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10-02 投稿


martel 发音

英:  美:

martel 中文意思翻译



martel 短语词组

1、Martel's clamp ─── [医] 马特耳氏结肠夹(钳)

martel 相似词语短语

1、martello ─── n.圆形炮塔;圆形石堡(等于Martellotower)

2、cartel ─── n.卡特尔;企业联合;垄断联盟;俘虏交换条约;n.(Cartel)人名;(法)卡泰尔

3、marvel ─── v.感到惊奇(或好奇);大为赞叹;n.令人惊异的人(或事);不平凡的成果,成就;奇迹;十分有用(灵巧)的物(人);惊讶,惊奇;n.(Marvel)(美)马弗尔(人名)

4、artel ─── n.(俄)合作社;n.(Artel)人名;(西)阿特尔

5、cartels ─── n.卡特尔;联合企业(cartel的复数)

6、martelé ─── adj.槌弓奏法的

7、Martel ─── n.战槌;n.(Martel)人名;(德、英、法、西、葡)马特尔

8、marten ─── n.貂;貂皮;n.(Marten)人名;(意、俄、法、德、英、荷、西)马滕

9、marcel ─── n.大波浪发型;v.把(头发)烫成大波浪发型

martel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In 732,Charles Martel gave his soldiers estates known as fiefs as a reward for their service. ─── 公元732年,法兰克地区的一个叫查尔斯马特尔的统治者向他的下属分封采邑,感谢他们所提供的服务。

2、J.P.Taylor and the historians /edited by Gordon Martel. ─── 书名 :The origins of the Second World War reconsidered :A.

3、Dr Martel and his colleagues have developed software to do just that. ─── 马特尔博士和他们的同事们开发了软件来完成这个任务。

4、Meerkats are also mentioned in Yann Martel's Life of Pi. ─── 在迪士尼电影狮子王中登场的丁满是最广为人知的狐獴角色。

5、There was also a golf bag,a dozen balls and a pair of golf shoes.The box was marked.It came from Martel's Department Store. ─── 你跟许多人一样,花钱大手大脚,这就是你,一个挥霍无度的人。"

6、Martel's clamp ─── [医] 马特耳氏结肠夹(钳)

7、Dr Martel and his colleagues have developed software to do just that. ─── 博士和他们的同事们开发了软件来完成这个任务。

8、But when Martel and Young tested this product as part of their study, they found that the antibodies detected by the test also react with albumin, a protein widely found in blood serum. ─── 但是,当Martel和Young将测试这种产品作为他们研究的一部分时,他们发现实验中抗体检测同时也和白蛋白(一种广泛存在于血清中的物质)发生了反应。

9、How Do Legal Differences and Learning Affect Financial Contract Steven Kaplan Frederic Martel Per Stromberg ─── 费雷德里克·马特尔佩尔·施特龙贝格

10、The content of this page is from the MARTEL port or MARTEL customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自MARTEL港口或MARTEL海关的进出口公司目录;

11、I stretched my legs under the living-room desk, picked up a letter and cut it open.It came from Martel's Department store. ─── 理解 by Perry Sailor 夫妻本应该互相信任,互相理解,否则,爱的表示也会引起唇枪舌战,反目成仇。

12、Dr Martel and his colleagues have developed software to do just that. ─── 马特尔博士和他们的同事们开发了软件来完成这个任务。

13、The Gavel Of Pain - Martel de Fer ─── 痛苦木锤-战锤

14、I said Martel' s made a mistake. ─── 我说马特尔商场弄错了。

15、Martel's scalp flap forceps ─── 马特尔(氏)头皮钳

16、Potts-De Martel cardiovascular scissors ─── 波-德二氏心血管手术剪

17、There, the local children, along with school principal Liliana Martel and their teachers, gathered at their school, eagerly awaiting Masters gifts. ─── 校长莉莉安那马蒂尔Liliana Martel带领着孩童们和老师聚学校里,热切地等待礼物。

18、Martel's forceps for the protection of the appendix during cauterization ─── 马特尔(氏)阑尾电灼保护钳

19、By Yann Martel. A charming story of an Indian boy lost in the middle of the ocean with a tiger. A great read. ─── 作者扬·马特尔,这是关于一个印度男孩和一头孟加拉虎在太平洋漂流的历险故事,一个扣人心弦的故事。

20、In torments, old Martel watches this grainy surveillance footage every night, like a producer watching the daily rushes, while a lip-reader must recite the lovers' amorous whisperings live. ─── 晚年的马德尔便这样折磨自己,每夜观看这些微碎的监视录像片段,彷如制作人观看每天的匆促影片;唇读者定要读谂恋人之间的绵绵情话。

21、The Saracens were stopped in 732 in Poitiers by Charles Martel, grand father of Charlemagne, a rather rough warior who was later painted as a national hero. ─── 而撒拉逊人则在732年被查理·马特(查理曼大帝伟大的父亲,一个相当勇猛的勇士,一个后来被视为民族英雄的人物)阻止在普瓦捷城。

22、Do you know a Paul Martel? ─── 你认识保罗·马提尔吗?

23、This has several advantages, says Dr Martel. ─── 这有几个好处,马特尔博士说。

24、Martel's intestinal clamp ─── 马特尔(氏)肠钳

25、Martel's conductor for Gigli's wire saws ─── 马特尔(氏)季格利(氏)线锯导引器

26、Damien Martel ─── 玛德伯爵(1878-1940),法国人,外交官,曾任驻华公使。

27、Martel's haemorrhoidal forceps ─── 马特尔(氏)痔钳

28、Lens President Gervais Martel said he will do all that is in his power to protect the rights of his club and of all French football. ─── 郎斯的主席杰维斯·马特尔说他会在他力所能及的范围内用尽全力去保卫他的俱乐部和法国足球的利益。

29、I need to thank Yann Martel for writing this incredible, inspiring book. ─── 我很感谢雅·玛特尔写出了这部极具启发性的著作。

30、Charles Martel ─── Martel

31、Maiza D, Theron J, Martel B, et al. Acute caroticl occlusion: Thrombolytic treatment[J].J Mal Uasc, 1996, 21(SuppL A): 83. ─── 李瑞娥,安玉琴,田洁.静脉脉留置针失败的相关因素分析及护理[J].护理研究,2005,19(11):2447.






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