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10-02 投稿


monology 发音


英:  美:

monology 中文意思翻译



monology 相似词语短语

1、phonology ─── n.音系学;音韵学;语音体系

2、monologic ─── adj.独白的;独白式的

3、monolog ─── n.独白;滔滔不绝的话;独角戏(等于monologue)

4、demonology ─── n.魔鬼研究;鬼神学

5、monologs ─── n.独白;滔滔不绝的话;独角戏(等于monologue)

6、monologue ─── n.独白

7、iconology ─── n.象征主义;肖像学

8、monadology ─── n.单子论

9、menology ─── n.(希腊教)圣诞节日历;(记有大事的)月历

monology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、 双语使用场景

2、The monolog of a prisoner ─── 囚犯老张的独白

3、Reliable Transport (RT)-Turn service was received on a monolog connection. ─── 在单连接上接收到Reliable Transport(RT)-Turn服务。

4、This type of performance was paralell to our Chinese "Peking repartee in monolog", but surely was more complicated. ─── 最后演完的时候,演员汗流浃背,真为他精彩表演和敬业精神喝彩。

5、Peking repartee in monolog ─── 单口相声

6、If the both sides hope so , the conversations will be like dialogs among the deaf , which we call "group monolog" . ─── 当双方同时都希望被了解的时候,我们称之为"集体独白",是聋子的对话。

7、Based on two monolog spoken Chinese corpus of Korean and Chinese male articulators, we investigated features of prosodic boundaries. ─── 摘要本文对韩汉两名男性发音人的汉语独白口语语料库进行了语料的转写和实验语音分析,重点比较韩汉发音人韵律边界的各个特征。

8、Monolog foreordained by my words ─── 我对自己说:一定要好好活着!

9、monolog instructional dialogue ─── 独白型教学对话

10、Monolog: Sometimes we are on a collision course and we just don't know it. Whether it's by accident or by design, there's not a thing we can do about it. ─── 事情的发展总是无独有偶,我们就是不知道。不管是偶然的还是注定的,我们无能为力。

11、If you are not present, there will be a monolog. ─── 如果你不来,这个沙龙会是自说自话;

12、Telling the true story of the world in interior monolog. ─── 用内心之独白,讲世界真故事。

13、What is important in this dissertation is that, inspired by the dialogism of Barhtin, dialogism is practised in a higher level in monolog and the structure of latent dialogue. ─── 此外,在巴赫金对话理论的启示之下,本文还把对话提到了一个更高的层次,探讨了独白式对话体语篇的对话性及潜对话结构。

14、We analyzed the theatricality through person's monolog, and took apart the psychology of characters and the deep moral of the author. ─── 茨威格小说中的独白、对白及旁白,充分反映了个中的戏剧特质和小说家的深层寓意。

15、In the narrative position of individuation, in manner of monolog to show sexuality is an important characteristic of feminine novel in the 1990s. ─── 在个体化的叙事立场下,用独白的方式言说肉身欲望是20世纪90年代女性小说身体话语的重要特点。

16、the teacher’s monolog summarization is the typical manner in the ending. ─── 观察记录表有助于教师和家长之间的互动;

17、Monolog: Sometimes we are on a collision course and we just don't know it. ─── 事情的发展总是无独有偶,我们就是不知道。

19、The students are dancing, and choose four students to monolog aside in turns with the sentences they have learned in class. ─── [设计意图:鼓励学生上台表演对话或自编对话,灵活运用知识进行交际,用角色扮演的形式再次巩固,培养学生的合作精神。

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