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10-03 投稿


zany 发音

英:[ˈzeɪni]  美:[ˈzeɪni]

英:  美:

zany 中文意思翻译




zany 网络释义

adj. 滑稽的;古怪的;愚蠢的n. 小丑;笨人;马屁精

zany 词性/词形变化,zany变形


zany 相似词语短语

1、any ─── det.任何的;任一;一点,些许;尽可能多的;pron.任何数量;任一,任何一些;任何人;adv.一点也(不),丝毫;(用于否定句末)根本(不);(非正式)多少,压根儿;adj.任何的;所有的;丝毫的;n.(Any)(美、俄、法、墨、巴)阿尼(人名)

2、many ─── det.许多;pron.许多;许多人;adj.许多的;n.大多数人;n.(Many)(美、法、加、印)马尼(人名)

3、wany ─── adj.不等径的;缺棱的;衰落的(等于waney)

4、Fanny ─── n.范妮。英文名字。女性用。可单用,亦可做为Frances(弗朗西丝)的简称。此名亦在法国女性名字中出现。译为法妮。该名字有“自由”的含义。

5、Fany ─── abbr.急救护士队(FirstAidNursingYeomanry);n.(Fany)人名;(罗、柬)法尼

6、Lanny ─── 兰尼(男子名)

7、Arany ─── n.(Arany)人名;(罗)阿拉尼;(匈)奥洛尼

8、Danny ─── n.丹尼(男子名,等于Daniel)

9、cany ─── adj.藤的,藤制的;状似手杖的;布满藤条的;以藤丛为特点的;n.(Cany)(法)卡尼(人名)

zany 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This creates very spontaneous and zany looking animation and is used for wild, scrambling action. ─── 这就很自发故事看动画和用于野生乱行动。

2、This creates very spontaneous and zany looking animation and is used for wild, scrambling action. ─── 这就很自发故事看动画和用于野生乱行动。

3、Race and battle against zany opponents and turn them to dust with 8 devastating weapons. ─── 种族和斗争滑稽对手并把他们尘8破坏性武器。

4、Plunge into the heart of the zany world of Rayman Kart and go up against the Raving Rabbit, Globox, and other characters from the Rayman series on 16 different courses. ─── 通过疯狂的比赛中漂亮的侧滑来赢得积分换取破坏性的武器和阴险的小道具掉入雷曼的滑稽幽默世界并且向疯狂的兔子以及众多邪恶的角色斗争(16关)!!!

5、a buffoonish walk; a clownish face; a zany sense of humor. ─── 滑稽的脚步;滑稽的脸;幽默、诙谐的感觉。

6、What a zany the old chap must be, to light a bonfire when there's no youngsters to please ─── 这个老头子真是糊涂虫,要不怎么会没有小孩子哄,就点火玩儿呢。

7、a buffoonish walk; a clownish face; a zany sense of humor ─── 滑稽的脚步;滑稽的脸;幽默、诙谐的感觉

8、Judging by the script's tone, the film will vary wildly between the sweet, the saccharine and the zany. ─── 从脚本的调性判断,本片可以拍得很甜蜜温馨,也可以很疯狂好笑。

9、1.She made us all laugh with her zany tricks. ─── 她那些滑稽的恶作剧逗得我们都大笑起来。

10、Is that zany approach an advantage for you or for your viewers? ─── 问:你搞那些装疯卖傻的噱头,对你,还是对你的观众有好处?

11、"and the name of the jesting valet, Zanni(or zany ), is used to describe any comic "cutup", on the stage or off. " ─── 今天人们还用剧中插科打诨的男仆扎尼的名字来指剧中或生活中滑稽可笑的事。

12、The narrative sounds like a zany pitch from a parody of Hollywood filmmaking (like Robert Altman's The Player). ─── 故事好像模仿了好莱坞滑稽剧(如罗伯特·阿特曼的《队员》),听起来很离奇,而且实际上也是这样。

13、2.They threw their King Kong together with an unthinking haste that accounts for its zany illogic. ─── 他们在一片未思索的匆忙中,匆匆把金刚凑在一起,而必须为电影的荒唐不合逻辑负责。

14、Like most people, you enjoy being free-spirited and childish on occasion and you enjoy zany comedy or other entertainments to periodically break the usual routine. ─── 你崇尚精神自由,偶尔会显得孩子气。你喜欢滑稽喜剧和一些其他打破成规的娱乐活动。

15、Michael made us all laugh with his zany tricks. ─── 迈克尔玩儿弄各种可笑的把戏把我们都逗笑了。

16、zany humour ─── 古怪的幽默

17、Use your scanner to figure out what’s got him this time, whether it`s too much junk food, or some zany virus, and get to work. ─── 也许您是被网络公司业务员再三的劝告,才准备投资建设网站,提醒您注意,必须在一开始就明确:您能够利用网站做什么?

18、Organizers collected a range of bold, sometimes zany, approaches to the threat of an increasingly inhospitable world. ─── 组织者收集了一系列大胆,甚至有时是古怪的,通往越来越不宜居住世界的威胁的方法。

19、Jason: You're mother's a pretty zany lady Carol. ─── 杰森:你是你母亲的好女儿。

20、Free to be a bit wild.Even zany. ─── 我们可以稍稍疯狂一点,即便有点像个小丑也没关系。

21、He tried lecturing in California again with great success in the style of zany inconsequence ─── 他在加州讲演,又非常成功,用的噱头也是模仿丑角的滑稽。

22、A zany haircut,lifestyle,personality ─── 滑稽古怪的发型、生活方式、性格.

23、Take an idea from that zany game you were designing and put it with the brainteaser series that you had planned. ─── 从你设计的小游戏里找个点子,放进你计划的脑筋急转弯项目里。

24、Visit the new Farmer's Market for fresh ingredients, compete in Cooking Showdowns and use the Jukebox to please a zany new cast of customers. ─── 到新农贸市场采集新鲜原料,完成烹饪赛事,用自动唱片点唱机取悦滑稽的新客人。

25、Pls transfer my email to your zany president,everyone who have seen this man's picture will say,oh, my god, why French would elect one ape man to as their leader? ─── 现在我很欢迎法国总统来华,到时我相信会有很多和我一样的中华儿女,让其领教一下中国的“很法国式”的欢迎仪式,让你们知道一下中国人的厉 害,和报复决心。

26、But as you keep rapidly writing, you’ll start putting down zany ideas that are too crazy to work, like finding a magic lantern, or robbing a bank. ─── 但是你一直保持快速地书写的话,你会写下一些滑稽的想法,这些想法太过于疯狂,比如寻找一只魔术灯,或是抢银行之类的。

27、With zany myopia, economists like to claim that the deeper cause of every thing is economic. ─── 跑步只需要少量简单的装备,这就使它成为商品推销商最不喜欢的娱乐形式。

28、Slip into zany outfits and compete against the wildest teams in your home-made soapbox. ─── 红牛肥皂箱比赛是一个非常有挑战性的游戏,穿着小丑的服装在竞争中取得了肥皂箱。

29、Zany humor and appeals on the basis of fear are out. ─── 面对恐惧的小丑式幽默和诉求过时了。

30、I can watch the Marx brothers' zany antics for hours. ─── 我可以连着几个小时的看马克思兄弟的滑稽喜剧。

31、Organizers collected a range of bold, sometimes zany, approaches to the threat of an increasingly inhospitable world. ─── 组织者收集了一系列大胆甚至古怪的设计,渲染来自越来越不宜居住世界的威胁。

32、With zany myopia, economists like to claim that the deeper cause of every thing is economic. ─── 滑稽的是,那些缺乏远见的经济学家总喜欢宣称任何现象都根源于经济。

33、Shapes and Symmetry. Go wild. Piece together the sticky lines and watch zany picture puzzles come to life while you learn proportion, matching, scale and symmetry. ─── 形状及对称:摆脱束缚。连接所有的线条,观察古怪的拼图,逐步完成,与此同时学习到比例,对比,大小以及对称。

34、a zany sense of humor ─── 似小丑的幽默感

35、However zany and bizarre, Gadaffi was clever as a fox and had more lives than a cat. ─── 不管多么滑稽古怪,卡扎菲聪明得像只狐狸,而且命比猫还多。

36、Okay, not really. But that's the idea behind an ad, the latest emanation from China's zany shanzhai culture, a mixture of old-school copycatting and arch parody. ─── 好吧,实际上并不是这样。不过这正是一则广告背后的想法,这则广告是中国荒唐的山寨文化的最新产物。山寨文化融合了老式的照搬照抄和搞怪的模仿。

37、When you keep at it, you’ll eventually start getting ideas that seem zany at first, but then reveal themselves to be really clever, unique solutions to that specific problem. ─── 当你持续下去时,你会最终获得一些想法,这些想法一开始看起来有些荒唐,但接着就会变成能够解决特定问题的很聪明并且唯一的方案了。

38、Okay, not really. But that's the idea behind an ad, the latest emanation from China's zany shanzhai culture, a mixture of old-school copycatting and arch parody。 ─── 好吧,实际上并不是这样。不过这正是一则广告背后的想法,这则广告是中国荒唐的山寨文化的最新产物。山寨文化融合了老式的照搬照抄和搞怪的模仿。山寨之我见

39、a zany haircut, lifestyle, personality ─── 滑稽古怪的发型、 生活方式、 性格.

40、Jason: Hey Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben. You are going to suffer through this with the rest of us. And I mean suffering in that, you know, zany family way. ─── 杰森:嘿,本,本,本,本,你必须在这儿听完我们剩下的故事。我的意思是忍受这些故事,就像小丑家族那样。

41、This book is wacky, zany, and humorous. Great colorful pictures and interesting activities. ─── 这本书与众不同、有趣又有点幽默,色彩缤纷的图画和有意思的小游戏都能吸引孩子。

42、You can manage reasonably well in a stable, predictable routine, but you really come alive and are in your element when you can periodically play, laugh, or be a bit zany. ─── 你能够理性地、按部就班地按常规行事,但是只有当你能够周期性地玩一下、大笑一下或者做点荒唐可笑的事情时,你才真正地活出了你自己。

43、Steve was being Steve, doing what he did so well-entertaining in that witty, zany, thoughtful, articulate way of his. ─── 这时史蒂夫可真是史蒂夫,做着他很到位的事情--以他特有的那种诙谐、滑稽、考虑周详、明确有力的方式表演。

44、After tense, acrimonious playoff clashes the last two years with the Phoenix Suns, the Lakers face the zany yet noncombative Denver Nuggets in the first round. ─── 不象过去两年中同菲尼克斯太阳队紧张、激烈的比赛碰撞,湖人队在季后赛第一轮面对丹佛掘金队。

45、Zany, gag-filled sci-fi spoof about a frozen man who has to adapt to a strange futurist world when he thaws out. ─── 滑稽的、充满搞笑的科幻小说电影,描述一个冷冻的人醒来时必须适应陌生的未来社会。

46、He can watch the Marx brothers' zany antics for hours. ─── 他可以连着几个小时的看马克思兄弟的滑稽喜剧。

47、The cast is very good.Lithgow plays the sometimes-mad and sometimes-sane title character as a cross between a tragic figure and an over-the-top 3RD ROCK FROM THE SUN zany. ─── 主角唐吉轲德是一位乡下的老穷乡绅,虽然年纪一大把了,但对当时流行的中古骑士小说却相当沉迷疯狂,立志成为奉行骑士精神的实践家而出发旅行去。

48、It was a record year with over 35, 000 runners completing the course and lots of world records broken for zany costumes and other fun things. ─── 这是创纪录的一年,超过35000跑步者完成了这项课程,还有滑稽的服装和其他一些有趣的事情的世界纪录也被一一打破。

49、He tried lecturing in California, again with great success, in the Ward style of zany inconsequence ─── 他在加州讲演,又非常成功,用的噱头也是模仿沃德的。

50、Zany, laugh with them. ─── 小丑,与之欢笑。

51、Be zany. ─── 做有趣的人!

52、Take an idea from that zany game you were designing and put it with the brainteaser series that you had planned. ─── 从你设计的小游戏里找个点子,放进你计划的脑筋急转弯项目里。

53、This zany counting book features Australia's creatures, from the title character to five pesky platypuses, and up to 14 slick seals. Ages 3-6. ─── 在这本书中,作者用韵文的方式介绍了十四种澳洲不同的动物,同时也介绍了了1到14的数字说法,再配合生动的插画,全书看起来简单而生动。适合3岁以上儿童阅读。

54、Q: Is that zany approach an advantage for you or for your viewers? ─── 问:你搞那些装疯卖傻的噱头,对你,还是对你的观众有好处?

55、zany She made us all laugh with her zany tricks. ─── 她那些滑稽的恶作剧逗得我们都大笑起来。a buffoonish walk;a clownish face;a zany sense of humor. 滑稽的脚步;滑稽的脸;幽默、诙谐的感觉。

56、Discover the zany world of Rayman and go up against the Raving Rabbits, Globox, and many others! ─── 尽情去感受滑稽幽默的雷曼世界,勇敢地向疯狂的兔子、格罗伯克和其他邪恶力量挑战吧!

57、But that's the idea behind an ad, the latest emanation from China's zany shanzhai culture, a mixture of old-school copycatting and arch parody. ─── 不过这正是一则广告背后的想法,这则广告是中国荒唐的山寨文化的最新产物。

58、Also featuring Elmo's pet goldfish, Dorothy, the zany Mr.Noodle and classic songs that will delight viewers of all ages. ─── 剧中还有毛毛的好拍档多乐飞和乐都先生出现,加上多首经典歌曲,无论任何年纪的你都会开心大笑!

59、A selection of zany events from the year just ending ─── 年度荒诞趣闻盘点完毕

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