski ─── 泽林斯基

64、9 What does Marian always do before going to bed? ─── 她通常在十点上床因为她很累了.

65、Their baby's due date was May 20 and Evelin started having contractions around 10 p.m. that night. She was then admitted to Marian Medical Center. ─── 他们的胎儿的预产期是5月20号。当天晚上10点左右,伊芙琳就开始子宫收缩,随即就被送进了玛利亚医疗中心。

66、though he did not know how to economize, and brought the end nearer by a week when he gave his sister Marian five dollars for a dress. ─── 可他却不知道怎样节约,又给了妹妹茉莉安五块钱买了一件衣服,让结局提前了一个星期。

67、"Who but a Baltimorean would know how to eat a lemon stick?" (Marian Burros) ─── “除了巴尔的摩人之外,谁知道该如何吃柠檬棒糖呢?”(玛丽安·巴洛斯)

68、At the Marian pilgrimage town of Lourdes alone, fifty-four healings have been acknowledged thus far to be unexplainable, even by doctors. ─── 仅在圣母朝圣地露德,迄今就有五十四件由医生们正式确认为无法解释的治愈奇迹。

69、The young woman was airlifted to the Marian Health Center in nearby Sioux City Iowa. ─── 劳娜被直升飞机运送到衣阿华州苏城附近的玛丽安健康中心治疗。

70、If I give you my help in this matter, you shall give me your ward Marian, who is under shelter at Kirklees with the Abbess there, but is none the less yours to give to any man. ─── 假使这件事我帮你的忙,你就得送我你所监护的玛丽安,她和修女院院长住在科克里斯,给任何人对你并没有损失。

71、2006 Annette Messager and Yang Fudong, Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, U.S.A. ─── 半马索-杨福东个展,龙华路2577号,徐汇区,上海

72、For goodness' sakes, Lucy Marian, speak up! I can't abide children who mumble. ─── 乖乖!露西?玛丽安,讲大声一点!我最讨厌小孩子说话咕咕哝哝的。

73、Marian wanted no grand flowers, only the soft and touchable . ─── 玛丽安不想买华丽的花,只想要色泽柔和可以触摸的花。

74、On the dais, the girls were seated next to Barack Obama's sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, right rear, and Michelle's mom, Marian Robinson, left. ─── 在台上,奥巴马的两个女儿挨着她们的姑姑坐着,左边这位是她们的外婆,米歇尔的妈妈--玛瑞安.罗宾孙。

75、"She ought to have told him just before they went to church, when he could hardly have backed out," exclaimed marian ─── “她应该趁着他们正要到教堂去的时候,把那个话告诉他,叫他没法变卦儿,”玛琳喊道。

76、Marian's operation ─── [医] 马里安氏手术(膀胱正中切开取石术)

77、Marian Kasprzyk ─── 卡斯佩尔齐克, 卡斯普什克

78、When her hands were not hard from the endless housework, they were swollen and red like boiled beef, what of the washing.And there was his sister Marian. ─── 在她的手同为做不完的活而长起老茧之前早已又红又肿,像煮过的牛肉,主要同为洗衣服,茉莉安妹妹干活。

79、This interview is over," Marian says. ─── 采访结束了,”玛里安说。

80、Her voice breaking , Mrs. Obama also paid tribute to her mother, Marian Robinson, at a Mother's Day tea at the White House. ─── 在当天在白宫举行的母亲节茶会上,第一夫人还特别感谢了自己的母亲玛丽安•鲁宾逊,在谈到母亲时她的声音一度哽咽。

81、"Barbie has been talking and she said Marian said, 'Shoot me first,"' Rhoads said. "Apparently what she was trying to do was to save the younger girls." ─── “芭比已经开口说话了,她说玛丽安向歹徒要求‘来冲我开***!’,”罗德说。“显然她这样做的目的是想挽救其他比她小的孩子的*命。”

82、The time is 9 o'clock and this is Marian Snow with the news. ─── 现在是9点钟,我是玛丽安·斯诺,为您播报新闻。

83、The daughter of a poor, black Baptist preacher, Marian Wright Edelman grew up in the racially segregated South. ─── 玛丽安.赖特.埃德尔曼是一位贫穷的黑人浸信会传教士的女儿,她在实施种族隔离政策的美国南方长大。

84、"An' I just want to tell you, before I forget it, that you'd better send for marian to-morrow to take care of the children ─── 也告诉你一声:你明天最好打发人去叫茉莉安来看孩子。

85、Marian Wyman: Are you cheating Ralph? ─── 玛丽亚·威曼:你骗了拉尔夫?

86、For hundreds of years, Chartres has been a very important Marian pilgrimage center and today the faithful still come from the world over to honour the relic. ─── 几百年来,沙特尔俨然已是一个重要的圣母玛利亚的朝圣中心,直到今日,仍然有许多来自世界各地的人到这里来朝圣。

87、Minister of Work and Social Solidarity: Marian Sarbu ─── 劳动和社会团结部长:马里安·瑟尔布

88、"Barbie has been talking and she said Marian said, 'Shoot me first,"' Rhoads said. "A arently what she was trying to do was to save the younger girls." ─── “芭比已经开口说话了,她说玛丽安向歹徒要求‘来冲我开枪!’,”罗德说。“显然她这样做的目的是想挽救其他比她小的孩子的性命。”

89、Most of these shrines were Marian shrines, and they included the highly-popular shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, as well as other popular shrines at Ipswich, Worcester, Doncaster, and Penrise. ─── 大多数的神祠都是圣母玛丽亚的神祠,它们包括了在沃斯翰非常通俗的神祠,还有其他在艾斯威斯,沃斯特,当卡斯特,还有奔尼斯的通俗神祠。

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