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10-03 投稿


modernist 发音

[ 'mɑdɚnɪst]

英:  美:

modernist 中文意思翻译



modernist 网络释义

n. 现代主义者;现代主义艺术家adj. 现代主义的

modernist 词性/词形变化,modernist变形

名词: modernist |形容词: modernistic |

modernist 短语词组

1、modernist poem ─── 现代主义诗歌

2、neo-modernist ─── [网络] 新现代主义者

3、modernist cuisine ─── 现代烹饪艺术

4、modernist movement ─── 现代主义运动

5、modernist experimentalism ─── 现代主义实验主义

6、modernist architects ─── 现代主义建筑师

7、post-modernist n. ─── 后现代主义者

8、modernist approach ─── 现代主义方法

9、modernist group ─── 现代主义集团

10、modernist wallpapers ─── 现代主义壁纸

11、pre-modernist ─── [网络] 前现代主义

12、modernist architect ─── 现代主义建筑师

modernist 相似词语短语

1、modernists ─── n.(尤指艺术的)现代主义者;adj.(尤指艺术)现代主义的

2、moderniser ─── 现代主义者

3、modernised ─── adj.现代化的;v.使……现代化(modernise的过去式和过去分词)

4、modernise ─── vi.现代化(等于modernize);vt.使…现代化(等于modernize)

5、modellist ─── 型号列表

6、modernism ─── n.现代主义;现代思想;现代作风

7、modernises ─── vi.现代化(等于modernize);vt.使…现代化(等于modernize)

8、modernistic ─── adj.现代的,现代化的;现代派的,现代主义的

9、modelist ─── 模型学家

modernist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She wears a modern dress. ─── 她穿着一件时髦的礼服。

2、Unemployment is one of the major problems of modern times. ─── 失业问题是现代的主要问题。

3、He lectured to his students on modern writers. ─── 他给学生们讲了关于现代作家的一课。

4、He came up last year to read Modern History. ─── 去年他进了大学研读近代史。

5、The Middle East has been the cockpit of modern history. ─── 中东一直是现代历史上的战场。

6、Idealism has no place in modern politics. ─── 在当代政治生活中,理想主义根本行不通。

7、He is living proof of the wonders of modern medicine. ─── 他是当代医学奇迹的活证明。

8、British nurse who organized(1854) and directed a unit of field nurses during the Crimean War and is considered the founder of modern nursing. ─── 南丁格尔,弗洛伦斯1820-1910英国护士,在克里米亚战争中组织领导野战医院(1854年)并被视为现代护理的奠基人

9、In some modern fashions we can see shades of the 1930s. ─── 在有些摩登时装中可以看到三十年代的影子。

10、A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one. ─── 一所现代化的监狱取代了那所维多利亚时代的监狱。

11、But, in contrast, it is only in modern times that Galileo has become a problem child for historians of science. ─── 但是相比之下,对于科学史家来说,伽利略只是在现代才变成了一个成问题的孩子了。

12、The Modernist admirers of Katsura have always decried the New Shoin. ─── 在现代主义崇拜者桂一直谴责新松阴。

13、Luld cs loathes expressionism and modernist art, but advocates realism. ─── 他憎恶表现主义和现代派艺术,提倡现实主义。

14、Modern dress is an anachronism in productions of Shakespeare's plays. ─── 在莎士比亚剧作演出中出现的现代服装,是弄错年代的东西。

15、It costs a lot to fit up the new hotel with modern comforts and conveniences. ─── 为给新宾馆装备舒适方便的现代化设备花了许多钱。

16、He had the patronage of Zhou Enlai and was the only Chinese modernist to live out his life in China. ─── 他受到了周恩来的支持,是中国唯一一位在国内寿终正寝的现代主义者。

17、Post-modernist theory did much to break through those boundaries, just as Modernism had done in its time. ─── 后现代主义的理论大大突破了这些界限,正如现代主义在它的时代所做的一样。

18、It was a modernist triumph, and many elements remain central features of today's kitchen. ─── 这是一个现代主义的胜利,许多元素仍然是当今厨房的核心特征。

19、Internet plays a very important role in modern life. ─── 互联网在现代生活中发挥非常重要的作用。

20、German astronomer and mathematician. Considered the founder of modern astronomy, he formulated three laws to clarify the theory that the planets revolve around the sun. ─── 开普勒,约翰尼斯1571-1630德国天文学家和数学家,被认为是现代天文学的奠基人,他创立了三大定律,说明行星围绕太阳转的理论

21、Contemporary reports of past events are often more interesting than the modern writer's view of them. ─── 历史事件发生时当时的报导往往比现代作家对这些事件的评论更吸引人。

22、He's given up photography now, and he's into religion and modern music. ─── 他已放弃了摄影,现在他对宗教和现化音乐感兴趣。

23、One third Sonata for Solo Violin modernist as one of the representative track, combines fire just as warm and brilliant playing skills. ─── 其中无伴奏第三奏鸣曲作为小提琴现代派代表曲目之一,融合了火一样的热情和辉煌的演奏技巧。

24、Tar is much used in making modern roads. ─── 修建现代公路多用焦油沥青。

25、He can't adjust himself to the whirl of modern life in this big city. ─── 他无法适应这个大都市的现代生活的忙碌。

26、The threat of nuclear war overhangs modern society. ─── 当今社会弥漫着核战争的危险

27、The fifth letter of the modern English alphabet. ─── E字母现代英语字母表中第五个字母

28、How do you react to this modern artist's paintings? ─── 你对这位现代艺术家的画有何评价?

29、His pictures were hung in the Museum of Modern Arts. ─── 他的画在现代艺术馆展出。

30、First published in 1918, My Antonia is generally considered a modernist novel. ─── 《我的安东妮亚》首次出版于1918年,被一致认为是现代主义小说。

31、He thinks most modern artis trash. ─── 他认为现代艺术大都是糟粕.

32、An ancient ritual in modern dress. ─── 以现代风貌包装的古代仪式

33、A member of a robber gang in modern India and Burma. ─── 印度强盗帮,缅甸强盗帮在现在的印度或缅甸的强盗帮成员

34、The min purpose of Chinese education is to teach the science and technology needed to made China into a modern socialist nation. ─── 中国教育的主要目的是教授所需的科技知识以把中国变成现代化的社会主义国家。

35、She is tired of the racket of modern life. ─── 她对现代生活中的社交应酬已经厌烦了。

36、He commanded those powerful armies till then assembled in modern warfare, he enforced conscription of soldiers for the first time in American history and under imperative necessity he abolished the rights of Habeas Corpus. ─── 他命令强大的军队集结投入现代战争,他在美国历史上首次厉行征兵制度,在紧急形势的要求下,他废除了人身保护令所赋予的权力。

37、He gave away all his modern possessions and returned to nature. ─── 他舍弃一切时髦的东西而返璞归真。

38、Striving to be modern in appearance or style but lacking taste or refinement; pretentious. ─── 做作地追求现代的力求具有现代样式或外观但不雅观或缺少品味的; 自命不凡的

39、He is generally rated as one of the best modern writers. ─── 他被公认为现代最杰出的作家之一。

40、He has a strong prejudice against modern poetry. ─── 他对现代诗存有强烈的偏见。

41、Britain is behind Japan in developing modern technology. ─── 在发展现代技术方面英国落後於日本。

42、Allnations are interdependent in the modern world. ─── 当今世界上所有国家都是互相依存的。

43、In the fashion display, the ladies were held captive by so many modern clothes. ─── 在时装展览中,女士们被这么多时髦的服装深深吸引住了。

44、The workers are trying to apply modern techniques to this traditional craft. ─── 工人们试图将现代技术用于这项传统工业。

45、It was achieved with the benefit (ie help, aid) of modern technology. ─── 借助现代技术,这个目标已经达到。

46、No matter how modern and comfortable a hotel building is, the most important feature is the people who work there. ─── 不管一个饭店多么现代化,多么舒适,但最重要的是工作人员的素质。

47、In modern warfare, mobility and sophisticated weapons are more important than weight of numbers. ─── 在现代战争中,机动性和先进武器比人多势众更为重要。

48、Body building have become one of the main parts of man's modern life. ─── 健美运动已成为人们现代生活的主要内容之一。

49、Distance is no problem with modern telecommunications. ─── 在电信发达的今天,相距遥远已不再是什么问题了。

50、In modern wars both combatants and noncombatants are killed in air attacks. ─── 在现代战争中,战斗人员和非战斗人员遇上空袭都可能丧生。

51、His use of language sets him apart from most other modern writers. ─── 他对语言的运用在现代作家中别具一格。

52、She is out of step with modern life. ─── 她与现代生活格格不入。

53、She has a background in humanities and modern languages. ─── 她学过人文学科和现代语言。

54、They need to learn modern management techniques. ─── 他们还得学习现代管理技术。

55、He is numbered among the best of modern writers. ─── 他被列入最优秀的现代作家之中。

56、This apparent interest of his in modern music is completely pseudo. ─── 他对现代音乐显露出的雅兴纯属自欺欺人。

57、The eighth letter of the modern English alphabet. ─── H字母现代英语字母表中的第八个字母

58、The school has up a complete modern industrial system. ─── 学校开设了一个专班来帮助阅读能力差的读者。

59、Modernist art for public display in the Middle East has long been something of a paradox. ─── 在中东,现代派艺术公开展示这事儿,长久以来算是个两难问题。

60、In a modern coal burning electric generating plant the steam may be hot enough to ignite wood. ─── 在一个烧煤的现代化发电厂内,蒸汽允许能热到足以把木头点燃起来。

61、He's connected to both those strains as well as the modernist strain. ─── 他与这两种风格和现代主义风格都有联系。

62、I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us. ─── 向现代世界灌输能彻底摧毁我们的意识形态是可能的,对此我并不怀疑。

63、The modern dialect of Arabic spoken in Iraq. ─── 伊拉克所用的阿拉伯语现代方言

64、The world is not as tidy a place as it appeared to be before the second world war, but not all modernist housing was a failure either. ─── 世界已经不再像二战前呈现一副井井有序的模样,不过现代主义住宅也不都是失败之作。

65、Why do modern people chase material possessions? ─── 为什么现在的人们追求物质财富?

66、Most modern yachts have a fore and aft rig, but the old galleons were squared-rigged. ─── 大多数现代化游艇配备的都是前后帆,而老式大帆船装的却是横帆。

67、Her novel depicts life in modern London. ─── 她的小说描写的是伦敦现代的生活。

68、Xiao Wang has always liked the works of the modernist writers. ─── 小王一直很喜欢西方现代派作家的作品。

69、It's more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German, than Latin. ─── 学习英语和德语等现代语言比学习拉丁语更为有用。

70、Farmer Jones was a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist; he would never use any modern pesticides. ─── 农夫琼斯是一个顽固的传统主义者,他从不愿使用任何新式的农药。

71、He's out of step with modern ideas. ─── 他同现代思想不合拍。

72、The modernist composition of the park was designed by Stanislav Gralla. ─── 公园的现代主义构图是由斯坦尼斯拉夫·格拉拉设计的。

73、He's keeping an eye out for modern trends in space technology. ─── 他密切注意空间技术方面的新趋势。

74、And other modernist architects of the mid-twentieth century. ─── 以及其他二十世纪中叶的现代建筑师们。

75、Contemporary reports of the past events are often more interesting than modern historians' view of them. ─── 对于历史上的事件,当时的报道往往比现代历史学家的评述更为有趣。

76、She has a prejudice against modern music. ─── 她对现代音乐怀有偏见。

77、A brood of modern paintings will be exhibited at the museum. ─── 一批现代画将在博物馆展览。

78、They are the flowers of modern youth. ─── 他们是当代青年的精英。

79、In the afternoon they went to an exhibition of modern art. ─── 他们下午去参观了现代艺术展。

80、In modern terms, werewolf blood is inherited. ─── 在现代,狼人之血是血亲继承的。

81、What do you think of modern art? ─── 你对现代艺术有何看法?

82、The Pratt Institute graduate began his career as a modernist, but is now considered a master of a wide variety of styles. ─── 普拉特学院的毕业生开始了他作为一个现代的职业生涯,但现在被认为是一个风格多变的主人。

83、The conquest of outer space is one of the greatest triumphs of modern science. ─── 征服外层空间是现代科学最杰出的成就之一。

84、The chosen spot this year was La Defense, a modernist business park on the west edge of Paris. ─── 今年的活动在位于巴黎西端的拉德芳斯现代商业区举行。

85、A political scandal that was but a footnote to modern history. ─── 一件对现代历史无足轻重的政治丑闻

86、German historian whose greatly influential history of Rome(published1811-1832) established the modern scientific study of history. ─── 尼布尔,雷恩霍德1892-1971美国神学家,主张以伦理道德及基督教戒条来对抗社会问题

87、He wants to give away all his modern possessions and return to nature. ─── 他要舍弃一切时髦的东西而归真返璞。

88、Joseph Conrad is a very important modernist writer at the turn of the 20th century. ─── 康拉德是19世纪末20世纪初重要的英语作家之一。

89、London was also called the modern Babylon. ─── 伦敦也被称为现代巴比伦。

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