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10-02 投稿


mucosity 发音


英:  美:

mucosity 中文意思翻译



mucosity 相似词语短语

1、morosity ─── 郁闷

2、amorosity ─── 无定形

3、gulosity ─── n.饕餮;贪食,贪得无厌

4、rugosity ─── n.皱纹;满是皱纹

5、dumosity ─── 杜姆度

6、mucidity ─── 粘液性

7、fumosity ─── 烟熏

8、jocosity ─── n.诙谐,戏谑;开玩笑

9、tumulosity ─── 肿胀

mucosity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Numerical Simulation of Airflow with Displacement Ventilation When Thinking of Molecular Mucosity near Wall ─── 考虑近壁区域分子粘性的置换通风数值模拟

2、The protection correlates with enhancing the ability of the gastric muco sa to clear the oxygen free radical.It has no significant effects on the gastri c content and the gastric folds bound mucus. ─── 这种粘膜保护作用与其提高胃粘膜清除氧自由基能力有关,而对胃液成分及胃壁结合粘液含量无明显影响。

3、And it can reduce the mucosity to meet the meet the starching technique promotion of”two high one low”. ─── 浆液粘度下降,符合了现在浆纱工艺中 “ 两高一低 ” 的理论。

4、make have claw, inlay, mucosity. ─── 制造有抓,镶,粘。

5、Study about mucosity-fluidity of chitosan and its fastness on fabric facies ─── 壳聚糖的粘流性及织物表面固着的研究

6、Symptom: there are some small spots nearby the forehead and eyes, then turned into big hole.Fish dragged white, mucosity and long shit The fish debilitated rapidly and died. ─── 症状:额头和眼睛附近有一个或数个小点,然后转变为大洞。病鱼排白色粘液便粘于肛门呈拖粪状。鱼迅速衰弱,直至死亡。

7、gastric mucos ─── 胃粘膜

8、Keywords chitosan;mucosity;antimicrobial textile Finish;air permeability;concretion; ─── 壳聚糖;粘度;抗菌织物整理;透气性;固着;

9、Keywords special mucosity;solid content;convert rate; ─── 特性黏度;固含量;转化率;

10、The Seedling Cultivation and Transplant of Mucosity Corn by Big Ridge, Double Row and Film ─── 糯玉米大垄、双行覆膜育苗移栽技术

11、Fish dragged white, mucosity and long shit The fish debilitated rapidly and died. ─── 病鱼排白色粘液便粘于肛门呈拖粪状。鱼迅速衰弱,直至死亡。

12、And it can reduce the mucosity to meet the meet the starching technique promotion of "two high one low" . ─── 浆液粘度下降,符合了现在浆纱工艺中“两高一低”的理论。

13、Hb was gradually ascent. Compared the content of LPO and mucos al SOD,GSH in patients with those of nonspleen-defiency patients,the difference was markedly significant (P

14、Then the thesis provide a method for reckoning the mucosity capacity of the block. ─── 据此,本文提出了植有销钉的构件界面粘结能力的计算方法。

15、Numerical Simulation of Airflow with Displacement Ventilation When Thinking of Molecular Mucosity near Wall ─── 考虑近壁区域分子粘性的置换通风数值模拟

16、Its is show that the rength of surface blended mud is reduced.It is different of the curves of ress-displacement of natural surface and bended mud surface,and the phenomena of mucosity is weakened. ─── 结果表明:在接触面掺泥时,抗剪强度的粘聚力和内摩擦角都有不同程度的降低,其中粘聚力下降明显,并且剪应力与摩擦位移关系曲线有明显不同,而且粘滑现象明显渐弱。

17、Study of the impact of crucial enzyme in starch synthesization on the mucosity of paddy rice ─── 淀粉合成关键酶对水稻粘特性的影响

18、Setting make have claw,inlay,mucosity. ─── 手工制造有抓,镶,粘。

19、model of hydraulic breaker piston movement. A non-linear hydraulic breaker model was built, in which mucosity resistance and leakage was taken into account. ─── 建立了包含粘性阻力和泄露等因素在内的液压破碎锤非线性模型。

20、Methods:Eighty-four cases were operated with 3 different methods,in c luding urethroplasty with tube made of skin flap;with tube made of bladder mucos a,or with tube made of prepuce intima. ─── 方法:84例采用皮管埋藏尿道成形术、膀胱粘膜代尿道术、带蒂包皮内板皮管法三种术式。

21、Keywords rhubarb;burn;intestinal immune function;muco membranous barrier; ─── 大黄;烧伤;肠道免疫功能;粘膜屏障;

22、Aim at those material which mucosity is higher,difficult to cooling,we have searched hot cutter with water-ring system of XTR. ─── 针对一些黏度较高,不易冷却的物料,本公司自行研究开发出了XTR型水环热切系统。

23、The result of the experiments shows that the pin benefit to improve the capacity for mucosity and ductility. ─── 试验表明,销钉的存在使得界面粘结能力及延性均有提高,尤其是当销钉数量较多且分布较均匀时。

24、Keywords polysaccharide from ultramicro-bacteria Glaciecola;extraction by water;ultrasonic treatment;polysaccharide yield;mucosity;surface tension; ─── 超微细菌多糖;水浸提法;超声处理;多糖得率;黏度;表面张力;

25、Influence and Precaution for the Variation of Vehicle Lubricating Oil Mucosity ─── 汽车润滑油粘度变化对发动机的影响及预防探要

26、Soil of dolomite areas in Guiyang is thin , soil component are mainly thick and thin sand , and there was not mucosity characteristic, soil structure is better. ─── 贵阳市白云岩地区土层较薄,土壤主要由细砂和粉砂组成,没有出现粘化特征,土壤结构性较好。

27、Fish dragged white, mucosity and long shit The fish debilitated rapidly and died. ─── 鱼迅速衰弱,直至死亡。

28、Control of Acid Number and Mucosity of Rolling Oil for Aluminum Foil Coarse Rolling ─── 铝箔粗轧制油的粘度与酸值控制

29、Studies of Trapping Methods for Liriomyza Adults by Using Yellow Mucosity Cards ─── 黄色粘卡对斑潜蝇成虫诱集方法的试验研究

30、Results Among the cases reported here, 8 had Kaposi s sarcoma, 8 showed masses in the neck, 4 were with ulcers on the skin or on oral and pharyngeal muco... ─── 结论艾滋病患者以咽喉、口腔部卡波氏肉瘤及黏膜溃疡出现最早,应引起高度警惕及重视。

31、Aim at those material which mucosity is higher, difficult to cooling, we have searched hot cutter with water-ring system of XTR. ─── 针对一些黏度较高,不易冷却的物料,本公司自行研究开发出了XTR型水环热切系统。

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