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myositis 发音

英:[ˌmaɪəˈsaɪtɪs]  美:[ˌmaɪəˈsaɪtɪs]

英:  美:

myositis 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 肌炎


myositis 短语词组

1、parenchymatous myositis ─── [医] 实质性肌炎

2、myositis purulenta ─── [医] 脓性肌炎

3、myositis ossificans traumatica ─── [医] 创伤性骨化性肌炎

4、acute progressive myositis ─── [医] 急性进行性肌炎

5、myositis trichinosa ─── [网络] 肌炎旋毛虫

6、ischemic myositis ─── [医] 缺血性肌炎

7、myositis ossificans circumscripta ─── [医] 局限性骨化性肌炎

8、myositis ossificans ─── [医] 骨化性肌炎

9、acute disseminated myositis ─── [医] 原发性多发肌炎

10、myositis fibrosa ─── [医] 纤维性肌炎

11、myositis purulenta tropica ─── [医] 热带脓性肌炎

12、parasitic myositis ─── [医] 寄生性肌炎

13、myositis serosa ─── [医] 浆液性肌炎

14、epidemic myositis ─── [医] 流行性肌炎, 流行性胸膜痛

15、multiple myositis ─── [医] 多发性肌炎, 皮肌炎

16、inclusion body myositis ─── [医]包涵体肌炎

17、myositis a frigore ─── [医] 受寒性肌炎

18、myositis ossificans progressiva ─── [医] 进行性骨化性肌炎

19、infectious myositis ─── [医] 传染性肌炎, 间质性肌炎

myositis 相似词语短语

1、glossitis ─── n.[口腔]舌炎

2、myelitis ─── n.[内科]脊髓炎,骨髓炎

3、synovitis ─── n.[外科]滑膜炎

4、myosotis ─── n.勿忘我草;勿忘我属植物

5、polymyositis ─── n.[外科]多肌炎

6、myostatin ─── 肌生成抑制蛋白

7、myosotes ─── 肌体

8、myocarditis ─── n.[内科]心肌炎

9、myosis ─── n.瞳孔缩小;缩瞳症

myositis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ischemic myositis ─── [医] 缺血性肌炎

2、To investigate the clinical and pathological features of inclusion body myositis (IBM). ─── 探讨包涵体肌炎(ibm)的临床表现与病理特点。

3、traumatic myositis ossificans ─── 外伤性骨化性肌炎

4、Keywords animal model;idiopathic inflammatory myopathies;tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand;experimental autoimmune myositis; ─── 动物模型;特发性炎性肌病;肿瘤坏死因子相关凋亡诱导配体;实验性自身免疫性肌炎;

5、trichinostc myositis ─── 旋毛虫病肌炎

6、acute benign myositis ─── 急性良性肌炎

7、Alcoholic myositis ─── 乙醇性肌炎

8、Necrotizing myositis ─── 坏死性肌炎

9、myositis ossificans traumatica ─── [医] 创伤性骨化性肌炎

10、Sporadicinclusion body myositis clinical and pathological features ─── 散发型包涵体肌炎的临床与病理

11、Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) is an inflammatory disease in dogs affecting the muscles of the jaw. ─── 咀嚼肌肌炎是一种炎症性疾病,它影响到犬只的下颌肌。

12、His electrodiagnostic studies were felt to be suggestive of “inflammatory myositis” and he was referred to the Neuromuscular Clinic for further evaluation of possible inflammatory myopathy. ─── 他的电学研究被认为是暗示“炎症性肌炎” ,他提到了神经肌肉诊所作进一步评估可能的炎性肌病。

13、(8) immunity power is low: Power of the immunity when uremia is low easy cause infection, myositis of the heart after causing infection or pericarditis bring about heart function to fail thereby. ─── (8)免疫力低下:尿毒症时免疫力低下易引起感染,并引起感染后心肌炎或心包炎从而导致心功能衰竭。

14、Excision of myositis ossificans of hand ─── 手骨化肌炎切除术

15、If myositis of miocardial infarction, heart, angina reachs chronic coronary artery,offer hematic inadequacy to wait. ─── 如心肌梗塞、心肌炎、心绞痛及慢性冠状动脉供血不足等。

16、While proximal muscle weakness is usually present, the skin lesions can precede the myositis by weeks to years. ─── 常出现近侧肌无力,皮肤损害先于肌炎数周至数年。

17、Objective To investigate the clinic characteristic of middle-old age dermatomyositis (DM)/multiple myositis (PM). ─── 摘要目的探讨中老年皮肌炎/多发性肌炎(PM/DM)的临床特点。

18、Reichin M,Arnett FC. Multiplicity of autobodies in myositis sera[J]. Arthritis Rheum,1984,27:1150. ─── 曾定尹,张海山.心脏标记物的临床应用及进展[J].中国实用内科杂志,2002,22(1):7-9.

19、myositis purulenta ─── [医] 脓性肌炎

20、Methods An animal model of experimental myositis was produced in guinea-pigs by rabbit skeletal muscle homogenates with Freund s complete adjuvant(FCA). ─── 方法利用家兔骨骼肌匀浆加佛氏佐剂多次免疫豚鼠制成实验性肌炎模型,观察其在肌酶、肌电图(EMG)、病理的改变。

21、Clostridial myositis ─── 梭菌性肌炎

22、Idiopathic focal myositis is a rare clinical entity and is mostly localized in the neck and thigh muscles presenting as a pseudotumor. ─── 特发性局灶性肌炎是一种罕见的临床实体,主要是局部的脖子和大腿肌肉提出作为一个假。

23、Abstract: Objective To explore the high frequency ultrasound in ossificans myositis. ─── 文章摘要: 目的探讨高频超声在骨化性肌炎诊断中的作用。

24、Toxic shock syndrome reflects the most severe form of GAS-related disease and is often associated with fasciitis or myositis. ─── 中毒性休克综合征反映了最严重的气体有关的疾病,往往与筋膜炎或肌炎。

25、diffuse focal myositis ─── 弥散性局灶性肌炎

26、Report of a case with multiple myositis ossificans progressiva ─── 多发性进行性骨化性肌炎一例

27、While proximal muscle weakness is usually present, the skin lesions can precede the myositis by weeks to years. ─── 常出现近侧肌无力,皮肤损害先于肌炎数周至数年。

28、chronic tension myositis ─── 慢性紧张性肌炎

29、Bother you to give say what symptom heart myositis has? And is cardiac muscle enzymatic what symptom to have again? ─── 凡劳阁下给讲讲心赃肌肉炎有啥症侯?而心赃肌肉酶又来啥症侯呢?

30、Six cases of nodular fasciitis and 1 case of proliferative myositis showed spontaneous resolution following diagnosis by FNAC. ─── 有6例结节性筋膜炎及1例增生性肌炎临床自行消退。

31、Heart myositis and lobar anxiety patient are sensitive to strong heart glucoside, should notice dosage. ─── 心肌炎及肺心病患者对强心甙敏感,应注意用量。

32、Is taking Chinese traditional medicine the best therapeutics that treats heart myositis? ? ? ─── 吃中药是治疗心肌炎的最好疗法么???

33、20 Barohn RJ, Amato AA, Sahenk Z, et al. Inclusion body myositis: explanation for poor response to immunosuppressure therapy. Neurology, 1995, 45:1302-1304 ─── 中国神经免疫学和神经病学杂志1999年第4期第6卷综述作者:焉传祝李大年单位:山东医科大学附属医院神经内科,济南250012关键词:包涵体;肌炎...

34、Keywords Myositis ossificans;Surgical Strategy;Fracture Joint injiury; ─── 关节外伤;骨化性肌炎;外科治疗;

35、myositis fibrosa ─── 弗罗里普氏硬结

36、If sore throat is caused as a result of streptococcic infection, cure is not seasonable, can cause the complication such as myositis of rheumatism sex heart or endocarditis, rheumatoid arthritis. ─── 咽喉炎如果是由于链球菌感染引起的,治疗不及时,可引起风湿性心肌炎或心内膜炎、类风湿性关节炎等并发症。

37、suppurative myositis ─── 化脓性肌炎

38、chronic intra-orbital myositis ─── 慢性眼肌炎慢性眶内眼肌炎

39、The lesion is most common in elbow, huckle, thigh region and buttocks, although myositis ossificans traumatica of the maxillofacial region is extremely rare. ─── 其中,外伤性局限性骨化性肌炎常见于肘部、髋部、股部和臀部,发生于颌面部的骨化性肌炎较为罕见。

40、infective myositis ─── 感染性肌炎

41、A case with disseminated eosinophilic fascitis and myositis ─── 弥漫性嗜酸性筋膜炎伴肌炎一例

42、Have a fever in one's childhood what should notice after is the heart myositis that cause grown? ─── 小时候发烧引起的心肌炎成年后要注意些什么?

43、The patient avoid such as myositis of heart disease of reason rheumatism sex, heart is used. ─── 故风湿性心脏病、心肌炎等患者忌用。

44、We report on an unusual appearing ganglion cyst of the little finger in a swimmer with ossification resembling myositis ossificans. ─── 我们不寻常的报告显示腱鞘囊肿的小指头在游泳与骨化相似骨化性肌炎。

45、myositis a frigore ─── [医] 受寒性肌炎

46、Do both skin myositis and Red Spot lupus need which go over to make? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>医疗健康>内科>风湿科>皮肌炎和红斑狼疮都需要做哪些检查?

47、acute progressive myositis ─── 急性进行性肌炎

48、Objective To investigate the clinical and pathological features of inclusion body myositis (IBM). ─── 摘要目的探讨包涵体肌炎的临床与病理特点。

49、Therefore it suggest that the eosinophilic fasciitis be named as eosinophilic fascia-myositis. ─── 因此本文提出嗜酸细胞性筋膜炎应称嗜酸细胞性筋膜-肌炎。

50、Can you help me the anamnesis of myositis of some of a heart? ─── 可以帮我些一份心肌炎的病历吗?

51、sexperimental immune myositis ─── 实验性免疫性肌炎

52、The myositis improved promptly after initiation of immunosuppressive therapy with corticosteroids and azathioprine. ─── 该肌炎改善后立即启动免疫抑制治疗与皮质类固醇和硫唑嘌呤。

53、interstitial myositis ─── 传染性肌炎间质性肌炎

54、Of course,many more,such as Scleroderma ,Sjogren's syndrome,asculitis ,Myositis(includes polymyositis and dermatomyositis), Tennis Elbow , Frozen Shoulder, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,and so on . ─── 当然还有很多,比如硬皮病、干燥综合征、网球肘、冻结肩、腕管综合征等。

55、discuss the clinical features and diagnosis of Myositis Ossificans Progressiva. ─── 探讨进行性骨化性肌炎的临床特征和诊断要点。

56、acute squints in myositis ─── 急性肌炎性斜视

57、Inclusion body myositis ─── 包涵体肌炎

58、multiple myositis ─── [医] 多发性肌炎, 皮肌炎

59、acute disseminated myositis ─── [医] 原发性多发肌炎

60、External Application of Chinese Herbs Combined with Massage in Treating 86 Cases of Elbow Joint Traumatic Myositis Ossificans ─── 中药外治配合推拿治疗肘关节外伤性骨化性肌炎86例

61、a case of long term intramuscular injection also been reported and there are cases described in which EOS is presumed to be preceded by soft tissue sarcoma, such as myositis ossificans lesions. ─── 因长期反复肌肉注射引起或由其他的软组织肿瘤发展而成,如骨化性肌炎。

62、Diagnostic value of ultrasonography for localized myositis ossificans ─── 局限性骨化性肌炎的超声诊断价值

63、What is the symptom of heart myositis? ─── 心肌炎的症状是什么?

64、diffuse ossifying myositis ─── 弥漫性骨化性肌炎

65、myositis serosa ─── [医] 浆液性肌炎

66、(4) is other: Lumbar flesh sprain, send myositis of sexual rheumatism sex more, vertebral tumour. ─── (4)其他:腰肌扭伤,多发性风湿性肌炎,脊椎肿瘤。

67、Keywords the meathod of activating blood to resolve stasis;traumatic myositis ossificans/therapy of traditional Chinese medicine;clinic observation;animal experiment; ─── 活血化瘀法;创伤性骨化性肌炎/中医药疗法;临床实验;动物实验;

68、Establishment of the Animal Model of Experimental Autoimmune Myositis ─── 实验性自身免疫性肌炎动物模型制作的研究

69、proliferative myositis ─── 增生性肌炎

70、infectious myositis ─── 传染性肌炎

71、Pathological and immunopathological changes of polymyositis and inclusion body myositis ─── 多发性肌炎及包涵体肌炎的病理和免疫病理变化

72、parenchymatous myositis ─── [医] 实质性肌炎

73、epidemic myositis ─── 流行性肌炎

74、Sicca syndrome /diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome (DILS)and myositis were found in 11(11.22%)and 9(9.18%)cases respectively,the later including 1 case of zidovudine induced myopathy. ─── 11例Sicca综合征和/或弥漫性淋巴细胞浸润综合征(DILS),占11.2%;

75、myositis ossificans circumscripta ─── 局限性骨化性肌炎

76、Methods To review the FNAC features and clinical courses of 10 cases of nodular fasciitis,1 case of proliferative fasciitis and 1 case of proliferative myositis. ─── 方法:总结10例结节性筋膜炎,1例增生性筋膜炎,1例增生性肌炎的针吸细胞学改变及临床经过。

77、Experimental allergic myositis ─── 实验变应性肌炎

78、primary multiple myositis ─── [医] 原发性多发肌炎, 假毛线虫病

79、myositis purulenta tropica ─── [医] 热带脓性肌炎

80、This is a case report of a young female patient with myositis ossificans of the hand. ─── 摘要我们报告一例发生在年轻女性手上的骨化性肌炎。

81、trichinous myositis ─── [医] 旋毛虫性肌炎

82、Myeloid dendritic cells, which contribute to an immunologic synapse responsible for activation of the adaptive immune system, are abundant within muscle in inclusion body myositis and polymyositis. ─── 作用于免疫突触反应、活化适应性免疫应答的髓样树突状细胞在包涵体肌炎和多发性肌炎中大量存在。

83、proliferating myositis ─── 增殖性肌炎

84、Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) is an inflammatory disease in dogs affecting the muscles of the jaw. ─── 咀嚼肌肌炎是一种炎症性疾病,它影响到犬只的下颌肌。

85、parasitic myositis ─── [医] 寄生性肌炎

86、Among the above mentioned examination, the sensitivity of MRI for diagnosing the myositis in the active stage was statistically higher than that of the CPK and the muscle biopsy (P

87、What symptom does heart myositis have? ─── 心肌炎有什么症状?

88、Effect of Artesunate on Experimental Immune Myositis Animal Model Zhou Qian, Gao Yuxiang, Jin Huiling. Department of Dermatology, Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, Anhui 233004 ─── 中华皮肤科杂志1998年第4期第31卷论著作者:周倩高玉祥金慧玲单位:233004安徽,蚌埠医学院附属医院皮肤科关键词:青蒿琥酯;多发性肌炎;皮肌炎;动物实验...

89、Keywords rats;animal model;myositis; ─── 大鼠;动物模型;肌炎;

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