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10-04 投稿


misinterpreter 发音


英:  美:

misinterpreter 中文意思翻译



misinterpreter 相似词语短语

1、misinterpretable ─── 曲解的

2、misinterred ─── 不信任

3、misinterpreted ─── vt.曲解,误解

4、interpreter ─── n.解释者;口译者;注释器

5、misinterpreting ─── vt.曲解,误解

6、misinterpret ─── vt.曲解,误解

7、interpreted ─── v.理解;解释(interpret的过去式和过去分词);把…理解为;演绎(按自己的感觉演奏音乐或表现角色);口译

8、interpreters ─── n.解释器;直译程式;[计]解释程序;口译者(interpreter的复数)

9、misinterprets ─── vt.曲解,误解

misinterpreter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In HTML, it normally signifies the start of a tag, so if you insert it simply as part of your text, the browser will get confused and probably misinterpret your document. ─── 在HTML中,它通常表示一个标签的开始,所以如果你只是简单地把它插入到文本中作为一部分的话,浏览器会感到十分困惑,并因此可能错误地解释你的文档。

2、However,many researchers and managers misinterpret teacher performance assessment as "incorrect" teacher assessment,while they apotheosize teacher professional development assessment as "co. ─── 许多研究者与管理者却把教师绩效评价曲解为“不正确”的教师评价,而把发展性教师评价神化为“正确”的教师评价。

3、Don抰 try to misinterpret and lie in your own way. ─── 不要用你们的方式曲解我们和撒谎。

4、Your brain can misinterpret even dim lights and wonder if it should wake you up. Total darkness tells your brain it's time to sleep. ─── 即使极微弱的光也能让大脑误以为该叫醒你。完全的黑暗才会示意大脑进入睡眠状态。

5、It seems to be the mainstream in contemporary Chinese vanguard arts to tease the society,to misinterpret classics,to disintegrate nobility and to topple arts. ─── 调侃社会、消解经典、解构崇高、颠覆艺术 ,是乎成为当下中国前卫美术的主流态势。

6、Don't blow situations out of proportion or you could find that others will misinterpret what really happened. ─── 不要打破比例否则妳会发现其他人会曲解真正发生的事情。

7、2.In any computer system, the machine will always misinterpret, misconstrue, misprint, or not evaluate any math or subroutines or fail to print any output on at least the first run through. ─── 任何计算机系统,至少是在第一次运行时,它总是错误地或歪曲地解释、胡乱打印、或根本不会数学,也不会运行任何子程序、或打印不出任何结果。

8、It is normol for children to misinterpret the meaning of a word. ─── 小孩子曲解词义是很正常的事。

9、IAD should not be included in mental disease because of insufficient scientific base,easily lead to misinterpret and misleading, and it is a representation of medicalization in psychiatry. ─── 网络成瘾目前归为精神疾病的科学依据不足、容易引起误解和误导,是医学化在精神科中的又一表现。

10、Perhaps she does you good but you misinterpret it. ─── 也许她是为了你好,但是你曲解了她。

11、Unless a link to the official release from the Ministry was provided, it was far too easy to misinterpret the new law (and the ramifications it would have within the MMO industry). ─── 如果你没有阅读官方发布的内容,将会很容易误读这新项新法与其将对MMO产业造成的影响。

12、I feel I must qualify my earlier remarks in case they are misinterpret . ─── 我觉得我得把我说的话改得具体些,以免产生误解。

13、When conversations turn to inter-office politics, get out before someone can misinterpret your words to fit their cause. ─── 所以当话题转到办公室政治的时候,趁别人套你的话之前赶紧离开。

14、It is easy to misinterpret these findings. ─── 这些发现很容易被曲解。

15、It may be not allowed by “masters” (the nation and people), if you misinterpret, violate, oppose or endanger it, or bring something from others to change or eliminate it. ─── 如果是有意曲解、违背、对抗、危害它,或是将别的东西带来改变、消灭它。“主人”(国家和人民)当然是不容许的。

16、To understand incorrectly; misinterpret. ─── 误解错误理解;误解

17、Women misinterpret a man's pulling away because generally a woman pulls away for different reasons. ─── 女人通常误解男人“抽离”的意思,因为她们之所以会采取抽离的方式,其理由和男人不同。

18、In association with remote countries, communication is essential. The words of the state chief should be expressed faithfully. Don't add malicious inflammatory details and don't misinterpret it. ─── 与远方的国家交往,则注重沟通。国家元首交代的话要忠实地表达,不可加油添醋,任意曲解。言必或传之。夫传两喜两怒之言,天下之难者也。

20、to misinterpret somebody's restraint as a sign of weakness ─── 错把某人的克制当作软弱的表现

21、Don't misinterpret my comments as criticism. She misconstrued my remarks. ─── 别把我的评论误解成恶意的批评,她曲解了我的评论。

22、Hirako is shock while Aizen continues to talk about making enemy misinterpret the atmosphere around them is the true power of Kyouka Suigetsu. ─── ''平子震惊,蓝染继续说他怎样能令敌人完全错误接收他们处身的环境,这是镜花水月的能力,也就是绝对催眠.

23、It is easy to become confused by legal terminology and misinterpret the meaning ... and policy relevant to the adult population with learning disabilities. ─── 人们很容易成为困惑和曲解法律术语的含义 ... 与政策相关的成人人口中有学习障碍。

24、Adopting the standpoint, viewpoint and methods of Marxism, the author of this article judges and rebuts the Habermas"s misinterpret and attacking of historical materialism. ─── 本文运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法来评判并反驳哈贝马斯对历史唯物主义的曲解和攻击。

25、One study also found that medical interns working on the night shift are twice as likely as others to misinterpret hospital test records, which could endanger their patients. ─── 一项研究发现,夜间值班的实习医生对化验报告的误解可能造成病人危险的发生率是平时的两倍。

26、Misinterpret Words Through Taking Then Literally ─── 浅谈英汉翻译中的望文生义

27、Or it's you who misinterpret them. ─── 或者是你误解他们。

28、permissible misinterpret ─── 许可的错误判断

29、Each side may misinterpret what the other side has said ─── 谈判的一方误解另一方的表述

30、The wording of the lease is so clear - cut that no one could possibly misinterpret its meaning. ─── 契约上的措辞如此清楚明了因而没人可能误解它的意思

31、1.misunderstanding; misconstruction 2.to misconstrue; to misinterpret; to misapprehend; to misconceive; to misunderstand ─── 误解

32、People often misinterpret what simplify means. ─── 人们往往误解了简单的含义。

33、Today, we have many opportunities to misinterpret or misunderstand what someone does or says. ─── 今天,我们有很多机会把人家的所作的,所说的,看错了,误会他。

34、Do not use multiline comments within the conditional compilation blocks since engines that do not support conditional compilation may misinterpret them. ─── 不要在条件编译块中使用多行注释,因为不支持条件编译的引擎可能会对其作出错误解释。

35、However, do not misinterpret this and think that little or no pay is required. ─── 但是,不要误解,以为这是必须付出很少或没有。

36、Please allow me to assure you that you partially misinterpret my emotions. ─── 请允许我向你说清楚,你部分地误解了我的感情。

37、Gotals often misinterpret the emotions of other species, occasionally mistaking affection for love, anger for imminent violence, and envy for murderous intent. ─── 戈塔尔人常常误解其他种族的感情变化,比如把好感当作爱意,把生气当作暴怒,把嫉妒当作刻骨的仇恨。

38、To mistake the meaning of; misinterpret. ─── 误解错误地领会了 ... 的意思; 误解

39、It would be easy to misinterpret results from such a small sample. ─── 从这样小的一份抽样出发容易得出曲解的结论。

40、The staff that the site is nothing wrong with this approach is that users will not misinterpret the intention of Li Yang, the article should be read blog to comment. ─── 该工作人员认为网站的这种做法很不妥,希望网友不要曲解李阳的本意,应该将博客文章看完再发表看法。

41、Discussing the Misinterpret for cost of Project Management and Reform Cognition in Present of China ─── 论当前我国工程造价管理与改革认识上的误区

42、It seems that few employees know how to take criticism constructively. It's only too easy to misinterpret a critical comment about a piece of work as a personal attack. ─── 看来很少有公司雇员懂得如何建设性地接受批评意见。对于一项工作的批评太容易被误解为人身攻击了。

43、The bottom line is that we must accept our children for who they are and allow them to become what they will be.But don't misinterpret acceptance as permissiveness. ─── 底线是,我们一定要承认(或译:接受)孩子的现实状况,并允许他们按自己的意愿成长,当然,不要把这种允许当成是放任自流。

44、How did they misinterpret Jesus? ─── 他们是如何误解了耶稣的意思呢?

45、In cases where the character might cause the XML parser to misinterpret the document structure, use the entity instead of typing the character. ─── 如果字符可能会使XML分析器错误地解释文档结构,请使用实体,而不要键入字符。

46、Abstract: The misinterpret reasons of chromatographic analysis in a function example are introduced. The misinterpret factors in chromatographic are presented. ─── 摘要:本文介绍了一具体实例色谱分析中引起误判断的原因,并指出了色谱分析中应注意的误判断因素。

47、Do not misinterpret the meaning of humanitarianism and be bogged down by concern over the loss of lives which may be inevitable ─── 恰恰是向恶势力低头的行为。

48、People often misinterpret what simplification means. It's not a way to remove work from your life. ─── 人们往往误解了简化生活的意思,这不是要你放弃所有的工作。

49、That there will be no more death. Don't misunderstand or misinterpret! but the INTERPRETATION of death will be made plain. ─── 将没有更多的死亡。不要有误解或曲解了它的意思!但是会简单明了阐述死亡的说法。

50、Some will misinterpret it but my intentions are real and kind, not scornful or demeaning (gosh, that’ll be the last on my mind, if in existence at all! ─── 我看了一下周围,咦,我们不就在互动性更强的一个三面台空间里头吗?

51、Voldemort, of course, does not so much misinterpret the prophecy as not hear all of it (OP37). ─── 伏地魔并没有对预言做出错误解释,但问题在于他并没有听到全部的预言(OP37)。

52、There is nothing of the kind in what they said;you always try to misinterpret the words of others. ─── 他们说的绝不是那么一回事,你总是想曲解别人的话。

53、In fact, specifying any other doctype may cause the browser to misinterpret your document when displaying it for the user. ─── 实际上,如果指定了其他文档类型,那么浏览器可能会错误地显示文档。

54、Option One: Did the Supreme Court misinterpret the Fourteenth Amendment in the cases from Slaughterhouse to the turn of the century? ─── 选项一:最高法院在从屠宰场案到未20世纪初有否曲解了第十四修正案?

55、Try not to misinterpret any word from the given exercise. ─── 努力不要曲解我所给予的练习中的任何一个字眼。

56、On remand, the agency may simply produce a better rationalization for its action, or reach the same result using different procedures, or misinterpret the court's directives (perhaps intentionally). ─── 面对发回重审的决定,机关或许只是为其行为提出一个更适宜的合理说明,或借助不同的程序得出同样的结果,或曲解法院的指令(大概是蓄意的)。

57、Further, the “truth” people believe might misinterpret and misrepresent relatively because people only believe what they seek. ─── 相对地,扭曲得十分严重,因为-人类只会把想看到的东西,当作是真相;

58、People often misinterpret what simplify means.It's not a way to remove work from your life. ─── 许多人误解了“简化”的含义,它不是指将工作从生活中划掉。

59、Baleful and misinterpret his country the history, do not respect what civilization and custom are used to human civilization, his country; ─── 恶意曲解他国历史,不尊重人类文明、他国文明和风俗习惯的;

60、Sometimes your friends misinterpret what you do or say.Or it’s you who misinterpret them. ─── 有时候,你的朋友曲解了你的所作所为或者你曲解了他们。

61、Battle No. 1: Employees misinterpret the dress code or they don't abide by it. ─── 搏斗1:员工误解了公司对衣着的规定,或者根本不会去遵守。

62、As studies show, and many women will attest, men tend to misinterpret innocent friendliness as a sign that women are sexually interested in them. ─── 正如研究所表明的,当然很多女人也可以证明,男性通常会把女性单纯的示好误认为是这个女人对他们有意思。

63、Don't misinterpret my comments as criticism ; She misconstrued my remarks. ─── 别把我的评论误解成恶意的批评;她曲解了我的评论。

64、Consumers may misinterpret the blood glucose results displayed, overestimating blood glucose levels, and may have a reaction of hypoglycemia. ─── 消费者很可能被血糖仪显示的结果误导,认为自己血糖过高或过低。

65、Point out the true meaning that should understand Marx labor theory of value deep, prevent misinterpret and garble; ─── 指出要深入理解马克思劳动价值论的真谛 ,防止曲解和断章取义 ;

66、Anyone can misinterpret something once or twice, he said, but regularly not noticing eidence of ill health is a serious red flag. ─── 任何人都可以对某事误解一次或两次,但时常不察觉疾病迹象,那就亮起了严重的红灯。

67、 双语使用场景

68、He was, after all, a very English poet, and one can easily misinterpret the universal by misunderstanding the particular. ─── 毕竟,他是一位非常英国化的诗人,一个很容易因为误解特例而曲解常理的人。

69、Include history of civilization of baleful and misinterpret China, China and historical historical fact; ─── 包括恶意曲解中华文明、中国历史和历史史实的;

70、If the program expresses itself with Boolean notation, the user can be expected to misinterpret it. ─── 如果程序用布尔符号来表达,你看着吧,用户很可能会曲解。

71、The west is former Russia even the valuation problem existence of a few scholars to Marxism plutonomy is misunderstanding, misinterpret, it is calumniatory even. ─── 西方甚至是原苏联一些学者对马克思主义政治经济学的价值判断问题存在误解、曲解,甚至是诽谤。

72、misinterpret sb's remarks/what sb says ─── 误解某人的话某人的意思

73、Thus, when speakers of these two cultures are leaving each other, if the English speaker gestures "good bye", the Far Eastern speaker may misinterpret the signal as meaning, "come back here. ─── 因此,当这两种文化的人彼此要道别时,万一英语系人士以手势表示“再见”,那位远东人士很可能误解这个手势为“过来”之意。)

74、There is nothing of the kind in what they said; you always try to misinterpret the words of others. ─── 他们说的绝不是那么一回事, 你总是想曲解别人的话。

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